Zone1 The last supper

Only if one gets taught truth. Explain to us what the 7 headed beast with 10 horns is and the 2 horned beast of Rev 13? Using other scriptures.
Revelation is steeped in Jewish Allegory and "code". To understand Revelation properly, one must have been present and part of the 7 churches that John was writing too.
Instead, Christians today mistakenly ascribe Revelation to some unknown future occurence while ignoring the time stamp that John clearly states in the very first few lines in Revelation 1:1, These things must soon take place. We can try and use interpretational gymnastics to make Revelation fit our timeline, or some future timeline, but here we are, 2000 years later, every single man and or woman who has tried to interpret a future date has been wrong.

Instead, the meaning is there, inside the scripture. If the beast is first century reality, what or who is it. Not only does scripture help you understand but so does history. John is absolutely tell you the first century Christians of the coming apocalypse. And in his telling, he uses metaphor and allegory that would be easily understood by Jews. And History confirms the absolute destruction that came to Christians and Jews alike at the hands of the Roman empire and Nero.
Revelation is steeped in Jewish Allegory and "code". To understand Revelation properly, one must have been present and part of the 7 churches that John was writing too.
Instead, Christians today mistakenly ascribe Revelation to some unknown future occurence while ignoring the time stamp that John clearly states in the very first few lines in Revelation 1:1, These things must soon take place. We can try and use interpretational gymnastics to make Revelation fit our timeline, or some future timeline, but here we are, 2000 years later, every single man and or woman who has tried to interpret a future date has been wrong.

Instead, the meaning is there, inside the scripture. If the beast is first century reality, what or who is it. Not only does scripture help you understand but so does history. John is absolutely tell you the first century Christians of the coming apocalypse. And in his telling, he uses metaphor and allegory that would be easily understood by Jews. And History confirms the absolute destruction that came to Christians and Jews alike at the hands of the Roman empire and Nero.
Daniel has many keys to unlock revelation-a horn =a kingdom.
Yes they erred trying to date a real prophecy that God made. They have repented of that. Yes only the Father knows the day and hour, proving 100% Jesus is not YHWH. Nor is there any equality between the 3.
Repentance doesn't fix a false prophet. Scripture teaches to never listen to them again. You still don't believe your Bible.
Luke 22 explains this very well. Jesus said--Keep on doing this in remembrance of me. It occurred on the night of the passover for a reason. It should be observed once a year on the night of the passover. At verses 29-30 it is clear. It was a special covenant only to those who would sit on thrones beside Jesus in Gods kingdom(Rev 1:6, Rev 20:6)- These are called- The little flock( Luke 12:32)= the anointed= the bride of Christ, numbered-144,000(Rev 14:3) only these are to partake under that special covenant to them. Only members of the little flock were present at that last supper(afterJudas left)--The great crowd (Rev 7:9)of other sheep(John 10:16) are not of that fold. these should go and just observe out of respect and love for Jesus and the little flock. I believe its a great sin to partake when one is not apart of that little flock.
That raises the question-Why do all the other religions claiming to be christian tell all to partake?
I especially enjoy how your Cult takes a book of symbolism and applies literalism. John the author of Revelation tells everyone this is a book that was to be signified, its a book of symbolism, not literalism (Rev. 1) And to make matters worse you pigeon hole God by calling Him by a name that is not mentioned until the middle ages when the King James was translated from the German language into English..........changing God's name to a non existent name.......Jehovah due to ignorance of the German grammar.

Nowhere in scripture is there a command to observe "Communion" i.e, the "Lords Super" but once a year, at pass over. FYI: Passover is a Jewish Sabbath, Jesus nailed the Jewish Laws to His Cross in order to include all nations on earth to enter the kingdom/church of Christ (Matthew 28:18-19). "Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that were against us, which was contrary to us, nailing it to His cross............let no man (such as YOU ARE ATTEMPTING with your false doctrine) judge you in meat, or drink, or in respect to any holy day, or the new moon, or of the sabbath days." -- Col. 14-16

FYI: Jesus was born Under the Law.......He was a Jew and as such He celebrated the pass over, He was born of a woman, born under the law (Gal. 4:5), and lived His entire life without sin even though He was tempted as are all men (Hebrews 4:15).........He lived and died as a practicing Jew.

