The JFK Assassination


Senior Member
Sep 24, 2016
There are things that I don't believe about the government, but why should I believe that JFK was killed from the front, (or) by multiple shooters, let alone with different guns ?

First of all, JFK has wounds from only one caliber bullet of just a single type, suggesting it was from the same gun, also, JFK had a much smaller wound on the the rear, of his body and a larger wound in the front of his body which definitively says that he was in fact shot from the rear, because exit wounds are bigger than entrance wounds..
Moreover, JFK and his people were in the correct position to be affected by the bullet in the way described by the warren report, judging by original photographs.

Also what you can you, is you can do a little dice test... take two dice and roll them, pay attention to statistics, 7 has the most ways of being rolled compared to all other numbers and so therefore 7 will (most likely) come up the most.

Well you can apply that theory, to the most likely scenario as to who killed JFK and why JFK was killed.

There are more ways that Oswald was a Southern American white male racist in the 1960s, than there are that he was a foreign government agent, or a communist.

So its a lot more likely that Oswald killed JFK, because Oswald was from the South (Louisiana), JFK happened to be in Texas on the day he was killed, in 1963, Oswald was a racist, his side was losing in the courts, and the political party of JFK was a political nightmare for Oswald.
It is statistically much more likely that scenario was the reason, then calculate how (comparatively) unlikely it was that he was a foreign government agent.

Throw in the fact that his name is Lee Harvey Oswald, that is not a Latin name (Cuba) nor is it a Russian name, nor is it an east Asian name (Vietnam)
And he was born in Louisiana, and he was in the Marines.

So how much do these conspiracy theorists expect me to believe ?
I don´t believe that a known crazed and frustrated ex-communist who threatened with suicide if the Sovjets would expel him and who turned home later shot an US President from the building he worked in.
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I don´t believe that a known crazed and frustrated ex-communist who threatened with suicide if the Sovjets would expel him and who turned home later shot an US President from the building he worked in.
never was in russia, nor was he a communist.
Clearly Oswald was a patsy.

The Deep State murdered JFK.
I don´t believe that a known crazed and frustrated ex-communist who threatened with suicide if the Sovjets would expel him and who turned home later shot an US President from the building he worked in.
never was in russia, nor was he a communist.

How did he get back into the country so easily is the real question. Didn't he try to defect and wasn't he in Russia when Powers was shot down?

Why was Kennedy's brains and scull fragments blasted behind the car and not into the front seat all over Governor Connolly and his Wife?

Why did everyone at Parkland who saw his body say the back of his head was gone?

Where is the Presidents brain?
I don´t believe that a known crazed and frustrated ex-communist who threatened with suicide if the Sovjets would expel him and who turned home later shot an US President from the building he worked in.

anyone who STILL belives in the fairy tale warren report that oswald was the lone assassin,better get off the crack they been smoking the fact there was never a shread of evidence and it is so easy to prove he is innocent with multiple shooters.:haha::lmao:
Clearly Oswald was a patsy.

The Deep State murdered JFK.
we have a winner.

oswald was a patsy exactly as he said he was. The warren conjob never bothers to mention in the lies about oswald being the assassin for the reason of seeking fame how that falls apart immediately that if you were seeking fame,you would do what other known killers from the past did as well,proudly admit you did it and boast about it where after oswald after getting arrested when speaking to reporters,said-No sir,i didnt shoot anybody.Im just a patsy.
one of hundreds of holes in the warren con job report.
JFK Murder :

Towards the end of the journey, the train and the car of President Kennedy left Main Street and turned right onto Houston Street. After a few tens of meters, the Presidential vehicle negotiated a sharp left onto Elm Street, bypassing Dealey Plaza.


The car that had decelerated sharply (about 15 km / h) passed the School Book Depository ( "Texas School Book Depository" or "TSBD"). He was 30 and 12 h before it, loomed the railway bridge under which passes Elm Street. In a safety car, a Secret Service agent announced in a microwave in a few minutes the president would be at the Trade Mart.

Suddenly, a shot rang out, who spoke for many the backfiring of an engine. Even the Secret Service agents stayed initially banned and only reacted when other shots rang. In all, according to the official version, three shots were fired.

The president had been hit. Many saw him settle slightly in his seat and lay hands on the throat: according to the official version a bullet struck him in the upper back and exited from the throat, but some feel that the ball was in the groove led before and it's another ball that hit him in the back.

It had happened a few seconds and that's when the officers began to react. The officer driving the car not quickened immediately, instead he turned, dropped probably the accelerator which caused slow the car. A few moments later, a bullet hit the president in the head, destroying much of the brain. Induced damage is such as blood, bone fragments and brain matter were thrown up several meters high (pieces of bone were found by passers-by.)

During the scene, a tailor named Abraham Zapruder had his eye glued to his camera, he was paralyzed and was filming the events; and he produced what may be considered the most famous amateur film of all time. The images he captures the fatal shooting still fueling controversy.

The motorcade sped towards Parkland hospital. The president was still breathing, but he was already dying. The governor, who was seriously wounded in the lung, would survive and be able to testify. At the hospital, the doctors of the emergency room No. 1 tried desperately to save Kennedy, but quickly realized the futility of their efforts, which lasted still 20 minutes. Around 13 pm, everything was over, Kennedy was declared dead.

events rushed on Dealey Plaza. Witnesses heard gunshots coming from in front of the procession, perhaps from behind the wooden fence on the grassy knoll right on Elm Street. Others had seen a man (some had seen a weapon) to a window on the 5th floor of the School Book Depository or believed the shots came from there. They found three casings and a gun on the 5th floor of the building.


