CDZ The merits of mask wearing in these covid times


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2016
Some posters started talking about masks and their merits in another thread of mine, I thought it might be good to have a thread here dedicated to this subject. For my part, I wear masks where I have to, which is mainly stores and hospitals (they generally have someone checking to see if you have a mask on), when I don't have to, I tend not to. I also wear it around people who I'm friends with who think it will protect them. They generally know I don't believe that, but I do it for them. I wear the thinnest masks possible, thin cotton so that I can breathe as normally as possible through them. Hospitals require wearing one of those plastic masks that is messing up the environment and are hard to breathe from, I have at least persuaded them that I need to wear my cotton one underneath it. I have breathing issues and I have heard that the plastic particles in the plastic masks can be inhaled. Anyway, I'll start off with a quote from an article that links to many other articles on the science of masks:

While the COVID-19 crisis rages on, the science against and in support of wearing masks accumulates daily. On the one side, proponents argue that masks save lives and stop the spread of the virus. The other side contends that wearing masks is complicated and suggests masks are ineffective and may even be harmful.

Recently, yet another angle has emerged asserting that regardless of whether masks work or not, government shouldn’t mandate that people must wear them, especially by children where the risks of contracting, spreading and exhibiting symptoms from COVID-19 are very low.

CHD is glad to provide dozens of studies/articles/videos we have accumulated, including meta-analyses. And, we will continue to post mask information on this page. (Some items appear under multiple headings depending on their content.)

The links can be seen here:
I also wear it around people who I'm friends with who think it will protect them.
question, are you sick? protect them from what if you aren't?

I don't think so, but you know what they say:
what would the mask protect anyone from? you realize they don't actually prevent your water droplets from releasing in the air right? If they did, you'd be dead from no oxygen.
I also wear it around people who I'm friends with who think it will protect them.
question, are you sick? protect them from what if you aren't?

I don't think so, but you know what they say:
what would the mask protect anyone from? you realize they don't actually prevent your water droplets from releasing in the air right? If they did, you'd be dead from no oxygen.

You're asking the wrong guy, we have to ask people who actually believe that masks are helping :p.
one side, proponents argue that masks save lives and stop the spread of the virus. The other side contends that wearing masks is complicated and suggests masks are ineffective and may even be harmful.
That's science, that's he said she said.
the science says you'd be dead if the masks actually did what they think they do. just saying.
I also wear it around people who I'm friends with who think it will protect them.
question, are you sick? protect them from what if you aren't?

I don't think so, but you know what they say:
what would the mask protect anyone from? you realize they don't actually prevent your water droplets from releasing in the air right? If they did, you'd be dead from no oxygen.

You're asking the wrong guy, we have to ask people who actually believe that masks are helping :p.
I'm asking you since you said you wear them around friends to protect them. From what?
one side, proponents argue that masks save lives and stop the spread of the virus. The other side contends that wearing masks is complicated and suggests masks are ineffective and may even be harmful.
That's science, that's he said she said.
the science says you'd be dead if the masks actually did what they think they do. just saying.
I left the "not" out.
one side, proponents argue that masks save lives and stop the spread of the virus. The other side contends that wearing masks is complicated and suggests masks are ineffective and may even be harmful.
That's not science, that's he said she said.

I believe that the science shows that masks are not helping. Others believe the science shows the opposite. Right now, it seems that no one here is really taking the side that masks are helpful for healthy people at least.
one side, proponents argue that masks save lives and stop the spread of the virus. The other side contends that wearing masks is complicated and suggests masks are ineffective and may even be harmful.
That's not science, that's he said she said.

I believe that the science shows that masks are not helping. Others believe the science shows the opposite. Right now, it seems that no one here is really taking the side that masks are helpful for healthy people at least.
well you took that side when you said you wear them around friends to protect them. protect them from what? You're giving it credence by doing that, which test show don't. so I'm curious.
one side, proponents argue that masks save lives and stop the spread of the virus. The other side contends that wearing masks is complicated and suggests masks are ineffective and may even be harmful.
That's not science, that's he said she said.

I believe that the science shows that masks are not helping. Others believe the science shows the opposite. Right now, it seems that no one here is really taking the side that masks are helpful for healthy people at least.
well you took that side when you said you wear them around friends to protect them. protect them from what?

I wear them so that they feel at ease. I don't think it's protecting them from anything.
one side, proponents argue that masks save lives and stop the spread of the virus. The other side contends that wearing masks is complicated and suggests masks are ineffective and may even be harmful.
That's not science, that's he said she said.

I believe that the science shows that masks are not helping. Others believe the science shows the opposite. Right now, it seems that no one here is really taking the side that masks are helpful for healthy people at least.
well you took that side when you said you wear them around friends to protect them. protect them from what?

I wear them so that they feel at ease. I don't think it's protecting them from anything.
don't wear it then. again, you're giving off the wrong message and exacerbating the belief they work, which they don't. Did they ask you to wear them? They don't flipping work. you'd be dead if it actually did what they think.
I also wear it around people who I'm friends with who think it will protect them.
question, are you sick? protect them from what if you aren't?

I don't think so, but you know what they say:
that article is from one administration ago. the times have changed. Although the document is spot on, it is no longer relevant for the sheeple who'll fight you to wear one. Again, for the mask to work like those obsessive germaphobes think, you'd be dead.
one side, proponents argue that masks save lives and stop the spread of the virus. The other side contends that wearing masks is complicated and suggests masks are ineffective and may even be harmful.
That's not science, that's he said she said.

I believe that the science shows that masks are not helping. Others believe the science shows the opposite. Right now, it seems that no one here is really taking the side that masks are helpful for healthy people at least.
well you took that side when you said you wear them around friends to protect them. protect them from what?

I wear them so that they feel at ease. I don't think it's protecting them from anything.
don't wear it then. again, you're giving off the wrong message and exacerbating the belief they work, which they don't. Did they ask you to wear them? They don't flipping work. you'd be dead if it actually did what they think.

I tell them I don't think it works. But some of them believe it does and I don't want to argue with them. So I just wear the thing when I'm around them.
I tell them I don't think it works. But some of them believe it does and I don't want to argue with them. So I just wear the thing when I'm around them.
that's a better answer, but for me, I tell them I like to breathe, so I'm not wearing them. I'm not afraid of the boogyman.
I also wear it around people who I'm friends with who think it will protect them.
question, are you sick? protect them from what if you aren't?

I don't think so, but you know what they say:
that article is from one administration ago. the times have changed. Although the document is spot on, it is no longer relevant for the sheeple who'll fight you to wear one. Again, for the mask to work like those obsessive germaphobes think, you'd be dead.

I also don't think it works. But I don't see the harm in humouring people who feel safer if I'm wearing it. Also, please, no epithets like sheeple. My own brother called my dad a sheep for getting his first dose of one of the Covid vaccines. Epithets aren't helping anything. I'm all for persuading people that a lot of things are not what we are told, especially the vaccines, but I think we have to do it in a kind way.

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