The Never Ending Hit Jobs On Trump


Gold Member
Nov 25, 2015
When will the MSM and Trump haters finally get to working on trying to make America. Instead of obstructing all that President Trump tries to do helping this country. We see your smear jobs and hit jobs that are unfairly put as false narratives hoping it sticks.
When will the MSM and Trump haters finally get to working on trying to make America. Instead of obstructing all that President Trump tries to do helping this country. We see your smear jobs and hit jobs that are unfairly put as false narratives hoping it sticks.

yes, how horrible that people tell the truth about him! :cuckoo:
Trump built his Presidency on a mountain of hit jobs.

Elect a clown, don't be surprised when he brings a circus.
Because the envy of him being a private citizen boldly jumping in to be president :wink:
English please
Because you envy the fact he was a private citizen than an all talk no action politician?
No :cuckoo:

Now he's an all talk no action politician

Doing more within 7 months than Obama every did rambling about dividing the country. So, you just stay there and whine LOL
When will the MSM and Trump haters finally get to working on trying to make America. Instead of obstructing all that President Trump tries to do helping this country. We see your smear jobs and hit jobs that are unfairly put as false narratives hoping it sticks.
Trump is ruining this country and making a laughing stock of himself in the process.
Trump built his Presidency on a mountain of hit jobs.

Elect a clown, don't be surprised when he brings a circus.
Because the envy of him being a private citizen boldly jumping in to be president :wink:
English please
Because you envy the fact he was a private citizen than an all talk no action politician?
No :cuckoo:

Now he's an all talk no action politician

Doing more within 7 months than Obama every did rambling about dividing the country. So, you just stay there and whine LOL
How's that ACA repeal coming?
When will the MSM and Trump haters finally get to working on trying to make America. Instead of obstructing all that President Trump tries to do helping this country. We see your smear jobs and hit jobs that are unfairly put as false narratives hoping it sticks.

yes, how horrible that people tell the truth about him! :cuckoo:

Desperation kills.
Because the envy of him being a private citizen boldly jumping in to be president :wink:
English please
Because you envy the fact he was a private citizen than an all talk no action politician?
No :cuckoo:

Now he's an all talk no action politician

Doing more within 7 months than Obama every did rambling about dividing the country. So, you just stay there and whine LOL
How's that ACA repeal coming?

Hahaha just wait till Kid Rock gets elected senator.
Trump built his Presidency on a mountain of hit jobs.

Elect a clown, don't be surprised when he brings a circus.
Because the envy of him being a private citizen boldly jumping in to be president :wink:
English please
Because you envy the fact he was a private citizen than an all talk no action politician?
No :cuckoo:

Now he's an all talk no action politician

Doing more within 7 months than Obama every did rambling about dividing the country. So, you just stay there and whine LOL
Keep telling yourself that lie while your low energy president is still stuck on zero for legislative accomplishments.
Obama got a stimulus bill passed after 3 months that saved our economy.
Meanwhile your unproductive unstable president is making speeches emboldening neonazis..
English please
Because you envy the fact he was a private citizen than an all talk no action politician?
No :cuckoo:

Now he's an all talk no action politician

Doing more within 7 months than Obama every did rambling about dividing the country. So, you just stay there and whine LOL
How's that ACA repeal coming?

Hahaha just wait till Kid Rock gets elected senator.
Someone is always attacking the president for no reason at all. None. The neo-Nazis, white supremacists and white nationalists exhibit a similar resentment, they need a leader and they must defend him even when wrong. Funny that the right wing here in America and in other nations require a leader and fail to take responsibility for their actions or even their life predicament. It is a common meme someone is getting what they deserve or the ??? are controlling the world. You heard that in Charlottesville. Conspiracy thought is so dominate among the right and yet anyone alive knows secrets never remain secrets. But that thought doesn't matter since another equally conspiratorial thought follows the first and so on....

"Why hating women would lead so many men to hating nonwhite people is difficult to parse in logical terms. But racism and sexism aren’t rational ideologies and really aren’t bound by the basic rules of logic. At the root of both lies a thwarted sense of entitlement and a sense that women and people of color are somehow stealing what is the white man’s due. That was felt most keenly in Charlottesville last Friday night, when the torch-wielding mob chanted, “You will not replace us!”

