The Media Lies about Trump's "Lies"


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
The Donald gives a talk in front of thousands of Boy Scouts and their leaders. He goes overboard and politicizes his remarks. He gets a call from someone in Boy Scout leadership, thanking him and congratulating him on a good speech. Trump brags about the call. The MSM calls up the head Boy Scout and finds that HE didn't call Trump, and in fact, he felt it necessary to apologize to THOSE WHO WERE OFFENDED (a few people) by Trump's remarks.

So Trump "lied." Bullshit. Somebody in the Boy Scout leadership called him, just as he said. It just wasn't the head guy. He didn't claim it was the head guy. This is not a lie. Period. Not a lie.

The Donald announces a revision in military personnel policy, stating that he made the decision to change after "consulting with the generals." The MSM contacts the individual Chiefs of Staff, and they all say that Trump didn't call them. Therefore, Trump LIED.

Bullshit. There are hundreds of generals and admirals in the U.S. military, and Trump undoubtedly knows dozens of them. He called a few of them to discuss the change in policy and THOSE GENERALS agreed with him. He did not talk to the individual chiefs of staff or the Commandant of the Marine Corps.

Trump never bragged about grabbing beautiful women by the pussy. In a private conversation, DISCUSSING THE PRIVILEGES THAT ACCOMPANY GREAT CELEBRITY, the told a single person that he COULD do that, and probably get away with it. Just like he said that he could shoot someone and not lose any votes. And yet the common knowledge in the MSM is that Trump "bragged about grabbing women by the pussy." Bullshit.

Trump never said or claimed that O'Bama was not born in Hawaii. He just had a lot of fun with the FACT that the President kept secret a lot of what should have been routinely disclosed information, including his birth certificate (and his academic records, and his passport, and his legal name). And yet the "common knowledge" is that Trump is a "birther," denying that Obama was born in Hawaii. Bullshit.

This goes on day after day after day. Trump is sloppy with details, and sees things in the way most favorable to himself. Most successful entrepreneurs are the same, just like most salesmen are full of shit.

But these are not lies.

As bad and disreputable as Trump is in a lot of areas, the Media is worse. Trump is sloppy; they are diabolical.
So Trump "lied." Bullshit. Somebody in the Boy Scout leadership called him, just as he said. It just wasn't the head guy. He didn't claim it was the head guy. This is not a lie. Period. Not a lie.
You're a special kind of rightarded acolyte.

Trump lied.

Those Calls to Trump? White House Admits They Didn’t Happen

WASHINGTON — Has President Trump told you about the time the head of the Boy Scouts called to say his was the best speech ever delivered to the more than century-old organization? What about when the president of Mexico picked up the telephone to let him know that his tough enforcement efforts at the border were paying off handsomely?

The anecdotes, both of which Mr. Trump told over the last week, were similar in that they appeared to be efforts to showcase broad support for the president when his White House has been mired in turmoil. But they also had another thing in common, the White House conceded on Wednesday: Neither was true.
The Donald gives a talk in front of thousands of Boy Scouts and their leaders. He goes overboard and politicizes his remarks. He gets a call from someone in Boy Scout leadership, thanking him and congratulating him on a good speech. Trump brags about the call. The MSM calls up the head Boy Scout and finds that HE didn't call Trump, and in fact, he felt it necessary to apologize to THOSE WHO WERE OFFENDED (a few people) by Trump's remarks.

So Trump "lied." Bullshit. Somebody in the Boy Scout leadership called him, just as he said. It just wasn't the head guy. He didn't claim it was the head guy. This is not a lie. Period. Not a lie.

The Donald announces a revision in military personnel policy, stating that he made the decision to change after "consulting with the generals." The MSM contacts the individual Chiefs of Staff, and they all say that Trump didn't call them. Therefore, Trump LIED.

Bullshit. There are hundreds of generals and admirals in the U.S. military, and Trump undoubtedly knows dozens of them. He called a few of them to discuss the change in policy and THOSE GENERALS agreed with him. He did not talk to the individual chiefs of staff or the Commandant of the Marine Corps.

Trump never bragged about grabbing beautiful women by the pussy. In a private conversation, DISCUSSING THE PRIVILEGES THAT ACCOMPANY GREAT CELEBRITY, the told a single person that he COULD do that, and probably get away with it. Just like he said that he could shoot someone and not lose any votes. And yet the common knowledge in the MSM is that Trump "bragged about grabbing women by the pussy." Bullshit.

