The invention of global warming


Jul 15, 2008
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With all the media hype about "global warming," many have become confused not only about the facts, but even what is the real issue. Why has the "global warming" myth been pushed at us so fervently in recent years? Who is behind this deception, and for what purpose? This excerpt from the JAHG-USA Newsletter (see explains.


Factual Background:
For decades, environmentalists have complained that human activities — industrial production, automobiles, etc. — produce too much atmospheric pollution. Carbon dioxide, being possibly the largest single "pollutant" from human sources, became a favorate target.

The first problem with attacking carbon dioxide is that it isn't toxic. It's in the air we breathe, and it doesn't cause health problems. And it's produced by natural sources (animals, decaying organic matter, natural forest fires, volcanoes, etc.) far more than by human ones. That made it hard for environmentalists to sell people on the notion that we must dismantle industry in order to cut back carbon dioxide emissions, so they changed tactics.

By the 1980s, environmentalist radicals (including many leftists and Marxists working as "scientific" researchers) were claiming that if carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere were to increase significantly, it would create a "greenhouse effect" in which the air would trap more heat on earth and… well, that would be sheer chaos, they say. Vegetation and animals would die off, polar ice caps would melt and the rising oceans would swallow the land, humans would die of famine and disease, and the world would be utterly destroyed. It was like something from a "Twilight Zone" episode (or a Godzilla movie).

More legitimate scientists have pointed out that (1) the earth has seen large, natural variations in overall temperature over the course of centuries, which drastically altered world climates without disaster (the globe has been many degrees warmer in the past), and (2) even if the earth would warm up, that might present benefits rather than destruction.

But all this may be moot, since there's actually no evidence of a "global warming" anyway. Even the leftist radicals who dominate the National Academy of Sciences and who recently declared a "global warming" crisis couldn't find anything more than, at most, a one degree increase in temperature over the last century — one of the slowest temperature changes in world history. And even that is rubbish. The data behind that conclusion was a series of temperature measurements biased by something called the "urban heat island" effect, in which cities show higher temperatures than the surrounding countrysides (because buildings, pavement, and machinery tend to produce or trap more heat); when adjusting for the over-reading of temperatures in cities, one finds no global increase in temperature at all. This was the primary reason so many scientists have opposed the "global warming" hype.

But then, there's no reason for carbon dioxide to cause "global warming" in the first place. Even if humans could produce enough carbon dioxide to change atmospheric levels (which we don't), that extra carbon dioxide would simply be absorbed by nature. It would fuel a dramatic growth in forests and lush vegetation (which consume carbon dioxide), and would lead to thriving ecosystems while the atmospheric levels would keep returning to normal. So nature wouldn't even allow the possibility of "global warming."

The fact is, scientists still don't understand the processes underlying global temperature shifts upward and downward of several degrees over the course of centuries. Whatever the complex causes, carbon dioxide probably doesn't play a significant role.

Yet environmentalists still try to insist they're seeing rising temperatures that are melting ice in Canada and Greenland, while blatantly ignoring the growing freeze in Antartica, where rising snow levels are burying research stations and their equipment. What's the environmental agenda behind twisting science and frightening the public?

The environmentalist movement was largely created by grants and funding from Fabian Socialists running large tax-exempt foundations such as the Ford Foundation, the Rockefeller Foundation and its affiliates, the Carnegie Endowment, and so forth. A congressional investigation in the early 1950s discovered that the directors of these foundations are using their funds to support Marxist revolution and propaganda of various types, with the ultimate goal of transforming the United States into a Soviet-style Communist nation. And it was funding from such institutions that created virtually the entire interlocking network of environmentalist groups.

Some of those groups now have open ties to the Communist Bloc, such as Greenpeace, which is supported by Soviet intelligence, is provided Soviet money, and works with Soviet agents in formulating its propaganda (see an article on the subject on our sister site, ATTAC Report, entitled "Greenpeace Wages Redwar"). Greenpeace is interconnected with both the more "moderate" environmentalist groups, such as the Sierra Club, and with openly Marxist, terrorist groups such as Earth First! and the Earth Liberation Front. And many other eco-groups have similar Marxist ties.

The environmentalists are simply using pseudo-science to disguise their Communist goal: to dismantle industrial society step by step, until the increasingly disfunctional economy becomes an easy target for revolution and Socialist destruction.

Relevant Torah Principles:
1) One of the mandates of Jewish Law is to develop the land of Israel, especially in building cities and urban areas. It is forbidden under Jewish Law to dismantle urban development in favor of restoring farmland or wild nature. In general, this development process is part of the Jewish work of "Tikkun HaOlam" ("repairing the world"), which involves correcting the imperfection of nature through human development.

2) Under the Noahide Laws, this isn't just one of the mandates; it's the entire mandate. The core purpose of gentiles in G-d's plan is to develop the world physically by filling it with more population, by transforming the land through construction and development, and by exploiting and harnessing natural resources. The industrial revolution represents a further stage in the human obligation under G-d's Law to develop the world, and is an imminent preparation for the Messianic Era that will be fueled by capital-development ("capitalist") economies that will produce endlessly abundant wealth.

3) This mandate of development isn't a "right"; it's an obligation, a duty under G-d's Law. Consequently, the underlying principles of the Noahide Laws empower gentile governments to enforce this obligation, if necessary. If there are people opting for a return to nature in their own lives, the government may pass laws to discourage this and put pressure on those people to repent and return to their duty of building civilization. If an entire environmentalist movement arises, there is no question the government is positively obligated to outlaw the movement and all of its anti-social activities, with severe penalties if needed, in order to suppress it as a subversive danger to society.

4) In wartime, any movement that seeks to damage the economy and undermine the society isn't just rebelling against the mandate for growth; it's violating the Noahide commandment of upholding justice. It threatens the very stability of the nation itself and undermines the war effort, and thus amounts to treason, which brings death penalty.

We are today at war with international Communism, which already rules over one-third of the world and is bringing the rest of the nations to the brink of chaos and collapse. Their slow attack of internal subversion is weakening all nations in preparation for the more overt attack coming soon.

Environmentalism constitutes one arm of Communist subversion of non-Communist societies (Communist regimes themselves completely ignore environmental issues in their aggressive building of war machines). Thus the environmentalist movement, from the most "respectable" conservationist groups to the most violent eco-radicals, are a treasonous fifth column that threatens our national security and endangers our lives.

Not only must we dismantle existing environmental regulations (especially those meant to reduce carbon dioxide emissions), but the government must take aggressive legal action to suppress the environmentalist movement and its sponsors and affiliates. Communist and Fabian Socialist agents must be rooted out through comprehensive investigations and executed as traitors.

Those subversives will ultimately destroy themselves and kill one another at the end of the third War of Gog and Magog (as foretold in prophecy). But if we fail to act ourselves, our nations will go through a period of terrible crises and economic disasters before it's all over.

With all the media hype about "global warming," many have become confused not only about the facts, but even what is the real issue. Why has the "global warming" myth been pushed at us so fervently in recent years? Who is behind this deception, and for what purpose? This excerpt from the JAHG-USA Newsletter (see explains.


Factual Background:
For decades, environmentalists have complained that human activities industrial production, automobiles, etc. produce too much atmospheric pollution. Carbon dioxide, being possibly the largest single "pollutant" from human sources, became a favorate target.

The first problem with attacking carbon dioxide is that it isn't toxic. It's in the air we breathe, and it doesn't cause health problems. And it's produced by natural sources (animals, decaying organic matter, natural forest fires, volcanoes, etc.) far more than by human ones. That made it hard for environmentalists to sell people on the notion that we must dismantle industry in order to cut back carbon dioxide emissions, so they changed tactics.

