The invention of global warming

is proven that a single man destroyed the 100+ year old Ulcer consensus.
NO HE DID NOT. Read the research. He depended upon the research of other scientists. He used consensus

No it was his own research that discovers the bacteria, the medical field resisted that discovery for years, which I posted right in front of you and mamooth, here it is AGAIN!


"After Warren approached him in 1981 with the bacterium, Marshall generated a list of questions about the organism to guide his subsequent research. In his 1983 letter to Lancet, the first public communication of his findings, Marshall asked about these bacteria, "Why have they not been seen before; are they pathogens or merely commensals in a damaged mucosa?". One speculation for Marshall's ability to understand gastric bacteria as potentially harmful was his young age. Paul Thagard points out that Marshall, who had only started gastroenterology in 1981, "did not require abandonment of a set of well entrenched beliefs that conflicted with the new ideas".

In contrast, other more established medical researchers and practitioners had beliefs about the nature and treatment of ulcers that clashed with the new hypotheses and led them to reject them summarily. Of course, in medical school, Marshall had learned the medically accepted ideas about the nature and treatment of ulcers. Still, Thagard maintains that Marshall's position as a gastroenterologist-in-training allowed him to think more openly about the etiology of peptic ulcer disease.

The discovery of the bacterium Helicobacter pylori, originally named Campylobacter pyloridis (C. pylori), dissolved the medical belief in the stomach's sterility. However, doctors were reluctant to accept that this bacterium might be harmful. In 1982, the Australian Gastroenterological Society rejected Marshall's study, published in The Lancet 1984 as groundbreaking work. The study showed that that all subjects infected with H. pylori exhibited gastritis and all subjects with duodenal ulcer were also infected. But because of the rejection, Marshall felt "very depressed about our first failed attempt to present our work on H. pylori".

As Paul Thagard notes, gastroenterologists were less receptive to the bacterial theory of ulceration than microbiologists. At the Second International Workshop on Campylobacter Infections in Brussels, where Marshall next reported his findings, microbiologists began research projects to find the bacteria while many gastroenterologists scoffed, calling Marshall's theory "preposterous". Marshall and the international medical community had to generate more evidence before gastroenterologists would admit the relationship between H. pylori and ulcers.

While gastroenterologists may have held firm beliefs about the impossibility of pathogenic bacteria in the stomach, microbiologists held no such bias. Nevertheless, Marshall felt determined to gain the support of gastroenterologists. As Marshall reflects, "In my naiveté, I expected H. pylori to be immediately accepted as the cause of duodenal ulcer and gastritis". But for ulcer-sufferers to receive proper therapy, Marshall still had work to do."

and later in the same article you still didn't read:

" Popular accounts now emerge: a special heroe's edition of U.S. News & World Report headlines an article on Marshall with "A Gutsy Gulp Changes Medical Science"; a Bulletin cover article puns "Gut Feeling Brings a Great Discovery"; an editor writes in the first edition of The Journal of Theoretics, "I hope that through this journal, a rational evaluation of new theories may be accomplished in a more thoughtful and less painful process than Dr. Marshall endured". Even with all the media attention, Marshall still felt surprised by the delay. He writes, "In 1983, when the H. pylori hypothesis was developed, I was certain that it would immediately gain universal acceptance and that within two years peptic ulcer therapy would be essentially an antimicrobial regimen". This was far from the case. A 1986 book on Peptic Ulcer and its Drug Causation lends a page to the bacterial hypothesis, noting, "Whether these bacteria have an aetiological role in peptic ulcer gastritis is unknown". At this time, doctors still prescribed drugs to reduce stomach acidity and monitored patients for complications. "

bolding mine

Consensus behavior persisted despite hard evidence that a Bacteria was causing the Ulcers, that is deserved serious examination by the medical fields, they resisted for YEARS anyway, because the stench of consensus beliefs was still resisting the work of a single man, who cured it by a simple anti-biotic solution, and the Ulcers were vanishing.

You had done it again, I posted the evidence, you ignored it again, now it is posted and bolded, for your eyes, you have no wiggle room left to avoid this, you can't dodge this anymore as it is right in front of you.

