The liberal march towards EXTREME fascism

Economics of fascism - Wikipedia

l, fascist economies were based on private property and private initiative, but these were contingent upon service to the state.[17]

Fascist governments encouraged the pursuit of private profit and offered many benefits to large businesses, but they demanded in return that all economic activity should serve the national interest.
Bwahahahahaha! If it is (and I quote) "contingent upon service to the state" then there is nothing "private" about it. My God you are a special sort of stupid.

bripat9643 - help me out here. Would you please explain to this dimwit that control by the state means it is not "private". He's one of those "special" children that requires special education teachers. I don't have the skillset to get through to people that stupid. Maybe you do?
I agree with you, but I have little interest in schooling this numskull. He's so far gone that it would take a year just to get him to understand the meaning of all the terms he uses.

Numbskull, how?

The U.S.A is doomed because Democrats have pushed Cultural Marxism, and Republicans have supported Capitalism.

That only a Fascist or similar approach could have avoided these issues, or fix the problems.

Unfortunately the masses have been brainwashed so long in the U.S.A for so long.

That Fascism overnight would lead to a Civil War.
So, if we the People fought for Fascism then it could become an Amendment, huh?
If you can get the votes to legally and properly amend the U.S. Constitution - yes. You could have unlimited fascism. Good luck with that.

So, first you said you followed the Founding Fathers, now you're saying we can do what we want if we change the Founding Fathers Constitution.
That moment when a wingnut realizes fascists actually come from his side of the political spectrum. Yeah, that's happening here.

The Republicans have failed as a party.

They should've been embracing Fascism....That Liberals kicked, and screamed about Fascism, and that Republicans foolishly joined them, thus we'll lose our country..

In the 1960's - 1970's.

- The right wing should have used force to combat Roe vs Wade.

- The right wing should have used force to combat the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965.

- The right wing have combated Liberal Jewish Capitalists like Hollywood, and media from brainwashing the masses into Liberalism.

- Nixon should have used force to revoke Affirmative Action which discriminates against White males... Instead he gave Blacks the Minority Business Development Agency.

In the 1980's onward.

- Reagan should have used force to crack down on those hiring Illegal Immigrants, and welfare for Illegals.... Instead he granted Illegals Amnesty.

- George H.W should have thrown out the Diversity Visa, instead he signed it into action.

- George W Bush should have thrown out DACA with force, instead he renewed it back into action.

The results are that the Conservative Values, Culture, and White heritage of this nation is disappearing.

Explain how this is favorable for Republicans?
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That moment when a wingnut realizes fascists actually come from his side of the political spectrum. Yeah, that's happening here.

The Republicans have failed as a party.

They should've been embracing Fascism....That Liberals kicked, and screamed about Fascism, and that Republicans foolishly joined them, thus we'll lose our country..

In the 1960's - 1970's.

- The right wing should have used force to combat Roe vs Wade.

- The right wing should have used force to combat the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965.

- The right wing have combated Liberal Jewish Capitalists like Hollywood, and media from brainwashing the masses into Liberalism.

- Nixon should have used force to revoke Affirmative Action which discriminates against White males... Instead he gave Blacks the Minority Business Development Agency.

In the 1980's onward.

- Reagan should have used force to crack down on those hiring Illegal Immigrants, and welfare for Illegals.... Instead he granted Illegals Amnesty.

- George H.W should have thrown out the Diversity Visa, instead he signed it into action.

- George W Bush should have thrown out DACA with force, instead he renewed it back into action.

The results are that the Conservative Values, Culture, and White heritage of this nation is disappearing.

Explain how this is favorable for Republicans?

You just keep pointing out how the conservatives on this board and fascists have the same goals.
I didn't say there were no Communist countries in Africa.
But capitalism has created more wealth and a better standard of living than any system in the history of the world.

Not like you think what so ever....

India, and Guatemala are definitely Capitalist failures.

While Africa is not good for Democracy, they also have the poorest amount of Government spending on Social welfare in the World..

I'd describe such as perhaps Crony Capitalists.

I didn't say there were no Communist countries in Africa.
Here's the thing: you're whining like a little bitch. If you truly loved your fascism/socialism so much, you would leave the U.S. and go live in Cuba. You don't for a reason. But capitalism has created more wealth and a better standard of living than any system in the history of the world.

So do us all a favor already - shut the fuck up. You're just whinging for the sake of whining. You've been proven wrong. You've been caught lying. And at the end of the day - you haven't left the U.S. (for a reason).
3.) You ARE too stupid, to grasp that there is no equality in race.
You dumb polacks prove that every day...

Polish American user Ray From Cleveland is definitely one of the more logical, and knowledgeable Conservatives here.

