The left Media's response to VA....

Honestly I would say Pelosi is quietly breathing easier.
She would like nothing else than the Democrat party to go back to being the way it was before the progressive madness

She could care less. After 2022 she's heading out to pasture. She's not nearly as bad as Biden but she also is losing her train of thought when she speaks. If she can't be speaker, she will want no part of the House.
It wasn't just Virginia. While the Dems / progressives won a couple of things, their agenda pretty much got destroyed across the country.

Pelosi and the Democrats must be in panic mode over the prospects for 2022. Chances are, they will say they lost these issues because they didn't focus on Trump and racism enough . The left is going to go crazy now.

One of the best features of last night is when voters overwhelmingly voted down getting rid of their police department in Minneapolis. That had to hurt any commie.
You can never guess what those 'swedish meatballs' in MN. are gonna do.

From what I understand it was the black community that led the charge. Who can blame them? They will be the ones with a target on their backs if the cops disappear and they put social workers on the streets instead. But the Democrats thought they could kiss their asses by trying to take cops off the street. Democrats think all blacks are alike. They don't have individual opinions about things.
Whenever you move towards communism, you pretty much hate the country, imo.

They've been moving towards communism for over 20 years. They will never use the term, just like they ran away from the term Socialism. It was only the last couple of years they started to embrace it when Sanders and AOC took the spotlight.
I don't know. I guess it would all depend what you consider legit. She didn't get diddly in the way of votes like most third party candidates.

So in the end there were really only two choices as every has been programed since 1992 that they have to vote for one of the duopoly or it will be the end of the world.

and as thus, the "other" party will always be back in power within 4 to 8 years.
So in the end there were really only two choices as every has been programed since 1992 that they have to vote for one of the duopoly or it will be the end of the world.

and as thus, the "other" party will always be back in power within 4 to 8 years.

And what's wrong with that? It's obviously what most voters want.
Since they have been programed to want that for the last 30 years, it is clearly what they want now. The programing has been very successful.

Programmed how? The candidates run and people pick who they want. People don't bother with third party because they don't have a chance at hell in winning and voters want their vote to count. It has nothing to do with being programmed.
CNN - "This is about culture, and the Republicans "white message" won. (keeping in mind the Lt. Gov is black)
MSNBC - "This is dangerous, the Republican Party is dangerous. We have to rally together, better"
CNN - "Trumpism has won in VA"

Holy shit. I'll just stand over here and LMFAO. Good Lord.
Dems don't handle rejection well. Or my rubbing their noses in it. AND THE DEM GOES DOWN FOR THE COUNT (knockout punch) (makes L sign at Dems)
I voted for perot in 92. He had the most percentage of any party to date vs the other two.

Yeah but unlike all other third party candidates, he had the money to get his name out there. This woman that ran in VA had a name like Princess or something like that. I didn't even know there was another candidate until I looked up how much Youngkin won by.
Programmed how? The candidates run and people pick who they want. People don't bother with third party because they don't have a chance at hell in winning and voters want their vote to count. It has nothing to do with being programmed.

It has everything to do with being programed. In 1992 the duopoly got the shit scared out of them when a 3rd party candidate got a real amount of votes. From that point forward there has been a directed effort to divide the country, to convivence the populous that the other side is so evil and rotten that you cannot possibly vote for anyone but your own party because doing anything else is lettings evil win. They were going to make sure we the people never again united behind a 3rd party candidate.

This is the logic used with third party candidates.

A third party candidate cannot win because nobody will vote for them. Nobody will vote for a third party candidate because they cannot win. A third party candidate cannot win because nobody will vote for them. Nobody will vote for a third party candidate because they cannot win. A third party candidate cannot win because nobody will vote for them. Nobody will vote for a third party candidate because they cannot win. A third party candidate cannot win because nobody will vote for them. Nobody will vote for a third party candidate because they cannot win. A third party candidate cannot win because nobody will vote for them. Nobody will vote for a third party candidate because they cannot win.

it is an endless loop of a self-fulfilling prophecy.

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