The Left Is Setting The Stage For A Coup If Trump Wins


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
The Left Is Setting The Stage For A Coup If Trump Wins
Under the guise of planning for right-wing violence if Trump loses, Democrats are gaming out how to steal the election if Trump wins.

11 Sep 2020 ~~ By John Daniel Davidson

It’s been hard to miss the steady drumbeat of articles and think-pieces over the past few months about Election Day war games and post-election planning underway on the left, rooted in obsessive fears that President Trump will refuse to accept an electoral loss, triggering a constitutional crisis and maybe even widespread civic unrest, all in a desperate attempt to cling to power.
“The Left Secretly Preps for MAGA Violence After Election Day,” reads a recent headline at The Daily Beast. “Is Trump Planning a Coup d’État?” asks another recent piece at The Nation. “Is America in the Early Stages of Armed Insurgency?” frets Slate. Similar pieces have run at the Washington Post (“The election will likely spark violence—and a constitutional crisis”), The Atlantic (“What might he do? What should Americans fear?”), Vox (“Imagine that… Donald Trump refuses to concede defeat”), The New Yorker (“Trump’s threats about rejecting the results come November are not idle”), and on and on.
The news hook for most of these articles is a series of elaborate election war games hosted in June by a newly formed organization called the Transition Integrity Project, touted by the media as a bipartisan group of experts consisting of former elected officials, high-level government staffers, consultants, and journalists like David Frum, who wrote the Atlantic piece referenced above.
In other words, the Transition Integrity Project is a cross-section of our elite ruling class. In its own executive summary of the war games, the group states it was founded “out of concern that the Trump Administration may seek to manipulate, ignore, undermine or disrupt the 2020 presidential election and transition process” — never mind the many ways Democrats in Congress and the executive bureaucracy, aided by the media, have been doing just that since before Trump won the 2016 election.
This kind of electoral hostage-taking isn’t new. In the months before the 1860 election, southern leaders and newspapers warned in explicit terms that electing Lincoln would mean disunion, perhaps even war. “Let the consequences be what they may—whether the Potomac is crimsoned in human gore, and Pennsylvania Avenue is paved ten fathoms deep with mangled bodies,” declared one Georgia newspaper. “The South will never submit to such humiliation and degradation as the inauguration of Abraham Lincoln.”
Most northerners thought this was just bluster, that Lincoln’s election would never lead to actual war and bloodshed. They badly underestimated how lightly the South regarded the Union, and what southerners would do to the country to be rid of it. They should have taken the South at its word.
Now, 160 years later, we face what could be a similar crisis. There’s a rich irony in the elite assumption that post-election violence will come from “right-wing militias” or “vigilante groups,” when the last three months of rioting and looting by Antifa and Black Lives Matter activists have in some ways been a dress rehearsal for what the left is planning in November. You don’t need to read between the lines to understand this, you just need to take these people at their word.

The Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Commies and their elitist fringeseek to start a civil war using the poorly educated children their ideological teachers have produced along with the Blacks they have tortured, kept in poverty and beliitle for generations.
Elitists want to rig the game to protect their privilege aa opposed to those middleclass who work honestly to get ahead.
PMS/DSA Marxist Socialist Democrats continue to promise their followers a utopia if they can only take over America do away with the Constitution and follow Marxist Socialist Communism. Venezuela was once a prosperous country with an economy second only to the U.S.A., "Along came the Spider" called Hugo Chavez proving Marxist Socialist Utopia does not exist.
Today it's China Joe Biden using typical fear tactics now is promising that after 40 years in politics he has the magic formula to create this utopia. Believe him and our country will perish....
The Left Is Setting The Stage For A Coup If Trump Wins
The War of Leftist Aggression? Better design yourselves an iconic flag, stat, for use before the default white one.
The Left Is Setting The Stage For A Coup If Trump Wins
The War of Leftist Aggression? Better design yourselves an iconic flag, stat, for use before the default white one.

Well, it is the left wing who are destroying our major cities.