Between 13 h 00 and 13 h 15, a police officer in Dallas, J.D. Tippit was shot in the neighborhood of Oak Cliff. The suspect, who had distinguished himself by the shoe salesman John Brewer because of his bizarre behavior by entering without paying in the Texas Theater cinema, is reported to the police by that ci15. The suspect was subdued by police officers in the theater as he pulled out his gun.

His name was Lee Harvey Oswald. He was a young man of 24 who had been in the Marine Corps and was, after leaving the army, emigrated to the Soviet Union where he had married a young woman named Marina and where he returned to United States a little over a year ago. It was initially suspected of the murder of police officer and that of Kennedy.
Murder of Oswald

Was found in possession of a fake ID in the name of Alek James Hidell, identity used to control the Carcano rifle that was used to assassinate the president and the revolver with which he killed JD Tippit



The autopsy was performed by three doctors Bethesda on the night of 22 November. Their conclusions were that the president had been hit by two bullets fired from behind. The first struck him in the upper back above the right clavicle, crossed the muscles of the base of the neck was slightly damaged the top of the right lung without crossing it, and was released by the neck an injury that had been destroyed by tracheotomy. The second struck the head to the right rear causing extensive damage, considered fatal, brain, pieces of the projectile went out with a great wound to the right front of the skull.

The circumstances of the autopsy findings and attracted a lot of criticism.


In general, researchers asserting the existence of a conspiracy are based on:

- A critical review of the materials of the case sometimes with more modern tools than those available at the time of the Commission,
- Critically review the actions of the protagonists,

to conclude that a conspiracy is possible, probable or certain.

Among the items that have been presented as evidence of the conspiracy, it may be noted, the following (not exhaustive):

- The fact that the single bullet theory, one of the stumbling blocks of the findings of the Warren Commission, would not be credible,
- Testimonies indicating, as the case over three shots, the presence of outside shooters in the TSBD or the presence of accomplices,
- Reduced safety in Dallas, lower than usual (especially the fact that no agent of the Secret Service did surrounded the limousine)
- The facts that:
. Presidential limousine was immediately cleaned and repaired, prohibiting the consideration of important evidence,
. Kennedy's body was taken away for an autopsy in Washington, which is not in line with the sovereign laws of Texas, nor logic,
. Even Dealey Plaza was not closed to allow the investigation to do,
. Oswald military record was destroyed in 1973, apparently following a "routine cleaning"
.the President brain is gone,
.Des photographs of the autopsy have disappeared,
.Des subsequent elements have shown that the FBI and CIA had withheld information and sometimes deliberately lied.
- The circumstances of the autopsy conducted by doctors who were not fully competent in the matter and have omitted some checks, perhaps under external pressure,

Some conspiracy theories, especially in the early days of the critical conclusions of the Warren Commission, are based on a number of false information whose inaccuracy is not always known, especially since many this information has been made popular by the movie JFK.


The financial community since June 4, 1963, Kennedy authorized the issuance of new United States Note backed by silver reserves of the federal government, and some 4 billion dollars in small notes were issued, threatening the issue of monopoly the currency of the Federal Reserve and its private shareholders.

Vice President Lyndon Johnson who organized or participated in the killing. Johnson is one of those who had the most to gain from the death of the President, since it made him President. Johnson is sometimes described as a man at bay before the assassination Kennedy would have considered not to take it as vice president candidate for the 1964 elections, particularly because of the ongoing criminal investigations regarding Johnson (for trafficking influence, embezzlement, money laundering and corruption) that stopped or were abandoned after Johnson had become president.

The Chicago mob had murdered President (and his brother, Robert Kennedy, in 1968) because of the threat that the Kennedy administration posed to organized crime. Indeed, the Kennedy administration wanted to stop Jimmy Hoffa, a trade unionist who was involved in money laundering of the Italian-American mafia of Chicago, through a complex system using money from the Teamsters pension fund.

The US extreme right, who killed Kennedy because it was about to reveal the close links between some of the établishment US and the Nazis until Pearl Harbour (a thesis echoed by Sulitzer in his thriller Wells light)

CIA agents or out of control of the CIA, which allegedly killed Kennedy for various reasons, including lack of support for the landing of the Bay of Pigs and various threats that the Kennedy administration poses to the independence of 'agency.

And many others, such as:
Fidel Castro, the KGB, oil, Israel, the Illuminatic

he theory of the magic bullet

There are nonsense. rather see!

According to the report written by Arlen Specter (and then to be held by the Warren Commission), three bullets were fired from the deposit.

The first bullet missed its target and wounded the ear of a passing R.Tegne, who was on the bridge of the Plaza.

The second would have dealt the fatal blow to the head, exploding the cortex of Kennedy.

