the media long ago gave up journalism in order to keep us entertained in the Trump era


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
it is entertainment all the time.

Trump was the media's creation. and now we get a daily Gong Show out of The White House. it is good for Trump. it is good for profits. but it is bad for us. it keeps us distracted as the kleptocrats transform our country into a banana republic.
it is entertainment all the time.

Trump was the media's creation. and now we get a daily Gong Show out of The White House. it is good for Trump. it is good for profits. but it is bad for us. it keeps us distracted as the kleptocrats transform our country into a banana republic.
Beg to differ asswipe, it was the last homosexual 1/2 white community agitator who almost Fundamentally Transformed America into a banana republic, while you assholes partied in the streets, as they stole what money you had and gave it to the most wealthiest liberal elites in this nation. That is how a TRUE banana republic works.

All the Lies: They’ve Turned Us Into a Rotting Banana Republic
The defining characteristics of banana republics are a matter of history. First, the law is not enforced against a chosen class in a banana republic, usually the allies of the autocrat in charge. Second, foreign policy is always performed in the autocrat’s interests and often in disregard of the nation’s actual interests. This describes how America functions in the era of President Obama.
Sounds like you need some Preparation H...


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