Weeping Nazi started off as a “men’s rights activist,” which is no huge surprise

"By the skillful and sustained use of propaganda, one can make a people see even heaven as hell or an extremely wretched life as paradise." Adolf Hitler
Because the envy of him being a private citizen boldly jumping in to be president :wink:
English please
Because you envy the fact he was a private citizen than an all talk no action politician?
No :cuckoo:

Now he's an all talk no action politician

Doing more within 7 months than Obama every did rambling about dividing the country. So, you just stay there and whine LOL
Keep telling yourself that lie while your low energy president is still stuck on zero for legislative accomplishments.
Obama got a stimulus bill passed after 3 months that saved our economy.
Meanwhile your unproductive unstable president is making speeches emboldening neonazis..
When will the MSM and Trump haters finally get to working on trying to make America. Instead of obstructing all that President Trump tries to do helping this country. We see your smear jobs and hit jobs that are unfairly put as false narratives hoping it sticks.

You're kidding right? Trump is his own worst enemy, when he's not shooting his mouth or twitter account off providing ammunition to his political enemies he's publicly attacking and alienating his own political allies. He's destroying his own Presidency and his most ardent supporters keep cheering him on while he does it; it's sad since he had the opportunity to do some good (like getting rid of Obamacare and doing tax reform) but those opportunities are being destroyed because he doesn't appear to have any self control or political acumen.

His staff needs to take away his phone and lock him in a cage since that seems to be the only way to protect President Twitter from himself.
When will the MSM and Trump haters finally get to working on trying to make America. Instead of obstructing all that President Trump tries to do helping this country. We see your smear jobs and hit jobs that are unfairly put as false narratives hoping it sticks.

You're kidding right? Trump is his own worst enemy, when he's not shooting his mouth or twitter account off providing ammunition to his political enemies he's publicly attacking and alienating his own political allies. He's destroying his own Presidency and his most ardent supporters keep cheering him on while he does it; it's sad since he had the opportunity to do some good (like getting rid of Obamacare and doing tax reform) but those opportunities are being destroyed because he doesn't appear to have any self control or political acumen.

His staff needs to take away his phone and lock him in a cage since that seems to be the only way to protect President Twitter from himself.
Wow you say all this when he's barely in the transition of being president. All of it has actually helped putting things to light for the senate to work. It's not his fault. It's some of the crying senators still bitter about him winning.
Doing more within 7 months than Obama every did rambling about dividing the country. So, you just stay there and whine LOL

I voted for him. Mostly because I couldn't stand Hillary, but his platform had some things I liked. You want to talk about dividing a country, he can't even get his own party together.

What pisses me off the most is I gave him a chance. Maybe his promises to the American People wouldn't be the usual political BS. I can get by the fact that he's not really a Republican if he does that. Then here we are, his 100 day plan, repeal and replace healthcare with his plan we all will love. Dead. Tax Reform, still nothing going on. Federal Hiring freeze, he quit before it had any effect, just political talk as usual. His term limits for congress, he hasn't said a word on that. The ban on lobbying for 5 years he actually weakened existing rules. Nafta withdrawal, nope, China a currency manipulator, nope. Ending trade abuses nope. ENergy and infrastructure bill. Nope. Ending offshoring act. Nope. Affordable Childcare act. Nope. Mexico paying for the wall. Nope.

That's what pisses me off. With his own party in power he can't even bring them together to do anything. Half the stuff he talked about being his platform during the election he doesn't even care about. And instead of that he's tweeting and playing with the press this stupid game trying to draw attention to the crap that doesn't affect us. Who gives a SH*T if you aren't being covered fairly, get something going. The only thing up there is executive orders which any future president can rip apart and toss.
Doing more within 7 months than Obama every did rambling about dividing the country. So, you just stay there and whine LOL

I voted for him. Mostly because I couldn't stand Hillary, but his platform had some things I liked. You want to talk about dividing a country, he can't even get his own party together.

What pisses me off the most is I gave him a chance. Maybe his promises to the American People wouldn't be the usual political BS. I can get by the fact that he's not really a Republican if he does that. Then here we are, his 100 day plan, repeal and replace healthcare with his plan we all will love. Dead. Tax Reform, still nothing going on. Federal Hiring freeze, he quit before it had any effect, just political talk as usual. His term limits for congress, he hasn't said a word on that. The ban on lobbying for 5 years he actually weakened existing rules. Nafta withdrawal, nope, China a currency manipulator, nope. Ending trade abuses nope. ENergy and infrastructure bill. Nope. Ending offshoring act. Nope. Affordable Childcare act. Nope. Mexico paying for the wall. Nope.

That's what pisses me off. With his own party in power he can't even bring them together to do anything. Half the stuff he talked about being his platform during the election he doesn't even care about. And instead of that he's tweeting and playing with the press this stupid game trying to draw attention to the crap that doesn't affect us. Who gives a SH*T if you aren't being covered fairly, get something going. The only thing up there is executive orders which any future president can rip apart and toss.
Thanks to the repercussion of Obama's term. Trump has had to deal with great division inside the DC sewer. You are being too impatient when the transition is just starting. The MSM overly fabricates everything he does. So that's why you are in a tizzy.

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