The third and last ball is the most wonderful ball in the history of firearms. This would be entering the back of the chair at an angle of 17 degrees downward, then it would lift a way out through the front of the neck, following a left - right direction). It remains 1.6 seconds in the air and enters the body through Connally's right shoulder (which means that the ball changed direction, she made a 90 degree turn). Then she goes down on a 27-degree angle, breaking the fifth rib Connally. It leaves the right side of the chest (after having pierced a lung), it turns right and goes back into the body through Connally's right wrist, breaking his radius and the tendon of the thumb. The ball finally spring wrist by performing a dramatic U-turn to be housed in the left thigh of the governor.

that ball a few hours later will be found on a trolley in the Parkland Hospital. Strangely, after his great journey, the ball is recovered intact. After conducting trials of the same size balls on the wrist of a dead body, none had a condition similar to that magic bullet.

The rifle found in the Texas School Book Depository was a Mannlicher Carcano, the United States is called "the humanitary gun" because it is so imprecise that it rarely hits the target, especially as this one had a faulty window.

By analyzing the Zapruder film, we can evaluate the time between the first and the last blast of bullets. These were all housed in three 5.6 seconds. When we realized the reconstruction of the scene none of the best snipers of the country has managed to match its performance. To the best of them it took 2.3 seconds to charge the carcano without even aim his target. Or Lee Harvey Oswald was always a poor shooter, it was simply a radar operator in the army.
Furthermore, by examining the nitrate, it was proven that there was no evidence that Oswald had shot that day in November. They did not even check if the gun had been used before to charge Oswald.
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Study of oddities

Black dog man

This character remains the most mysterious because it would actually the shooter behind the fence and therefore the assassin of John F. Kennedy. This nickname "black dog man" is due to the fact that the pictures where it appears, it looks like a black dog standing. In fact, we see only the upper body.

To locate Black Dog Man had to enlarge the photos where it appeared, resulting in poor definition. This is why we do not know much about him, just that he was wearing a brown raincoat, and he was in the perfect position to shoot the president !!!!

man badge


She is the sister of President Jimmy Carter, in 1978, saw the police alongside Black Dog Man, when Robert Grader showed him a picture of the assassination of John Kennedy. Because we distinguish a police badge, he was given the name Badge man. No Dallas policeman would of been there !!!!

Replacing Oswald


James Powell was a photographer, and just after the assassination (30 seconds), he took a picture that has been hidden for 13 years and where we see the right window of the fifth floor next to a pile of cardboard, a form of different colors and textures. Yet it is not possible that this is Oswald, for 40 seconds after the killing of people saw him, most of Victoria Adams and Sandra Steels mounted the steps 40 to 60 seconds after the fatal shot and they don ' crossed person !!!

The second shooter of the Texas School Book Depository

Tom Dillard another Dallas photographer who was onboard the car press the procession took a picture 15 seconds after the assassination. This photo was published immediately but was truncated on the left edge. In fact the missing piece of the picture window left seen from the fifth floor of the Texas School Book Depository where we can distinguish the head of a person. The mystery is that the fifth floor is unique and if gunshots were fired he should hear them. Yet he never made known. Presumably he also shot the procession because his position corresponds to Connaly injuries and noise tests were carried out.

During the investigation, fingerprints were found on the fifth floor. For the most part, it was police footprints. It was also found that of Oswald. But newfound footprint remained unknown.

Jay Harrison, a former Dallas police officer, decided to retire to investigate the assassination. He discovered that the fingerprint belongs to a certain Malcolm Wallace (14 points in common between the two footprints, it takes 6 to convict a man in the USA).

Man with umbrella


This photo is very mysterious because it shows a person with an umbrella outside that day it was bright sunshine and no forecast had announced rain. Some people claim that the top of the umbrella contained a weapon and that it helped to kill the president !!!!

Joseph Milteer


This photo shows Joseph Milteer on the course of the president. Milteer was responsible for a far-right organization.

He was tapped by the police. Two weeks before the attack, police overheard a conversation in which he announced the killing stating how Kennedy would be shot. On November 22, he phones a friend in which he said he was in Dallas to attend the show !
JFK Murder :

Towards the end of the journey, the train and the car of President Kennedy left Main Street and turned right onto Houston Street. After a few tens of meters, the Presidential vehicle negotiated a sharp left onto Elm Street, bypassing Dealey Plaza.


The car that had decelerated sharply (about 15 km / h) passed the School Book Depository ( "Texas School Book Depository" or "TSBD"). He was 30 and 12 h before it, loomed the railway bridge under which passes Elm Street. In a safety car, a Secret Service agent announced in a microwave in a few minutes the president would be at the Trade Mart.

Suddenly, a shot rang out, who spoke for many the backfiring of an engine. Even the Secret Service agents stayed initially banned and only reacted when other shots rang. In all, according to the official version, three shots were fired.

The president had been hit. Many saw him settle slightly in his seat and lay hands on the throat: according to the official version a bullet struck him in the upper back and exited from the throat, but some feel that the ball was in the groove led before and it's another ball that hit him in the back.

It had happened a few seconds and that's when the officers began to react. The officer driving the car not quickened immediately, instead he turned, dropped probably the accelerator which caused slow the car. A few moments later, a bullet hit the president in the head, destroying much of the brain. Induced damage is such as blood, bone fragments and brain matter were thrown up several meters high (pieces of bone were found by passers-by.)

During the scene, a tailor named Abraham Zapruder had his eye glued to his camera, he was paralyzed and was filming the events; and he produced what may be considered the most famous amateur film of all time. The images he captures the fatal shooting still fueling controversy.

