The liberal march towards EXTREME fascism

2.) You ARE too stupid, and unfeeling (Apathetic + Psychopathic) to get that our culture has value, and that you lived in this culture, and that has meaning.
Not nearly as much meaning as liberty has. The founders risked life and limb to create a nation for people to escape miserable morons like you.

You are 100% one track minded, and hyper focused on singular things..Such as Liberty.... You're also extremely apathetic to your culture.... As if you have no feelings.

I think you have Autism, and are not a higher functioning one either like an Asperger.

Don't pull an Adam Lanza on us.
Republicans in the Immigrant take over.
In all might be the biggest pussy I have encountered. You live 24x7 in fear of someone who doesn't look like you "taking over" (while, ironically enough, you scream to take over black people). I've never seen such a scared little boy.

No, you are the biggest Masochist I've ever seen.

You want Mexicans to dominate your Culture, your Republicans, and your Race.

You are either painfully retarded, or painfully masochistic, and apathetic like a BYATCH.
However, the culture is NOT supposed to change much
Seriously? Says who? Where is that written? :lmao:
In Europe many words, foods, customs go back 100's, sometimes 1000's of years.
I didn't ask that. You claimed that "culture is NOT supposed to change much". I asked who said that? Where is it written?

Answer the question or admit you're a dumb polack just making shit up as you go.
1.) You ARE supporting the demise of Republicans in the process I'm supporting the demise of the dumb polack. We have to get you people out of the human gene pool because you people are so astoundingly stupid, you're lowering the collective IQ of mankind.

Poles don't have low IQ's.

You do, as do your low IQ Black, and Mexican buddies.

You are the poster-boy for eugenics 100%.
However, the culture is NOT supposed to change much
Seriously? Says who? Where is that written? :lmao:
In Europe many words, foods, customs go back 100's, sometimes 1000's of years.
I didn't ask that. You claimed that "culture is NOT supposed to change much". I asked who said that? Where is it written?

Answer the question or admit you're a dumb polack just making shit up as you go.

What the heck does written have to do with anything?

You are very desperate, and dumb... Truly a screeching Chimp among Men.
However, the culture is NOT supposed to change much
Seriously? Says who? Where is that written? :lmao:
In Europe many words, foods, customs go back 100's, sometimes 1000's of years.
I didn't ask that. You claimed that "culture is NOT supposed to change much". I asked who said that? Where is it written?

Answer the question or admit you're a dumb polack just making shit up as you go.

What the heck does written have to do with anything?

You are very desperate, and dumb... Truly a screeching Chimp among Men.
So you can't back up your outrageous claim? Yep. That's what I thought. Thanks for playing.
apathetic like a BYATCH.
A "BYATCH"?!?! :lmao:

Holy are comedy gold! I can't believe I met an actual polack this stupid. I can't stop laughing. I think you mean "biatch". It's spelled with an "i" you very special little dumb polack.

I obviously spelled it like that on purpose.

You are very dumb, very OCD, and an unpleasant, miserable, rude, obnoxious twerp who has no business having children.
apathetic like a BYATCH.
A "BYATCH"?!?! :lmao:

Holy are comedy gold! I can't believe I met an actual polack this stupid. I can't stop laughing. I think you mean "biatch". It's spelled with an "i" you very special little dumb polack.

I obviously spelled it like that on purpose.

You are very dumb, very OCD, and an unpleasant, miserable, rude, obnoxious twerp who has no business having children.
Am I a "bYatch"? :lmao:
However, the culture is NOT supposed to change much
Seriously? Says who? Where is that written? :lmao:
In Europe many words, foods, customs go back 100's, sometimes 1000's of years.
I didn't ask that. You claimed that "culture is NOT supposed to change much". I asked who said that? Where is it written?

Answer the question or admit you're a dumb polack just making shit up as you go.

What the heck does written have to do with anything?

You are very desperate, and dumb... Truly a screeching Chimp among Men.
So you can't back up your outrageous claim? Yep. That's what I thought. Thanks for playing.

Culture exists.