By the 1980s, environmentalist radicals (including many leftists and Marxists working as "scientific" researchers) were claiming that if carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere were to increase significantly, it would create a "greenhouse effect" in which the air would trap more heat on earth and well, that would be sheer chaos, they say. Vegetation and animals would die off, polar ice caps would melt and the rising oceans would swallow the land, humans would die of famine and disease, and the world would be utterly destroyed. It was like something from a "Twilight Zone" episode (or a Godzilla movie).

More legitimate scientists have pointed out that (1) the earth has seen large, natural variations in overall temperature over the course of centuries, which drastically altered world climates without disaster (the globe has been many degrees warmer in the past), and (2) even if the earth would warm up, that might present benefits rather than destruction.

But all this may be moot, since there's actually no evidence of a "global warming" anyway. Even the leftist radicals who dominate the National Academy of Sciences and who recently declared a "global warming" crisis couldn't find anything more than, at most, a one degree increase in temperature over the last century one of the slowest temperature changes in world history. And even that is rubbish. The data behind that conclusion was a series of temperature measurements biased by something called the "urban heat island" effect, in which cities show higher temperatures than the surrounding countrysides (because buildings, pavement, and machinery tend to produce or trap more heat); when adjusting for the over-reading of temperatures in cities, one finds no global increase in temperature at all. This was the primary reason so many scientists have opposed the "global warming" hype.

But then, there's no reason for carbon dioxide to cause "global warming" in the first place. Even if humans could produce enough carbon dioxide to change atmospheric levels (which we don't), that extra carbon dioxide would simply be absorbed by nature. It would fuel a dramatic growth in forests and lush vegetation (which consume carbon dioxide), and would lead to thriving ecosystems while the atmospheric levels would keep returning to normal. So nature wouldn't even allow the possibility of "global warming."

The fact is, scientists still don't understand the processes underlying global temperature shifts upward and downward of several degrees over the course of centuries. Whatever the complex causes, carbon dioxide probably doesn't play a significant role.

Yet environmentalists still try to insist they're seeing rising temperatures that are melting ice in Canada and Greenland, while blatantly ignoring the growing freeze in Antartica, where rising snow levels are burying research stations and their equipment. What's the environmental agenda behind twisting science and frightening the public?

The environmentalist movement was largely created by grants and funding from Fabian Socialists running large tax-exempt foundations such as the Ford Foundation, the Rockefeller Foundation and its affiliates, the Carnegie Endowment, and so forth. A congressional investigation in the early 1950s discovered that the directors of these foundations are using their funds to support Marxist revolution and propaganda of various types, with the ultimate goal of transforming the United States into a Soviet-style Communist nation. And it was funding from such institutions that created virtually the entire interlocking network of environmentalist groups.

Some of those groups now have open ties to the Communist Bloc, such as Greenpeace, which is supported by Soviet intelligence, is provided Soviet money, and works with Soviet agents in formulating its propaganda (see an article on the subject on our sister site, ATTAC Report, entitled "Greenpeace Wages Redwar"). Greenpeace is interconnected with both the more "moderate" environmentalist groups, such as the Sierra Club, and with openly Marxist, terrorist groups such as Earth First! and the Earth Liberation Front. And many other eco-groups have similar Marxist ties.

The environmentalists are simply using pseudo-science to disguise their Communist goal: to dismantle industrial society step by step, until the increasingly disfunctional economy becomes an easy target for revolution and Socialist destruction.

Relevant Torah Principles:
1) One of the mandates of Jewish Law is to develop the land of Israel, especially in building cities and urban areas. It is forbidden under Jewish Law to dismantle urban development in favor of restoring farmland or wild nature. In general, this development process is part of the Jewish work of "Tikkun HaOlam" ("repairing the world"), which involves correcting the imperfection of nature through human development.

2) Under the Noahide Laws, this isn't just one of the mandates; it's the entire mandate. The core purpose of gentiles in G-d's plan is to develop the world physically by filling it with more population, by transforming the land through construction and development, and by exploiting and harnessing natural resources. The industrial revolution represents a further stage in the human obligation under G-d's Law to develop the world, and is an imminent preparation for the Messianic Era that will be fueled by capital-development ("capitalist") economies that will produce endlessly abundant wealth.

3) This mandate of development isn't a "right"; it's an obligation, a duty under G-d's Law. Consequently, the underlying principles of the Noahide Laws empower gentile governments to enforce this obligation, if necessary. If there are people opting for a return to nature in their own lives, the government may pass laws to discourage this and put pressure on those people to repent and return to their duty of building civilization. If an entire environmentalist movement arises, there is no question the government is positively obligated to outlaw the movement and all of its anti-social activities, with severe penalties if needed, in order to suppress it as a subversive danger to society.

4) In wartime, any movement that seeks to damage the economy and undermine the society isn't just rebelling against the mandate for growth; it's violating the Noahide commandment of upholding justice. It threatens the very stability of the nation itself and undermines the war effort, and thus amounts to treason, which brings death penalty.

We are today at war with international Communism, which already rules over one-third of the world and is bringing the rest of the nations to the brink of chaos and collapse. Their slow attack of internal subversion is weakening all nations in preparation for the more overt attack coming soon.

Environmentalism constitutes one arm of Communist subversion of non-Communist societies (Communist regimes themselves completely ignore environmental issues in their aggressive building of war machines). Thus the environmentalist movement, from the most "respectable" conservationist groups to the most violent eco-radicals, are a treasonous fifth column that threatens our national security and endangers our lives.

Not only must we dismantle existing environmental regulations (especially those meant to reduce carbon dioxide emissions), but the government must take aggressive legal action to suppress the environmentalist movement and its sponsors and affiliates. Communist and Fabian Socialist agents must be rooted out through comprehensive investigations and executed as traitors.

Those subversives will ultimately destroy themselves and kill one another at the end of the third War of Gog and Magog (as foretold in prophecy). But if we fail to act ourselves, our nations will go through a period of terrible crises and economic disasters before it's all over.
Leading organizations involved in climate change research, policy making and education
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) - Climate Change Science
This section of the EPA website offers scientific information and data on climate change in the past and projections for the future. Specific information about the U.S. government's role in conducting and evaluating science as well as EPA's role in these efforts can be found on the Climate Change Science Program and EPA Research and Assessment pages in the Policy section.

NOAA Education - Climate Change and Our Planet
This collection of resources from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) are designed for teachers to use in the classroom or as background reference material.

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change was established by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) to provide objective reports on climate change and its potential environmental and socio-economic consequences. Geography has played a central role in the IPCC’s activities. Dr. Thomas Wilbanks, past president of the AAG and recipient of numerous honors in the field of geography, served as lead author of a chapter of the Fourth Assessment Report which was awarded the Nobel Prize in 2007.

National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR)
NCAR provides the university science and teaching community with the tools, facilities, and support required to perform innovative research. Through NCAR, scientists gain access to high-performance computational and observational facilities, such as supercomputers, aircraft and radar - resources researchers need to improve human understanding of atmospheric and Earth system processes. NCAR also houses the Geographical Information Systems (GIS) Strategic Initiative, an interdisciplinary effort to foster collaborative science, spatial data interoperability, and knowledge sharing with GIS, within the field of atmospheric research.

Center for Remote Sensing of Ice Sheets (CReSIS)
CReSIS was established by the NSF in 2005 and is headquartered at the University of Kansas. The Center uses a variety of geographic tools and technologies (including Geographic Information Systems, Remote Sensing, and spatial statistics) to complement its goal of measuring and predicting the response of sea level change to the mass balance of ice sheets in Greenland and Antarctica.