The motorcade sped towards Parkland hospital. The president was still breathing, but he was already dying. The governor, who was seriously wounded in the lung, would survive and be able to testify. At the hospital, the doctors of the emergency room No. 1 tried desperately to save Kennedy, but quickly realized the futility of their efforts, which lasted still 20 minutes. Around 13 pm, everything was over, Kennedy was declared dead.

events rushed on Dealey Plaza. Witnesses heard gunshots coming from in front of the procession, perhaps from behind the wooden fence on the grassy knoll right on Elm Street. Others had seen a man (some had seen a weapon) to a window on the 5th floor of the School Book Depository or believed the shots came from there. They found three casings and a gun on the 5th floor of the building.


Between 13 h 00 and 13 h 15, a police officer in Dallas, J.D. Tippit was shot in the neighborhood of Oak Cliff. The suspect, who had distinguished himself by the shoe salesman John Brewer because of his bizarre behavior by entering without paying in the Texas Theater cinema, is reported to the police by that ci15. The suspect was subdued by police officers in the theater as he pulled out his gun.

His name was Lee Harvey Oswald. He was a young man of 24 who had been in the Marine Corps and was, after leaving the army, emigrated to the Soviet Union where he had married a young woman named Marina and where he returned to United States a little over a year ago. It was initially suspected of the murder of police officer and that of Kennedy.
Murder of Oswald

Was found in possession of a fake ID in the name of Alek James Hidell, identity used to control the Carcano rifle that was used to assassinate the president and the revolver with which he killed JD Tippit



The autopsy was performed by three doctors Bethesda on the night of 22 November. Their conclusions were that the president had been hit by two bullets fired from behind. The first struck him in the upper back above the right clavicle, crossed the muscles of the base of the neck was slightly damaged the top of the right lung without crossing it, and was released by the neck an injury that had been destroyed by tracheotomy. The second struck the head to the right rear causing extensive damage, considered fatal, brain, pieces of the projectile went out with a great wound to the right front of the skull.

The circumstances of the autopsy findings and attracted a lot of criticism.


In general, researchers asserting the existence of a conspiracy are based on:

- A critical review of the materials of the case sometimes with more modern tools than those available at the time of the Commission,
- Critically review the actions of the protagonists,

to conclude that a conspiracy is possible, probable or certain.

Among the items that have been presented as evidence of the conspiracy, it may be noted, the following (not exhaustive):

- The fact that the single bullet theory, one of the stumbling blocks of the findings of the Warren Commission, would not be credible,
- Testimonies indicating, as the case over three shots, the presence of outside shooters in the TSBD or the presence of accomplices,
- Reduced safety in Dallas, lower than usual (especially the fact that no agent of the Secret Service did surrounded the limousine)
- The facts that:
. Presidential limousine was immediately cleaned and repaired, prohibiting the consideration of important evidence,
. Kennedy's body was taken away for an autopsy in Washington, which is not in line with the sovereign laws of Texas, nor logic,
. Even Dealey Plaza was not closed to allow the investigation to do,
. Oswald military record was destroyed in 1973, apparently following a "routine cleaning"
.the President brain is gone,
.Des photographs of the autopsy have disappeared,
.Des subsequent elements have shown that the FBI and CIA had withheld information and sometimes deliberately lied.
- The circumstances of the autopsy conducted by doctors who were not fully competent in the matter and have omitted some checks, perhaps under external pressure,

Some conspiracy theories, especially in the early days of the critical conclusions of the Warren Commission, are based on a number of false information whose inaccuracy is not always known, especially since many this information has been made popular by the movie JFK.


The financial community since June 4, 1963, Kennedy authorized the issuance of new United States Note backed by silver reserves of the federal government, and some 4 billion dollars in small notes were issued, threatening the issue of monopoly the currency of the Federal Reserve and its private shareholders.

Vice President Lyndon Johnson who organized or participated in the killing. Johnson is one of those who had the most to gain from the death of the President, since it made him President. Johnson is sometimes described as a man at bay before the assassination Kennedy would have considered not to take it as vice president candidate for the 1964 elections, particularly because of the ongoing criminal investigations regarding Johnson (for trafficking influence, embezzlement, money laundering and corruption) that stopped or were abandoned after Johnson had become president.

The Chicago mob had murdered President (and his brother, Robert Kennedy, in 1968) because of the threat that the Kennedy administration posed to organized crime. Indeed, the Kennedy administration wanted to stop Jimmy Hoffa, a trade unionist who was involved in money laundering of the Italian-American mafia of Chicago, through a complex system using money from the Teamsters pension fund.

The US extreme right, who killed Kennedy because it was about to reveal the close links between some of the établishment US and the Nazis until Pearl Harbour (a thesis echoed by Sulitzer in his thriller Wells light)

CIA agents or out of control of the CIA, which allegedly killed Kennedy for various reasons, including lack of support for the landing of the Bay of Pigs and various threats that the Kennedy administration poses to the independence of 'agency.

And many others, such as:
Fidel Castro, the KGB, oil, Israel, the Illuminatic

he theory of the magic bullet

There are nonsense. rather see!

According to the report written by Arlen Specter (and then to be held by the Warren Commission), three bullets were fired from the deposit.

The first bullet missed its target and wounded the ear of a passing R.Tegne, who was on the bridge of the Plaza.

