Call for prayer in the Mosque of Cologne. Great news for DDR 2.0 ( former Germany )


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
Most of churches are either closed or visited by a handful of octogenarian grandmas
Anyone who goes to churches can be blamed as a nazi, an idiot, a racists of a right - wing extremist
To be a practicing Christian is No-No in communist DDR 2.0, a cloud cuckoo land.

Against that to be a Muslim is cool, only strong males are Muslims, respect to Quran and Mosques, DDR 2.0 MS politicians visit mosques only, almost never churches
Almost all 2,800 mosques in DDR 2.0 receive huge support of the united communists of CSU-CDU-FDP-SPD-Greens-Lefts.
But a call for prayer wasn't allowed until now.
The mosque in Cologne received the first permission, be pretty sure, all 2,800 mosques will start to do the same in few months.
Because it would be definitively called as discrimination if only one had got approval, another ones not

Indeed a great news, DDR 2.0 rejected Christianity, at least it became a Muslim country, is better as to be completely atheist or satanic

DDR 2.0 will have the same in all 2,800 mosques in few months

Citizens of DDR 2.0 are glad and thank their communist governement
They don't need nasty alarm clock anymore


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