The numbers are against Obama's re-election..


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
reality check: of the 2008 election 131 million voters:
White 76.3% 99,953,000 44% Democrat Obama BUT 38% vote today
black 12.1% 15,851,000 91% for Obama 87% would vote today
Hispanics 7.4% 9,694,000 more democrats 67%
Asian 2.5% 3,275,000 not sure

Dissecting the 2008 Electorate: Most Diverse in U.S. History | Pew Hispanic Center

June 12, 2012
Similarly, whites' support for Obama is six points lower than it was in October/November 2008 (38% vs. 44%),
and blacks' is down four points (87% vs. 91%).
At the same time, Hispanics' support, at 67%, is essentially unchanged.
Obama's White Base Shows Cracks Compared With 2008

That math works out this way then if the same 131 million vote in 2012
For Obama:
38% of 99.9 million white voters is 37.98 million
87% of 15.8 million blacks is 13.7 million
67% of 9.6 million Hispanics is 6.5 million

2.5% of Asian 2008 voters not sure or 3.275 million.
So if add all Asians to above Obama total 61.54 million for obama or 47.79%

But if you add all asians to below Romney vote total is 70.50 million or 54.7%

Based on above polling data 38% for Obama in 2012 leaves
67.2 million or 53% of 99.9 million white voters for Romney
2.0 million or 87% of 15.8 million black voters for Romney
3.1 million or 67% of 6.5 million hispanic voters for Romney.

Romney therefore in 2012 election with 70.5 million or 54.7%
Obama with 61.5 million or 47.7%

Clearly Romney the winner based on 6/12/2012 voter polling.

AND HOPEFULLY NO violent outbursts or major civil disobedience to the public's will!
My math is simple for election night. Just watch Wisconsin and thats all ya have to do. If its competitive........Romney wins nationwide. Right now, Obama is up by only 3% ( THE definiton of competitive politically). It displays the mood just like it did in Wisconsin. Its the straight distraction BS from the far left you get in here with RCP averages.
My math is simple for election night. Just watch Wisconsin and thats all ya have to do. If its competitive........Romney wins nationwide. Right now, Obama is up by only 3% ( THE definiton of competitive politically). It displays the mood just like it did in Wisconsin. Its the straight distraction BS from the far left you get in here with RCP averages.

The election will be decided very early on Election night; 7:00 Eastern. Florida, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Virginia and New Hampshire will all be in by that time unless we have a 2000 situation.

Here is a synopsis of just how hopeless Governor Romney's situation is: Adjusted for the new electoral vote scenario, here is the Obama/McCain 2008 results:

2012 Presidential Election Interactive Map and History of the Electoral College

Now this is where it gets fun. You can click on the states and if you were to give Florida, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Virginia and New Hampshire to the Governor, he still would lose. Obviously this assumes that the rest of the map stays the same (it won't). The problem is that it is incredibly unlikely that the Governor will win all five of those states. So if the President carries any of those five (outside of NH), it offsets what may happen in the west and the toss-up states out there.
Clearly Romney the winner based on 6/12/2012 voter polling.

AND HOPEFULLY NO violent outbursts or major civil disobedience to the public's will!

The "violent outbursts and major civil disobedience" won't start until Romney and the Republicans start raping the country worse than they did under Bush. Even USMB Republicans know Romney and the Republicans aren't going to do anything positive for the middle class. Just grind them down more than they did under Bush. They point to failed twin economic policies of "cut taxes" and "trickle down". People without jobs don't care about their taxes. Even right wingers said America couldn't survive if you took ALL the wealth the 1% and redistributed it. If that's the case, then "trickle down" certainly won't work.

You can't put lipstick on a pig. Republicans mean no good for the middle class. That means they mean no good for America. America IS the middle class. As the middle class goes, so goes America. Republicans say, "Let them die".
Clearly, it won't be an early election night. The race will be tighter than in 2008. Obama has a record to defend and he hasn't even attempted to do that. His only strategy thus far has been to attack Romney on Bain and that has been debunked.

Obama will have to do better than, "Hey, I tried!"
Clearly, it won't be an early election night. The race will be tighter than in 2008. Obama has a record to defend and he hasn't even attempted to do that. His only strategy thus far has been to attack Romney on Bain and that has been debunked.

Obama will have to do better than, "Hey, I tried!"

It will be over by 9PM Eastern

If Romney does not take Florida AND Ohio.....he loses
So it would appear according to YOUR electorial college calculations that this will be 2000 Redux,
but in reverse i.e. will Romney then sue and the entire election go to SCOTUS again???
So it would appear according to YOUR electorial college calculations that this will be 2000 Redux,
but in reverse i.e. will Romney then sue and the entire election go to SCOTUS again???

If the election were held today, Obama would receive 334 Electoral votes. Not even close. Obama currently leads in ten of twelve swing states
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So it would appear according to YOUR electorial college calculations that this will be 2000 Redux,
but in reverse i.e. will Romney then sue and the entire election go to SCOTUS again???

If the election were held today, Obama would receive 334 Electoral votes. Not even close. Obama currently leads in eight of ten swing states

Use smaller words.
Clearly, it won't be an early election night. The race will be tighter than in 2008. Obama has a record to defend and he hasn't even attempted to do that. His only strategy thus far has been to attack Romney on Bain and that has been debunked.

Obama will have to do better than, "Hey, I tried!"

It will be over by 9PM Eastern

If Romney does not take Florida AND Ohio.....he loses

He also needs to take Pennsylvania and one of the two, NC and VA.
Clearly, it won't be an early election night. The race will be tighter than in 2008. Obama has a record to defend and he hasn't even attempted to do that. His only strategy thus far has been to attack Romney on Bain and that has been debunked.