The second would have dealt the fatal blow to the head, exploding the cortex of Kennedy.

The third and last ball is the most wonderful ball in the history of firearms. This would be entering the back of the chair at an angle of 17 degrees downward, then it would lift a way out through the front of the neck, following a left - right direction). It remains 1.6 seconds in the air and enters the body through Connally's right shoulder (which means that the ball changed direction, she made a 90 degree turn). Then she goes down on a 27-degree angle, breaking the fifth rib Connally. It leaves the right side of the chest (after having pierced a lung), it turns right and goes back into the body through Connally's right wrist, breaking his radius and the tendon of the thumb. The ball finally spring wrist by performing a dramatic U-turn to be housed in the left thigh of the governor.

that ball a few hours later will be found on a trolley in the Parkland Hospital. Strangely, after his great journey, the ball is recovered intact. After conducting trials of the same size balls on the wrist of a dead body, none had a condition similar to that magic bullet.

The rifle found in the Texas School Book Depository was a Mannlicher Carcano, the United States is called "the humanitary gun" because it is so imprecise that it rarely hits the target, especially as this one had a faulty window.

By analyzing the Zapruder film, we can evaluate the time between the first and the last blast of bullets. These were all housed in three 5.6 seconds. When we realized the reconstruction of the scene none of the best snipers of the country has managed to match its performance. To the best of them it took 2.3 seconds to charge the carcano without even aim his target. Or Lee Harvey Oswald was always a poor shooter, it was simply a radar operator in the army.
Furthermore, by examining the nitrate, it was proven that there was no evidence that Oswald had shot that day in November. They did not even check if the gun had been used before to charge Oswald.
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Study of oddities

Black dog man

This character remains the most mysterious because it would actually the shooter behind the fence and therefore the assassin of John F. Kennedy. This nickname "black dog man" is due to the fact that the pictures where it appears, it looks like a black dog standing. In fact, we see only the upper body.

To locate Black Dog Man had to enlarge the photos where it appeared, resulting in poor definition. This is why we do not know much about him, just that he was wearing a brown raincoat, and he was in the perfect position to shoot the president !!!!

man badge


She is the sister of President Jimmy Carter, in 1978, saw the police alongside Black Dog Man, when Robert Grader showed him a picture of the assassination of John Kennedy. Because we distinguish a police badge, he was given the name Badge man. No Dallas policeman would of been there !!!!

Replacing Oswald


James Powell was a photographer, and just after the assassination (30 seconds), he took a picture that has been hidden for 13 years and where we see the right window of the fifth floor next to a pile of cardboard, a form of different colors and textures. Yet it is not possible that this is Oswald, for 40 seconds after the killing of people saw him, most of Victoria Adams and Sandra Steels mounted the steps 40 to 60 seconds after the fatal shot and they don ' crossed person !!!

The second shooter of the Texas School Book Depository

Tom Dillard another Dallas photographer who was onboard the car press the procession took a picture 15 seconds after the assassination. This photo was published immediately but was truncated on the left edge. In fact the missing piece of the picture window left seen from the fifth floor of the Texas School Book Depository where we can distinguish the head of a person. The mystery is that the fifth floor is unique and if gunshots were fired he should hear them. Yet he never made known. Presumably he also shot the procession because his position corresponds to Connaly injuries and noise tests were carried out.

During the investigation, fingerprints were found on the fifth floor. For the most part, it was police footprints. It was also found that of Oswald. But newfound footprint remained unknown.

Jay Harrison, a former Dallas police officer, decided to retire to investigate the assassination. He discovered that the fingerprint belongs to a certain Malcolm Wallace (14 points in common between the two footprints, it takes 6 to convict a man in the USA).

Man with umbrella


This photo is very mysterious because it shows a person with an umbrella outside that day it was bright sunshine and no forecast had announced rain. Some people claim that the top of the umbrella contained a weapon and that it helped to kill the president !!!!

Joseph Milteer


This photo shows Joseph Milteer on the course of the president. Milteer was responsible for a far-right organization.

He was tapped by the police. Two weeks before the attack, police overheard a conversation in which he announced the killing stating how Kennedy would be shot. On November 22, he phones a friend in which he said he was in Dallas to attend the show !

great stuff there dallia. the one part though that you lost me though is saying something like man bade was the sister of jimmy carter?:lmao: eveyrthign else was great though.
If there was more than one shooter, why did multiple shooters manage to get off only three shots?

If Oswald was a stooge for the CIA/Mafia/Cuba/Russia why was the shooting done with a $19.95 bolt action rifle out of a mail order catalog? Why wouldn't they set him up with a $500 sniper rifle for such an important job?
If there was more than one shooter, why did multiple shooters manage to get off only three shots?

If Oswald was a stooge for the CIA/Mafia/Cuba/Russia why was the shooting done with a $19.95 bolt action rifle out of a mail order catalog? Why wouldn't they set him up with a $500 sniper rifle for such an important job?
Stupid question. Many have claimed there were many more than three shots fired.

Stupid question. The shooting was not done with a mail order rifle.

You must learn to think rather than accept the lies of the state you so love and adore.
If there was more than one shooter, why did multiple shooters manage to get off only three shots?