National Climate Data Center (NCDC)
NCDC is the world's largest active archive of weather data. NCDC produces numerous climate publications and responds to data requests from all over the world.

World Meteorological Organization
The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) is a specialized agency of the United Nations. It is the UN system's authoritative voice on the state and behavior of the Earth's atmosphere, its interaction with the oceans, the climate it produces and the resulting distribution of water resources.

United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), Climate Change
The UNEP Climate Change website serves as a gateway to UNEP activities related to adaptation, mitigation, science, and communication/outreach on the effects of climate change, as well as programs to reduce emissions from deforestation and degradation of ecosystems.

United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)
The UNFCCC supports UN bodies involved in the climate change process. This UNFCCC website contains numerous resources, such as introductory and in-depth publications, the official UNFCCC and Kyoto Protocol texts and a search engine to the UNFCCC library.

Pew Center on Global Climate Change
The Pew Center on Global Climate Change brings together business leaders, policy makers, scientists, and other experts to bring a new approach to a complex and often controversial issue. The Center conducts analyses of key climate issues, works to keep policy makers informed, engages the business community in the search for solutions, and reaches out to educate the key audiences.

Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations – Climate Change
FAO's activities in climate change are spread over all departments and cover all agricultural sectors (i.e. agriculture, livestock, forestry, fisheries) as well as highly cross-sectoral topics (e.g. bioenergy, biodiversity, climate risk management). The Interdepartmental Working Group on Climate Change and the Environment, Climate Change and Bioenergy Division (NRC) play an important role in coordinating these activities.

National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC)
The NSIDC supports research on snow, ice, glaciers, frozen ground, and climate interactions that make up Earth's cryosphere. Dr. Mark Serreze, NSIDC Director, has carried out significant geographic research on climate warning in the Arctic and its implications.

International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme (IGBP)
IGBP is a research programme that studies the phenomenon of Global Change. IGBP provides scientific knowledge to improve the sustainability of the living Earth. IGBP studies the interactions between biological, chemical and physical processes and interactions with human systems and collaborates with other programmes to develop and impart the understanding necessary to respond to global change.

With all the media hype about "global warming," many have become confused not only about the facts, but even what is the real issue. Why has the "global warming" myth been pushed at us so fervently in recent years? Who is behind this deception, and for what purpose? This excerpt from the JAHG-USA Newsletter (see explains.


Factual Background:
For decades, environmentalists have complained that human activities industrial production, automobiles, etc. produce too much atmospheric pollution. Carbon dioxide, being possibly the largest single "pollutant" from human sources, became a favorate target.

The first problem with attacking carbon dioxide is that it isn't toxic. It's in the air we breathe, and it doesn't cause health problems. And it's produced by natural sources (animals, decaying organic matter, natural forest fires, volcanoes, etc.) far more than by human ones. That made it hard for environmentalists to sell people on the notion that we must dismantle industry in order to cut back carbon dioxide emissions, so they changed tactics.

By the 1980s, environmentalist radicals (including many leftists and Marxists working as "scientific" researchers) were claiming that if carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere were to increase significantly, it would create a "greenhouse effect" in which the air would trap more heat on earth and well, that would be sheer chaos, they say. Vegetation and animals would die off, polar ice caps would melt and the rising oceans would swallow the land, humans would die of famine and disease, and the world would be utterly destroyed. It was like something from a "Twilight Zone" episode (or a Godzilla movie).

More legitimate scientists have pointed out that (1) the earth has seen large, natural variations in overall temperature over the course of centuries, which drastically altered world climates without disaster (the globe has been many degrees warmer in the past), and (2) even if the earth would warm up, that might present benefits rather than destruction.

But all this may be moot, since there's actually no evidence of a "global warming" anyway. Even the leftist radicals who dominate the National Academy of Sciences and who recently declared a "global warming" crisis couldn't find anything more than, at most, a one degree increase in temperature over the last century one of the slowest temperature changes in world history. And even that is rubbish. The data behind that conclusion was a series of temperature measurements biased by something called the "urban heat island" effect, in which cities show higher temperatures than the surrounding countrysides (because buildings, pavement, and machinery tend to produce or trap more heat); when adjusting for the over-reading of temperatures in cities, one finds no global increase in temperature at all. This was the primary reason so many scientists have opposed the "global warming" hype.

But then, there's no reason for carbon dioxide to cause "global warming" in the first place. Even if humans could produce enough carbon dioxide to change atmospheric levels (which we don't), that extra carbon dioxide would simply be absorbed by nature. It would fuel a dramatic growth in forests and lush vegetation (which consume carbon dioxide), and would lead to thriving ecosystems while the atmospheric levels would keep returning to normal. So nature wouldn't even allow the possibility of "global warming."

The fact is, scientists still don't understand the processes underlying global temperature shifts upward and downward of several degrees over the course of centuries. Whatever the complex causes, carbon dioxide probably doesn't play a significant role.

Yet environmentalists still try to insist they're seeing rising temperatures that are melting ice in Canada and Greenland, while blatantly ignoring the growing freeze in Antartica, where rising snow levels are burying research stations and their equipment. What's the environmental agenda behind twisting science and frightening the public?

The environmentalist movement was largely created by grants and funding from Fabian Socialists running large tax-exempt foundations such as the Ford Foundation, the Rockefeller Foundation and its affiliates, the Carnegie Endowment, and so forth. A congressional investigation in the early 1950s discovered that the directors of these foundations are using their funds to support Marxist revolution and propaganda of various types, with the ultimate goal of transforming the United States into a Soviet-style Communist nation. And it was funding from such institutions that created virtually the entire interlocking network of environmentalist groups.

Some of those groups now have open ties to the Communist Bloc, such as Greenpeace, which is supported by Soviet intelligence, is provided Soviet money, and works with Soviet agents in formulating its propaganda (see an article on the subject on our sister site, ATTAC Report, entitled "Greenpeace Wages Redwar"). Greenpeace is interconnected with both the more "moderate" environmentalist groups, such as the Sierra Club, and with openly Marxist, terrorist groups such as Earth First! and the Earth Liberation Front. And many other eco-groups have similar Marxist ties.

The environmentalists are simply using pseudo-science to disguise their Communist goal: to dismantle industrial society step by step, until the increasingly disfunctional economy becomes an easy target for revolution and Socialist destruction.

Relevant Torah Principles:
1) One of the mandates of Jewish Law is to develop the land of Israel, especially in building cities and urban areas. It is forbidden under Jewish Law to dismantle urban development in favor of restoring farmland or wild nature. In general, this development process is part of the Jewish work of "Tikkun HaOlam" ("repairing the world"), which involves correcting the imperfection of nature through human development.

2) Under the Noahide Laws, this isn't just one of the mandates; it's the entire mandate. The core purpose of gentiles in G-d's plan is to develop the world physically by filling it with more population, by transforming the land through construction and development, and by exploiting and harnessing natural resources. The industrial revolution represents a further stage in the human obligation under G-d's Law to develop the world, and is an imminent preparation for the Messianic Era that will be fueled by capital-development ("capitalist") economies that will produce endlessly abundant wealth.

3) This mandate of development isn't a "right"; it's an obligation, a duty under G-d's Law. Consequently, the underlying principles of the Noahide Laws empower gentile governments to enforce this obligation, if necessary. If there are people opting for a return to nature in their own lives, the government may pass laws to discourage this and put pressure on those people to repent and return to their duty of building civilization. If an entire environmentalist movement arises, there is no question the government is positively obligated to outlaw the movement and all of its anti-social activities, with severe penalties if needed, in order to suppress it as a subversive danger to society.