You have NEVER made a counterpoint against this, just unsupported assertions is all you say, which means.......,

You are trolling full time.


Here is the article these two consensus busting deniers never read or quote from:

Delayed Gratification: Why it Took Everybody So Long to Acknowledge that Bacteria Cause Ulcers

February 9, 2005
Author: Tanenbaum Jessica
Institution: History of Science/Medicine


In 1983, Australian doctors J. Robin Warren and Barry Marshall isolated Helicobacter pylori, the bacterial cause of peptic ulcer disease (P.U.D.). However, decades passed before most doctors prescribed antibiotics to their afflicted patients. Why didn't the medical community hit itself on its collective head? After all, most bacterial diseases had been discovered a century before during Robert Koch's golden age of bacteriology. Why didn't doctors laud Warren and Marshall for their findings? Why didn't long-term ulcer-sufferers champion Warren and Marshall's discovery that with a standard course of oral antibiotics, patients no longer have to swig antacid, feel guilty for leading a stressful life, or massage their stomachs through their coats to distract from their ulcers' gnawing pain. Understanding these questions reveals how complex scientific processes mold contemporary medical discoveries and their reception.


large size and bolding mine


I am done here, your further evasive denials will be ignored, since they will as usual ignore the hard evidence that a single man (Dr. Marshall) busted the consensus that Ulcers are caused by stress or spicy foods. He showed it was caused by a strain of Bacteria (From Dr. Warren) , which took the medical field years to come admit that he was correct.

The funny thing about the 100+ years of the Ulcer consensus was that is was NEVER based on medical research, it was based on a belief system nothing more, they just made it up and ran with it.

You two fools still can't admit that how this consensus was developed.

A Consensus based on NOTHING!

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Evolution isn’t a religion.. I don’t know why you would bring it up.

You keep bringing it up ... three four times you've brought it up in this thread ... I'm guessing you know a little about biology and are trying to compare this to climatology ... just keep in mind climatology is not nearly as well developed as a science as biology ... climatology hasn't had the Watson/Crick "ah hah" moment ...

Mendel demonstrated genetic inheritance in it's most simple case, one pair of alleles ... two pairs is easy to work out, but when we start working with 10 or 20 pairs of alleles things get real complicated real fast ... the multitude of these larger proteins involve thousands upon thousands of alleles ... more difficult than n-body gravitation ... luckily for biologists, we can reduce this complexity down to just a single molecule, DNA, and from here work out pretty much all the inheritance in any organism ...

Climatology doesn't seem to be getting this lucky ... there's doesn't appear to be one factor that determines climate ... we have dozens of known factors, perhaps dozens of unknown factors, all interacting with each other in strange and complex ways ... as your citation concludes, these values are yet to be determined ...

I warned you about posting citations that support my position, and not yours ... first chance you got you posted a citation that fully supports the denialists ... "yet to be determined" ... you didn't read the paper, did you? ... you saw the title and didn't read the conclusions ... shame on you ... please try again to post a citation that backs up your claim the 3400 universities and 800 scientific organizations completely agree that humans cannot adapt fast enough to withstand a 2ºC temperature increase over a 100 years ... noting that almost all of us have experienced a 2ºC temperature increase just this morning ...
Evolution isn’t a religion.. I don’t know why you would bring it up.

You keep bringing it up ... three four times you've brought it up in this thread ... I'm guessing you know a little about biology and are trying to compare this to climatology ... just keep in mind climatology is not nearly as well developed as a science as biology ... climatology hasn't had the Watson/Crick "ah hah" moment ...

Mendel demonstrated genetic inheritance in it's most simple case, one pair of alleles ... two pairs is easy to work out, but when we start working with 10 or 20 pairs of alleles things get real complicated real fast ... the multitude of these larger proteins involve thousands upon thousands of alleles ... more difficult than n-body gravitation ... luckily for biologists, we can reduce this complexity down to just a single molecule, DNA, and from here work out pretty much all the inheritance in any organism ...