A couple of quick questions, and answer both if you can. How many of our major cities have been destroyed as you claim, and how much of those cities have been destroyed?

FOX likes to keep you scared by constantly broadcasting a small segment of what is going on, and saying that is is happening all over the country.
The Left Is Setting The Stage For A Coup If Trump Wins
The War of Leftist Aggression? Better design yourselves an iconic flag, stat, for use before the default white one.

Well, it is the left wing who are destroying our major cities.

A couple of quick questions, and answer both if you can. How many of our major cities have been destroyed as you claim, and how much of those cities have been destroyed?

FOX likes to keep you scared by constantly broadcasting a small segment of what is going on, and saying that is is happening all over the country.

Oh, I'm not scared, though I was a bit concerned when the ANTIFA people started trying to burn Reno down. They managed to do some serious damage to some businesses next to the Pioneer Center. I was driving LYFT that night and there was one time that I wished I had a pistol. But Minneapolis, Portland, Seattle, Kenosha, Baltimore, Atlanta, Bakersfield, Boston, New York, Chicago, Columbus, Dallas, Des Moines, Denver, Detroit (for a short time), Houston, DC, LA, Louisville, Memphis, Phoenix, Sacramento, and San Jose, and Reno have all had some form of violence, some really bad, some minor. But all instigated by left wing terrorists.

These are the ones I can remember off the top of my head. I am sure there are more. I don't watch FOX, I watch KTVN for my news.
The Left Is Setting The Stage For A Coup If Trump Wins
The War of Leftist Aggression? Better design yourselves an iconic flag, stat, for use before the default white one.

Well, it is the left wing who are destroying our major cities.

A couple of quick questions, and answer both if you can. How many of our major cities have been destroyed as you claim, and how much of those cities have been destroyed?

FOX likes to keep you scared by constantly broadcasting a small segment of what is going on, and saying that is is happening all over the country.

Oh, I'm not scared, though I was a bit concerned when the ANTIFA people started trying to burn Reno down. They managed to do some serious damage to some businesses next to the Pioneer Center. I was driving LYFT that night and there was one time that I wished I had a pistol. But Minneapolis, Portland, Seattle, Kenosha, Baltimore, Atlanta, Bakersfield, Boston, New York, Chicago, Columbus, Dallas, Des Moines, Denver, Detroit (for a short time), Houston, DC, LA, Louisville, Memphis, Phoenix, Sacramento, and San Jose, and Reno have all had some form of violence, some really bad, some minor. But all instigated by left wing terrorists.

These are the ones I can remember off the top of my head. I am sure there are more. I don't watch FOX, I watch KTVN for my news.

A couple of incidents does not mean that everyone behaves that way. I live in Amarillo TX, and while there have been protests, they have been peaceful, and I have yet to see on the local news where something has been destroyed or burned down.

Matter of fact, I have yet to hear of a single incident in the whole TX Panhandle, and that covers a lot of territory.
The Left Is Setting The Stage For A Coup If Trump Wins
The War of Leftist Aggression? Better design yourselves an iconic flag, stat, for use before the default white one.

Well, it is the left wing who are destroying our major cities.

A couple of quick questions, and answer both if you can. How many of our major cities have been destroyed as you claim, and how much of those cities have been destroyed?

FOX likes to keep you scared by constantly broadcasting a small segment of what is going on, and saying that is is happening all over the country.

Oh, I'm not scared, though I was a bit concerned when the ANTIFA people started trying to burn Reno down. They managed to do some serious damage to some businesses next to the Pioneer Center. I was driving LYFT that night and there was one time that I wished I had a pistol. But Minneapolis, Portland, Seattle, Kenosha, Baltimore, Atlanta, Bakersfield, Boston, New York, Chicago, Columbus, Dallas, Des Moines, Denver, Detroit (for a short time), Houston, DC, LA, Louisville, Memphis, Phoenix, Sacramento, and San Jose, and Reno have all had some form of violence, some really bad, some minor. But all instigated by left wing terrorists.