4) In wartime, any movement that seeks to damage the economy and undermine the society isn't just rebelling against the mandate for growth; it's violating the Noahide commandment of upholding justice. It threatens the very stability of the nation itself and undermines the war effort, and thus amounts to treason, which brings death penalty.

We are today at war with international Communism, which already rules over one-third of the world and is bringing the rest of the nations to the brink of chaos and collapse. Their slow attack of internal subversion is weakening all nations in preparation for the more overt attack coming soon.

Environmentalism constitutes one arm of Communist subversion of non-Communist societies (Communist regimes themselves completely ignore environmental issues in their aggressive building of war machines). Thus the environmentalist movement, from the most "respectable" conservationist groups to the most violent eco-radicals, are a treasonous fifth column that threatens our national security and endangers our lives.

Not only must we dismantle existing environmental regulations (especially those meant to reduce carbon dioxide emissions), but the government must take aggressive legal action to suppress the environmentalist movement and its sponsors and affiliates. Communist and Fabian Socialist agents must be rooted out through comprehensive investigations and executed as traitors.

Those subversives will ultimately destroy themselves and kill one another at the end of the third War of Gog and Magog (as foretold in prophecy). But if we fail to act ourselves, our nations will go through a period of terrible crises and economic disasters before it's all over.
Leading organizations involved in climate change research, policy making and education
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) - Climate Change Science
This section of the EPA website offers scientific information and data on climate change in the past and projections for the future. Specific information about the U.S. government's role in conducting and evaluating science as well as EPA's role in these efforts can be found on the Climate Change Science Program and EPA Research and Assessment pages in the Policy section.

NOAA Education - Climate Change and Our Planet
This collection of resources from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) are designed for teachers to use in the classroom or as background reference material.

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change was established by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) to provide objective reports on climate change and its potential environmental and socio-economic consequences. Geography has played a central role in the IPCC’s activities. Dr. Thomas Wilbanks, past president of the AAG and recipient of numerous honors in the field of geography, served as lead author of a chapter of the Fourth Assessment Report which was awarded the Nobel Prize in 2007.

National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR)
NCAR provides the university science and teaching community with the tools, facilities, and support required to perform innovative research. Through NCAR, scientists gain access to high-performance computational and observational facilities, such as supercomputers, aircraft and radar - resources researchers need to improve human understanding of atmospheric and Earth system processes. NCAR also houses the Geographical Information Systems (GIS) Strategic Initiative, an interdisciplinary effort to foster collaborative science, spatial data interoperability, and knowledge sharing with GIS, within the field of atmospheric research.

Center for Remote Sensing of Ice Sheets (CReSIS)
CReSIS was established by the NSF in 2005 and is headquartered at the University of Kansas. The Center uses a variety of geographic tools and technologies (including Geographic Information Systems, Remote Sensing, and spatial statistics) to complement its goal of measuring and predicting the response of sea level change to the mass balance of ice sheets in Greenland and Antarctica.

National Climate Data Center (NCDC)
NCDC is the world's largest active archive of weather data. NCDC produces numerous climate publications and responds to data requests from all over the world.

World Meteorological Organization
The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) is a specialized agency of the United Nations. It is the UN system's authoritative voice on the state and behavior of the Earth's atmosphere, its interaction with the oceans, the climate it produces and the resulting distribution of water resources.

United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), Climate Change
The UNEP Climate Change website serves as a gateway to UNEP activities related to adaptation, mitigation, science, and communication/outreach on the effects of climate change, as well as programs to reduce emissions from deforestation and degradation of ecosystems.

United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)
The UNFCCC supports UN bodies involved in the climate change process. This UNFCCC website contains numerous resources, such as introductory and in-depth publications, the official UNFCCC and Kyoto Protocol texts and a search engine to the UNFCCC library.

Pew Center on Global Climate Change
The Pew Center on Global Climate Change brings together business leaders, policy makers, scientists, and other experts to bring a new approach to a complex and often controversial issue. The Center conducts analyses of key climate issues, works to keep policy makers informed, engages the business community in the search for solutions, and reaches out to educate the key audiences.

Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations – Climate Change
FAO's activities in climate change are spread over all departments and cover all agricultural sectors (i.e. agriculture, livestock, forestry, fisheries) as well as highly cross-sectoral topics (e.g. bioenergy, biodiversity, climate risk management). The Interdepartmental Working Group on Climate Change and the Environment, Climate Change and Bioenergy Division (NRC) play an important role in coordinating these activities.

National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC)
The NSIDC supports research on snow, ice, glaciers, frozen ground, and climate interactions that make up Earth's cryosphere. Dr. Mark Serreze, NSIDC Director, has carried out significant geographic research on climate warning in the Arctic and its implications.

International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme (IGBP)
IGBP is a research programme that studies the phenomenon of Global Change. IGBP provides scientific knowledge to improve the sustainability of the living Earth. IGBP studies the interactions between biological, chemical and physical processes and interactions with human systems and collaborates with other programmes to develop and impart the understanding necessary to respond to global change.

This is the THIRD time you post this consensus fallacy, you don't address the first post at all.

Post one remains unchallenged.

If this is all you have, you are going to be greatly disappointed.....

With all the media hype about "global warming," many have become confused not only about the facts, but even what is the real issue. Why has the "global warming" myth been pushed at us so fervently in recent years? Who is behind this deception, and for what purpose? This excerpt from the JAHG-USA Newsletter (see explains.


Factual Background:
For decades, environmentalists have complained that human activities industrial production, automobiles, etc. produce too much atmospheric pollution. Carbon dioxide, being possibly the largest single "pollutant" from human sources, became a favorate target.

The first problem with attacking carbon dioxide is that it isn't toxic. It's in the air we breathe, and it doesn't cause health problems. And it's produced by natural sources (animals, decaying organic matter, natural forest fires, volcanoes, etc.) far more than by human ones. That made it hard for environmentalists to sell people on the notion that we must dismantle industry in order to cut back carbon dioxide emissions, so they changed tactics.

By the 1980s, environmentalist radicals (including many leftists and Marxists working as "scientific" researchers) were claiming that if carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere were to increase significantly, it would create a "greenhouse effect" in which the air would trap more heat on earth and well, that would be sheer chaos, they say. Vegetation and animals would die off, polar ice caps would melt and the rising oceans would swallow the land, humans would die of famine and disease, and the world would be utterly destroyed. It was like something from a "Twilight Zone" episode (or a Godzilla movie).

More legitimate scientists have pointed out that (1) the earth has seen large, natural variations in overall temperature over the course of centuries, which drastically altered world climates without disaster (the globe has been many degrees warmer in the past), and (2) even if the earth would warm up, that might present benefits rather than destruction.

But all this may be moot, since there's actually no evidence of a "global warming" anyway. Even the leftist radicals who dominate the National Academy of Sciences and who recently declared a "global warming" crisis couldn't find anything more than, at most, a one degree increase in temperature over the last century one of the slowest temperature changes in world history. And even that is rubbish. The data behind that conclusion was a series of temperature measurements biased by something called the "urban heat island" effect, in which cities show higher temperatures than the surrounding countrysides (because buildings, pavement, and machinery tend to produce or trap more heat); when adjusting for the over-reading of temperatures in cities, one finds no global increase in temperature at all. This was the primary reason so many scientists have opposed the "global warming" hype.

