The Left Holds Itself to Lower Standards of Behavior


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
The left is made up of the dregs of society...

"One can only imagine the widespread media, political, and intellectual condemnation of Republicans and conservatives if, after the inauguration of President Obama, they had gone on a violent and vicious tear all over the nation as did Democrats and liberals after the inauguration of President Trump."

The Left Holds Itself to Lower Standards of Behavior
How can they have "lower" standards?

They have zero now.

They try and steal standards from conservatives when it's politically expedient, but immediately after elections they ridicule those standards.

They're morally bankrupt.

The left is made up of the dregs of society...

"One can only imagine the widespread media, political, and intellectual condemnation of Republicans and conservatives if, after the inauguration of President Obama, they had gone on a violent and vicious tear all over the nation as did Democrats and liberals after the inauguration of President Trump."

The Left Holds Itself to Lower Standards of Behavior

Just out of curiosity, what causes you to refer to me as being in the dregs of society?
The Left Holds Itself to Lower Standards of Behavior
Since when did the "The ends justify the means" gub'mint worshipers on the left have ANY standards regarding their own behavior? Hell having "lower" standards would be a vast improvement for 'em.

"Never attempt to win by force what can be won by deception." -- Niccolo Machiavelli, The Prince
The left is made up of the dregs of society...

"One can only imagine the widespread media, political, and intellectual condemnation of Republicans and conservatives if, after the inauguration of President Obama, they had gone on a violent and vicious tear all over the nation as did Democrats and liberals after the inauguration of President Trump."

The Left Holds Itself to Lower Standards of Behavior

Just out of curiosity, what causes you to refer to me as being in the dregs of society?
LOL, apparently the shoe fit, huh Cinderella? .
The left is made up of the dregs of society...

"One can only imagine the widespread media, political, and intellectual condemnation of Republicans and conservatives if, after the inauguration of President Obama, they had gone on a violent and vicious tear all over the nation as did Democrats and liberals after the inauguration of President Trump."

The Left Holds Itself to Lower Standards of Behavior
Rioting and looting are for the intellectual, sophisticated classes, dontcha know.

The peaceable assembly of the TEA Party, OTOH, why, that's just un-American.
The left is made up of the dregs of society...

"One can only imagine the widespread media, political, and intellectual condemnation of Republicans and conservatives if, after the inauguration of President Obama, they had gone on a violent and vicious tear all over the nation as did Democrats and liberals after the inauguration of President Trump."

The Left Holds Itself to Lower Standards of Behavior
Is it the left, or the Poor who may feel the Rich get to make more rules for the rest of us, without even paying any income taxes for it.
Is it the left, or the Poor who may feel the Rich get to make more rules for the rest of us, without even paying any income taxes for it.
You just perfectly summarized why everyone should vote Tea Party. The left thought it would be great to leverage their vote to have communism. A government placing the gun to the head of others and taking what they earned. Unfortunately, in their infinite stupidity, it never occurred to them that absolute power corrupts absolutely. And that their beloved leaders (like Nancy Pelosi, the Clinton's, etc.) were up for the highest bidder.

If you of tired of someone else making rules for you - I'm with you brother. Start voting Tea Party. Less rules. More liberty.
It's easy to run as a democrat. They don't have to endure pesky accusations of hypocrisy because the democrat party makes no claims of family or moral values.
It's easy to run as a democrat. They don't have to endure pesky accusations of hypocrisy because the democrat party makes no claims of family or moral values.
Not only that - but think of how easy your message is:

Dumbocrat: I promise to give you "free" food, "free" housing, "free" healthcare, "free" transportation. You will never have to work again.

Intelligent/Informed Citizen: "Who is going to pay for all of this 'free' stuff"?

Dumbocrat: Racist!!!

Now compare that to the Republican message:

Republican: I'm going to restore liberty and create jobs so that you can work for the exact life you desire

Progressive minion: "Racist! Your white privilege has no right to make me hold a job and work for my own needs"
Bwhahahahahaha too funny bringing up behavior. Right, whose party who supported a candidate famous for hitting below the belt with lies about his opponents, and grabbing things below the belt of beautiful women when he wanted to, because he could (you know he's a star).
Bwhahahahahaha too funny bringing up behavior. Right, whose party who supported a candidate famous for hitting below the belt with lies about his opponents, and grabbing things below the belt of beautiful women when he wanted to, because he could (you know he's a star).
Now compare that to the left: ran a candidate named Hitlery Clinton for her constant onslaught of lies and her criminal activities as Secretary of State, shuts down any and all speaking events if it doesn't align with their ideology, loots, riots, sets fire to and destroys property around the nation, and resorts to mob violence against defenseless individuals.

Shame on you Blind-Asshole. You're as repulsive and despicable as your fellow progressives.
The left has gone from bad to worse to down right criminal. The beauty of it is that the world is watching and their actions are manufacturing more conservatives every day. The bad news is that a lot of good people are getting hurt in the process.

Conservatives: I cannot stress this enough. You must be armed 24x7. When you attend these events, arm yourself (firearms, knives, teasers, mace, etc.). Not just one of those. All of those. Go in groups and defend yourselves. Use the minimum force necessary to end the violence against you (up to and including lethal force). Whatever level you were forced into using, keep them subdued until law enforcement arrives and press charges. Don't let these animals just get up and walk away so that they can comeback again the next day and attack someone else.

To the Trump Administration: it's time to crack down on this stuff. This is domestic terrorism - making it your jurisdiction. It is time to turn Homeland Security and the F.B.I. on these animals. Track them down, prosecute them, and put them in prison where they belong.

Domestic Terrorism Hits UC Berkeley and Our Media Only Encourages More
The left is made up of the dregs of society...

"One can only imagine the widespread media, political, and intellectual condemnation of Republicans and conservatives if, after the inauguration of President Obama, they had gone on a violent and vicious tear all over the nation as did Democrats and liberals after the inauguration of President Trump."

The Left Holds Itself to Lower Standards of Behavior

Just out of curiosity, what causes you to refer to me as being in the dregs of society?
It's almost like you don't read your own posts.
The left is made up of the dregs of society...

"One can only imagine the widespread media, political, and intellectual condemnation of Republicans and conservatives if, after the inauguration of President Obama, they had gone on a violent and vicious tear all over the nation as did Democrats and liberals after the inauguration of President Trump."

The Left Holds Itself to Lower Standards of Behavior
? and this is from someone who supports a party that recently supported a pedo for senate in Alabama
The left is made up of the dregs of society...

"One can only imagine the widespread media, political, and intellectual condemnation of Republicans and conservatives if, after the inauguration of President Obama, they had gone on a violent and vicious tear all over the nation as did Democrats and liberals after the inauguration of President Trump."

The Left Holds Itself to Lower Standards of Behavior
? and this is from someone who supports a party that recently supported a pedo for senate in Alabama
But it's hard to see hypocrisy when you are a blind person lead by the blind leaders...

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