"..The Legitimacy Of The Struggle Of Peoples For... Liberation By All ... Means, Including Armed Struggle"

Alexandre Fedorovski

Gold Member
Dec 9, 2017


PRESIDENT Joe Biden “gave the OK” for the huge Israeli blitz that levelled an alleged Hamas building in Gaza after Benjamin Netanyahu shared the “smoking gun” evidence.

The evidence is said to have been handed over by the Israeli President during his telephone conversation with Joe Biden on Saturday.
Israeli military spokesman Lt. Col. Jonathan Conricus made similar claims Hamas used the building for a military intelligence office and weapons development on Saturday. He claimed “a highly advanced technological tool” being used by the group was “within or on the building”.

Conricus said "evidence COULD NOT BE PRODUCED TO BACK UP THE CLAIMS ... without intelligence efforts being compromised. FROM THE AUTHOR: And what about General Assembly Resolution 37/43 of December 3, 1982, which "Reaffirms the legitimacy of the struggle of peoples for independence, territorial integrity, national unity and liberation from colonial and foreign domination and foreign occupation by all available means, including armed struggle," Mr. Biden???

Or is it not for the "Chosen Ones"?
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The US will continue to kiss Israels ass -
I am convinced that Israel is a sham Zionist state. The real rulers sit elsewhere

It's strange: there's a tomb-like silence again. So EVERYONE knows that Israel is an artificial, sham state entity whose purpose is to create the illusion that ALL the Jews of the world live in Israel?! Well, then it's a world conspiracy...

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