Zone1 The main reason Ivy League schools have become breeding grounds for Jew-hate


Diamond Member
Oct 12, 2021
It’s simple: Anti-semitic Arab nations have funneled $8.5 BILLION to the Ivies, essentially bribing the Administrstion to allow dozens of pro-Palestinian, anti-Israel organizations to take hold, and professors to teach the Arab-Israel Conflict from an ant—Israel stance. And the step from anti-Israel to anti-Jew is a small one, as we’ve seen, with Ivy arudents harassing Jews walking to class, chasing them into libraries, and rallying to calls of “Death to Jews!”

The answer is to prohibit foreign money into our universities, and of course deport any Arab student who participates in death calls to Jews.


It’s simple: Anti-semitic Arab nations have funneled $8.5 BILLION to the Ivies, essentially bribing the Administrstion to allow dozens of pro-Palestinian, anti-Israel organizations to take hold, and professors to teach the Arab-Israel Conflict from an ant—Israel stance. And the step from anti-Israel to anti-Jew is a small one, as we’ve seen, with Ivy arudents harassing Jews walking to class, chasing them into libraries, and rallying to calls of “Death to Jews!”

The answer is to prohibit foreign money into our universities, and of course deport any Arab student who participates in death calls to Jews.

our universities have been full of saudi princes for generations. the schools need the money and it is an opportunity to teach western values.

is it "jew hate" or a call for fair play? either way, the university president is not really concerned with much more than keeping the trustees happy and fund raising.

i'm not a fan of the "ivy league" establishment. but maybe if i were writing this from the "harvard club...."
I see the antisemites have flocked to this. I’ll wait until some decent people arrive.
Solve it .

Is that a rule ?
Anybody you disagree with is an antsemite ?

That means Ashkenazi for starters, because over 98% haven't a trace of Semite in their DNA, and we know all of the outsiders trace directly to the Khazars who surely are the Devil's very own .
Facts can be so nasty .
Solve it .

Is that a rule ?
Anybody you disagree with is an antsemite ?

That means Ashkenazi for starters, because over 98% haven't a trace of Semite in their DNA, and we know all of the outsiders trace directly to the Khazars who surely are the Devil's very own .
Facts can be so nasty .

The Chosen People​

Richard Lynn, The Chosen People: A Study of Jewish Intelligence and Achievement, Washington Summit Publishers, 2011, 408 pp., book review by Byron M. Roth

Professor Lynn explains that there are four major subpopulations of Jews, differentiated genetically by their different experiences following their expulsion from Israel in the first century AD. The most populous group, by far, are the Ashkenazi, who migrated to Western Europe...

A second group, the Sephardim, migrated to the Iberian Peninsula after the Roman expulsion, where they lived, largely under Muslim rule, until 1492...

A third Jewish group, the Mizrahim, settled in various lands in the Middle East and North Africa during various diasporas beginning about 600 BC.


The Ashkenazim, the Sephardim, and the Mizrahim are genetically similar, and have genetic semilarities pointing to the Israelites of the Old Testament.

This line in the lyrics from the Mighty Mouse theme song:

Yes sir, when there is a wrong to right,
Mighty Mouse will join the fight!

makes me feel guilty. I remember the times in high school when I saw a bully picking on a victim. I should have fought the bully, but I did not.

Even if I lost the fight it would have been a good gesture.

I should have reported the bully to the principal, and maybe the police.
It’s simple: Anti-semitic Arab nations have funneled $8.5 BILLION to the Ivies, essentially bribing the Administrstion to allow dozens of pro-Palestinian, anti-Israel organizations to take hold, and professors to teach the Arab-Israel Conflict from an ant—Israel stance. And the step from anti-Israel to anti-Jew is a small one, as we’ve seen, with Ivy arudents harassing Jews walking to class, chasing them into libraries, and rallying to calls of “Death to Jews!”

The answer is to prohibit foreign money into our universities, and of course deport any Arab student who participates in death calls to Jews.

1) The Arabs are also a Semitic people, so it's disingenuous to call oppossition to Zionism "anti-Semtism".
2) The main reason why EDUCATED people oppose Zionism is because Colonial Apartheid States are no longer acceptable, ANYWHERE. Every history department will tell you that the Age of Colonization (1492-1945) was a bad thing for the world.

When I was in college, and a dumb Young Republican (yes, the foolishness of youth), being anti-Apartheid was all the rage, and we were all supposed to divest from South Africa (although no one was volunteering to pay higher tuition to make up for those lost revenues.) And I remember one particularly smarmy Jewish kid who was regaling the black kids about how awful the Afrikaaners were being to the Blacks of South Africa.

To which I said, "How is that any different than what the Israelis are doing to the Palestinians?"

Man, you should have seen him sputter as the Black kids laughed at him.

(My position at the time was we should have supported both countries because they were allies against Communism, and the ANC and PLO at that time had ties to the USSR. Turns out we were worried about the wrong enemies.)
2) The main reason why EDUCATED people oppose Zionism is because Colonial Apartheid States are no longer acceptable, ANYWHERE. Every history department will tell you that the Age of Colonization (1492-1945) was a bad thing for the world.