If Oswald was a stooge for the CIA/Mafia/Cuba/Russia why was the shooting done with a $19.95 bolt action rifle out of a mail order catalog? Why wouldn't they set him up with a $500 sniper rifle for such an important job?
Stupid question. Many have claimed there were many more than three shots fired.

Stupid question. The shooting was not done with a mail order rifle.

You must learn to think rather than accept the lies of the state you so love and adore.

No more than three bullets were ever found and sound recordings picked up three shots

The bullets matched the mail order $19.95 rifle found at the scene
If there was more than one shooter, why did multiple shooters manage to get off only three shots?

If Oswald was a stooge for the CIA/Mafia/Cuba/Russia why was the shooting done with a $19.95 bolt action rifle out of a mail order catalog? Why wouldn't they set him up with a $500 sniper rifle for such an important job?
Stupid question. Many have claimed there were many more than three shots fired.

Stupid question. The shooting was not done with a mail order rifle.

You must learn to think rather than accept the lies of the state you so love and adore.

No more than three bullets were ever found and sound recordings picked up three shots

The bullets matched the mail order $19.95 rifle found at the scene still believe everything the state tells you. Even though there is an enormous amount of evidence proving conspiracy and cover up.

Is it any wonder our central government thinks it can do whatever it pleases?
If there was more than one shooter, why did multiple shooters manage to get off only three shots?

If Oswald was a stooge for the CIA/Mafia/Cuba/Russia why was the shooting done with a $19.95 bolt action rifle out of a mail order catalog? Why wouldn't they set him up with a $500 sniper rifle for such an important job?
Stupid question. Many have claimed there were many more than three shots fired.

Stupid question. The shooting was not done with a mail order rifle.

You must learn to think rather than accept the lies of the state you so love and adore.

No more than three bullets were ever found and sound recordings picked up three shots

The bullets matched the mail order $19.95 rifle found at the scene still believe everything the state tells you. Even though there is an enormous amount of evidence proving conspiracy and cover up.

Is it any wonder our central government thinks it can do whatever it pleases?

Until you can provide some actual evidence, I will believe the government over your ridiculous conspiracy theories
If there was more than one shooter, why did multiple shooters manage to get off only three shots?

If Oswald was a stooge for the CIA/Mafia/Cuba/Russia why was the shooting done with a $19.95 bolt action rifle out of a mail order catalog? Why wouldn't they set him up with a $500 sniper rifle for such an important job?
Stupid question. Many have claimed there were many more than three shots fired.

Stupid question. The shooting was not done with a mail order rifle.

You must learn to think rather than accept the lies of the state you so love and adore.

No more than three bullets were ever found and sound recordings picked up three shots

The bullets matched the mail order $19.95 rifle found at the scene still believe everything the state tells you. Even though there is an enormous amount of evidence proving conspiracy and cover up.

Is it any wonder our central government thinks it can do whatever it pleases?

Until you can provide some actual evidence, I will believe the government over your ridiculous conspiracy theories
Oh brother.

The evidence is everywhere dumb ass. You just have to educate yourself. Uncle Sam isn't just going to come out and tell you the truth...and nor will the media.

The Deep State LOVES fools like you.
JFK Murder :

Towards the end of the journey, the train and the car of President Kennedy left Main Street and turned right onto Houston Street. After a few tens of meters, the Presidential vehicle negotiated a sharp left onto Elm Street, bypassing Dealey Plaza.


The car that had decelerated sharply (about 15 km / h) passed the School Book Depository ( "Texas School Book Depository" or "TSBD"). He was 30 and 12 h before it, loomed the railway bridge under which passes Elm Street. In a safety car, a Secret Service agent announced in a microwave in a few minutes the president would be at the Trade Mart.

Suddenly, a shot rang out, who spoke for many the backfiring of an engine. Even the Secret Service agents stayed initially banned and only reacted when other shots rang. In all, according to the official version, three shots were fired.

The president had been hit. Many saw him settle slightly in his seat and lay hands on the throat: according to the official version a bullet struck him in the upper back and exited from the throat, but some feel that the ball was in the groove led before and it's another ball that hit him in the back.

It had happened a few seconds and that's when the officers began to react. The officer driving the car not quickened immediately, instead he turned, dropped probably the accelerator which caused slow the car. A few moments later, a bullet hit the president in the head, destroying much of the brain. Induced damage is such as blood, bone fragments and brain matter were thrown up several meters high (pieces of bone were found by passers-by.)

During the scene, a tailor named Abraham Zapruder had his eye glued to his camera, he was paralyzed and was filming the events; and he produced what may be considered the most famous amateur film of all time. The images he captures the fatal shooting still fueling controversy.

The motorcade sped towards Parkland hospital. The president was still breathing, but he was already dying. The governor, who was seriously wounded in the lung, would survive and be able to testify. At the hospital, the doctors of the emergency room No. 1 tried desperately to save Kennedy, but quickly realized the futility of their efforts, which lasted still 20 minutes. Around 13 pm, everything was over, Kennedy was declared dead.

events rushed on Dealey Plaza. Witnesses heard gunshots coming from in front of the procession, perhaps from behind the wooden fence on the grassy knoll right on Elm Street. Others had seen a man (some had seen a weapon) to a window on the 5th floor of the School Book Depository or believed the shots came from there. They found three casings and a gun on the 5th floor of the building.


