The LSM Has Lied To You For Years


Platinum Member
Mar 27, 2012
And now they're paying the price.

The LSM kept the Russian Hoax alive for 3 years now. And they did it for one reason and one reason only -- Ratings.

And ratings means money. Money from advertisers.

And there are many, many people that think the LSM not only furthered the hoax, they may have actually started it. I concur.

You people that think the LSM is an altruistic entity with only the best interests of its viewers at heart -- You're imbeciles. I mean, truly stupid human beings.

There is no more selfish group of Homo Sapiens on the Planet than LSM types. They live in gated and fenced homes with armed guards at their beck and call. They use company expense accounts to their maximum, they crave attention and they are interested in only one thing -- Money.

Now what?

Will they pay for their lies? Will the useful idiots, the stupid dimocraps that watch them nightly with bated breath, waiting for the shoe to drop so they can finally get that Bad Orange Man continue to do so?

Maybe not. Here's some early numbers and things to watch

They need to pay for their crimes but the truth is, as you can see in here, there are so many stupid people in this world that I don't think they will.

Just look at the number of incredibly stupid, craven, dishonest cowards in here that refuse to accept the outcome of a 3 year (oh yes it was) investigation into somebody that was totally and completely innocent.

It's sad to see people that stupid. It really is
It’s a propaganda wing of the most dangerous group on earth the democrat party
And now they're paying the price.

The LSM kept the Russian Hoax alive for 3 years now. And they did it for one reason and one reason only -- Ratings.

And ratings means money. Money from advertisers.

And there are many, many people that think the LSM not only furthered the hoax, they may have actually started it. I concur.

You people that think the LSM is an altruistic entity with only the best interests of its viewers at heart -- You're imbeciles. I mean, truly stupid human beings.

There is no more selfish group of Homo Sapiens on the Planet than LSM types. They live in gated and fenced homes with armed guards at their beck and call. They use company expense accounts to their maximum, they crave attention and they are interested in only one thing -- Money.

Now what?

Will they pay for their lies? Will the useful idiots, the stupid dimocraps that watch them nightly with bated breath, waiting for the shoe to drop so they can finally get that Bad Orange Man continue to do so?

Maybe not. Here's some early numbers and things to watch

They need to pay for their crimes but the truth is, as you can see in here, there are so many stupid people in this world that I don't think they will.

Just look at the number of incredibly stupid, craven, dishonest cowards in here that refuse to accept the outcome of a 3 year (oh yes it was) investigation into somebody that was totally and completely innocent.

It's sad to see people that stupid. It really is

The Most Trusted Name In News

Fake News kinda fucked that slogan up. LMAO
Here's the deal, the Russians try to disrupt the fabric of U.S. society with disinformation and so do we try to influence foreign elections. It's worked like that since FDR used to refer to Stalin as "Uncle Joe". The ironic thing is that the democrat party (and the mainstream media) who have accused the President of undermining the fabric of society and being influenced by foreign and domestic enemies are themselves guilty of it.
And now they're paying the price.

The LSM kept the Russian Hoax alive for 3 years now. And they did it for one reason and one reason only -- Ratings.

And ratings means money. Money from advertisers.

And there are many, many people that think the LSM not only furthered the hoax, they may have actually started it. I concur.

You people that think the LSM is an altruistic entity with only the best interests of its viewers at heart -- You're imbeciles. I mean, truly stupid human beings.

There is no more selfish group of Homo Sapiens on the Planet than LSM types. They live in gated and fenced homes with armed guards at their beck and call. They use company expense accounts to their maximum, they crave attention and they are interested in only one thing -- Money.

Now what?

Will they pay for their lies? Will the useful idiots, the stupid dimocraps that watch them nightly with bated breath, waiting for the shoe to drop so they can finally get that Bad Orange Man continue to do so?

Maybe not. Here's some early numbers and things to watch

They need to pay for their crimes but the truth is, as you can see in here, there are so many stupid people in this world that I don't think they will.

Just look at the number of incredibly stupid, craven, dishonest cowards in here that refuse to accept the outcome of a 3 year (oh yes it was) investigation into somebody that was totally and completely innocent.