Obama will have to do better than, "Hey, I tried!"

It will be over by 9PM Eastern

If Romney does not take Florida AND Ohio.....he loses

If he can't win Florida or Ohio he shouldn't be there anyway.
Clearly, it won't be an early election night. The race will be tighter than in 2008. Obama has a record to defend and he hasn't even attempted to do that. His only strategy thus far has been to attack Romney on Bain and that has been debunked.

Obama will have to do better than, "Hey, I tried!"

It will be over by 9PM Eastern

If Romney does not take Florida AND Ohio.....he loses

He also needs to take Pennsylvania and one of the two, NC and VA.

He'll take Pennsylvania, per Mike Turzai. "Voter ID - which is going to allow Gov. Romney to win the state of Pennsylvania - done."
Obama needs only to win everything Kerry won, plus Ohio.

He is not in any real danger of not doing the first, and he's well ahead in Ohio.

The demographic blah blah blah in the OP isn't as relevant as it might seem in an electoral college type election. It might mean that Obama loses some of the tight 'bonus' states, such as North Carolina, i.e., states he doesn't need to win. And if he loses red states by bigger margins than he lost them in 08, or wins blue states by smaller margins,

so what? He doesn't lose or gain anything in that equation.
Clearly, it won't be an early election night. The race will be tighter than in 2008. Obama has a record to defend and he hasn't even attempted to do that. His only strategy thus far has been to attack Romney on Bain and that has been debunked.

Obama will have to do better than, "Hey, I tried!"

obama is doing more than sayng he tried. He's saying he tried really, really hard!

The numbers really aren't there for him. Democrats can come up with all the played-with statistics they want, but the numbers just aren't there. Democrats still consider Arizona and North Carolina swing states! They think obama still has a chance!
It will be over by 9PM Eastern

If Romney does not take Florida AND Ohio.....he loses

He also needs to take Pennsylvania and one of the two, NC and VA.

He'll take Pennsylvania, per Mike Turzai. "Voter ID - which is going to allow Gov. Romney to win the state of Pennsylvania - done."

C'mon...if the DNC is relying on voters who can't muster enough capital to buy or qualify for a driver's license or get some sort of other ID....the party is a joke in that case.

Pennsylvania will end up in Obama's column.

I will take this opportunity to again point out however that we desperately need to run the elections much better in the US. Have an election week; not a night. This will give us time to address improprieties, get around acute bad weather, let the perpetually lazy muster enough energy to get off their ass and vote...etc. Higher turnout is better for this country in the long run. Maybe the electorate will wake up and realize that neither party gives a good Gosh Darn about them.
The numbers are against Obama's re-election.

Keep telling yourself, that.....but, start preppin' for.....

[ame=]Right America Feeling Wronged pt1 - YouTube[/ame]



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So it would appear according to YOUR electorial college calculations that this will be 2000 Redux,
but in reverse i.e. will Romney then sue and the entire election go to SCOTUS again???

If the election were held today, Obama would receive 334 Electoral votes. Not even close. Obama currently leads in ten of twelve swing states

RealClearPolitics - Opinion, News, Analysis, Videos and Polls

RCP is the mother of all outliers with 334. 538 has it about correct and they lean heavily liberal but uses computations for his numbers not emotion. Right now O has 217 and R has 206.
Clearly, it won't be an early election night. The race will be tighter than in 2008. Obama has a record to defend and he hasn't even attempted to do that. His only strategy thus far has been to attack Romney on Bain and that has been debunked.

Obama will have to do better than, "Hey, I tried!"

It will be over by 9PM Eastern

If Romney does not take Florida AND Ohio.....he loses

Florida right now within the margin of error meaning TIED.
Real Clear Politics Average of 6 Polls from 5/6 - 7/2 45.0 Romney Vs Obama--46.7 +1.7
With 6.73 million white, 1.073 million black, hispanics 1.239 million - Asians 128K of the

Ohio..Again margin of error meaning TIED.
RCP Average 5/17 - 6/25 -- Romney 43.2 Obama 46.2 +2.6
with 4.910 million white, .606 million black, 64K Hispanic 27K Asian of 4.910 million voters.

So Florida with 1 of every 6 voters black and with the national average DOWN from 91% to 87% that means in Florida at least not much number BUT Hispanics.. 2nd largest and all they have to do is lose 7% from 2008 and that's the difference!

So for sure Rubio will be the VP and if Romney can't get Florida with that our country is lost forever!!!!
Clearly Romney the winner based on 6/12/2012 voter polling.

AND HOPEFULLY NO violent outbursts or major civil disobedience to the public's will!

The "violent outbursts and major civil disobedience" won't start until Romney and the Republicans start raping the country worse than they did under Bush. Even USMB Republicans know Romney and the Republicans aren't going to do anything positive for the middle class. Just grind them down more than they did under Bush. They point to failed twin economic policies of "cut taxes" and "trickle down". People without jobs don't care about their taxes. Even right wingers said America couldn't survive if you took ALL the wealth the 1% and redistributed it. If that's the case, then "trickle down" certainly won't work.

You can't put lipstick on a pig. Republicans mean no good for the middle class. That means they mean no good for America. America IS the middle class. As the middle class goes, so goes America. Republicans say, "Let them die".

OH - MY - GOD... you are just FULL OF SHIT!

Your boi king just enacts the SINGLE LARGEST TAX HIKE IN HISTORY ON THE MIDDLE CLASS, and you're STUPID enough to say the BOARD REPUBLICANS HERE know Romney won't do anything positive for them as far as taxes?

SHEEEEEEZUZ freaking Christ man... you are WAAAAAAY the fuck out there... :eusa_hand:
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