There is a record of the early church meeting once a week on the first day of the week to Break Bread (Acts 20:7), and clearly it is not to fell their stomachs as the Apostle declared........."What? Have you not houses to eat and drink in?" Read comprehend 1 Cor. 11:1-34......The Apostle is Edifying and Chastising those who are making a mockery of the Lord's Supper when they were treating the breaking of bread as a party instead of its designed purpose of remembering the Lord until He honor of His sacrificial blood in taking the sins of the world upon Himself. (John 1:29, 1 Peter 2:24)

The scriptures detail when the breaking of bread and wine is to take place. 1. On the first day of the week (Acts 20:7) 2. It is a sharing with the brethren and the Lord (1 Cor. 10:16-17) 3. Not a common meal (1 Cor. 11:20-22). 4. As a remembrance (1 Cor. 11:23-24). 5. As a proclamation in emulating the Lord when He established this covenant (1 Cor. 11:25). 6. It must be done in a worthy, respectful and righteous manner (1 Cor. 11:27-32) But no where is it limited to once a year. That's some cult........when you honor the great sacrifice of God incarnate but once a year.

The Holy Scriptures make is are guilty of Spiritual Adultery if you attempt to live under 2 different covenants......if you take part of the Jewish must live by all the law contained therein, if not you have fallen from Grace.

"You are severed from Christ, you who would be justified by the Law (Jewish Law of Moses) you have fallen from Grace." -- Gal. 5:4. Question? Does your cult live by all the precepts of Jewish Law? Are you circumcised 8 days after birth? Do you offer up Burnt offerings to carry your sins over from year to there a royal priesthood to enforce the law.....such as the Levites? Do you have a king appointed by God? If you live by part of the law you must keep the entire law or be guilty of all. (James 2:10).
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Scripture interprets scripture.
Indeed.......there is no ambiguity to any scripture when the message is read and comprehended while allowing the Book, Chapter and verse to remain intact with its subject matter while maintaining the contextual integrity of the whole other words there is no "cherry picking" one verse while making the attempt to interpret that single passage when it directly contradicts other passages of scriptures. The entire content of the Word of God..i.e, the Holy Scriptures were all inspired by the same source (2 Tim. 3:16).........The Holy Spirit of God, this spirit of Truth would never contradict itself. Scripture self interprets when allowed without bias with an open mind........which allows the scriptures to interpret instead of the individual who is privately reading the message

The Apostle Peter explains there is no "private interpretation" of scripture.......the scriptures are interpreted by the prophets and saints that were moved as the Holy Spirit guided them. The scriptures have been confirmed as truth via the eyewitness testimonies of the those who witnessed the Majesty of Jesus Christ first hand. (2 Peter 1:16-20)
Repentance doesn't fix a false prophet. Scripture teaches to never listen to them again. You still don't believe your Bible.
You cant seem to understand simple truth-They NEVER made a prophecy up. They tried to put a date on a real prophecy that God made. God made the prophecy of Armageddon, not the JW,s. The JW,s tried to put a date on Gods prophecy. Anyone saying any different does not know truth or speak truth.
I especially enjoy how your Cult takes a book of symbolism and applies literalism. John the author of Revelation tells everyone this is a book that was to be signified, its a book of symbolism, not literalism (Rev. 1) And to make matters worse you pigeon hole God by calling Him by a name that is not mentioned until the middle ages when the King James was translated from the German language into English..........changing God's name to a non existent name.......Jehovah due to ignorance of the German grammar.

Nowhere in scripture is there a command to observe "Communion" i.e, the "Lords Super" but once a year, at pass over. FYI: Passover is a Jewish Sabbath, Jesus nailed the Jewish Laws to His Cross in order to include all nations on earth to enter the kingdom/church of Christ (Matthew 28:18-19). "Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that were against us, which was contrary to us, nailing it to His cross............let no man (such as YOU ARE ATTEMPTING with your false doctrine) judge you in meat, or drink, or in respect to any holy day, or the new moon, or of the sabbath days." -- Col. 14-16

FYI: Jesus was born Under the Law.......He was a Jew and as such He celebrated the pass over, He was born of a woman, born under the law (Gal. 4:5), and lived His entire life without sin even though He was tempted as are all men (Hebrews 4:15).........He lived and died as a practicing Jew.

There is a record of the early church meeting once a week on the first day of the week to Break Bread (Acts 20:7), and clearly it is not to fell their stomachs as the Apostle declared........."What? Have you not houses to eat and drink in?" Read comprehend 1 Cor. 11:1-34......The Apostle is Edifying and Chastising those who are making a mockery of the Lord's Supper when they were treating the breaking of bread as a party instead of its designed purpose of remembering the Lord until He honor of His sacrificial blood in taking the sins of the world upon Himself. (John 1:29, 1 Peter 2:24)

The scriptures detail when the breaking of bread and wine is to take place. 1. On the first day of the week (Acts 20:7) 2. It is a sharing with the brethren and the Lord (1 Cor. 10:16-17) 3. Not a common meal (1 Cor. 11:20-22). 4. As a remembrance (1 Cor. 11:23-24). 5. As a proclamation in emulating the Lord when He established this covenant (1 Cor. 11:25). 6. It must be done in a worthy, respectful and righteous manner (1 Cor. 11:27-32) But no where is it limited to once a year. That's some cult........when you honor the great sacrifice of God incarnate but once a year.

