The mystery of the Church's father-Easter revealed.


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2009
Easter =Ishtar day is the celebration of the borrowed mythology of Baal's death scene and 3 day resurrection. An exact plagiarism of the ancient tablets story of Baal.
So when they say father and son are one- itcs because they are the same mythology born again with it's new name and idol to now convert Judaic resisters of Rome.
Ishtar's son was the Morning Star.
Baal was the son of the fishman god Dagon.
Like Ishtar, Baal's son was
"the morning star"
(Jesus in Rev 22:16), the fish born out the giant Ishtar(easter) egg.
Christians are "the fish" who follow the fallen morning star=Lucifer-Rev 22;16.
The priests are the fishers of men, the head of this priesthood wearing the fishead hat called mitre and fisman god ring of Dagon.
Therefore when knowing the Bible era
slang word SEAS=Rome and Fish=luciferian =Christians
you secret
the 1/3 fish that did die in Rome or
the 1/3 the earth being those that have fallen with Lucifer.
[See Lucifer here etymology of "": "[ the morning star, a fallen rebel archangel, THE Devil, fr. OE. fr. Latin, the morning star, fr. Lucifer light-bearing, fr. luc light + -fer -ferous--more at LIGHT]" (Webster's, p.677)
So on April 1st remember this:
The problem is that the Morning Star has nothing to do with the Devil. Such hypothetical view was invented by Catholicism due to confusion or ignorance about the Scriptures.

The relationship of the events of the Exodus with the birth of gods like Ishtar (actually a goddess) which is Venus or the Morning Star, is indeed a sure event.

However, the metaphoric use of those names like in the book of Revelation, are way far from your conclusions.

You are getting close, but you must sharp better your hypothesis by reseaching more accurate information beyond the cheap one obtained online.
The problem is that the Morning Star has nothing to do with the Devil. Such hypothetical view was invented by Catholicism due to confusion or ignorance about the Scriptures.

The relationship of the events of the Exodus with the birth of gods like Ishtar (actually a goddess) which is Venus or the Morning Star, is indeed a sure event.

However, the metaphoric use of those names like in the book of Revelation, are way far from your conclusions.

You are getting close, but you must sharp better your hypothesis by reseaching more accurate information beyond the cheap one obtained online.
Thanks for your reply, but they used symbols to describe emulations and resemblances.
Venus was used to symbolize
the 2 arch malakhs thus Morning Star being the fallen arc of the planet made the perfect symbol to Lucifers fall-(Rev 22:16, Ezekiel 28) and Evening Star(Shalem) the rising arc of the planet became Symbolism for Michael the rising arch malakh
-Dan 12:1-4.
IF YOU LOOK UP Shalem, it will show you Shalem is the Evening Star which is why the Legend of YeruShalem becoming the City of peace(Shalom) states it's when the Night (Michael)overturns the Day (Lucifer) there will be peace. Muslims recant this lore with their Al-Isra-when Night ascends to YeruShalem there will be peace.
The problem is that the Morning Star has nothing to do with the Devil. Such hypothetical view was invented by Catholicism due to confusion or ignorance about the Scriptures.

The relationship of the events of the Exodus with the birth of gods like Ishtar (actually a goddess) which is Venus or the Morning Star, is indeed a sure event.

However, the metaphoric use of those names like in the book of Revelation, are way far from your conclusions.

You are getting close, but you must sharp better your hypothesis by reseaching more accurate information beyond the cheap one obtained online.

Yes, in depth research on the origin of Easter and the book of Revelation is required. OP is correct that Easter comes from the worship of the Babylonian fertility goddess Ishtar/Astarte/Aphrodite but the name Easter is derived from the Teutonic/anglo-saxon goddess of spring: Eostre/Ostara. The bunny and eggs are linked to fertility; the hot cross buns come from ancient Babylon, etc. KJV mistranslates passover/pasch as Easter in one verse btw. Easter has nothing to do with passover or the resurrection of Jesus Christ. It's just another example of apostate Roman Christians adopting pagan holidays to be 'Christian' holidays.
The problem is that the Morning Star has nothing to do with the Devil. Such hypothetical view was invented by Catholicism due to confusion or ignorance about the Scriptures.

The relationship of the events of the Exodus with the birth of gods like Ishtar (actually a goddess) which is Venus or the Morning Star, is indeed a sure event.

However, the metaphoric use of those names like in the book of Revelation, are way far from your conclusions.

You are getting close, but you must sharp better your hypothesis by reseaching more accurate information beyond the cheap one obtained online.