These are the ones I can remember off the top of my head. I am sure there are more. I don't watch FOX, I watch KTVN for my news.

A couple of incidents does not mean that everyone behaves that way. I live in Amarillo TX, and while there have been protests, they have been peaceful, and I have yet to see on the local news where something has been destroyed or burned down.

Matter of fact, I have yet to hear of a single incident in the whole TX Panhandle, and that covers a lot of territory.

I just listed the cities I knew where violence had occurred. You all try and make it seem like it is nothing but the businesses that they burned in Reno are never coming back. That sucks. So, for THOSE people it IS a big deal. I don't understand how you can minimize the very real pain that these riots are causing. More people have died in the riots than all of the unfortunate black men killed by police over a period of three years. Doesn't that concern you?

And, just a thought, maybe the reason why the protests remained peaceful is because your mayor and police wouldn't allow ANTIFA to riot? Could it be that the police made it clear that so long as the protest remained peaceful they were fine, but if they tried to riot the response would be swift, and hard?
The Left Is Setting The Stage For A Coup If Trump Wins
The War of Leftist Aggression? Better design yourselves an iconic flag, stat, for use before the default white one.

Well, it is the left wing who are destroying our major cities.

A couple of quick questions, and answer both if you can. How many of our major cities have been destroyed as you claim, and how much of those cities have been destroyed?

FOX likes to keep you scared by constantly broadcasting a small segment of what is going on, and saying that is is happening all over the country.

Oh, I'm not scared, though I was a bit concerned when the ANTIFA people started trying to burn Reno down. They managed to do some serious damage to some businesses next to the Pioneer Center. I was driving LYFT that night and there was one time that I wished I had a pistol. But Minneapolis, Portland, Seattle, Kenosha, Baltimore, Atlanta, Bakersfield, Boston, New York, Chicago, Columbus, Dallas, Des Moines, Denver, Detroit (for a short time), Houston, DC, LA, Louisville, Memphis, Phoenix, Sacramento, and San Jose, and Reno have all had some form of violence, some really bad, some minor. But all instigated by left wing terrorists.

These are the ones I can remember off the top of my head. I am sure there are more. I don't watch FOX, I watch KTVN for my news.

Houston and Dallas are still there. I didn't see any bad spots other than the normal bad spots that have always been there. Who ever told you they were destroyed lied to you.
The Left Is Setting The Stage For A Coup If Trump Wins
The War of Leftist Aggression? Better design yourselves an iconic flag, stat, for use before the default white one.

Well, it is the left wing who are destroying our major cities.

A couple of quick questions, and answer both if you can. How many of our major cities have been destroyed as you claim, and how much of those cities have been destroyed?

FOX likes to keep you scared by constantly broadcasting a small segment of what is going on, and saying that is is happening all over the country.

Oh, I'm not scared, though I was a bit concerned when the ANTIFA people started trying to burn Reno down. They managed to do some serious damage to some businesses next to the Pioneer Center. I was driving LYFT that night and there was one time that I wished I had a pistol. But Minneapolis, Portland, Seattle, Kenosha, Baltimore, Atlanta, Bakersfield, Boston, New York, Chicago, Columbus, Dallas, Des Moines, Denver, Detroit (for a short time), Houston, DC, LA, Louisville, Memphis, Phoenix, Sacramento, and San Jose, and Reno have all had some form of violence, some really bad, some minor. But all instigated by left wing terrorists.

These are the ones I can remember off the top of my head. I am sure there are more. I don't watch FOX, I watch KTVN for my news.

Houston and Dallas are still there. I didn't see any bad spots other than the normal bad spots that have always been there. Who ever told you they were destroyed lied to you.

The language I used was "destroying". Clearly you have no concept of nuance or scale.
The Left Is Setting The Stage For A Coup If Trump Wins
The War of Leftist Aggression? Better design yourselves an iconic flag, stat, for use before the default white one.

Well, it is the left wing who are destroying our major cities.

