The left's war on meat and people living well....


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
This is a good look at the left and the way they really dont like normal people.

Now, the leftists here on U.S. messageboard will tell ia that the left is not teying to end meat consumption.....just like they told us they arent after our gas appliances...

they are lying.....Dutch farmers
are learning this as we

Today, a person of ordinary means can toss some steaks on the grill on Memorial Day. That is a good thing, in most people’s opinion, but it galls “elite” leftists, who eat steak themselves but are annoyed that the rest of us can afford to do so, too. Hence the Left’s war on meat, the point of which is to drive up prices so that they can afford steak, pork chops, bacon, etc., but you can’t.

As always, “the environment,” in the form of CO2 emissions, is the excuse. But does that actually make any sense? One of the alternatives to cows, pigs and chickens is lab-grown meat, which has been touted as an environmentally-friendly substitute for the real thing. But a recent study casts doubt on that claim:
And scientists are pushing back against the Left’s attack on meat:

[T]he war on meat is only just getting going – and it has some very powerful supporters. ESG (environmental, social and governance) rankings and corporate social responsibility checklists reward companies for creating vegan products, even if nobody buys them. Meat taxes are being considered to price it out of our reach. The Dutch government is spending €25bn (£22bn) to buy out its livestock farmers and close down their farms. But it’s all based on some very dubious pseudoscience.

Meat taxes are being considered to price it out of our reach.
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The best revenge on leftists is living well.....Revenge is sweet. ;)

The best, BEST revenge on leftoid lunatics AND Demonicreeps is to destroy THEM........utterly and completely.
That way WE the people don't have to worry about evil corruption, destruction, and inhuman programs geared on genocide.
At least for a few generations that is.
This is a good look at the left and the way they really dont like normal people.

Now, the leftists here on U.S. messageboard will tell ia that the left is not teying to end meat consumption.....just like they told us they arent after our gas appliances...

they are lying.....Dutch farmers
are learning this as we

Today, a person of ordinary means can toss some steaks on the grill on Memorial Day. That is a good thing, in most people’s opinion, but it galls “elite” leftists, who eat steak themselves but are annoyed that the rest of us can afford to do so, too. Hence the Left’s war on meat, the point of which is to drive up prices so that they can afford steak, pork chops, bacon, etc., but you can’t.

As always, “the environment,” in the form of CO2 emissions, is the excuse. But does that actually make any sense? One of the alternatives to cows, pigs and chickens is lab-grown meat, which has been touted as an environmentally-friendly substitute for the real thing. But a recent study casts doubt on that claim:
And scientists are pushing back against the Left’s attack on meat:

Meat taxes are being considered to price it out of our reach.

I'm a leftist, who's eating a ham and cheese omelet for breakfast right now as I browse through the new posts. There are a few vegan leftists, but most of us eat animals. The right strip us of our rights, higher salaries, and benefits. They once made alcohol illegal and now make other things illegal because their "bible tells them so". You're the ones undermining human life, defunding government programs that help the poor and the working class. You kick out all of the homeless from your conservative-run cities and they end up in liberal cities. You shift your responsibility on others, even to the point of dumping your sin on a dying deity on a cross. You can't take ownership of your bad behavior or your life, pretending there's an afterlife.

You're the ones who really undermine human progress and flourishing.
I'm happy that I did well for me and mine despite the leftist's best efforts. I can go to my grave fully sated in that regard.....In other words, I got mine by putting in the work. ;)

Now, go rent something. :laughing0301:

Your work isn't worth shit without a society to work in and your co-workers and all of the people who helped you along the way. There are no "self-made" people, just a few arrogant, pretentious assholes who think they did it all on their own, without anyone else's help.
Your work isn't worth shit without a society to work in and your co-workers and all of the people who helped you along the way. There are no "self-made" people, just a few arrogant, pretentious assholes who think they did it all on their own, without anyone else's help.
You people got a paycheck, we are even.
This is a good look at the left and the way they really dont like normal people.

Now, the leftists here on U.S. messageboard will tell ia that the left is not teying to end meat consumption.....just like they told us they arent after our gas appliances...

they are lying.....Dutch farmers
are learning this as we

Today, a person of ordinary means can toss some steaks on the grill on Memorial Day. That is a good thing, in most people’s opinion, but it galls “elite” leftists, who eat steak themselves but are annoyed that the rest of us can afford to do so, too. Hence the Left’s war on meat, the point of which is to drive up prices so that they can afford steak, pork chops, bacon, etc., but you can’t.

As always, “the environment,” in the form of CO2 emissions, is the excuse. But does that actually make any sense? One of the alternatives to cows, pigs and chickens is lab-grown meat, which has been touted as an environmentally-friendly substitute for the real thing. But a recent study casts doubt on that claim:
And scientists are pushing back against the Left’s attack on meat:

Meat taxes are being considered to price it out of our reach.
I have a scientific question before I can respond knowledgeably. Are insects considered to have meat? If they are, then the left are not against eating meat.
Your work isn't worth shit without a society to work in and your co-workers and all of the people who helped you along the way. There are no "self-made" people, just a bunch of arrogant, pretentious assholes who think they did it all on their own, without anyone else's help.

As far as "going to rent something", be thankful the renters allow you to own anything, lest you end with a pitchfork up your ass.
What's wrong, jealous? :laughing0301:

Sorry, it took a lot of work and sacrifice for me to retire early and get where I am today.

And no, I wasn't too good to walk over lesser people that stood in the way of my goals. I also had no qualms about using them to further my own ends either.

A real man does for himself and his family, all other considerations are secondary to that goal.....A man can choose, within limits, wither to be predator or prey.

That's why my kids never saw the inside of a public school.
What's wrong, jealous? :laughing0301:

Sorry, it took a lot of work and sacrifice for me to retire early and get where I am today.

And no, I wasn't too good to walk over lesser people that stood in the way of my goals. I also had no qualms about using them to further my own ends either.

A real man does for himself and his family, all other considerations are secondary to that goal.....A man can choose, within limits, wither to be predator or prey.

That's why my kids never saw the inside of a public school.

Keep fantasizing.
Your work isn't worth shit without a society to work in and your co-workers and all of the people who helped you along the way. There are no "self-made" people, just a few arrogant, pretentious assholes who think they did it all on their own, without anyone else's help.
Yep. that's true. We had a similar mindset, work your butt off to improve your product/service, improve your life. Much different than the "gimme free shit because it's not fair" attitude of you idiots.
I'm a leftist, who's eating a ham and cheese omelet for breakfast right now as I browse through the new posts. There are a few vegan leftists, but most of us eat animals. The right strip us of our rights, higher salaries, and benefits. They once made alcohol illegal and now make other things illegal because their "bible tells them so". You're the ones undermining human life, defunding government programs that help the poor and the working class. You kick out all of the homeless from your conservative-run cities and they end up in liberal cities. You shift your responsibility on others, even to the point of dumping your sin on a dying deity on a cross. You can't take ownership of your bad behavior or your life, pretending there's an afterlife.

You're the ones who really undermine human progress and flourishing.

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