Yes, in depth research on the origin of Easter and the book of Revelation is required. OP is correct that Easter comes from the worship of the Babylonian fertility goddess Ishtar/Astarte/Aphrodite but the name Easter is derived from the Teutonic/anglo-saxon goddess of spring: Eostre/Ostara. The bunny and eggs are linked to fertility; the hot cross buns come from ancient Babylon, etc. KJV mistranslates passover/pasch as Easter in one verse btw. Easter has nothing to do with passover or the resurrection of Jesus Christ. It's just another example of apostate Roman Christians adopting pagan holidays to be 'Christian' holidays.
Which Cardinal Newman admitted in his book.
But the mystery Father they never name is most revealled by the holiday in conjunction with known discovered ancient Tablets on Bel (Baal) and ancient Canaanite dying god mythology of Athtar the Fierce whereby Baal is surpassed by his son the morning star by being a dying god (borrowing his prexisting death scene) to be basically a mask of Baal worship like Baal worship masked Dagon worship. YOU SEE everytime their pagan god became out of favor they replaced them with their dying and resurrected son as one in the same practice under a new image. One this time, that needed to convert Jews to this 1 world religion worshiping Baal, under the image & likeness of a Jew. But contrary to claims, the pagan religion mixing many cultures beliefs and mythical deities was only fractionally or even the tiniest bit Judaic by plagiarizing the OT, which many times was done mistakingly because they didn't understand the meaning or use of words.
They did this to all cultures they subverted, in order to collect taxes in the form of tithes, and avoid inssurrections, thus the political horn (power) hiding behind the guise of the religious horn (power). HENCE THE SYMBOL OF THE DEVIL (BEAST) having the scarlet color of Rome, sporting it's 2 horns (powers).
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The problem is that the Morning Star has nothing to do with the Devil. Such hypothetical view was invented by Catholicism due to confusion or ignorance about the Scriptures.

The relationship of the events of the Exodus with the birth of gods like Ishtar (actually a goddess) which is Venus or the Morning Star, is indeed a sure event.

However, the metaphoric use of those names like in the book of Revelation, are way far from your conclusions.

You are getting close, but you must sharp better your hypothesis by reseaching more accurate information beyond the cheap one obtained online.

Yes, in depth research on the origin of Easter and the book of Revelation is required. OP is correct that Easter comes from the worship of the Babylonian fertility goddess Ishtar/Astarte/Aphrodite but the name Easter is derived from the Teutonic/anglo-saxon goddess of spring: Eostre/Ostara. The bunny and eggs are linked to fertility; the hot cross buns come from ancient Babylon, etc. KJV mistranslates passover/pasch as Easter in one verse btw. Easter has nothing to do with passover or the resurrection of Jesus Christ. It's just another example of apostate Roman Christians adopting pagan holidays to be 'Christian' holidays.
Which Cardinal Newman admitted in his book.
But the mystery Father they never name is most revealled by the holiday in conjunction with known discovered ancient Tablets on Bel (Baal) and ancient Canaanite dying god mythology of Athtar the Fierce whereby Baal is surpassed by his son the morning star by being a dying god (borrowing his prexisting death scene) to be basically a mask of Baal worship like Baal worship masked Dagon worship. YOU SEE everytime their pagan god became out of favor they replaced them with their dying and resurrected son as one in the same practice under a new image. One this time, that needed to convert Jews to this 1 world religion worshiping Baal, under the image & likeness of a Jew. But contrary to claims, the pagan religion mixing many cultures beliefs and mythical deities was only fractionally or even the tiniest bit Judaic by plagiarizing the OT, which many times was done mistakingly because they didn't understand the meaning or use of words.
They did this to all cultures they subverted, in order to collect taxes in the form of tithes, and avoid inssurrections, thus the political horn (power) hiding behind the guise of the religious horn (power). HENCE THE SYMBOL OF THE DEVIL (BEAST) having the scarlet color of Rome, sporting it's 2 horns (powers).

The 6th head of the 7 headed political wild beast in Revelation 17:9,10 did end up with two horns/rulerships - see Daniel's prophecy on this.

But the dragon/Satan is depicted as having 7 heads and 10 horns, not 2 horns - see Revelation 12:3,9.
Yes, in depth research on the origin of Easter and the book of Revelation is required. OP is correct that Easter comes from the worship of the Babylonian fertility goddess Ishtar/Astarte/Aphrodite but the name Easter is derived from the Teutonic/anglo-saxon goddess of spring: Eostre/Ostara. The bunny and eggs are linked to fertility; the hot cross buns come from ancient Babylon, etc. KJV mistranslates passover/pasch as Easter in one verse btw. Easter has nothing to do with passover or the resurrection of Jesus Christ. It's just another example of apostate Roman Christians adopting pagan holidays to be 'Christian' holidays.

When a deeper research is made, it can be found that the whole cultures of the world experienced the same worldwide event. The plagues of Egypt weren't a miraculous event inside the parameters of that empire but events which happened on the planet in general.