But then, there's no reason for carbon dioxide to cause "global warming" in the first place. Even if humans could produce enough carbon dioxide to change atmospheric levels (which we don't), that extra carbon dioxide would simply be absorbed by nature. It would fuel a dramatic growth in forests and lush vegetation (which consume carbon dioxide), and would lead to thriving ecosystems while the atmospheric levels would keep returning to normal. So nature wouldn't even allow the possibility of "global warming."

The fact is, scientists still don't understand the processes underlying global temperature shifts upward and downward of several degrees over the course of centuries. Whatever the complex causes, carbon dioxide probably doesn't play a significant role.

Yet environmentalists still try to insist they're seeing rising temperatures that are melting ice in Canada and Greenland, while blatantly ignoring the growing freeze in Antartica, where rising snow levels are burying research stations and their equipment. What's the environmental agenda behind twisting science and frightening the public?

The environmentalist movement was largely created by grants and funding from Fabian Socialists running large tax-exempt foundations such as the Ford Foundation, the Rockefeller Foundation and its affiliates, the Carnegie Endowment, and so forth. A congressional investigation in the early 1950s discovered that the directors of these foundations are using their funds to support Marxist revolution and propaganda of various types, with the ultimate goal of transforming the United States into a Soviet-style Communist nation. And it was funding from such institutions that created virtually the entire interlocking network of environmentalist groups.

Some of those groups now have open ties to the Communist Bloc, such as Greenpeace, which is supported by Soviet intelligence, is provided Soviet money, and works with Soviet agents in formulating its propaganda (see an article on the subject on our sister site, ATTAC Report, entitled "Greenpeace Wages Redwar"). Greenpeace is interconnected with both the more "moderate" environmentalist groups, such as the Sierra Club, and with openly Marxist, terrorist groups such as Earth First! and the Earth Liberation Front. And many other eco-groups have similar Marxist ties.

The environmentalists are simply using pseudo-science to disguise their Communist goal: to dismantle industrial society step by step, until the increasingly disfunctional economy becomes an easy target for revolution and Socialist destruction.

Relevant Torah Principles:
1) One of the mandates of Jewish Law is to develop the land of Israel, especially in building cities and urban areas. It is forbidden under Jewish Law to dismantle urban development in favor of restoring farmland or wild nature. In general, this development process is part of the Jewish work of "Tikkun HaOlam" ("repairing the world"), which involves correcting the imperfection of nature through human development.

2) Under the Noahide Laws, this isn't just one of the mandates; it's the entire mandate. The core purpose of gentiles in G-d's plan is to develop the world physically by filling it with more population, by transforming the land through construction and development, and by exploiting and harnessing natural resources. The industrial revolution represents a further stage in the human obligation under G-d's Law to develop the world, and is an imminent preparation for the Messianic Era that will be fueled by capital-development ("capitalist") economies that will produce endlessly abundant wealth.

3) This mandate of development isn't a "right"; it's an obligation, a duty under G-d's Law. Consequently, the underlying principles of the Noahide Laws empower gentile governments to enforce this obligation, if necessary. If there are people opting for a return to nature in their own lives, the government may pass laws to discourage this and put pressure on those people to repent and return to their duty of building civilization. If an entire environmentalist movement arises, there is no question the government is positively obligated to outlaw the movement and all of its anti-social activities, with severe penalties if needed, in order to suppress it as a subversive danger to society.

4) In wartime, any movement that seeks to damage the economy and undermine the society isn't just rebelling against the mandate for growth; it's violating the Noahide commandment of upholding justice. It threatens the very stability of the nation itself and undermines the war effort, and thus amounts to treason, which brings death penalty.

We are today at war with international Communism, which already rules over one-third of the world and is bringing the rest of the nations to the brink of chaos and collapse. Their slow attack of internal subversion is weakening all nations in preparation for the more overt attack coming soon.

Environmentalism constitutes one arm of Communist subversion of non-Communist societies (Communist regimes themselves completely ignore environmental issues in their aggressive building of war machines). Thus the environmentalist movement, from the most "respectable" conservationist groups to the most violent eco-radicals, are a treasonous fifth column that threatens our national security and endangers our lives.

Not only must we dismantle existing environmental regulations (especially those meant to reduce carbon dioxide emissions), but the government must take aggressive legal action to suppress the environmentalist movement and its sponsors and affiliates. Communist and Fabian Socialist agents must be rooted out through comprehensive investigations and executed as traitors.

Those subversives will ultimately destroy themselves and kill one another at the end of the third War of Gog and Magog (as foretold in prophecy). But if we fail to act ourselves, our nations will go through a period of terrible crises and economic disasters before it's all over.
Leading organizations involved in climate change research, policy making and education
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) - Climate Change Science
This section of the EPA website offers scientific information and data on climate change in the past and projections for the future. Specific information about the U.S. government's role in conducting and evaluating science as well as EPA's role in these efforts can be found on the Climate Change Science Program and EPA Research and Assessment pages in the Policy section.

NOAA Education - Climate Change and Our Planet
This collection of resources from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) are designed for teachers to use in the classroom or as background reference material.

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change was established by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) to provide objective reports on climate change and its potential environmental and socio-economic consequences. Geography has played a central role in the IPCC’s activities. Dr. Thomas Wilbanks, past president of the AAG and recipient of numerous honors in the field of geography, served as lead author of a chapter of the Fourth Assessment Report which was awarded the Nobel Prize in 2007.

National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR)
NCAR provides the university science and teaching community with the tools, facilities, and support required to perform innovative research. Through NCAR, scientists gain access to high-performance computational and observational facilities, such as supercomputers, aircraft and radar - resources researchers need to improve human understanding of atmospheric and Earth system processes. NCAR also houses the Geographical Information Systems (GIS) Strategic Initiative, an interdisciplinary effort to foster collaborative science, spatial data interoperability, and knowledge sharing with GIS, within the field of atmospheric research.

Center for Remote Sensing of Ice Sheets (CReSIS)
CReSIS was established by the NSF in 2005 and is headquartered at the University of Kansas. The Center uses a variety of geographic tools and technologies (including Geographic Information Systems, Remote Sensing, and spatial statistics) to complement its goal of measuring and predicting the response of sea level change to the mass balance of ice sheets in Greenland and Antarctica.

National Climate Data Center (NCDC)
NCDC is the world's largest active archive of weather data. NCDC produces numerous climate publications and responds to data requests from all over the world.

World Meteorological Organization
The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) is a specialized agency of the United Nations. It is the UN system's authoritative voice on the state and behavior of the Earth's atmosphere, its interaction with the oceans, the climate it produces and the resulting distribution of water resources.

United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), Climate Change
The UNEP Climate Change website serves as a gateway to UNEP activities related to adaptation, mitigation, science, and communication/outreach on the effects of climate change, as well as programs to reduce emissions from deforestation and degradation of ecosystems.

United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)
The UNFCCC supports UN bodies involved in the climate change process. This UNFCCC website contains numerous resources, such as introductory and in-depth publications, the official UNFCCC and Kyoto Protocol texts and a search engine to the UNFCCC library.

Pew Center on Global Climate Change
The Pew Center on Global Climate Change brings together business leaders, policy makers, scientists, and other experts to bring a new approach to a complex and often controversial issue. The Center conducts analyses of key climate issues, works to keep policy makers informed, engages the business community in the search for solutions, and reaches out to educate the key audiences.

Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations – Climate Change
FAO's activities in climate change are spread over all departments and cover all agricultural sectors (i.e. agriculture, livestock, forestry, fisheries) as well as highly cross-sectoral topics (e.g. bioenergy, biodiversity, climate risk management). The Interdepartmental Working Group on Climate Change and the Environment, Climate Change and Bioenergy Division (NRC) play an important role in coordinating these activities.

