The most critical difference between the political right and the political left is...


Platinum Member
Dec 25, 2009
…what they believe with regard to the size and scope of government. To me, that is what defines one as being either right or left wing. Do you agree? If not, then what is it?
The right likes a big government
Only for different things
The left is honest about wanting big govt and the right lies about it
…what they believe with regard to the size and scope of government. To me, that is what defines one as being either right or left wing. Do you agree? If not, then what is it?
They both seem to want big government these days.
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The left is honest about wanting big govt and the right lies about it

Who wants government to manage our nation's healthcare, the right or the left?

Who wants the government to provide free college educations to all, the right or the left?
The left is honest about wanting big govt and the right lies about it

Who wants government to manage our nation's healthcare, the right or the left?

Who wants the government to provide free college educations to all, the right or the left?
Healthcare is mutual. Remember the right raving about trumps healthcare plan?
Thats one example for the left. We can sit here and all day and cherry pick examples, man.
Any one who is under the delusion that because you support one major political party over the other you automatically become an evil person, is just plain silly.
…what they believe with regard to the size and scope of government. To me, that is what defines one as being either right or left wing. Do you agree? If not, then what is it?

Republicans claim to favour small government, but yet it was Clinton and Obama was actually reduced the number of federal employees. Reagan massively increased the size of the civil service when the unemployment rate hit 6%, saying that it was necessary because government workers buy food, clothing and stimulate the economy too.

Republicans also over-burden government programs with excessive administration to reduce "fraud and abuse", but the increased costs of their fraud prevention efforts cost far more than the fraud they are purporting to prevent. I'm firmly of the opinion that Republicans overburden these programs administratively in the hopes of convincing voters that they're excessively expensive and inefficient. For example: drug testing of welfare recipients cost over $1 million dollars in one state, and they found a small handful of drug users and saved the state $100,000 per year.

Food stamps is another program that is expensive to administer. Why not just increase welfare payments by the amount of food stamps and end the wages and costs of processing and wage testing additional applications, send out monthly amounts to the states and adding them to the electronic cards?
…what they believe with regard to the size and scope of government. To me, that is what defines one as being either right or left wing. Do you agree? If not, then what is it?

Righties thought they were going to get a big change if they elected Trump.
He would drain the swamp, stop illegal immigration, curb and reduce the deficit and debt, repeal Obamacare, Mexico would pay for a wall, etc.
And the righties got none of that.
And most on the left KNEW they weren't getting any of it based on Trump's past record of fraud, deceit and extortion.
…what they believe with regard to the size and scope of government. To me, that is what defines one as being either right or left wing. Do you agree? If not, then what is it?

Republicans claim to favour small government, but yet it was Clinton and Obama was actually reduced the number of federal employees. Reagan massively increased the size of the civil service when the unemployment rate hit 6%, saying that it was necessary because government workers buy food, clothing and stimulate the economy too.

Republicans also over-burden government programs with excessive administration to reduce "fraud and abuse", but the increased costs of their fraud prevention efforts cost far more than the fraud they are purporting to prevent. I'm firmly of the opinion that Republicans overburden these programs administratively in the hopes of convincing voters that they're excessively expensive and inefficient. For example: drug testing of welfare recipients cost over $1 million dollars in one state, and they found a small handful of drug users and saved the state $100,000 per year.

Food stamps is another program that is expensive to administer. Why not just increase welfare payments by the amount of food stamps and end the wages and costs of processing and wage testing additional applications, send out monthly amounts to the states and adding them to the electronic cards? twisted weirdos are always out to make life easier for ShaQuita and Guadalupe...
LefTard Logic-
“Why not create a system that makes it easier for ShaQuita and Guadalupe to cheat and also pays them more to sit home, smoke weed and make more of their filthy same.” you weirdos ever listen to you realize how batshit loony you sound to a sane person?
Republicans claim to favour small government...

Is it the right or the left in America that wants government to provide free college education to every adult in the country? Is it the right or the left in American that wants government to manage the nation's healthcare system?
First question...neither. Second question...the left. Proudly.

The left supports government providing free college educations to everyone and supports the government managing the nation's healthcare system.

My OP is correct. The left supports larger government and larger government control.
Healthcare is mutual. Remember the right raving about trumps healthcare plan?

The right wasn't the force that brought us Obamacare. The right wants healthcare to remain largely in the private realm. It's the left that wants the government to take over every facet of our nation's healthcare system.
The most critical difference
The most basic, critical difference?

RIGHT: Believes in a people-up society of autonomy and self-determination where individuals freely explore their potentials.

LEFT: Believes in a government-down society where man is like a weed whose proclivities need carefully managed that they fit according to a predetermined master plan..

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