The Investigation of Our President Is In THIS Man's Hands?


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Not So Honorable: Docs Show Mueller’s FBI Denied Justice To Four Innocent Men

"As FBI director in 2002, Special Counsel Robert Mueller directed his agents to oppose the pardons of four wrongfully imprisoned men because exculpatory evidence was merely “fodder for cross-examination,” newly revealed FBI documents show.

Four years later, the four men, or their estates, were awarded $102 million by a federal judge in Boston for their wrongful decades-long imprisonment due to FBI misconduct."
- Refusing to recuse himself as Special Counsel because the current investigation involves the man he mentored, former FBI Director James Comey

- Refusing to recuse himself from investigating a case regarding 'Russian Interference' when evidence shows he, as FBI Director, hid evidence of Russian crimes in their attempt to purchase Uranium One and acquire U.S. Uranium.

- Filling his Special Counsel and team with hard-core Democrat / Hillary supporters and donors, with the lawyer that ran / runs the Clinton Foundation (considering all the links to the Clintons in this case), and with a disgraced Trump-Hating FBI agent who Obstructed justice by protecting Hillary and her aides from charges of lying to the FBI (who later brought Flynn up on those same charges despite then FBI Director Comey testifying that his FBI agents stated they never felt Flynn lied to them) - an FBI agent he had to FIRE from his team for exposed extreme bias....and links to the also exposed Conspiracy against the President.

- The FBI having used a debunked 'dossier; provided to them by DNC Presidential Candidate Hillary Clinton - who colluded with / paid foreign spies / Russians for Russian propaganda she illegally sued in an election. The FBI went on to illegally use the document to abuse the FISA court and illegally acquire warrants to spy on candidate Trump and his team during a Presidential election as well as PREIDENT trump and his team (according to the US IG).

- Reportedly collecting more items than legally authorized to on the search warrant they were serving during a raid on Manafort's addresses.

- Violating attorney-client privilege by seizing the President's lawyers files.

'SSDD' - Mueller is still the same corrupt POS he was when he illegally destroyed the lives of 4 innocent men he put in jail. MUELLER should be Perp-Walked for intentionally doing THAT...yet instead we are told we have to trust him and finish this proven Witch Hunt.

Not So Honorable: Docs Show Mueller’s FBI Denied Justice To Four Innocent Men
Mueller persecuted Stephen Hatfill for 5 years because he convinced himself that Hatfill made weaponized anthrax using a shoe box and a Ziploc bag.

Trump should throw Mueller into Gitmo
Wow. Nice find! Its time for ALL of President Trump's supporters to destroy Mueller...he is a conman,a liar and just a flunky for the deep state's attempt at a coup...they can't take out Trump like they did Kennedy so they are trying a semi lawful way of taking him down.Look for it to get more dangerous for President Trump when this attempt fails.
Within days of the murder, Boston FBI agents knew the identities of the actual murderers, and reported the information to J. Edgar Hoover in Washington. But they (MUELLER ALLOWED) allowed a Mob hitman they had flipped, Joseph Barboza, to settle some old scores by falsely testifying that the four men had taken part in the gangland murder he had helped arrange with others.

Another Boston gangster later testified to a Congressional committee that after the 1967 trial, one of the FBI agents bragged about framing Greco and said, “How does Louie Greco like going from Miami to Death Row? He wasn’t even there!

For 35 years, the FBI refused to release the evidence exonerating the wrongfully imprisoned men on the grounds of “national security.” It was finally released in 2000 as part of an investigation into corruption in the Boston office of the FBI."

'National Security'? The death of 4 mobsters? BS - Mueller was protecting his and the FBI's ass at the expense of 4 innocent men who he and his FBI screwed!

"After the state pardons board asked Mueller for the Bureau’s version of its actions, a Boston FBI agent, Charles Prouty, wrote back on May 9, 2002 that “FBI Headquarters in Washington, D.C. has directed the office to respond.”

Mueller directs response to Greco’s posthumous pardon

While conceding that the damning FBI reports contained “impeachment material,” Mueller’s FBI still contended that the innocent men might in fact be guilty, despite the FBI’s own reports to the contrary."

Even AFTER being exposed for wrongly convicting 4 men, destroying their lives, Mueller continued to argue they COULD be innocent despite knowing for a fact they were not!

What a criminal POS!
The Investigation of Our President Is In THIS Man's Hands?

tough shit - Trump put himself in a position to be investigated

F him
Jeff Sessions remains silent after having needlessly recused himself from an investigation being run by exposed criminals and those with conflicts of interest agendas, and things to hide.

Mueller should be fired immediately and an INDEPENDENT Counsel needs to be appointed with prosecutorial authority to indict, charge, and Perp-Walk anyone found to have engaged in crimes regarding illegal Russian collusion on both sides as well as criminal acts perpetrated by anyone on the left found to be involved in this exposed Conspiracy, to include Obama, Hillary, Holder, Lynch, Brennan, Clapper, Rosenstein, Mueller, Comey, McCabe, Strzok, or others....
The Investigation of Our President Is In THIS Man's Hands?tough shit - Trump put himself in a position to be investigated

F him
Yeah, by beating Hillary's ass.

Using that logic, Hillary put herself in position - by losing - to be investigated again and tossed in jail for her already proven crimes. F Her.

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