The Holy Scriptures make is are guilty of Spiritual Adultery if you attempt to live under 2 different covenants......if you take part of the Jewish must live by all the law contained therein, if not you have fallen from Grace.

"You are severed from Christ, you who would be justified by the Law (Jewish Law of Moses) you have fallen from Grace." -- Gal. 5:4. Question? Does your cult live by all the precepts of Jewish Law? Are you circumcised 8 days after birth? Do you offer up Burnt offerings to carry your sins over from year to there a royal priesthood to enforce the law.....such as the Levites? Do you have a king appointed by God? If you live by part of the law you must keep the entire law or be guilty of all. (James 2:10).
Jesus was sent by God to help the Israelites. They rejected their own Messiah and hated his guts and sent him to his death. Thus rejecting Gods will 100%--Jesus told them off( Matt 23) in verse 38 told them they are cut off of being Gods chosen( means Jesus had 0 to do with them at that point) But still lovingly left the door open to them in verse 39--its been over 1950 years, they outright refuse to do 39) Jesus spoke to 7 congregations( some bibles say church) in Revelation, not to synagogues. You seem to have missed all that reality. A new religion began( Acts 24:5)--Theyaccept Jesus as the one sent forth from God= The Messiah and serve the same God Israel served=the Abrahamic God= a single being God-YHWH(Jehovah)--these are Gods chosen now..
You cant seem to understand simple truth-They NEVER made a prophecy up. They tried to put a date on a real prophecy that God made. God made the prophecy of Armageddon, not the JW,s. The JW,s tried to put a date on Gods prophecy. Anyone saying any different does not know truth or speak truth.
You're a liar.
You cant seem to understand simple truth-They NEVER made a prophecy up. They tried to put a date on a real prophecy that God made. God made the prophecy of Armageddon, not the JW,s. The JW,s tried to put a date on Gods prophecy. Anyone saying any different does not know truth or speak truth.
The Watchtower claimed to be the Prophet of God. You're a liar.

“So, does Jehovah have a prophet to help them, to warn them of dangers and to declare things to come? These questions can be answered in the affirmative. Who is this prophet? . . . This “prophet” was not one man, but was a body of men and women. It was the small group of footstep followers of Jesus Christ, known at that time as International Bible Students. Today they are known as Jehovah’s Christian witnesses . . . Of course, it is easy to say that this group acts as a “prophet” of God. It is another thing to prove it,” (Watchtower, Apr. 1, 1972, p. 197).
Jesus was sent by God to help the Israelites. They rejected their own Messiah and hated his guts and sent him to his death. Thus rejecting Gods will 100%--Jesus told them off( Matt 23) in verse 38 told them they are cut off of being Gods chosen( means Jesus had 0 to do with them at that point) But still lovingly left the door open to them in verse 39--its been over 1950 years, they outright refuse to do 39) Jesus spoke to 7 congregations( some bibles say church) in Revelation, not to synagogues. You seem to have missed all that reality. A new religion began( Acts 24:5)--Theyaccept Jesus as the one sent forth from God= The Messiah and serve the same God Israel served=the Abrahamic God= a single being God-YHWH(Jehovah)--these are Gods chosen now..
Babble much without communicating anything? Who stated or even suggested that Biblical Israel was not destroyed in the 1st century by the Roman Empire, just as prophesied by Jesus in Matthew 23? The promise of salvation was promised to the JEW first (Romans 1:6)......the first gentile household to be converted did not occur until 10 years after the church/kingdom was established (Acts 10)......after allowing the Jews 10 years to convert as mentioned by the Apostle Paul....but only a remnant converted while the majority of Jews remained blind to the fact that Jesus was the Messiah of prophecy...but even today any Jew can be converted by simply accepting Jesus as Lord and king of Spiritual Israel (Romans 9:27) Until that time........for your sake (a gentile), they are enemies of the gospel truth due to their antichrist position. (Romans 11:28).......but there will always be a place for the Jew because they were the actual root of the vine that produced Christianity, all that is required is to accept Jesus as Christ.

The 7 churches mentioned by John was a "signified" number........and not to be taken literally.......the number 7 is used to represent a complete or whole (perfect) number. (Rev. 1:1-4) declares that the book of revelation was addressed to the 7 churches in Asia, today this specific land and geographic location is called "Asia Minor".

