The left has embraced fascism in its purest form

Liberals have embraced fascism in its purest form.

I can promise they will be seriously injured if they ever touched my SUV. I'm done with these fascist mother-fuckers using violence, intimidation, and destruction of property to achieve their fucked-up political agenda.
Liberals have embraced fascism in its purest form.

I can promise they will be seriously injured if they ever touched my SUV. I'm done with these fascist mother-fuckers using violence, intimidation, and destruction of property to achieve their fucked-up political agenda.

Like Proud Boys or Qanon and other crackpot militants?
Liberals have embraced fascism in its purest form.
"Liberals" (I use the term loosely) are too stupid to be fascists

Progtards are exactly like Mao's peasants. They're being used.

By a very SMALL group of people.

The so-called leftard "leadership" is being used too, the only difference is they know it and they're being handsomely paid for it. High class whores, is what they are.
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"Liberals" (I use the term loosely) are too stupid to be fascists

Progtards are exactly like Mao's peasants. They're being used.

By a very SMALL group of people.

The so-called leftard "leadership" is being used too, the only difference is they know it and they're being handsomely paid for it. High class whores, is what they are.

Fascism isn't liberal. Never has been.
Fascism isn't liberal. Never has been.
The usual projection from fascist republicans.
Right out of the Putin/Russian playbook.

  • authoritarian and nationalistic right-wing system of government and social organization.
The usual projection from fascist republicans.
Right out of the Putin/Russian playbook.

  • authoritarian and nationalistic right-wing system of government and social organization.


It's just lack of education. The famous Fascists of the 20th century are Franco of Spain, Mussolini and Hitler. There are others, but I think they are too lazy to even be curious.
The usual projection from fascist republicans.
Right out of the Putin/Russian playbook.

  • authoritarian and nationalistic right-wing system of government and social organization.

These DUMB FUCKING LEFTARDS read stupid shit on the internet and automatically assume it's true.

These people are fucking IDIOTS, there's not a brain cell in the whole entire hive.

Hey, dumbass uneducated ignorant fucktard, fascism is an ECONOMIC system. Get it? M-O-N-E-Y.

What a bunch of fucking morons.

These shit for brains scumbags think they can educate ME about fascism?

Message to leftards: go crawl back under your rock. Get the fuck outta here.
I admire your patience :laugh:

Really? Thank you.


It's just lack of education. The famous Fascists of the 20th century are Franco of Spain, Mussolini and Hitler. There are others, but I think they are too lazy to even be curious.
Yes, there are and the cult embraces them.

Fox News' Tucker Carlson is broadcasting from Budapest, Hungary, this week. For a lot of people, this might be perplexing. But for those who've closely followed the far right in recent years, it makes perfect sense.

Many American conservatives admire Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, a xenophobic, anti-LGBTQ authoritarian who's been in power for 11 years and who endorsed President Donald Trump's reelection campaign last year. They see Orbán as a more effective version of Trump — and a model for the future of right-wing politics in the US.
Yes, there are and the cult embraces them.

Fox News' Tucker Carlson is broadcasting from Budapest, Hungary, this week. For a lot of people, this might be perplexing. But for those who've closely followed the far right in recent years, it makes perfect sense.

Many American conservatives admire Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, a xenophobic, anti-LGBTQ authoritarian who's been in power for 11 years and who endorsed President Donald Trump's reelection campaign last year. They see Orbán as a more effective version of Trump — and a model for the future of right-wing politics in the US.

Nationalism and Fascism go hand in hand with authoritarian leaders. What a sad history.

These DUMB FUCKING LEFTARDS read stupid shit on the internet and automatically assume it's true.
Sure, even "dictionaries are lying to us".

You fucking MORON.
These people are fucking IDIOTS, there's not a brain cell in the whole entire hive.
You're a prime example.
Hey, dumbass uneducated ignorant fucktard, fascism is an ECONOMIC system. Get it? M-O-N-E-Y.
You believe everything on Q NUT daily?
What a bunch of fucking morons.

These shit for brains scumbags think they can educate ME about fascism?
Fascism is a far-right, authoritarian ultranationalist political ideology and movement, characterized by dictatorial power, militarism, forcible suppression of opposition, belief in a natural social hierarchy, subordination of individual interests for the good of the nation, and strong regimentation of society and the economy.

Message to leftards: go crawl back under your rock. Get the fuck outta here.
Go get another gallon.


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