A couple of quick questions, and answer both if you can. How many of our major cities have been destroyed as you claim, and how much of those cities have been destroyed?

FOX likes to keep you scared by constantly broadcasting a small segment of what is going on, and saying that is is happening all over the country.

Oh, I'm not scared, though I was a bit concerned when the ANTIFA people started trying to burn Reno down. They managed to do some serious damage to some businesses next to the Pioneer Center. I was driving LYFT that night and there was one time that I wished I had a pistol. But Minneapolis, Portland, Seattle, Kenosha, Baltimore, Atlanta, Bakersfield, Boston, New York, Chicago, Columbus, Dallas, Des Moines, Denver, Detroit (for a short time), Houston, DC, LA, Louisville, Memphis, Phoenix, Sacramento, and San Jose, and Reno have all had some form of violence, some really bad, some minor. But all instigated by left wing terrorists.

These are the ones I can remember off the top of my head. I am sure there are more. I don't watch FOX, I watch KTVN for my news.

Houston and Dallas are still there. I didn't see any bad spots other than the normal bad spots that have always been there. Who ever told you they were destroyed lied to you.

The language I used was "destroying". Clearly you have no concept of nuance or scale.

And clearly you have no concept of reality. Quit making shit up dumb ass.
The Left Is Setting The Stage For A Coup If Trump Wins
The War of Leftist Aggression? Better design yourselves an iconic flag, stat, for use before the default white one.

Well, it is the left wing who are destroying our major cities.

A couple of quick questions, and answer both if you can. How many of our major cities have been destroyed as you claim, and how much of those cities have been destroyed?

FOX likes to keep you scared by constantly broadcasting a small segment of what is going on, and saying that is is happening all over the country.

In the last three months the cities hit with arson, looting, and rioting by Antifa and BLM are...
Atlanta, Boston, Chicago, Dallas, Denver, Detroit, Houston, Kenosha, Louisville, Los Angeles, Minneapolis, New York, Phoenix, Richmond, Rochester, Portland, Seattle, St. Louis, St. Paul, and Washington D.C.
A total of 20 cities, All Democrat, All Blue Sanctuary Plantation cities
The Left Is Setting The Stage For A Coup If Trump Wins
The War of Leftist Aggression? Better design yourselves an iconic flag, stat, for use before the default white one.

Well, it is the left wing who are destroying our major cities.

A couple of quick questions, and answer both if you can. How many of our major cities have been destroyed as you claim, and how much of those cities have been destroyed?

FOX likes to keep you scared by constantly broadcasting a small segment of what is going on, and saying that is is happening all over the country.

In the last three months the cities hit with arson, looting, and rioting by Antifa and BLM are...
Atlanta, Boston, Chicago, Dallas, Denver, Detroit, Houston, Kenosha, Louisville, Los Angeles, Minneapolis, New York, Phoenix, Richmond, Rochester, Portland, Seattle, St. Louis, St. Paul, and Washington D.C.
A total of 20 cities, All Democrat, All Blue Sanctuary Plantation cities

Please list all the damage done by riots in Houston in the last several months. I'm curious as to how much of the city has been destroyed.
The Left Is Setting The Stage For A Coup If Trump Wins
The War of Leftist Aggression? Better design yourselves an iconic flag, stat, for use before the default white one.

Well, it is the left wing who are destroying our major cities.

A couple of quick questions, and answer both if you can. How many of our major cities have been destroyed as you claim, and how much of those cities have been destroyed?

FOX likes to keep you scared by constantly broadcasting a small segment of what is going on, and saying that is is happening all over the country.

