The list of mass shooters who were known to police and who were allowed to commit murder....


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
The list of mass shooters known to police, known by those around them to be bat shit crazy....and who were allowed to go on to commit mass murder is just isn't is the failure of the know, the government that anti gunners think should be the only entity that has guns.......

Add to this list Sandy Hook.....the police knew the killer was dangerous too...

Ralph: The Litany of Failures That Led to Mass Murder. And You Think GUNS Are the Problem? - The Truth About Guns

he Air Force never reported the Sutherland Springs First Baptist Church murderer despite his criminal conviction.

The Army never reported Gabby Gifford’s shooter despite his failed drug test. The community college that he attended was scared sh!tless of him but did nothing.

Douglas High School never reported the murderous little puke who gunned down a couple of dozen people, but it did ban his backpack. Way to go!

The mother of the Sandy Hook baby-killer did nothing despite her son’s growing isolation and fascination with mass murder. So, he killed her. Karma?

The Washington Navy Yard killer was cited at least eight times for misconduct while in the Navy, was arrested three times and claimed that he heard voices in his head. His punishment? He was granted a securityclearance.

The Aurora theater massacre was committed by a guy who was obviously out of his mind and dangerous, but the University of Colorado psychiatrist who examined him didn’t tell authorities even after the lunatic told her that he fantasized about killing a lot of people.

The Pulse Nightclub shooter had an accomplice, wasn’t shy about his allegiance to ISIS, threatened to shoot his police academy classmates and told co-workers at the security firm (!) that employed him that he wanted to kill people.

The Columbine police were warned about the two shooters by the parent of a potential victim. The shooters were arrested and placed in a diversion program where they successfully conned their case worker. They continued to post threats, which were ignored.

The list can go on and on, but the point is made. People know, but they say nothing. Authorities know, but they do nothing. And people die by the score because politicians know the real problem, but they’d rather score political points by complaining about guns.
This is a very slippery slope... The left will use simple thought to convict without behavior to match.. We must use behavior as our basis for criminal conviction or we risk jailing everyone or anyone for having a different thought than someone else..
The list of mass shooters known to police, known by those around them to be bat shit crazy....and who were allowed to go on to commit mass murder is just isn't is the failure of the know, the government that anti gunners think should be the only entity that has guns.......

Add to this list Sandy Hook.....the police knew the killer was dangerous too...

Ralph: The Litany of Failures That Led to Mass Murder. And You Think GUNS Are the Problem? - The Truth About Guns

he Air Force never reported the Sutherland Springs First Baptist Church murderer despite his criminal conviction.

The Army never reported Gabby Gifford’s shooter despite his failed drug test. The community college that he attended was scared sh!tless of him but did nothing.

Douglas High School never reported the murderous little puke who gunned down a couple of dozen people, but it did ban his backpack. Way to go!

The mother of the Sandy Hook baby-killer did nothing despite her son’s growing isolation and fascination with mass murder. So, he killed her. Karma?

The Washington Navy Yard killer was cited at least eight times for misconduct while in the Navy, was arrested three times and claimed that he heard voices in his head. His punishment? He was granted a securityclearance.

The Aurora theater massacre was committed by a guy who was obviously out of his mind and dangerous, but the University of Colorado psychiatrist who examined him didn’t tell authorities even after the lunatic told her that he fantasized about killing a lot of people.

The Pulse Nightclub shooter had an accomplice, wasn’t shy about his allegiance to ISIS, threatened to shoot his police academy classmates and told co-workers at the security firm (!) that employed him that he wanted to kill people.

The Columbine police were warned about the two shooters by the parent of a potential victim. The shooters were arrested and placed in a diversion program where they successfully conned their case worker. They continued to post threats, which were ignored.

The list can go on and on, but the point is made. People know, but they say nothing. Authorities know, but they do nothing. And people die by the score because politicians know the real problem, but they’d rather score political points by complaining about guns.

Usually these types are well known as loners and oddballs to many people they meet.

In H.S. we had a guy that turned into a serial killer. He was supposed to graduate with me but didn't show up for graduation.
My impression of him was that he was just plain weird. I always got a strange feeling when I was around him.
A few years later he was killed by one of his intended victims while I was in the Army.

Wayne Nance

When I was in college I worked nights as a liquor store cashier.....a kid used to come into the store and buy a candy bar and a grape soda about once a week.
I would say hi to him and he never would smile or say anything back.
Then all of the sudden he stopped coming in.
Around this time there was a cop shooting.
The cop was shot in the head 5 times point blank.
Turns out this kid was driving around in his stepfather's squad car trying to hold people up and a police officer pulled up next to him to talk to him and got shot in the face.
They traced the bullets to his stepfather's gun. Teen convicted of murder in 'fantasy' police killing

Man Who Killed Police Officer Will Have Parole Hearing

Charles Tyberg
Here Is The List Of Attackers The FBI Was Warned About But Still Failed To Stop

Ineptitude? Or lack of laws/regulations/guidelines? If they knew about them, why couldn't or wouldn't they stop them?

1. Boston. According to reports, the FBI and U.S. law enforcement were sent, via Russia, a warning about bomber Tamerlan Tsarnaev. The FBI allegedly interviewed the suspect and let him go, even opting against investigating him later after a second warning swept through the department from Russian officials. The bombing left three dead and 16 injured.

2. Fort Hood. In a string of emails sent to the FBI, soldier Nidal Hasan openly admitted that he wanted his fellow soldiers dead in order to protect the Taliban. Officials failed to intervene, leading to a tragedy that resulted in the death of 31 Americans.

Do you think there should be repercussions for the FBI’s lack of action?

3. NYC Bomber. Third on this list is NYC bomber Ahmad Khan Rahami, whose own father alerted officials of the radicalization of his son. After a brief interview, Rahami was cleared by FBI officials, though he eventually injured 31 people between New Jersey and New York.

4. Pulse Nightclub. In yet another attack on American soil, 49 people were killed and another 53 wounded after Omar Mateen opened fire through its doors. Despite a 10-month investigation of the would-be shooter — during which he admitted to lying to officials — the FBI decided against taking further action.

5. Garland, Texas. In a recent report from CBS, the FBI had an undercover agent traveling with Islamists Elton Simpson and Nadir Soofi for intel on a pending attack during a “Draw Muhammad” event in Garland, Texas. Not only did officials know of a pending attack, but have refused to comment on why their agent didn’t intervene when the attack took place. Though a security officer was shot, the attackers were killed before they could harm any others.

7. 9/11. In a report by FBI agent Coleen Rowley, allegations were made stating that the FBI mishandled leads within its Minneapolis office during the investigation into the alleged 9/11 mastermind Zacarias Moussaoui. Rowley chronicles the early aftermath of the attack on the Twin Towers as she and other agents scoured through pre-attack events concerning Moussaoui’s investigation.

There appears to be no real answers in this artcle @ Here Is The List Of Attackers The FBI Was Warned About But Still Failed To Stop

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