Climatology doesn't seem to be getting this lucky ... there's doesn't appear to be one factor that determines climate ... we have dozens of known factors, perhaps dozens of unknown factors, all interacting with each other in strange and complex ways ... as your citation concludes, these values are yet to be determined ...

I warned you about posting citations that support my position, and not yours ... first chance you got you posted a citation that fully supports the denialists ... "yet to be determined" ... you didn't read the paper, did you? ... you saw the title and didn't read the conclusions ... shame on you ... please try again to post a citation that backs up your claim the 3400 universities and 800 scientific organizations completely agree that humans cannot adapt fast enough to withstand a 2ºC temperature increase over a 100 years ... noting that almost all of us have experienced a 2ºC temperature increase just this morning ...

noting that almost all of us have experienced a 2ºC temperature increase just this morning ...

I often feel extinct in the morning.....luckily, coffee.

With all the media hype about "global warming," many have become confused not only about the facts, but even what is the real issue. Why has the "global warming" myth been pushed at us so fervently in recent years? Who is behind this deception, and for what purpose? This excerpt from the JAHG-USA Newsletter (see explains.


Factual Background:
For decades, environmentalists have complained that human activities industrial production, automobiles, etc. produce too much atmospheric pollution. Carbon dioxide, being possibly the largest single "pollutant" from human sources, became a favorate target.

The first problem with attacking carbon dioxide is that it isn't toxic. It's in the air we breathe, and it doesn't cause health problems. And it's produced by natural sources (animals, decaying organic matter, natural forest fires, volcanoes, etc.) far more than by human ones. That made it hard for environmentalists to sell people on the notion that we must dismantle industry in order to cut back carbon dioxide emissions, so they changed tactics.

By the 1980s, environmentalist radicals (including many leftists and Marxists working as "scientific" researchers) were claiming that if carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere were to increase significantly, it would create a "greenhouse effect" in which the air would trap more heat on earth and well, that would be sheer chaos, they say. Vegetation and animals would die off, polar ice caps would melt and the rising oceans would swallow the land, humans would die of famine and disease, and the world would be utterly destroyed. It was like something from a "Twilight Zone" episode (or a Godzilla movie).

More legitimate scientists have pointed out that (1) the earth has seen large, natural variations in overall temperature over the course of centuries, which drastically altered world climates without disaster (the globe has been many degrees warmer in the past), and (2) even if the earth would warm up, that might present benefits rather than destruction.

But all this may be moot, since there's actually no evidence of a "global warming" anyway. Even the leftist radicals who dominate the National Academy of Sciences and who recently declared a "global warming" crisis couldn't find anything more than, at most, a one degree increase in temperature over the last century one of the slowest temperature changes in world history. And even that is rubbish. The data behind that conclusion was a series of temperature measurements biased by something called the "urban heat island" effect, in which cities show higher temperatures than the surrounding countrysides (because buildings, pavement, and machinery tend to produce or trap more heat); when adjusting for the over-reading of temperatures in cities, one finds no global increase in temperature at all. This was the primary reason so many scientists have opposed the "global warming" hype.

But then, there's no reason for carbon dioxide to cause "global warming" in the first place. Even if humans could produce enough carbon dioxide to change atmospheric levels (which we don't), that extra carbon dioxide would simply be absorbed by nature. It would fuel a dramatic growth in forests and lush vegetation (which consume carbon dioxide), and would lead to thriving ecosystems while the atmospheric levels would keep returning to normal. So nature wouldn't even allow the possibility of "global warming."

The fact is, scientists still don't understand the processes underlying global temperature shifts upward and downward of several degrees over the course of centuries. Whatever the complex causes, carbon dioxide probably doesn't play a significant role.

Yet environmentalists still try to insist they're seeing rising temperatures that are melting ice in Canada and Greenland, while blatantly ignoring the growing freeze in Antartica, where rising snow levels are burying research stations and their equipment. What's the environmental agenda behind twisting science and frightening the public?