National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC)
The NSIDC supports research on snow, ice, glaciers, frozen ground, and climate interactions that make up Earth's cryosphere. Dr. Mark Serreze, NSIDC Director, has carried out significant geographic research on climate warning in the Arctic and its implications.

International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme (IGBP)
IGBP is a research programme that studies the phenomenon of Global Change. IGBP provides scientific knowledge to improve the sustainability of the living Earth. IGBP studies the interactions between biological, chemical and physical processes and interactions with human systems and collaborates with other programmes to develop and impart the understanding necessary to respond to global change.

This is the THIRD time you post this consensus fallacy, you don't address the first post at all.

Post one remains unchallenged.

If this is all you have, you are going to be greatly disappointed.....
You don’t understand consensus in science do you ? You’re uninformed. These are institutions. They each represent the work of hundreds of scientist over time. They overwhelm one man’s opinion. Better hope your virus cure is done by consensus science, otherwise, it won’t happen.

With all the media hype about "global warming," many have become confused not only about the facts, but even what is the real issue. Why has the "global warming" myth been pushed at us so fervently in recent years? Who is behind this deception, and for what purpose? This excerpt from the JAHG-USA Newsletter (see explains.


Factual Background:
For decades, environmentalists have complained that human activities industrial production, automobiles, etc. produce too much atmospheric pollution. Carbon dioxide, being possibly the largest single "pollutant" from human sources, became a favorate target.

The first problem with attacking carbon dioxide is that it isn't toxic. It's in the air we breathe, and it doesn't cause health problems. And it's produced by natural sources (animals, decaying organic matter, natural forest fires, volcanoes, etc.) far more than by human ones. That made it hard for environmentalists to sell people on the notion that we must dismantle industry in order to cut back carbon dioxide emissions, so they changed tactics.

By the 1980s, environmentalist radicals (including many leftists and Marxists working as "scientific" researchers) were claiming that if carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere were to increase significantly, it would create a "greenhouse effect" in which the air would trap more heat on earth and well, that would be sheer chaos, they say. Vegetation and animals would die off, polar ice caps would melt and the rising oceans would swallow the land, humans would die of famine and disease, and the world would be utterly destroyed. It was like something from a "Twilight Zone" episode (or a Godzilla movie).

More legitimate scientists have pointed out that (1) the earth has seen large, natural variations in overall temperature over the course of centuries, which drastically altered world climates without disaster (the globe has been many degrees warmer in the past), and (2) even if the earth would warm up, that might present benefits rather than destruction.

But all this may be moot, since there's actually no evidence of a "global warming" anyway. Even the leftist radicals who dominate the National Academy of Sciences and who recently declared a "global warming" crisis couldn't find anything more than, at most, a one degree increase in temperature over the last century one of the slowest temperature changes in world history. And even that is rubbish. The data behind that conclusion was a series of temperature measurements biased by something called the "urban heat island" effect, in which cities show higher temperatures than the surrounding countrysides (because buildings, pavement, and machinery tend to produce or trap more heat); when adjusting for the over-reading of temperatures in cities, one finds no global increase in temperature at all. This was the primary reason so many scientists have opposed the "global warming" hype.

But then, there's no reason for carbon dioxide to cause "global warming" in the first place. Even if humans could produce enough carbon dioxide to change atmospheric levels (which we don't), that extra carbon dioxide would simply be absorbed by nature. It would fuel a dramatic growth in forests and lush vegetation (which consume carbon dioxide), and would lead to thriving ecosystems while the atmospheric levels would keep returning to normal. So nature wouldn't even allow the possibility of "global warming."

The fact is, scientists still don't understand the processes underlying global temperature shifts upward and downward of several degrees over the course of centuries. Whatever the complex causes, carbon dioxide probably doesn't play a significant role.

Yet environmentalists still try to insist they're seeing rising temperatures that are melting ice in Canada and Greenland, while blatantly ignoring the growing freeze in Antartica, where rising snow levels are burying research stations and their equipment. What's the environmental agenda behind twisting science and frightening the public?

The environmentalist movement was largely created by grants and funding from Fabian Socialists running large tax-exempt foundations such as the Ford Foundation, the Rockefeller Foundation and its affiliates, the Carnegie Endowment, and so forth. A congressional investigation in the early 1950s discovered that the directors of these foundations are using their funds to support Marxist revolution and propaganda of various types, with the ultimate goal of transforming the United States into a Soviet-style Communist nation. And it was funding from such institutions that created virtually the entire interlocking network of environmentalist groups.

Some of those groups now have open ties to the Communist Bloc, such as Greenpeace, which is supported by Soviet intelligence, is provided Soviet money, and works with Soviet agents in formulating its propaganda (see an article on the subject on our sister site, ATTAC Report, entitled "Greenpeace Wages Redwar"). Greenpeace is interconnected with both the more "moderate" environmentalist groups, such as the Sierra Club, and with openly Marxist, terrorist groups such as Earth First! and the Earth Liberation Front. And many other eco-groups have similar Marxist ties.

The environmentalists are simply using pseudo-science to disguise their Communist goal: to dismantle industrial society step by step, until the increasingly disfunctional economy becomes an easy target for revolution and Socialist destruction.

Relevant Torah Principles:
1) One of the mandates of Jewish Law is to develop the land of Israel, especially in building cities and urban areas. It is forbidden under Jewish Law to dismantle urban development in favor of restoring farmland or wild nature. In general, this development process is part of the Jewish work of "Tikkun HaOlam" ("repairing the world"), which involves correcting the imperfection of nature through human development.

2) Under the Noahide Laws, this isn't just one of the mandates; it's the entire mandate. The core purpose of gentiles in G-d's plan is to develop the world physically by filling it with more population, by transforming the land through construction and development, and by exploiting and harnessing natural resources. The industrial revolution represents a further stage in the human obligation under G-d's Law to develop the world, and is an imminent preparation for the Messianic Era that will be fueled by capital-development ("capitalist") economies that will produce endlessly abundant wealth.

3) This mandate of development isn't a "right"; it's an obligation, a duty under G-d's Law. Consequently, the underlying principles of the Noahide Laws empower gentile governments to enforce this obligation, if necessary. If there are people opting for a return to nature in their own lives, the government may pass laws to discourage this and put pressure on those people to repent and return to their duty of building civilization. If an entire environmentalist movement arises, there is no question the government is positively obligated to outlaw the movement and all of its anti-social activities, with severe penalties if needed, in order to suppress it as a subversive danger to society.

4) In wartime, any movement that seeks to damage the economy and undermine the society isn't just rebelling against the mandate for growth; it's violating the Noahide commandment of upholding justice. It threatens the very stability of the nation itself and undermines the war effort, and thus amounts to treason, which brings death penalty.

We are today at war with international Communism, which already rules over one-third of the world and is bringing the rest of the nations to the brink of chaos and collapse. Their slow attack of internal subversion is weakening all nations in preparation for the more overt attack coming soon.

Environmentalism constitutes one arm of Communist subversion of non-Communist societies (Communist regimes themselves completely ignore environmental issues in their aggressive building of war machines). Thus the environmentalist movement, from the most "respectable" conservationist groups to the most violent eco-radicals, are a treasonous fifth column that threatens our national security and endangers our lives.

Not only must we dismantle existing environmental regulations (especially those meant to reduce carbon dioxide emissions), but the government must take aggressive legal action to suppress the environmentalist movement and its sponsors and affiliates. Communist and Fabian Socialist agents must be rooted out through comprehensive investigations and executed as traitors.