What would writing it down have to do with anything?

The truth is MANY people write it down, piece by piece, and sure it changes a little... Didn't deny that... But there is a core culture there.

Way to have OCD Chimp attacks...
apathetic like a BYATCH.
A "BYATCH"?!?! :lmao:

Holy are comedy gold! I can't believe I met an actual polack this stupid. I can't stop laughing. I think you mean "biatch". It's spelled with an "i" you very special little dumb polack.

I obviously spelled it like that on purpose.

You are very dumb, very OCD, and an unpleasant, miserable, rude, obnoxious twerp who has no business having children.
Am I a "bYatch"? :lmao:

I'm sorry that grammar out of order causes you to Chimp out.

I'm so sorry you're a genetic freak with a massive OCD problem.

What a stupid thing to have Nazi like control freak panic attacks tabout... Nope not making sure your Race, Culture, and Politics don't get replaced by major immigration.

But, rather about grammar which doesn't even matter.
2.) You ARE too stupid, and unfeeling (Apathetic + Psychopathic) to get that our culture has value, and that you lived in this culture, and that has meaning.
The founders risked life and limb to create a nation for people to escape miserable morons like you.

You are the most miserable moron on this forum.

If you glance on this forum else where.

I usually can have a civil debate, without name calling, or nitpicking, or the other primitive things you do.

But, you are getting these back in retaliation.
The center of a Nation is the culture of it,
The center of a dumb polacks brain is empty air. It is so funny to see why a stereotype exists. This board thanks you for not only illustrating it for us, but for the laughs as well.

Uh, you're the only major Polish hater here. LMFAO

Actually about 99.9% of dumb Polak phrases I've even seen on this forum in the number of months I've been here, have been yours in just several days.

But, way to assume that the forum is backing you with laughter of Poles.
Education is poor. with a lot of Africans having very limited, and quite a few never going to school.
Apparently it is in Poland as well... :lmao:

Nope... You're stupid, like usual.
you think Africa leads the world in capitalism, and you claim that the founders should be obeyed at all costs while preaching about fascism and stripping people of their 1st Amendment rights.

Explain where I said Africa leads the World in Capitalism?

It's a bit hard to classify Africa, as a collective I'd say they lean towards Crony Capitalist Dictatorships which don't ;invest properly in Education, or Healthcare.

They might not have solid free markets, but they're far behind the World in Social programs as well.
Education is poor. with a lot of Africans having very limited, and quite a few never going to school.
Apparently it is in Poland as well... :lmao:

Nope... You're stupid, like usual.
and you claim that the founders should be obeyed at all costs while preaching about fascism and stripping people of their 1st Amendment rights.

Where did I say the "Founders" should be obeyed at all costs?

No, you always talk about Founders first, but you disobey them on the Naturalization Act of 1790, anyways... So...

I'm not a rigid unthinking idiot, like you.

I support what's best for the Nation.... Not what old books tell me to.
Economics of fascism - Wikipedia

l, fascist economies were based on private property and private initiative, but these were contingent upon service to the state.[17]

Fascist governments encouraged the pursuit of private profit and offered many benefits to large businesses, but they demanded in return that all economic activity should serve the national interest.
Would you please explain to this dimwit that control by the state means it is not "private". He's one of those "special" children that requires special education teachers. I don't have the skillset to get through to people that stupid. Maybe you do?

There's different levels of control..

Communists outright abolished private property.

In Fascists there was still a buyers market for property.

Just the buyers market was essentially inspected for national interest.
Mussolini was a Fascist, his name is practically synonymous with the term. He opposed Socialism. He wasn't promoting liberty and equality, concepts which are associated with the left.

I have a right to hate homosexuals, blacks, or anything else I want. Liberals try to outlaw that 24x7.

I would've thought you were actually Black. LOL

Well..... On the whole the low IQ, the obnoxious big mouth, the fierce support for Blacks, the rude attitude etc.

But, your'e focus only on Liberty isn't common for Black Americans.

Also this comment doesn't support it, either.

I think you're just a very primitive Brit Hick..


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