In the last three months the cities hit with arson, looting, and rioting by Antifa and BLM are...
Atlanta, Boston, Chicago, Dallas, Denver, Detroit, Houston, Kenosha, Louisville, Los Angeles, Minneapolis, New York, Phoenix, Richmond, Rochester, Portland, Seattle, St. Louis, St. Paul, and Washington D.C.
A total of 20 cities, All Democrat, All Blue Sanctuary Plantation cities

And Denver handled it just like it always has since the 1968 Race Riots. I'll say it again, those things can only last as long as the locals allow it to happen. When the locals have had enough, THEY stop it. And Detroit had enough and the Store owners stopped it themselves. Funny how you just picked names out of a hat and included cities that aren't having those problems along with those that are just to run up the tally to make it sound worse than it already is. Again, it only goes on until the Locals say enough is enough.
I see Trump as more likely to go through the litigation process if he loses. Nothing in the OP's article matches Trump's rhetoric that only a corrupt election can be the cause of defeat.
One thread has them paranoid that the Left will start a civil war, another thread has them itching for civil war and comparing gun collections.

I doubt that any of this stuff is supposed to taken seriously.
The Left Is Setting The Stage For A Coup If Trump Wins
Under the guise of planning for right-wing violence if Trump loses, Democrats are gaming out how to steal the election if Trump wins.

11 Sep 2020 ~~ By John Daniel Davidson

It’s been hard to miss the steady drumbeat of articles and think-pieces over the past few months about Election Day war games and post-election planning underway on the left, rooted in obsessive fears that President Trump will refuse to accept an electoral loss, triggering a constitutional crisis and maybe even widespread civic unrest, all in a desperate attempt to cling to power.
“The Left Secretly Preps for MAGA Violence After Election Day,” reads a recent headline at The Daily Beast. “Is Trump Planning a Coup d’État?” asks another recent piece at The Nation. “Is America in the Early Stages of Armed Insurgency?” frets Slate. Similar pieces have run at the Washington Post (“The election will likely spark violence—and a constitutional crisis”), The Atlantic (“What might he do? What should Americans fear?”), Vox (“Imagine that… Donald Trump refuses to concede defeat”), The New Yorker (“Trump’s threats about rejecting the results come November are not idle”), and on and on.
The news hook for most of these articles is a series of elaborate election war games hosted in June by a newly formed organization called the Transition Integrity Project, touted by the media as a bipartisan group of experts consisting of former elected officials, high-level government staffers, consultants, and journalists like David Frum, who wrote the Atlantic piece referenced above.
In other words, the Transition Integrity Project is a cross-section of our elite ruling class. In its own executive summary of the war games, the group states it was founded “out of concern that the Trump Administration may seek to manipulate, ignore, undermine or disrupt the 2020 presidential election and transition process” — never mind the many ways Democrats in Congress and the executive bureaucracy, aided by the media, have been doing just that since before Trump won the 2016 election.
This kind of electoral hostage-taking isn’t new. In the months before the 1860 election, southern leaders and newspapers warned in explicit terms that electing Lincoln would mean disunion, perhaps even war. “Let the consequences be what they may—whether the Potomac is crimsoned in human gore, and Pennsylvania Avenue is paved ten fathoms deep with mangled bodies,” declared one Georgia newspaper. “The South will never submit to such humiliation and degradation as the inauguration of Abraham Lincoln.”
Most northerners thought this was just bluster, that Lincoln’s election would never lead to actual war and bloodshed. They badly underestimated how lightly the South regarded the Union, and what southerners would do to the country to be rid of it. They should have taken the South at its word.
Now, 160 years later, we face what could be a similar crisis. There’s a rich irony in the elite assumption that post-election violence will come from “right-wing militias” or “vigilante groups,” when the last three months of rioting and looting by Antifa and Black Lives Matter activists have in some ways been a dress rehearsal for what the left is planning in November. You don’t need to read between the lines to understand this, you just need to take these people at their word.

The Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Commies and their elitist fringeseek to start a civil war using the poorly educated children their ideological teachers have produced along with the Blacks they have tortured, kept in poverty and beliitle for generations.
Elitists want to rig the game to protect their privilege aa opposed to those middleclass who work honestly to get ahead.
PMS/DSA Marxist Socialist Democrats continue to promise their followers a utopia if they can only take over America do away with the Constitution and follow Marxist Socialist Communism. Venezuela was once a prosperous country with an economy second only to the U.S.A., "Along came the Spider" called Hugo Chavez proving Marxist Socialist Utopia does not exist.
Today it's China Joe Biden using typical fear tactics now is promising that after 40 years in politics he has the magic formula to create this utopia. Believe him and our country will perish....