The environmentalist movement was largely created by grants and funding from Fabian Socialists running large tax-exempt foundations such as the Ford Foundation, the Rockefeller Foundation and its affiliates, the Carnegie Endowment, and so forth. A congressional investigation in the early 1950s discovered that the directors of these foundations are using their funds to support Marxist revolution and propaganda of various types, with the ultimate goal of transforming the United States into a Soviet-style Communist nation. And it was funding from such institutions that created virtually the entire interlocking network of environmentalist groups.

Some of those groups now have open ties to the Communist Bloc, such as Greenpeace, which is supported by Soviet intelligence, is provided Soviet money, and works with Soviet agents in formulating its propaganda (see an article on the subject on our sister site, ATTAC Report, entitled "Greenpeace Wages Redwar"). Greenpeace is interconnected with both the more "moderate" environmentalist groups, such as the Sierra Club, and with openly Marxist, terrorist groups such as Earth First! and the Earth Liberation Front. And many other eco-groups have similar Marxist ties.

The environmentalists are simply using pseudo-science to disguise their Communist goal: to dismantle industrial society step by step, until the increasingly disfunctional economy becomes an easy target for revolution and Socialist destruction.

Relevant Torah Principles:
1) One of the mandates of Jewish Law is to develop the land of Israel, especially in building cities and urban areas. It is forbidden under Jewish Law to dismantle urban development in favor of restoring farmland or wild nature. In general, this development process is part of the Jewish work of "Tikkun HaOlam" ("repairing the world"), which involves correcting the imperfection of nature through human development.

2) Under the Noahide Laws, this isn't just one of the mandates; it's the entire mandate. The core purpose of gentiles in G-d's plan is to develop the world physically by filling it with more population, by transforming the land through construction and development, and by exploiting and harnessing natural resources. The industrial revolution represents a further stage in the human obligation under G-d's Law to develop the world, and is an imminent preparation for the Messianic Era that will be fueled by capital-development ("capitalist") economies that will produce endlessly abundant wealth.

3) This mandate of development isn't a "right"; it's an obligation, a duty under G-d's Law. Consequently, the underlying principles of the Noahide Laws empower gentile governments to enforce this obligation, if necessary. If there are people opting for a return to nature in their own lives, the government may pass laws to discourage this and put pressure on those people to repent and return to their duty of building civilization. If an entire environmentalist movement arises, there is no question the government is positively obligated to outlaw the movement and all of its anti-social activities, with severe penalties if needed, in order to suppress it as a subversive danger to society.

4) In wartime, any movement that seeks to damage the economy and undermine the society isn't just rebelling against the mandate for growth; it's violating the Noahide commandment of upholding justice. It threatens the very stability of the nation itself and undermines the war effort, and thus amounts to treason, which brings death penalty.

We are today at war with international Communism, which already rules over one-third of the world and is bringing the rest of the nations to the brink of chaos and collapse. Their slow attack of internal subversion is weakening all nations in preparation for the more overt attack coming soon.

Environmentalism constitutes one arm of Communist subversion of non-Communist societies (Communist regimes themselves completely ignore environmental issues in their aggressive building of war machines). Thus the environmentalist movement, from the most "respectable" conservationist groups to the most violent eco-radicals, are a treasonous fifth column that threatens our national security and endangers our lives.

Not only must we dismantle existing environmental regulations (especially those meant to reduce carbon dioxide emissions), but the government must take aggressive legal action to suppress the environmentalist movement and its sponsors and affiliates. Communist and Fabian Socialist agents must be rooted out through comprehensive investigations and executed as traitors.

Those subversives will ultimately destroy themselves and kill one another at the end of the third War of Gog and Magog (as foretold in prophecy). But if we fail to act ourselves, our nations will go through a period of terrible crises and economic disasters before it's all over.
So, you know more then NASA.
With all the media hype about "global warming," many have become confused not only about the facts, but even what is the real issue. Why has the "global warming" myth been pushed at us so fervently in recent years? Who is behind this deception, and for what purpose? This excerpt from the JAHG-USA Newsletter (see explains.
Why don’t you just ask yourself, “ why has every nation in the world signed on the the kytoo protocols” except the delusional trump ? “ is it because you claim to be smarter then everyone else in the world ?
Why can't Dagosa answer this simple question (asked three times now) could it be because it destroys the long running consensus error?