Between 13 h 00 and 13 h 15, a police officer in Dallas, J.D. Tippit was shot in the neighborhood of Oak Cliff. The suspect, who had distinguished himself by the shoe salesman John Brewer because of his bizarre behavior by entering without paying in the Texas Theater cinema, is reported to the police by that ci15. The suspect was subdued by police officers in the theater as he pulled out his gun.

His name was Lee Harvey Oswald. He was a young man of 24 who had been in the Marine Corps and was, after leaving the army, emigrated to the Soviet Union where he had married a young woman named Marina and where he returned to United States a little over a year ago. It was initially suspected of the murder of police officer and that of Kennedy.
Murder of Oswald

Was found in possession of a fake ID in the name of Alek James Hidell, identity used to control the Carcano rifle that was used to assassinate the president and the revolver with which he killed JD Tippit



The autopsy was performed by three doctors Bethesda on the night of 22 November. Their conclusions were that the president had been hit by two bullets fired from behind. The first struck him in the upper back above the right clavicle, crossed the muscles of the base of the neck was slightly damaged the top of the right lung without crossing it, and was released by the neck an injury that had been destroyed by tracheotomy. The second struck the head to the right rear causing extensive damage, considered fatal, brain, pieces of the projectile went out with a great wound to the right front of the skull.

The circumstances of the autopsy findings and attracted a lot of criticism.


In general, researchers asserting the existence of a conspiracy are based on:

- A critical review of the materials of the case sometimes with more modern tools than those available at the time of the Commission,
- Critically review the actions of the protagonists,

to conclude that a conspiracy is possible, probable or certain.

Among the items that have been presented as evidence of the conspiracy, it may be noted, the following (not exhaustive):

- The fact that the single bullet theory, one of the stumbling blocks of the findings of the Warren Commission, would not be credible,
- Testimonies indicating, as the case over three shots, the presence of outside shooters in the TSBD or the presence of accomplices,
- Reduced safety in Dallas, lower than usual (especially the fact that no agent of the Secret Service did surrounded the limousine)
- The facts that:
. Presidential limousine was immediately cleaned and repaired, prohibiting the consideration of important evidence,
. Kennedy's body was taken away for an autopsy in Washington, which is not in line with the sovereign laws of Texas, nor logic,
. Even Dealey Plaza was not closed to allow the investigation to do,
. Oswald military record was destroyed in 1973, apparently following a "routine cleaning"
.the President brain is gone,
.Des photographs of the autopsy have disappeared,
.Des subsequent elements have shown that the FBI and CIA had withheld information and sometimes deliberately lied.
- The circumstances of the autopsy conducted by doctors who were not fully competent in the matter and have omitted some checks, perhaps under external pressure,

Some conspiracy theories, especially in the early days of the critical conclusions of the Warren Commission, are based on a number of false information whose inaccuracy is not always known, especially since many this information has been made popular by the movie JFK.


The financial community since June 4, 1963, Kennedy authorized the issuance of new United States Note backed by silver reserves of the federal government, and some 4 billion dollars in small notes were issued, threatening the issue of monopoly the currency of the Federal Reserve and its private shareholders.

Vice President Lyndon Johnson who organized or participated in the killing. Johnson is one of those who had the most to gain from the death of the President, since it made him President. Johnson is sometimes described as a man at bay before the assassination Kennedy would have considered not to take it as vice president candidate for the 1964 elections, particularly because of the ongoing criminal investigations regarding Johnson (for trafficking influence, embezzlement, money laundering and corruption) that stopped or were abandoned after Johnson had become president.

The Chicago mob had murdered President (and his brother, Robert Kennedy, in 1968) because of the threat that the Kennedy administration posed to organized crime. Indeed, the Kennedy administration wanted to stop Jimmy Hoffa, a trade unionist who was involved in money laundering of the Italian-American mafia of Chicago, through a complex system using money from the Teamsters pension fund.

The US extreme right, who killed Kennedy because it was about to reveal the close links between some of the établishment US and the Nazis until Pearl Harbour (a thesis echoed by Sulitzer in his thriller Wells light)

CIA agents or out of control of the CIA, which allegedly killed Kennedy for various reasons, including lack of support for the landing of the Bay of Pigs and various threats that the Kennedy administration poses to the independence of 'agency.

And many others, such as:
Fidel Castro, the KGB, oil, Israel, the Illuminatic

he theory of the magic bullet

There are nonsense. rather see!

According to the report written by Arlen Specter (and then to be held by the Warren Commission), three bullets were fired from the deposit.

The first bullet missed its target and wounded the ear of a passing R.Tegne, who was on the bridge of the Plaza.

The second would have dealt the fatal blow to the head, exploding the cortex of Kennedy.

The third and last ball is the most wonderful ball in the history of firearms. This would be entering the back of the chair at an angle of 17 degrees downward, then it would lift a way out through the front of the neck, following a left - right direction). It remains 1.6 seconds in the air and enters the body through Connally's right shoulder (which means that the ball changed direction, she made a 90 degree turn). Then she goes down on a 27-degree angle, breaking the fifth rib Connally. It leaves the right side of the chest (after having pierced a lung), it turns right and goes back into the body through Connally's right wrist, breaking his radius and the tendon of the thumb. The ball finally spring wrist by performing a dramatic U-turn to be housed in the left thigh of the governor.

that ball a few hours later will be found on a trolley in the Parkland Hospital. Strangely, after his great journey, the ball is recovered intact. After conducting trials of the same size balls on the wrist of a dead body, none had a condition similar to that magic bullet.

