"The Kiss"

Lumpy 1

Diamond Member
Jun 19, 2009
Nothing like a little science added to that Valentines Kiss...:lol:

A good romantic kiss quickens our pulse and dilates our pupils, which is probably part of the reason so many of us close our eyes. Our brains receive more oxygen than normal and breathing can become irregular and deepen. Our cheeks flush, too, but that's only the beginning.

There is an associated rise in the neurotransmitter dopamine, responsible for craving and desire. Meanwhile, serotonin spikes to stimulate obsessive thoughts about a partner. This is the same neurotransmitter involved in obsessive-compulsive disorder. Oxytocin, popularly called the "love hormone," is involved in bonding, fostering a sense of attachment. This is the chemical likely responsible for maintaining a loving relationship over years and decades.

A kiss is not just a kiss « Know
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""The...(what kinda latest post Title is that... shezz...)
Alas.. now it's too late..

Valentine smooches..all past...
I haven´t been kissed today already....:(:(:(

Well, if you promise not to tell Mrs. Sauerkraut.....



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