It's sad to see people that stupid. It really is
The Benghazi investigation was longer. No findings of wrong doing either.
The Benghazi investigation was longer. No findings of wrong doing either.

Something is seriously wrong with you. Honestly.

There was no Special Prosecutor appointed to pursue Hitlery's guilt or innocence. And nobody I know of accused the piece of shit of a crime. Cowardice? Yes. Not caring about American (or any other) lives? Yes. Being a cold, desolate, no honor bitch? Absolutely. Breaking the Law? What Law would that be? The law against putting an idiot in a high position? Of that, she/it is absolutely guilty

And you try to draw an analogy between the two??

objectivity. Get some.

Go to the Bank, withdraw all your money, go somewhere and buy the best you can get
The Benghazi investigation was longer. No findings of wrong doing either.

Something is seriously wrong with you. Honestly.

There was no Special Prosecutor appointed to pursue Hitlery's guilt or innocence. And nobody I know of accused the piece of shit of a crime. Cowardice? Yes. Not caring about American (or any other) lives? Yes. Being a cold, desolate, no honor bitch? Absolutely. Breaking the Law? What Law would that be? The law against putting an idiot in a high position? Of that, she/it is absolutely guilty

And you try to draw an analogy between the two??

objectivity. Get some.

Go to the Bank, withdraw all your money, go somewhere and buy the best you can get
Yeah but....but....but...
The Benghazi investigation was longer. No findings of wrong doing either.

Something is seriously wrong with you. Honestly.

There was no Special Prosecutor appointed to pursue Hitlery's guilt or innocence. And nobody I know of accused the piece of shit of a crime. Cowardice? Yes. Not caring about American (or any other) lives? Yes. Being a cold, desolate, no honor bitch? Absolutely. Breaking the Law? What Law would that be? The law against putting an idiot in a high position? Of that, she/it is absolutely guilty

And you try to draw an analogy between the two??

objectivity. Get some.

Go to the Bank, withdraw all your money, go somewhere and buy the best you can get

I suggest that you watch the movie "13 Hours" sometime. Its about the attack in Benghazi, and there were mistakes made on the ground there. First, the ambassador sent his protective detail back to the CIA station, because he was going to stay home. Second, when the attack started, his protective detail wanted to go as soon as they knew what was happening, but the CIA station chief kept them from going by around 2 hours after the attack had already started.

If the ambassador's protection detail had been with him when the attack started, they would have more than likely gotten him out, but they were 2 miles away at the CIA station.

If the CIA station chief had let the protection detail go rescue the ambassador when the attack started, rather than 2 hours later, he more than likely could have been rescued.

And, you would also see that there were no military assets in the area for a rescue mission. They tried to start one from Sigonella, but they didn't have the necessary equipment. They then were going to launch from some other place, but by then it was too late.
The Benghazi investigation was longer. No findings of wrong doing either.

Something is seriously wrong with you. Honestly.

There was no Special Prosecutor appointed to pursue Hitlery's guilt or innocence. And nobody I know of accused the piece of shit of a crime. Cowardice? Yes. Not caring about American (or any other) lives? Yes. Being a cold, desolate, no honor bitch? Absolutely. Breaking the Law? What Law would that be? The law against putting an idiot in a high position? Of that, she/it is absolutely guilty

And you try to draw an analogy between the two??

objectivity. Get some.

Go to the Bank, withdraw all your money, go somewhere and buy the best you can get
You dont know the meaning of objectivity.
but the CIA station chief kept them from going by around 2 hours after the attack had already started.

The Senate Report sites footage from the Annex's security camera showing the rescue team leaving their compound around 10:03 PM. 20- 25 minute after the first report of the attack.

They drove off the attackers, then searched and rescued everyone but the Ambassador and his aid who had gone to the Safe Room. The exhaust fans had not been installed and they died of smoke inhalation.

Anyone calling the press the LSM is a dittohead or some type of derivative thereof, should be treated with kindness as they wander about mumbling Rashisbutts ramblings.

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