The statist left has always catered to the darker side of human nature.
The Left Is Setting The Stage For A Coup If Trump Wins
Under the guise of planning for right-wing violence if Trump loses, Democrats are gaming out how to steal the election if Trump wins.

11 Sep 2020 ~~ By John Daniel Davidson

It’s been hard to miss the steady drumbeat of articles and think-pieces over the past few months about Election Day war games and post-election planning underway on the left, rooted in obsessive fears that President Trump will refuse to accept an electoral loss, triggering a constitutional crisis and maybe even widespread civic unrest, all in a desperate attempt to cling to power.
“The Left Secretly Preps for MAGA Violence After Election Day,” reads a recent headline at The Daily Beast. “Is Trump Planning a Coup d’État?” asks another recent piece at The Nation. “Is America in the Early Stages of Armed Insurgency?” frets Slate. Similar pieces have run at the Washington Post (“The election will likely spark violence—and a constitutional crisis”), The Atlantic (“What might he do? What should Americans fear?”), Vox (“Imagine that… Donald Trump refuses to concede defeat”), The New Yorker (“Trump’s threats about rejecting the results come November are not idle”), and on and on.
The news hook for most of these articles is a series of elaborate election war games hosted in June by a newly formed organization called the Transition Integrity Project, touted by the media as a bipartisan group of experts consisting of former elected officials, high-level government staffers, consultants, and journalists like David Frum, who wrote the Atlantic piece referenced above.
In other words, the Transition Integrity Project is a cross-section of our elite ruling class. In its own executive summary of the war games, the group states it was founded “out of concern that the Trump Administration may seek to manipulate, ignore, undermine or disrupt the 2020 presidential election and transition process” — never mind the many ways Democrats in Congress and the executive bureaucracy, aided by the media, have been doing just that since before Trump won the 2016 election.
This kind of electoral hostage-taking isn’t new. In the months before the 1860 election, southern leaders and newspapers warned in explicit terms that electing Lincoln would mean disunion, perhaps even war. “Let the consequences be what they may—whether the Potomac is crimsoned in human gore, and Pennsylvania Avenue is paved ten fathoms deep with mangled bodies,” declared one Georgia newspaper. “The South will never submit to such humiliation and degradation as the inauguration of Abraham Lincoln.”
Most northerners thought this was just bluster, that Lincoln’s election would never lead to actual war and bloodshed. They badly underestimated how lightly the South regarded the Union, and what southerners would do to the country to be rid of it. They should have taken the South at its word.
Now, 160 years later, we face what could be a similar crisis. There’s a rich irony in the elite assumption that post-election violence will come from “right-wing militias” or “vigilante groups,” when the last three months of rioting and looting by Antifa and Black Lives Matter activists have in some ways been a dress rehearsal for what the left is planning in November. You don’t need to read between the lines to understand this, you just need to take these people at their word.

The Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Commies and their elitist fringeseek to start a civil war using the poorly educated children their ideological teachers have produced along with the Blacks they have tortured, kept in poverty and beliitle for generations.
Elitists want to rig the game to protect their privilege aa opposed to those middleclass who work honestly to get ahead.
PMS/DSA Marxist Socialist Democrats continue to promise their followers a utopia if they can only take over America do away with the Constitution and follow Marxist Socialist Communism. Venezuela was once a prosperous country with an economy second only to the U.S.A., "Along came the Spider" called Hugo Chavez proving Marxist Socialist Utopia does not exist.
Today it's China Joe Biden using typical fear tactics now is promising that after 40 years in politics he has the magic formula to create this utopia. Believe him and our country will perish....
More astounding stupidity. Grow the hell up.

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