This is why the same goddess Venus acquired different names according to how the cultures named her.

The Israelite adopted the inclusion of the egg in the Passover's ceremony. The ones who celebrate this ceremony better abstain of following this part of the "tradition" because is a mixing of pagan customs with the doctrines of God found in the bible.
Yes I will agree certain “ customs” were included but their meanings are deeper for example we are told to consume the god of Egypt( they had many) which was the “ lamb” so the Israelites showed the Egyptians that their god had no power over them by sacrificing and then consuming all of it... As for the “ egg” it is dipped into “ bitter salty waters” Water always represented faiths or people’s even nations as they were compared to the sea where one wave or people rose up high and then was replaced by another who rose up and then crashed into the many waters... So the Israelites after dipping the egg into these ” waters” then consume it showing that it to has no power over them...
The problem is that the Morning Star has nothing to do with the Devil. Such hypothetical view was invented by Catholicism due to confusion or ignorance about the Scriptures.

The relationship of the events of the Exodus with the birth of gods like Ishtar (actually a goddess) which is Venus or the Morning Star, is indeed a sure event.

However, the metaphoric use of those names like in the book of Revelation, are way far from your conclusions.

You are getting close, but you must sharp better your hypothesis by reseaching more accurate information beyond the cheap one obtained online.

Yes, in depth research on the origin of Easter and the book of Revelation is required. OP is correct that Easter comes from the worship of the Babylonian fertility goddess Ishtar/Astarte/Aphrodite but the name Easter is derived from the Teutonic/anglo-saxon goddess of spring: Eostre/Ostara. The bunny and eggs are linked to fertility; the hot cross buns come from ancient Babylon, etc. KJV mistranslates passover/pasch as Easter in one verse btw. Easter has nothing to do with passover or the resurrection of Jesus Christ. It's just another example of apostate Roman Christians adopting pagan holidays to be 'Christian' holidays.
Which Cardinal Newman admitted in his book.
But the mystery Father they never name is most revealled by the holiday in conjunction with known discovered ancient Tablets on Bel (Baal) and ancient Canaanite dying god mythology of Athtar the Fierce whereby Baal is surpassed by his son the morning star by being a dying god (borrowing his prexisting death scene) to be basically a mask of Baal worship like Baal worship masked Dagon worship. YOU SEE everytime their pagan god became out of favor they replaced them with their dying and resurrected son as one in the same practice under a new image. One this time, that needed to convert Jews to this 1 world religion worshiping Baal, under the image & likeness of a Jew. But contrary to claims, the pagan religion mixing many cultures beliefs and mythical deities was only fractionally or even the tiniest bit Judaic by plagiarizing the OT, which many times was done mistakingly because they didn't understand the meaning or use of words.
They did this to all cultures they subverted, in order to collect taxes in the form of tithes, and avoid inssurrections, thus the political horn (power) hiding behind the guise of the religious horn (power). HENCE THE SYMBOL OF THE DEVIL (BEAST) having the scarlet color of Rome, sporting it's 2 horns (powers).
The Cardinal was quite the guy as they say “ birds of a feather flock together” and these birds tried to not only replace our father in heaven but our fathers on earth as well by trying to usurp that title and insisting we all call them father with the head honcho in the Vatican becoming the big daddy of them all... Good thing none of us have daddy issues or watch the Morey Pavich show who,s your daddy.. Sorry I couldn’t resist...
Easter =Ishtar day is the celebration of the borrowed mythology of Baal's death scene and 3 day resurrection. An exact plagiarism of the ancient tablets story of Baal.
So when they say father and son are one- itcs because they are the same mythology born again with it's new name and idol to now convert Judaic resisters of Rome.
Ishtar's son was the Morning Star.
Baal was the son of the fishman god Dagon.
Like Ishtar, Baal's son was
"the morning star"
(Jesus in Rev 22:16), the fish born out the giant Ishtar(easter) egg.
Christians are "the fish" who follow the fallen morning star=Lucifer-Rev 22;16.
The priests are the fishers of men, the head of this priesthood wearing the fishead hat called mitre and fisman god ring of Dagon.
Therefore when knowing the Bible era
slang word SEAS=Rome and Fish=luciferian =Christians
you secret
the 1/3 fish that did die in Rome or
the 1/3 the earth being those that have fallen with Lucifer.
[See Lucifer here etymology of "": "[ the morning star, a fallen rebel archangel, THE Devil, fr. OE. fr. Latin, the
morning star, fr. Lucifer light-bearing, fr. luc light + -fer -ferous--more at LIGHT]" (Webster's, p.677)
So on April 1st remember this:
View attachment 316881
That's nice. Christians celebrate the resurrection on Easter.

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