"What about stomach ulcers that doctors for decades said was caused by spicy foods, or stress....."

Man up and answer the question...
here is the time line about the discovery of a cure for peptic ulcers.
it was many years in coming. Not only that, but trials were conducted before the actual treatment discovered was allied. That’s consensus science.
Why don’t you just ask yourself, “ why has every nation in the world signed on the the kytoo protocols” except the delusional trump ? “ is it because you claim to be smarter then everyone else in the world ?

Nah ... just a hell of a lot smarter than you ...

What's with the ad hominem attacks already? ...
Why don’t you just ask yourself, “ why has every nation in the world signed on the the kytoo protocols” except the delusional trump ? “ is it because you claim to be smarter then everyone else in the world ?

Nah ... just a hell of a lot smarter than you ...

What's with the ad hominem attacks already? ...

He is confused since the US. Senate by a 95-0 vote told then President Clinton, they will not ratify the Kyoto treaty as it is, Clinton then dropped the treaty efforts.

Trump has nothing to do with it, but this ignorant person doesn't care...., being highly partisan is a sign of a lazy manipulated mind.

The kid missed it by just 23 years......
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He is confused since the US. Senate by a 95-0 vote told then President Clinton, they will not ratify the Kyoto treaty as it is, Clinton then dropped the treaty efforts.
Trump has nothing to do with it, but this ignorant person doesn't care...., being highly partisan is a sign of a lazy manipulated mind.

I wonder how much coal he burns to post about not burning coal ... Oregon closed all the coal burners in the state a couple years ago ... I can't buy coal power even if I wanted to ... just this damned bird-killing wind power and fish-killing hydro ... talk about tearing up an environment like CO2's wet dreams ...
Why can't Dagosa answer this simple question (asked three times now) could it be because it destroys the long running consensus error?

"What about stomach ulcers that doctors for decades said was caused by spicy foods, or stress....."

Man up and answer the question...
here is the time line about the discovery of a cure for peptic ulcers.
it was many years in coming. Not only that, but trials were conducted before the actual treatment discovered was allied. That’s consensus science.

Just as I expected, you didn't read my article, where it mentioned the discovery of Bacteria over 100 years ago, from post 40 is this I have posted already:

Delayed Gratification: Why it Took Everybody So Long to Acknowledge that Bacteria Cause Ulcers

February 9, 2005
Author: Tanenbaum Jessica
Institution: History of Science/Medicine


In 1983, Australian doctors J. Robin Warren and Barry Marshall isolated Helicobacter pylori, the bacterial cause of peptic ulcer disease (P.U.D.). However, decades passed before most doctors prescribed antibiotics to their afflicted patients. Why didn't the medical community hit itself on its collective head? After all, most bacterial diseases had been discovered a century before during Robert Koch's golden age of bacteriology. Why didn't doctors laud Warren and Marshall for their findings? Why didn't long-term ulcer-sufferers champion Warren and Marshall's discovery that with a standard course of oral antibiotics, patients no longer have to swig antacid, feel guilty for leading a stressful life, or massage their stomachs through their coats to distract from their ulcers' gnawing pain. Understanding these questions reveals how complex scientific processes mold contemporary medical discoveries and their reception.


large size mine


You don't even read your own link well, here is what I found that supports my claim of a demonstrated consensus error, from the very first two paragraphs in YOUR link:

"This is a timeline of the events relating to the discovery that peptic ulcer disease and some cancers are caused by H. pylori. In 2005, Barry Marshall and Robin Warren were awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for their discovery that peptic ulcer disease (PUD) was primarily caused by Helicobacter pylori, a bacterium with affinity for acidic environments, such as the stomach. As a result, PUD that is associated with H. pylori is currently treated with antibiotics used to eradicate the infection. For decades prior to their discovery, it was widely believed that PUD was caused by excess acid in the stomach. During this time, acid control was the primary method of treatment for PUD, to only partial success. Among other effects, it is now known that acid suppression alters the stomach milieu to make it less amenable to H. pylori infection.