Trump never said or claimed that O'Bama was not born in Hawaii. He just had a lot of fun with the FACT that the President kept secret a lot of what should have been routinely disclosed information, including his birth certificate (and his academic records, and his passport, and his legal name). And yet the "common knowledge" is that Trump is a "birther," denying that Obama was born in Hawaii. Bullshit.

This goes on day after day after day. Trump is sloppy with details, and sees things in the way most favorable to himself. Most successful entrepreneurs are the same, just like most salesmen are full of shit.

But these are not lies.

As bad and disreputable as Trump is in a lot of areas, the Media is worse. Trump is sloppy; they are diabolical.
The OP complaining about lies is chuck full of lies.

The Donald gives a talk in front of thousands of Boy Scouts and their leaders. He goes overboard and politicizes his remarks. He gets a call from someone in Boy Scout leadership, thanking him and congratulating him on a good speech. Trump brags about the call. The MSM calls up the head Boy Scout and finds that HE didn't call Trump, and in fact, he felt it necessary to apologize to THOSE WHO WERE OFFENDED (a few people) by Trump's remarks.

So Trump "lied." Bullshit. Somebody in the Boy Scout leadership called him, just as he said. It just wasn't the head guy. He didn't claim it was the head guy. This is not a lie. Period. Not a lie.

The Donald announces a revision in military personnel policy, stating that he made the decision to change after "consulting with the generals." The MSM contacts the individual Chiefs of Staff, and they all say that Trump didn't call them. Therefore, Trump LIED.

Bullshit. There are hundreds of generals and admirals in the U.S. military, and Trump undoubtedly knows dozens of them. He called a few of them to discuss the change in policy and THOSE GENERALS agreed with him. He did not talk to the individual chiefs of staff or the Commandant of the Marine Corps.

Trump never bragged about grabbing beautiful women by the pussy. In a private conversation, DISCUSSING THE PRIVILEGES THAT ACCOMPANY GREAT CELEBRITY, the told a single person that he COULD do that, and probably get away with it. Just like he said that he could shoot someone and not lose any votes. And yet the common knowledge in the MSM is that Trump "bragged about grabbing women by the pussy." Bullshit.

Trump never said or claimed that O'Bama was not born in Hawaii. He just had a lot of fun with the FACT that the President kept secret a lot of what should have been routinely disclosed information, including his birth certificate (and his academic records, and his passport, and his legal name). And yet the "common knowledge" is that Trump is a "birther," denying that Obama was born in Hawaii. Bullshit.

This goes on day after day after day. Trump is sloppy with details, and sees things in the way most favorable to himself. Most successful entrepreneurs are the same, just like most salesmen are full of shit.

But these are not lies.

As bad and disreputable as Trump is in a lot of areas, the Media is worse. Trump is sloppy; they are diabolical.
The OP complaining about lies is chuck full of lies.


If anyone here doesn't lie let them cast the first stone, but I did watch the speech he had for the Boy Scouts, it looked to me like they enjoyed Trumps speech, yes he talked about politics but sounded like the Boy Scouts were interested and they knew what he was talking about.
Some say Trump politicized it, so when should our young be introduced to politics? Should it be from the one sided MSM , 24/7 Trump hate speech, or a President that says America First.

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Ah, the butthurt over truthful hyperbole. Long 8 years ahead.
If anyone here doesn't lie let them cast the first stone, but I did watch the speech he had for the Boy Scouts, it looked to me like they enjoyed Trumps speech, yes he talked about politics but sounded like the Boy Scouts were interested and they knew what he was talking about.
Some say Trump politicized it, so when should our young be introduced to politics? Should it be from the one sided MSM , 24/7 Trump hate speech, or a President that says America First
Just pretend it was Obama making that speech with the exact same audience, at that exact same time, to that exact same response...there's your answer.
"You could keep your doctor" was hyperbole.

Was it not guys?
If anyone here doesn't lie let them cast the first stone, but I did watch the speech he had for the Boy Scouts, it looked to me like they enjoyed Trumps speech, yes he talked about politics but sounded like the Boy Scouts were interested and they knew what he was talking about.
Some say Trump politicized it, so when should our young be introduced to politics? Should it be from the one sided MSM , 24/7 Trump hate speech, or a President that says America First
Just pretend it was Obama making that speech with the exact same audience, at that exact same time, to that exact same response...there's your answer.
Most excellent perspective. They'd be hollerin' with teabags draped from their foreheads how Obama was trying to indoctrinate America's youth with black, Muslim, commie, socialist, Democrat, Kenyan, Indonesian, anti-American agitprop.

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