Why Iʼm fleeing South Africa
by Anne Paton (widow of Alan Paton)
London Sunday Times-DISPATCHES, 29/11/1998​

I am leaving South Africa. I have lived here for 35 years, and I shall leave with anguish. My home and my friends are here, but I am terrified. I know I shall be in trouble for saying so, because I am the widow of Alan Paton.

Fifty years ago he wrote Cry, The Beloved Country. He was an unknown schoolmaster and it was his first book, but it became a bestseller overnight. It was eventually translated into more than 20 languages and became a set book in schools all over the world. It has sold more than 15 million copies and still sells 100,000 copies a year.

As a result of the startling success of this book, my husband became famous for his impassioned speeches and writings, which brought to the notice of the world the suffering of the black man under Apartheid.

He campaigned for Nelson Mandelaʼs release from prison and he worked all his life for black majority rule. He was incredibly hopeful about the new South Africa that would follow the end of Apartheid, but he died in 1988, aged 85.

I was so sorry he did not witness the euphoria and love at the time of the election in 1994. But I am glad he is not alive now. He would have been so distressed to see what has happened to his beloved country. [Without Apartheid]...

Among my friends and the friends of my friends, I know of nine people who have been murdered in the past four years.

An old friend, an elderly lady, was raped and murdered by someone who broke into her home for no reason at all; another was shot at a garage...

I have been hijacked, mugged and terrorised. A few years ago my car was taken from me at gunpoint. I was forced into the passenger seat. I sat there frozen. But just as one man jumped into the back and the other fumbled with the starter I opened the door and ran away. To this day I do not know how I did this. But I got away, still clutching my handbag...

The situation is exacerbated by the fact that criminals know that their chances of being caught are negligible; and if they are caught they will be free almost at once.

Why the widow of Alan Paton fled South Africa (29/11/1998)

And on and on. Those who condemn apartheid need to consider the reality that has followed it.
And on and on. Those who condemn apartheid need to consider the reality that has followed it.
You mean black people inflicted some of the horror that whites inflicted on them for centuries...

Boo - fucking - hoo.

They were actually... pretty reasonable. There were no Nuremburgs for the Bothas and other Apartheid leaders. They had Truth and Reconcilation Committees, where sins were admitted on all sides and people just got on with their lives.
Those who bemoan the survival against the odds of Israel should consider life under the Palestinians.


Gay Palestinian Man Executed in ISIS-Style Beheading​

Ahmed was abducted from Tel Aviv where he had taken refuge.
By Edy Cohen | Nov 14, 2022

Twenty-five-year-old Ahmed had managed to get a residency permit in Israel about two years ago due to death threats he received in his hometown of Hebron, which is governed by the Palestinian Authority (PA). He fled from there and came to Israel. His plan was to get to Canada, and indeed luck seemed to smile on him at first.

Canada expressed willingness to accept him as a refugee immigrant based on his personal story and the persecution against him in Hebron. In the meantime, he lived in Israel, found a job and made a decent living. But luck stopped playing in his favor when a group of Palestinians managed to abduct him and bring him back to the city of Hebron by force. The person who murdered Abu Marahia made sure to document the event by video and spread it on social media after the deceased was beheaded.


Honor Killing Among the Palestinians​

Men hold all the power in the marriage. They are allowed up to four wives and may divorce a wife simply by saying "I divorce thee" three times before witnesses prior to registering the decree in court...

The West Bank and Gaza Strip are governed by the Palestinian Authority under a combination of Jordanian, Egyptian, and tribal laws. Israel has no jurisdiction in these territories. There are at least twenty-five "official" honor killings a year among the Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza Strip and thirty-five a year in Jordan. The actual number of deaths is much higher...

Among Palestinians, all sexual encounters, including rape and incest, are blamed on the woman. Men are presumed innocent; the woman must have tempted him into raping her or enticed him into having an affair. A woman is expected to protect her honor, even at the cost of her own life. If she survives a violent rape, she is condemned for her "mistake" and may be killed by her family.

You mean black people inflicted some of the horror that whites inflicted on them for centuries...

Boo - fucking - hoo.

They were actually... pretty reasonable. There were no Nuremburgs for the Bothas and other Apartheid leaders. They had Truth and Reconcilation Committees, where sins were admitted on all sides and people just got on with their lives.
I know you do not care about black on white crime. Blacks kill each other too.

Since the end of apartheid many aspects of civilization have declined.

South Africa is sometimes called "the rape capital of the world." One out of four black men confess to committing rape. I suspect the percentage is much higher.
Those who bemoan the survival against the odds of Israel should consider life under the Palestinians.

Why, that's their culture. Would I want to live there? No. I also wouldn't want to live among the bible thumping idiots in the South. That doesn't excuse America supporting a genocidal campaign against the Palestinian people.

The ironic thing was, if you were around in the 1980s, the Zionist Amen Lobby had us all convinced that the Palestinians were a bunch of damned communists who hated mom and apple pie.

Now you are trying to sell that they are crazy Jihadists.

What they are is a people who had their land stolen from them, and they want it back.
I know you do not care about black on white crime. Blacks kill each other too.
I'm sure they do. Don't care.

Since the end of apartheid many aspects of civilization have declined.

South Africa is sometimes called "the rape capital of the world." One out of four black men confess to committing rape. I suspect the percentage is much higher.
Still Don't care.

Apartheid was its own special brand of evil, and the Bothas didn't care about black people raping each other.

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