Chapters 2 and 3 list the names of these churches.........the question then arises, why was this book written for these 7 churches only? History actual and the Scriptures themselves demonstrate there were more than 7 churches located in Asia at this time period (late 1st century or early 2nd century) mentioned 7 represents perfection or completeness.......yet the scriptures prove there were more than 7 churches or congregations in Asia at the time of this revelation. Examples: the congregation at Colosse (Col. 1:2), Hierapolis (Col. 4:13), Troas (Acts 20:5), Miletus (Acts 20:17).........these facts would make the Word of God......contradict itself is you read this as being LITERAL........the 7 churches are a symbolic or "signified" number not to be taken literally, as described by the author of Revelation in the 1st chapter.....these messages from heaven were "signified".

This book was written to give ALL THE CHURCHES of CHRIST.....i.e., the kingdom of God.......HOPE as they were all being persecuted, killed, burnt at the stake.....etc.., by the Roman Empire......this book reveals that the church of God will eventually overcome this period of tribulation from the Roman Empire (the great whore) with God's righteous people finally being free from this BEAST. As history actual proves, Christianity consumed ROME instead of Rome consuming and ending Christianity. As described in Chapter 1 of Revelation..........these things were to "Shortly" take place........not 2000 years in the future.
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You're a liar.

The Watchtower claimed to be the Prophet of God. You're a liar.

“So, does Jehovah have a prophet to help them, to warn them of dangers and to declare things to come? These questions can be answered in the affirmative. Who is this prophet? . . . This “prophet” was not one man, but was a body of men and women. It was the small group of footstep followers of Jesus Christ, known at that time as International Bible Students. Today they are known as Jehovah’s Christian witnesses . . . Of course, it is easy to say that this group acts as a “prophet” of God. It is another thing to prove it,” (Watchtower, Apr. 1, 1972, p. 197).
There were no more prophets after the book of revelation. Do you live in reality or illusion?
Babble much without communicating anything? Who stated or even suggested that Biblical Israel was not destroyed in the 1st century by the Roman Empire, just as prophesied by Jesus in Matthew 23? The promise of salvation was promised to the JEW first (Romans 1:6)......the first gentile household to be converted did not occur until 10 years after the church/kingdom was established (Acts 10)......after allowing the Jews 10 years to convert as mentioned by the Apostle Paul....but only a remnant converted while the majority of Jews remained blind to the fact that Jesus was the Messiah of prophecy...but even today any Jew can be converted by simply accepting Jesus as Lord and king of Spiritual Israel (Romans 9:27) Until that time........for your sake (a gentile), they are enemies of the gospel truth due to their antichrist position. (Romans 11:28).......but there will always be a place for the Jew because they were the actual root of the vine that produced Christianity, all that is required is to accept Jesus as Christ.

The 7 churches mentioned by John was a "signified" number........and not to be taken literally.......the number 7 is used to represent a complete or whole (perfect) number. (Rev. 1:1-4) declares that the book of revelation was addressed to the 7 churches in Asia, today this specific land and geographic location is called "Asia Minor".

Chapters 2 and 3 list the names of these churches.........the question then arises, why was this book written for these 7 churches only? History actual and the Scriptures themselves demonstrate there were more than 7 churches located in Asia at this time period (late 1st century or early 2nd century) mentioned 7 represents perfection or completeness.......yet the scriptures prove there were more than 7 churches or congregations in Asia at the time of this revelation. Examples: the congregation at Colosse (Col. 1:2), Hierapolis (Col. 4:13), Troas (Acts 20:5), Miletus (Acts 20:17).........these facts would make the Word of God......contradict itself is you read this as being LITERAL........the 7 churches are a symbolic or "signified" number not to be taken literally, as described by the author of Revelation in the 1st chapter.....these messages from heaven were "signified".

This book was written to give ALL THE CHURCHES of CHRIST.....i.e., the kingdom of God.......HOPE as they were all being persecuted, killed, burnt at the stake.....etc.., by the Roman Empire......this book reveals that the church of God will eventually overcome this period of tribulation from the Roman Empire (the great whore) with God's righteous people finally being free from this BEAST. As history actual proves, Christianity consumed ROME instead of Rome consuming and ending Christianity. As described in Chapter 1 of Revelation..........these things were to "Shortly" take place........not 2000 years in the future.
Yes 7 = complete--But it was to Church or congregation , not to synagogues. The whore of babylon is the world empire of all false religions-today.
I didnt lie. Thus making you one.
You're a liar. All JWs are liars. They're deceived. I showed you proof that the Watchtower calls itself the prophet of God. You ignore the truth. That makes you a liar.

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