The rifle found in the Texas School Book Depository was a Mannlicher Carcano, the United States is called "the humanitary gun" because it is so imprecise that it rarely hits the target, especially as this one had a faulty window.

By analyzing the Zapruder film, we can evaluate the time between the first and the last blast of bullets. These were all housed in three 5.6 seconds. When we realized the reconstruction of the scene none of the best snipers of the country has managed to match its performance. To the best of them it took 2.3 seconds to charge the carcano without even aim his target. Or Lee Harvey Oswald was always a poor shooter, it was simply a radar operator in the army.
Furthermore, by examining the nitrate, it was proven that there was no evidence that Oswald had shot that day in November. They did not even check if the gun had been used before to charge Oswald.
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Study of oddities

Black dog man

This character remains the most mysterious because it would actually the shooter behind the fence and therefore the assassin of John F. Kennedy. This nickname "black dog man" is due to the fact that the pictures where it appears, it looks like a black dog standing. In fact, we see only the upper body.

To locate Black Dog Man had to enlarge the photos where it appeared, resulting in poor definition. This is why we do not know much about him, just that he was wearing a brown raincoat, and he was in the perfect position to shoot the president !!!!

man badge


She is the sister of President Jimmy Carter, in 1978, saw the police alongside Black Dog Man, when Robert Grader showed him a picture of the assassination of John Kennedy. Because we distinguish a police badge, he was given the name Badge man. No Dallas policeman would of been there !!!!

Replacing Oswald


James Powell was a photographer, and just after the assassination (30 seconds), he took a picture that has been hidden for 13 years and where we see the right window of the fifth floor next to a pile of cardboard, a form of different colors and textures. Yet it is not possible that this is Oswald, for 40 seconds after the killing of people saw him, most of Victoria Adams and Sandra Steels mounted the steps 40 to 60 seconds after the fatal shot and they don ' crossed person !!!

The second shooter of the Texas School Book Depository

Tom Dillard another Dallas photographer who was onboard the car press the procession took a picture 15 seconds after the assassination. This photo was published immediately but was truncated on the left edge. In fact the missing piece of the picture window left seen from the fifth floor of the Texas School Book Depository where we can distinguish the head of a person. The mystery is that the fifth floor is unique and if gunshots were fired he should hear them. Yet he never made known. Presumably he also shot the procession because his position corresponds to Connaly injuries and noise tests were carried out.

During the investigation, fingerprints were found on the fifth floor. For the most part, it was police footprints. It was also found that of Oswald. But newfound footprint remained unknown.

Jay Harrison, a former Dallas police officer, decided to retire to investigate the assassination. He discovered that the fingerprint belongs to a certain Malcolm Wallace (14 points in common between the two footprints, it takes 6 to convict a man in the USA).

Man with umbrella


This photo is very mysterious because it shows a person with an umbrella outside that day it was bright sunshine and no forecast had announced rain. Some people claim that the top of the umbrella contained a weapon and that it helped to kill the president !!!!

Joseph Milteer


This photo shows Joseph Milteer on the course of the president. Milteer was responsible for a far-right organization.

He was tapped by the police. Two weeks before the attack, police overheard a conversation in which he announced the killing stating how Kennedy would be shot. On November 22, he phones a friend in which he said he was in Dallas to attend the show !

great stuff there dallia. the one part though that you lost me though is saying something like man bade was the sister of jimmy carter?:lmao: eveyrthign else was great though.
Oh , sorry, this is a google translation is not always reliable, and my post comes from my forum which is French
If there was more than one shooter, why did multiple shooters manage to get off only three shots?

If Oswald was a stooge for the CIA/Mafia/Cuba/Russia why was the shooting done with a $19.95 bolt action rifle out of a mail order catalog? Why wouldn't they set him up with a $500 sniper rifle for such an important job?


the fatal blow to JFK was accidentally carried by George Hickey, a Secret Service agent present in the Cadillac that followed the presidential convertible Lincoln Continental.


Secret Service agent George Hickey is seen brandishing a rifle as the limousine carrying a wounded President Kennedy, with agent Clint Hill on the back, speeds away from Dealey Plaza in Dallas on Nov. 22, 1963. One theory is that Hickey accidentally shot JFK.

Drunk and inexperienced
He and McLaren were on Sunday in Los Angeles to explain their theory. According to them, Hickey and colleagues agent Secret Service drank excessively the night before November 22, 1963, the day of arrival of JFK in Dallas. Besides the hangover, McLaren said it had found evidence qu'Hickey was not broken in the use of the AR-15 semi-automatic weapon he wore that day. "It was his first experience in the previous presidential car and armed Lincoln such a gun," McLaren has advanced in the HuffPost.After the first shot that hit the president throat, Hickey would have grabbed his gun before being shaken by the sudden stop of the convoy.
At this sudden movement, he would have pulled the trigger and would hit in the head JFK. According to McLaren, ammunition loaded into the AR-15 were different from those used by Lee Harvey Oswald, considered in 1964 by the Warren Commission as the only shooter. This would explain the different profiles of balls up in the ballistic report.

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