Before the 1950s, there were many microbiological descriptions of bacteria in the stomach and in gastric acid secretions, lending credence to both the infective theory and the hyperacidity theory as being causes of peptic ulcer disease. A single study, conducted in 1954, did not find evidence of bacteria on biopsies of the stomach stained traditionally; this effectively established the acid theory as dogma. This paradigm was altered when Warren and Marshall effectively proved Koch's postulates for causation of PUD by H. pylori through a series of experiments in the 1980s; however, an extensive effort was required to convince the medical community of the relevance of their work. Now, all major gastrointestinal societies agree that H. pylori is the primary nondrug cause of PUD worldwide, and advocate its eradication as essential to treatment of gastric and duodenal ulcers. Additionally, H. pylori has been associated with lymphomas and adenocarcinomas of the stomach, and has been classified by the World Health Organization as a carcinogen. Advances in molecular biology in the late 20th century led to the sequencing of the H. pylori genome, resulting in a better understanding of virulence factors responsible for its colonization and infection, on the DNA level."

red bolding mine


Your claims of consensus based on the Wikipedia link is absurd, they put fourth many possible causes of Ulcers but none of them pans out for obvious reasons, this section is the only time they were in the right track that led to the real understanding of Bacteria causing Ulcers and how to stop it:

A paper describing Marshall and Warren's results is accepted by the Gastroenterological Society of Australia for presentation.[38]Marshall and Goodwin attempt to infect pigs with H. pylori in an attempt to demonstrate that it causes PUD. The experiment fails.[38]Marshall and Warren's paper is accepted by The Lancet in May and published in June. Many reviewers dislike the paper.[38]McNulty and Watson are able to reproduce Marshall and Warren's results.[41]June 12: Marshall intentionally consumes H. pylori and becomes ill. He takes antibiotics and is relieved of his symptoms.[38]The National Health and Medical Research Council of Australia fully funds Marshall's research into H. pylori.[38]A study is published in China about the effectiveness of treating PUD with an antibacterial agent.[31]July 31: The New York Times publishes an article by its medical correspondent Dr. Lawrence K. Altman on the possible link between H. pylori and PUD.[42] He states in 2002, "I’ve never seen the medical community more defensive or more critical of a story" since he joined the newspaper in 1969.[43]Thomas Borody developed the bismuth-based "Triple Therapy" consisting of bismuth and two antibiotics. This became the first truly successful treatment for H. pylori with an eradication rate greater than 90%.[44][45][46]

Marshall publishes the results of self-induced infection.[38]Borody patents the bismuth-based triple therapy.[47]

Borody's triple therapy became commercialized in the United States under the product name Helidac.[51]Rauws and Tytgat describe cure of duodenal ulcer by eradication of H. pylori using Borody's triple therapy combination.[52] Triple-therapy, modernized to a proton pump inhibitor and two antibiotics, soon becomes first line therapy for eradication.World Congress of Gastroenterology recommends eradicating H. pylori to cure duodenal ulcers.[53]First report of resistance of H. pylori to the antibiotic metronidazole.[54] Resistance of H. pylori to treatment will lead to the development of many different antibiotic and proton pump inhibitor regimens for eradication.

Warren and Marshall are awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for their work on H. pylori and PUD.[62]


Another Wikipedia link shows that Borody worked under Warren and Marshall

Triple therapy for H. pylori infection[edit]
As a gastroenterologist, Borody is most famous for his work on the development of the triple therapy for infection with Helicobacter pylori bacteria. The triple therapy, which was invented around 1987, is a combination of bismuth, metronidazole and tetracycline. At the time, Borody was working with Barry Marshal and Robin Warren (who later received a Nobel prize for their research into Helicobacter pylori), and is considered to be the first physician to successfully formulate the triple therapy that would later become the gold standard for treating peptic ulcer disease caused by Helicobacter pylori infection.

bolding mine


Until 1984 no one could make a case for Bacterial infection as the main cause of Ulcers, since many researchers didn't even talk about Bacteria as the cause. They were wedded to a false consensus trail.

Once again you get smashed, this time by YOUR OWN LINK!

Your consensus arguments keep failing over and over.

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