The new SED - 'CSUCDUFDPSPDGreensLefts' vs AFD ( former CSU/CDU and SPD)


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
The former free Bonner Republic Germany is became in reality DDR 2.0 run by resurrected SED ( CSUCDUFDPSPDGreensLefts)
There is practically no difference between all MS 'parties' of DDR 2.0.
All of them are hard-core commies fervently desired a completely annihilation of Germany, its industry and people.
After Thuringien election the situation is more clear.Merkel's tonton macutas Antifa threatened to kill all six children of the 'wrong' candidate and forced him to resign.The united Merkel's 'medias' applauded Antifa killers and condemned AFD which is in reality former CSU/CDU and SPD.
Germany was too stupid to perform lustration and to remove all commies from all offices after reunification.
Now the Old Germany is dead and the country is on the best way to became a new socialist failed state like everywhere in the world.

Now the Old Germany is dead and the country is on the best way to became a new socialist failed state like everywhere in the world.

One would think they'd have learned from their last socialist go round.....?


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