Those subversives will ultimately destroy themselves and kill one another at the end of the third War of Gog and Magog (as foretold in prophecy). But if we fail to act ourselves, our nations will go through a period of terrible crises and economic disasters before it's all over.
So you’re claiming to be smarter then every climate research and advanced educational institution in the world ? There are one CLIMATE INSTITUTION THAT AGREES WITH YOU...JUST ONE.

With all the media hype about "global warming," many have become confused not only about the facts, but even what is the real issue. Why has the "global warming" myth been pushed at us so fervently in recent years? Who is behind this deception, and for what purpose? This excerpt from the JAHG-USA Newsletter (see explains.


Factual Background:
For decades, environmentalists have complained that human activities industrial production, automobiles, etc. produce too much atmospheric pollution. Carbon dioxide, being possibly the largest single "pollutant" from human sources, became a favorate target.

The first problem with attacking carbon dioxide is that it isn't toxic. It's in the air we breathe, and it doesn't cause health problems. And it's produced by natural sources (animals, decaying organic matter, natural forest fires, volcanoes, etc.) far more than by human ones. That made it hard for environmentalists to sell people on the notion that we must dismantle industry in order to cut back carbon dioxide emissions, so they changed tactics.

By the 1980s, environmentalist radicals (including many leftists and Marxists working as "scientific" researchers) were claiming that if carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere were to increase significantly, it would create a "greenhouse effect" in which the air would trap more heat on earth and well, that would be sheer chaos, they say. Vegetation and animals would die off, polar ice caps would melt and the rising oceans would swallow the land, humans would die of famine and disease, and the world would be utterly destroyed. It was like something from a "Twilight Zone" episode (or a Godzilla movie).

More legitimate scientists have pointed out that (1) the earth has seen large, natural variations in overall temperature over the course of centuries, which drastically altered world climates without disaster (the globe has been many degrees warmer in the past), and (2) even if the earth would warm up, that might present benefits rather than destruction.

But all this may be moot, since there's actually no evidence of a "global warming" anyway. Even the leftist radicals who dominate the National Academy of Sciences and who recently declared a "global warming" crisis couldn't find anything more than, at most, a one degree increase in temperature over the last century one of the slowest temperature changes in world history. And even that is rubbish. The data behind that conclusion was a series of temperature measurements biased by something called the "urban heat island" effect, in which cities show higher temperatures than the surrounding countrysides (because buildings, pavement, and machinery tend to produce or trap more heat); when adjusting for the over-reading of temperatures in cities, one finds no global increase in temperature at all. This was the primary reason so many scientists have opposed the "global warming" hype.

But then, there's no reason for carbon dioxide to cause "global warming" in the first place. Even if humans could produce enough carbon dioxide to change atmospheric levels (which we don't), that extra carbon dioxide would simply be absorbed by nature. It would fuel a dramatic growth in forests and lush vegetation (which consume carbon dioxide), and would lead to thriving ecosystems while the atmospheric levels would keep returning to normal. So nature wouldn't even allow the possibility of "global warming."

The fact is, scientists still don't understand the processes underlying global temperature shifts upward and downward of several degrees over the course of centuries. Whatever the complex causes, carbon dioxide probably doesn't play a significant role.

Yet environmentalists still try to insist they're seeing rising temperatures that are melting ice in Canada and Greenland, while blatantly ignoring the growing freeze in Antartica, where rising snow levels are burying research stations and their equipment. What's the environmental agenda behind twisting science and frightening the public?

The environmentalist movement was largely created by grants and funding from Fabian Socialists running large tax-exempt foundations such as the Ford Foundation, the Rockefeller Foundation and its affiliates, the Carnegie Endowment, and so forth. A congressional investigation in the early 1950s discovered that the directors of these foundations are using their funds to support Marxist revolution and propaganda of various types, with the ultimate goal of transforming the United States into a Soviet-style Communist nation. And it was funding from such institutions that created virtually the entire interlocking network of environmentalist groups.

Some of those groups now have open ties to the Communist Bloc, such as Greenpeace, which is supported by Soviet intelligence, is provided Soviet money, and works with Soviet agents in formulating its propaganda (see an article on the subject on our sister site, ATTAC Report, entitled "Greenpeace Wages Redwar"). Greenpeace is interconnected with both the more "moderate" environmentalist groups, such as the Sierra Club, and with openly Marxist, terrorist groups such as Earth First! and the Earth Liberation Front. And many other eco-groups have similar Marxist ties.

The environmentalists are simply using pseudo-science to disguise their Communist goal: to dismantle industrial society step by step, until the increasingly disfunctional economy becomes an easy target for revolution and Socialist destruction.

Relevant Torah Principles:
1) One of the mandates of Jewish Law is to develop the land of Israel, especially in building cities and urban areas. It is forbidden under Jewish Law to dismantle urban development in favor of restoring farmland or wild nature. In general, this development process is part of the Jewish work of "Tikkun HaOlam" ("repairing the world"), which involves correcting the imperfection of nature through human development.

2) Under the Noahide Laws, this isn't just one of the mandates; it's the entire mandate. The core purpose of gentiles in G-d's plan is to develop the world physically by filling it with more population, by transforming the land through construction and development, and by exploiting and harnessing natural resources. The industrial revolution represents a further stage in the human obligation under G-d's Law to develop the world, and is an imminent preparation for the Messianic Era that will be fueled by capital-development ("capitalist") economies that will produce endlessly abundant wealth.

3) This mandate of development isn't a "right"; it's an obligation, a duty under G-d's Law. Consequently, the underlying principles of the Noahide Laws empower gentile governments to enforce this obligation, if necessary. If there are people opting for a return to nature in their own lives, the government may pass laws to discourage this and put pressure on those people to repent and return to their duty of building civilization. If an entire environmentalist movement arises, there is no question the government is positively obligated to outlaw the movement and all of its anti-social activities, with severe penalties if needed, in order to suppress it as a subversive danger to society.

4) In wartime, any movement that seeks to damage the economy and undermine the society isn't just rebelling against the mandate for growth; it's violating the Noahide commandment of upholding justice. It threatens the very stability of the nation itself and undermines the war effort, and thus amounts to treason, which brings death penalty.

We are today at war with international Communism, which already rules over one-third of the world and is bringing the rest of the nations to the brink of chaos and collapse. Their slow attack of internal subversion is weakening all nations in preparation for the more overt attack coming soon.

Environmentalism constitutes one arm of Communist subversion of non-Communist societies (Communist regimes themselves completely ignore environmental issues in their aggressive building of war machines). Thus the environmentalist movement, from the most "respectable" conservationist groups to the most violent eco-radicals, are a treasonous fifth column that threatens our national security and endangers our lives.

Not only must we dismantle existing environmental regulations (especially those meant to reduce carbon dioxide emissions), but the government must take aggressive legal action to suppress the environmentalist movement and its sponsors and affiliates. Communist and Fabian Socialist agents must be rooted out through comprehensive investigations and executed as traitors.

Those subversives will ultimately destroy themselves and kill one another at the end of the third War of Gog and Magog (as foretold in prophecy). But if we fail to act ourselves, our nations will go through a period of terrible crises and economic disasters before it's all over.
Leading organizations involved in climate change research, policy making and education
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) - Climate Change Science
This section of the EPA website offers scientific information and data on climate change in the past and projections for the future. Specific information about the U.S. government's role in conducting and evaluating science as well as EPA's role in these efforts can be found on the Climate Change Science Program and EPA Research and Assessment pages in the Policy section.

