The Key Issues of the ChiCom Flu Vaccines


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
  • Not knowing the long term consequences of any of the vaccines.
  • Not having my personal liberties respected.
  • People not doing research for themselves and obeying like sheep.
  • Seeing news that the government is hiding the adverse reactions of the vaccines. (Research the CDC to see how many deaths and injuries caused by vaccines. Nothing.)
  • Big Pharma companies being free of liability if someone is injured or killed as a result of their product.
  • Personal insurance not covering death as a result of the Covid vaccines.
  • All of the whistle blowers confirming what the media has been hiding.
  • The government not taking into consideration proven protection from Natural Immunity.
  • Vaccinated people are even more terrified of the virus than unvaccinated people.
  • The government keeps moving the goalposts further and further out. How far are we from the 2 weeks to flatten the curve now?
  • Using data from earlier in the year to skew the statistics and declare so many more deaths from unvaccinated people than vaccinated.
Go ahead and keep getting your monthly booster shots for a nominal fee so you can remain terrified of catching the virus. It’s a free country. As of today anyway.
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  • Not knowing the long term consequences of any of the vaccines.
  • Not having my personal liberties respected.
  • People not doing research for themselves and obeying like sheep.
  • Seeing news that the government is hiding the adverse reactions of the vaccines. (Research the CDC to see how many deaths and injuries caused by vaccines. Nothing.)
  • Big Pharma companies being free of liability if someone is injured or killed as a result of their product.
  • Personal insurance not covering death as a result of the Covid vaccines.
  • All of the whistle blowers confirming what the media has been hiding.
  • The government not taking into consideration proven protection from Natural Immunity.
  • Vaccinated people are even more terrified of the virus than unvaccinated people.
  • The government keeps moving the goalposts further and further out. How far are we from the 2 weeks to flatten the curve now?
Go ahead and keep getting your monthly booster shots for a nominal fee so you can remain terrified of catching the virus. It’s a free country. As of today anyway.

There's just something OFF about watching millions of my fellow human beings eager to cross a rickety old rope bridge swaying and creaking over a bottomless gorge, if you know what I mean. Brings to mind footage of herds of buffalo running off some high cliff . . .
Boosters haven't been approved for the masses. Soon all the vaxxed will be back to being unvaxxed. Does anyone even know if they can start the experimental treatment again from scratch? What are the effects on natural immunity once the experimental treatment fades away?
  • Not knowing the long term consequences of any of the vaccines.
  • Not having my personal liberties respected.
  • People not doing research for themselves and obeying like sheep.
  • Seeing news that the government is hiding the adverse reactions of the vaccines. (Research the CDC to see how many deaths and injuries caused by vaccines. Nothing.)
  • Big Pharma companies being free of liability if someone is injured or killed as a result of their product.
  • Personal insurance not covering death as a result of the Covid vaccines.
  • All of the whistle blowers confirming what the media has been hiding.
  • The government not taking into consideration proven protection from Natural Immunity.
  • Vaccinated people are even more terrified of the virus than unvaccinated people.
  • The government keeps moving the goalposts further and further out. How far are we from the 2 weeks to flatten the curve now?
  • Using data from earlier in the year to skew the statistics and declare so many more deaths from unvaccinated people than vaccinated.
Go ahead and keep getting your monthly booster shots for a nominal fee so you can remain terrified of catching the virus. It’s a free country. As of today anyway.
Well plagairised. Graciously extracted from the book of hate filled Republican politics for dummies.
Well plagairised. Graciously extracted from the book of hate filled Republican politics for dummies.
It may be just healthy to have all types with this Virus. Perhaps the unvaxxed will have blood that is not contaminated or of use if the vaxxed have long term issues.
It may be just healthy to have all types with this Virus. Perhaps the unvaxxed will have blood that is not contaminated or of use if the vaxxed have long term issues.
I don't get that whole push for 100% on a low mortality virus. It makes no sense at all. Going beyond those at risk isn't all that sensible.
Why should he have to deny false and slanderous accusations made by some low brow hack like you? It's for you to prove what YOU say.

Of course it is. I reiterate what I said and you can sit in this 🖕 and spin.
Still unable to back your claim. What a sad creature you are. Do you need a an emoji to figure it out, or will words do?

I made my claim and stand by it. He didn't write it and has not proven he did.
Suck eggs.
Possibly to furthur complicate things, a new Covid strain may be emerging in time for winter that is vaccine and natural immunity resistant!!
The strain is a sublineage of Delta, known as AY.26 and has 31 genetic differences from Delta.
The CDC is aware of it but has yet to comment.
Possibly to furthur complicate things, a new Covid strain may be emerging in time for winter that is vaccine and natural immunity resistant!!
The strain is a sublineage of Delta, known as AY.26 and has 31 genetic differences from Delta.
The CDC is aware of it but has yet to comment.
Base virus (COVID) is still present. Those with acquired immunities will fare much better than those with narrow mRNA vaccine driven immunity. Persons with acquired immunities will respond to even this variation.

The big question is on communicability. They think it is not nearly as communicable as the current COVID variants. Time will tell. As someone with acquired immunities I am not scared of this one either...
Base virus (COVID) is still present. Those with acquired immunities will fare much better than those with narrow mRNA vaccine driven immunity. Persons with acquired immunities will respond to even this variation.

The big question is on communicability. They think it is not nearly as communicable as the current COVID variants. Time will tell. As someone with acquired immunities I am not scared of this one either...'s too early to tell.

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