The last thing we need is a rushed, chaotic Afghanistan pullout


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

The last thing we need is a rushed, chaotic Afghanistan pullout

Remaining in Afghanistan forever never made sense, but a rushed, chaotic departure of US forces — as that took place at Bagram Airfield last week — is senseless, too.
Afghan soldiers who’ll now defend the base were caught off guard when generators suddenly shut down and lights went out as they sat for dinner. Even the facility’s new Afghan commander, Gen. Mir Asadullah Kohistani, didn’t know the Americans had skedaddled until later.
“We [heard] some rumor that the Americans had left . . . and finally by 7 o’clock in the morning . . . it was confirmed,” Kohistani said.
The move set off a mad rush by looters to clean out the place. It also fueled resentment among America’s Afghan allies. “In one night, [the Americans] lost all the good will of 20 years by leaving the way they did,” one soldier told the Associated Press.
“The loss of terrain and the rapidity of that loss of terrain has to be concerning” because morale “matters,” frets US Army Gen. Austin Scott Miller, who’s overseeing the withdrawal. “What you don’t want to have happen is that the people lose hope.”
President Joe Biden argues that post-pullout, we can use all our tools to “defend ourselves” as needed, while maintaining the status quo indefinitely could cost trillions and risk more US lives. Fair enough — but surely even Biden’s folks could’ve taken care to depart without making it seem like all is already lost.



"The Pentagon will supply Kabul with 37 modernized Blackhawk helicopters, and will also replace the planes knocked out by the Taliban with new ones"

Is it by agreement with the Taliban, that the americans are building their air Force?
"The Pentagon will supply Kabul with 37 modernized Blackhawk helicopters, and will also replace the planes knocked out by the Taliban with new ones"

Is it by agreement with the Taliban, that the americans are building their air Force?
like to see one of those donkey humpers try to fly a helicopter
I support the withdrawal but yeah they should have taken more precautions to move supporters to safe areas. The war between the Taliban and the government will still go on. They should have negotiated some deal that at least allowed some dialogue between the two. There will be senseless killing as everyone points fingers about who side are you on.
"The US Special Representative warned the Taliban that the US will not recognize the military victory of the Taliban in Afghanistan"
And began to cry... Аre they serious?

"The Pentagon reported that the US Air Force's aerial bombing of Taliban positions may continue until the withdrawal of American troops from Afghanistan by the beginning of September"

This is not headlines, this is circus of impotents.
The Pentagon is withdrawing troops from Iraq because the US should focus on the threats that come from Russia and China.
US Armed Forces General John Hyten.
Strategy, you know, it's hard to understand for beginners.
The germans also used to "reduced the front line", and did not just run to Berlin, as it might seem.
JoeB131 good thing you were not around in Dec 1941.....

If we were still Nation Building in Japan in 1961, with no closer to being to a stable government, we should have asked the question there, too.

But here was the thing. The Japanese people stepped up to the plate and got about the business of Nation-building. We weren't still fighting in Japan in 1961 because they made the effort.
JoeB131 one is saying we should be doing nation building.......the people that killed MORE Americans than at Pearl Harbor were in Afhganistan/based there/etc

The last thing we need is a rushed, chaotic Afghanistan pullout

Remaining in Afghanistan forever never made sense, but a rushed, chaotic departure of US forces — as that took place at Bagram Airfield last week — is senseless, too.
Afghan soldiers who’ll now defend the base were caught off guard when generators suddenly shut down and lights went out as they sat for dinner. Even the facility’s new Afghan commander, Gen. Mir Asadullah Kohistani, didn’t know the Americans had skedaddled until later.
“We [heard] some rumor that the Americans had left . . . and finally by 7 o’clock in the morning . . . it was confirmed,” Kohistani said.
The move set off a mad rush by looters to clean out the place. It also fueled resentment among America’s Afghan allies. “In one night, [the Americans] lost all the good will of 20 years by leaving the way they did,” one soldier told the Associated Press.
“The loss of terrain and the rapidity of that loss of terrain has to be concerning” because morale “matters,” frets US Army Gen. Austin Scott Miller, who’s overseeing the withdrawal. “What you don’t want to have happen is that the people lose hope.”
President Joe Biden argues that post-pullout, we can use all our tools to “defend ourselves” as needed, while maintaining the status quo indefinitely could cost trillions and risk more US lives. Fair enough — but surely even Biden’s folks could’ve taken care to depart without making it seem like all is already lost.



Whenever I see fascist idiocy, it's from a Trumpoid. Can the insults, little boy. You white-rights are attempting to destroy democracy in this country but fortunately you'll likely suffer such a high death rate from Delta variant (which should be re-named the DeSantis or Abbot variant) that you'll be unable to pull of your coup.

Trump screwed up Afghanistan with his deal with the Taliban, duh. Have you ever, anywhere, at any time had a clue, boy?
Slow or fast it ends the same.
We could send our" greatest ally in his story" over to lend a hand.
IsNtReal will surely handle it plus the gas to get there will be cheepahhh
I'm sure they wouldn't mind dragging home some tonnage in poppy and lithium as a bonus
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Whenever I see fascist idiocy, it's from a Trumpoid. Can the insults, little boy. You white-rights are attempting to destroy democracy in this country but fortunately you'll likely suffer such a high death rate from Delta variant (which should be re-named the DeSantis or Abbot variant) that you'll be unable to pull of your coup.

Trump screwed up Afghanistan with his deal with the Taliban, duh. Have you ever, anywhere, at any time had a clue, boy?
Whenever I see fascist idiocy, it's from a Bidenite. Can the insults, little boy. You black lefts are attempting to destroy democracy in this country but fortunately you'll likely suffer such a high death rate from Delta variant (which should be re-named the Cuomo or Biden variant) that you'll be unable to pull of your coup.

Obama and Biden screwed up Afghanistan with his deal with the Taliban, duh. Have you ever, anywhere, at any time had a clue, boy?
JoeB131 one is saying we should be doing nation building.......the people that killed MORE Americans than at Pearl Harbor were in Afhganistan/based there/etc

And we killed most of those people.

The people we are fighting now were children when that happened.

So are a lot of the soldiers we are sending over there. Imagine being an 18 year old Marine being sent to fight the last stage of a war that started before you were born? Craziness.
The United States spent almost $100 billion on recreating and equipping the Afghan army, so that the Taliban would hold a victory parade over the United States in the center of Kabul on american armored vehicles taken from the surrendered Afghan army...
The wildest corruption of capitalism in the non-financial (financial is all super-thievish) sphere can be understood by the example of Afghanistan, for the "restoration and stability" of which the United States spent $2 trillion. The country is in ruins and savagery. Where's the money? In offshores of ober-thieves, of course!
Can you imagine what kind of paradise could be built for $2 trillion in a country with a population of 32 million people, if not for total theft?
We could send our" greatest ally in his story" over to lend a hand.
IsNtReal will surely handle it plus the gas to get there will be cheepahhh
I'm sure they wouldn't mind dragging home some tonnage in poppy and lithium as a bonus
Israel does not jump to Washington's commands. Israel acts independently. If it is in their interest to attack Afghanistan, they will. And Israel is quite "real". Is the Taliban "real"?

What is about to happen to the females of Afghanistan is alone enough justification for some action to prevent Taliban rule.

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