(You are actually not at all)

Actually he gave the best Conservative answer for Illegal Immigrants being by Democrats I've seen here.... That Welfare essentially caused a labor shortage in the lower end jobs, because rather than work, and work hard, they long got Welfare, and didn't have to work in the Market much.
That therefor Illegal Mexicans replaced them.

Fact is I don't support this.

I believe in the government giving people jobs who can't find them.

I don't think Welfare should be for nothing, except for the disabled.

I actually think the U.S Government should push the lower class Welfare recipients who aren't working into the labor force, or strip them of welfare.
That moment when a wingnut realizes fascists actually come from his side of the political spectrum. Yeah, that's happening here.

Really? Odium is a self described fascist, but he's also a socialist. He supports Obamacare.

He's a conservative and so is the fascist on this thread I was referring to.

No conservative ever supported socialized medicine, moron. He supports all the social controls and economic interference that you support. The fascist in this thread also supports the same stuff.
I support a Black American National Homeland.
You stated that all blacks should have their citizenship revoked. Therefore, there couldn’t be an “black American homeland”. So once again you contradict yourself.

Well, I'd turn Mississippi into a Black homeland, and then revoke Blacks in the U.S. of their citizenship.
Once again you illustrate the dumb polack stereotype. Mississippi is in the U.S., stupid. So now you’re supporting a sanctuary state. :lmao:
That moment when a wingnut realizes fascists actually come from his side of the political spectrum. Yeah, that's happening here.
Oh poor, poor ignorant little thing. You might actually be dumber than Sobieski (who is a dumb polack with 0 understandings of the political spectrum). Here he is in post #1305 openly admitting that he is a socialist:
I'm a Far Right Winger with minor Socialist beliefs.
Socialism is pure left-wing (just like fascism, sweetie). This is that moment when you realize that you have exposed your ignorance to the world and everyone is laughing at you.
You care nothing about your culture, or preserving it, or even doing the same for Republicans.

I care about liberty. And we will protect it from dumb polacks such as yourself. You can accept that - or you can get the fuck out of my country. Raoul Castro is the ultimate fascist. Go live in Cuba. Put your money where your big, ignorant mouth is.

You point fingers at Poles for being against Liberty.

But, you support Blacks, even though they're even more anti-Liberty than Poles are.

Black American user here supporting Dictator Socialist Gadaffi.

Help me understand something about Black culture / behaviors/ beliefs?

The same Black user here supporting Dictator Socialist Mugabe.

Help me understand something about Black culture / behaviors/ beliefs?

This Black user supports anti-Liberty Collective Bargaining Socialism.

Voting Democrat in 2018 ? WHY ?

This Black user defends Mugabe, and seems to want to take away Whites freedom of speech Liberty.

Martin Luther King was not the only black leader

He then defends anti-Liberty Affirmative Action.

Martin Luther King was not the only black leader

This Black user supports anti-Corporation Liberty.

The tigers predictions of GOP tax bill and the year 2017

This Black user supports Zimbambwe's anti-Liberty actions of discrimination.

Martin Luther King was not the only black leader
That moment when a wingnut realizes fascists actually come from his side of the political spectrum. Yeah, that's happening here.
Oh poor, poor ignorant little thing. You might actually be dumber than Sobieski (who is a dumb polack with 0 understandings of the political spectrum). Here he is in post #1305 openly admitting that he is a socialist:
I'm a Far Right Winger with minor Socialist beliefs.
Socialism is pure left-wing (just like fascism, sweetie). This is that moment when you realize that you have exposed your ignorance to the world and everyone is laughing at you.

You don't understand the Poltiical Spectrum at all.

You don't grasp that you are actually a Liberal.

Liberalism - Wikipedia

beralism is a political philosophy or worldview founded on ideas of liberty and equality.[1][2][3] Liberals espouse a wide array of views depending on their understanding of these principles, but generally they support ideas and programmes such as freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of religion, free markets, civil rights, democratic societies, secular governments, gender equality and international cooperation.[4][5][6][7][8][9][10]
I'm a Far Right Winger with minor Socialist beliefs.
Socialism is pure left-wing (just like fascism, sweetie). This is that moment when you realize that you have exposed your ignorance to the world and everyone is laughing at you.[/QUOTE]

The original Fascists, and also Neo-Fascists generally support Government Intervention for Social Conservative Values, Ethnic heritage first, and National Interest first.

You 100% fail to acknowledge that unlike Liberals (Like yourself) and most Communists who support Equality.... (Leftist view)

That the Fascists are Totalitarian for right wing / socially Conservative values.

The goal of Paleo-Conservatives, and Fascists are pretty similar.... It's the methods which differ.... Truth told is that Fascists have better solutions, and plans to support Socially Conservative values than Paleo-Conservatives.

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