The Joys of Trolling the Woke


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified


Trolling the woke left has become a popular pastime. It can be clever and funny, but it can just as often be a crude attempt to elicit outrage for its own sake. Rarely, however, does something show up that is easily dismissed as ‘trolling’, but which is so remarkably incisive and apt that it rises not only to the level of satire, but borders on civil disobedience.

Think of Posie Parker’s billboards quoting the dictionary definition of the word ‘woman’. The power of such acts comes from two things. First, they acknowledge – usually with irreducible simplicity – that something that went without saying a moment ago has suddenly become unsayable. Secondly, the outrage they provoke does not come from any epithet, caricature or insult, but rather from having the nerve to draw the viewer’s attention to an act of cognitive dissonance that we are all engaging in, but would rather not acknowledge.

The result is that those who attempt to explain why the act is offensive end up simply tying themselves in knots, while revealing that they have never given a moment’s thought to the position they find themselves defending. This seems to generate even more anger, with the inevitable online mob quickly joined by politicians, journalists and other public figures, eager to see that the heretic is made an example of.

The reason for their dilemma is obvious enough to anyone who has been paying attention. Western society has managed to convince itself (at least in public) that any statement criticising any aspect of Islam is, by definition, bigotry. As a result, Western societies have effectively decided to enforce Islamic restrictions on blasphemy, and called it ‘tolerance’.

The strain of conforming to this lie is evident in the fumbling attempts by the interviewees to explain their objections. Do they believe that Islam is right about women? If so, why the objection? Do they believe that Islam is wrong about women? If so, in what sense is the statement an attack on Islam or Muslims? Do they believe that the author of the poster is saying that ‘Islam is right about women’, but doing so ironically? In which case, the objection can only be that the author is guilty of a thoughtcrime by stating that ‘two and two make five’ with insufficient sincerity. Or do they worry that they are guilty of thoughtcrime for noticing the irony?

I think the source of the objection is as follows: ‘I thought we had all agreed to pretend not to have any negative opinions about Islam. But this statement forces me either to agree with it, which I don’t, or disagree with it, which I’m not allowed to.’

The result is utter confusion on the part of the interviewees about how to signal their obedience to the unspoken lie. One woman, who struggles to explain why she found the posters ‘upsetting’, nevertheless, ‘ripped them down, took them to the police, and alerted social media’.

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The genius of the ‘Islam is right about women’ stunt
Thiers another one coming
Islam is right about gays ...should be just as good .

The greatest troll ever was up all night ...or before the crack of dawn

Thiers another one coming
Islam is right about gays ...should be just as good .

The greatest troll ever was up all night ...or before the crack of dawn

View attachment 282175
Does Trump really think empty land votes?
If only the democrats could figure out a way to get cows and corn to vote
Looks like you're stuck with illegals and felons
Shouldn’t be hard. Democrats figures out how to get the dead vote for them decades ago.
Thiers another one coming
Islam is right about gays ...should be just as good .

The greatest troll ever was up all night ...or before the crack of dawn

View attachment 282175
Does Trump really think empty land votes?
If only the democrats could figure out a way to get cows and corn to vote
Looks like you're stuck with illegals and felons
Shouldn’t be hard. Democrats figures out how to get the dead vote for them decades ago.
That's an oldie but goodie that's been happening for over 100 years pioneered in cHicago if I remember correctly

The progs insist it never happens ...

:21:We gotta pass the jew one along If they haven't thought of it already

I forgot what date they're gonna throw the gay sign up ..I saw it on one of my dopey sites I go to last week
If only the democrats could figure out a way to get cows and corn to vote
Looks like you're stuck with illegals and felons

If cows could vote, it's a pretty safe bet they wouldn't be voting for the party that wants to ban them from existence so their flatulence doesn't kill the planet.
Thiers another one coming
Islam is right about gays ...should be just as good .

The greatest troll ever was up all night ...or before the crack of dawn

View attachment 282175
Does Trump really think empty land votes?
If only the democrats could figure out a way to get cows and corn to vote
Looks like you're stuck with illegals and felons
Don't forget, children are pretty easy to brainwash. They have them as props. for gun control and AGW after all. :71:

House rejects Democratic push to let 16-year-olds vote
The left gets triggered by anything nowdays.

Now that the media has successfully dulled the historically illiterate left into believing they have been harmed by a tyrant, what will limit their actions, should they ever regain power?

To people governed purely by emotion, any emotional discomfort will be treated as physical assault. Given the left's internalization of and response to propaganda, there will be nothing outside their ability of rationalization or emotional justification.
Thiers another one coming
Islam is right about gays ...should be just as good .

The greatest troll ever was up all night ...or before the crack of dawn

View attachment 282175

the red represents LESS PEOPLE

the blue represents MORE people......

DO you actually believe that the MAJORITY of people is less important than the MAJORITY of land?

so do you think that the more land a person owns the more votes he should get?
Found on a left-wing meme page devoted to the proposition that the left may be able to meme;


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