NOAA Education - Climate Change and Our Planet
This collection of resources from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) are designed for teachers to use in the classroom or as background reference material.

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change was established by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) to provide objective reports on climate change and its potential environmental and socio-economic consequences. Geography has played a central role in the IPCC’s activities. Dr. Thomas Wilbanks, past president of the AAG and recipient of numerous honors in the field of geography, served as lead author of a chapter of the Fourth Assessment Report which was awarded the Nobel Prize in 2007.

National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR)
NCAR provides the university science and teaching community with the tools, facilities, and support required to perform innovative research. Through NCAR, scientists gain access to high-performance computational and observational facilities, such as supercomputers, aircraft and radar - resources researchers need to improve human understanding of atmospheric and Earth system processes. NCAR also houses the Geographical Information Systems (GIS) Strategic Initiative, an interdisciplinary effort to foster collaborative science, spatial data interoperability, and knowledge sharing with GIS, within the field of atmospheric research.

Center for Remote Sensing of Ice Sheets (CReSIS)
CReSIS was established by the NSF in 2005 and is headquartered at the University of Kansas. The Center uses a variety of geographic tools and technologies (including Geographic Information Systems, Remote Sensing, and spatial statistics) to complement its goal of measuring and predicting the response of sea level change to the mass balance of ice sheets in Greenland and Antarctica.

National Climate Data Center (NCDC)
NCDC is the world's largest active archive of weather data. NCDC produces numerous climate publications and responds to data requests from all over the world.

World Meteorological Organization
The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) is a specialized agency of the United Nations. It is the UN system's authoritative voice on the state and behavior of the Earth's atmosphere, its interaction with the oceans, the climate it produces and the resulting distribution of water resources.

United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), Climate Change
The UNEP Climate Change website serves as a gateway to UNEP activities related to adaptation, mitigation, science, and communication/outreach on the effects of climate change, as well as programs to reduce emissions from deforestation and degradation of ecosystems.

United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)
The UNFCCC supports UN bodies involved in the climate change process. This UNFCCC website contains numerous resources, such as introductory and in-depth publications, the official UNFCCC and Kyoto Protocol texts and a search engine to the UNFCCC library.

Pew Center on Global Climate Change
The Pew Center on Global Climate Change brings together business leaders, policy makers, scientists, and other experts to bring a new approach to a complex and often controversial issue. The Center conducts analyses of key climate issues, works to keep policy makers informed, engages the business community in the search for solutions, and reaches out to educate the key audiences.

Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations – Climate Change
FAO's activities in climate change are spread over all departments and cover all agricultural sectors (i.e. agriculture, livestock, forestry, fisheries) as well as highly cross-sectoral topics (e.g. bioenergy, biodiversity, climate risk management). The Interdepartmental Working Group on Climate Change and the Environment, Climate Change and Bioenergy Division (NRC) play an important role in coordinating these activities.

National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC)
The NSIDC supports research on snow, ice, glaciers, frozen ground, and climate interactions that make up Earth's cryosphere. Dr. Mark Serreze, NSIDC Director, has carried out significant geographic research on climate warning in the Arctic and its implications.

International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme (IGBP)
IGBP is a research programme that studies the phenomenon of Global Change. IGBP provides scientific knowledge to improve the sustainability of the living Earth. IGBP studies the interactions between biological, chemical and physical processes and interactions with human systems and collaborates with other programmes to develop and impart the understanding necessary to respond to global change.

This is the THIRD time you post this consensus fallacy, you don't address the first post at all.

Post one remains unchallenged.

If this is all you have, you are going to be greatly disappointed.....
You don’t understand consensus in science do you ? You’re uninformed. These are institutions. They each represent the work of hundreds of scientist over time. They overwhelm one man’s opinion. Better hope your virus cure is done by consensus science, otherwise, it won’t happen.

Ha ha ha, still you post nothing scientific of value, just more consensus bullshit!

There have been many documented consensus failures, because people like you fall in love with the brainless concept.

With all the media hype about "global warming," many have become confused not only about the facts, but even what is the real issue. Why has the "global warming" myth been pushed at us so fervently in recent years? Who is behind this deception, and for what purpose? This excerpt from the JAHG-USA Newsletter (see explains.


Factual Background:
For decades, environmentalists have complained that human activities industrial production, automobiles, etc. produce too much atmospheric pollution. Carbon dioxide, being possibly the largest single "pollutant" from human sources, became a favorate target.

The first problem with attacking carbon dioxide is that it isn't toxic. It's in the air we breathe, and it doesn't cause health problems. And it's produced by natural sources (animals, decaying organic matter, natural forest fires, volcanoes, etc.) far more than by human ones. That made it hard for environmentalists to sell people on the notion that we must dismantle industry in order to cut back carbon dioxide emissions, so they changed tactics.

By the 1980s, environmentalist radicals (including many leftists and Marxists working as "scientific" researchers) were claiming that if carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere were to increase significantly, it would create a "greenhouse effect" in which the air would trap more heat on earth and well, that would be sheer chaos, they say. Vegetation and animals would die off, polar ice caps would melt and the rising oceans would swallow the land, humans would die of famine and disease, and the world would be utterly destroyed. It was like something from a "Twilight Zone" episode (or a Godzilla movie).

More legitimate scientists have pointed out that (1) the earth has seen large, natural variations in overall temperature over the course of centuries, which drastically altered world climates without disaster (the globe has been many degrees warmer in the past), and (2) even if the earth would warm up, that might present benefits rather than destruction.

But all this may be moot, since there's actually no evidence of a "global warming" anyway. Even the leftist radicals who dominate the National Academy of Sciences and who recently declared a "global warming" crisis couldn't find anything more than, at most, a one degree increase in temperature over the last century one of the slowest temperature changes in world history. And even that is rubbish. The data behind that conclusion was a series of temperature measurements biased by something called the "urban heat island" effect, in which cities show higher temperatures than the surrounding countrysides (because buildings, pavement, and machinery tend to produce or trap more heat); when adjusting for the over-reading of temperatures in cities, one finds no global increase in temperature at all. This was the primary reason so many scientists have opposed the "global warming" hype.

But then, there's no reason for carbon dioxide to cause "global warming" in the first place. Even if humans could produce enough carbon dioxide to change atmospheric levels (which we don't), that extra carbon dioxide would simply be absorbed by nature. It would fuel a dramatic growth in forests and lush vegetation (which consume carbon dioxide), and would lead to thriving ecosystems while the atmospheric levels would keep returning to normal. So nature wouldn't even allow the possibility of "global warming."

The fact is, scientists still don't understand the processes underlying global temperature shifts upward and downward of several degrees over the course of centuries. Whatever the complex causes, carbon dioxide probably doesn't play a significant role.

Yet environmentalists still try to insist they're seeing rising temperatures that are melting ice in Canada and Greenland, while blatantly ignoring the growing freeze in Antartica, where rising snow levels are burying research stations and their equipment. What's the environmental agenda behind twisting science and frightening the public?

The environmentalist movement was largely created by grants and funding from Fabian Socialists running large tax-exempt foundations such as the Ford Foundation, the Rockefeller Foundation and its affiliates, the Carnegie Endowment, and so forth. A congressional investigation in the early 1950s discovered that the directors of these foundations are using their funds to support Marxist revolution and propaganda of various types, with the ultimate goal of transforming the United States into a Soviet-style Communist nation. And it was funding from such institutions that created virtually the entire interlocking network of environmentalist groups.

Some of those groups now have open ties to the Communist Bloc, such as Greenpeace, which is supported by Soviet intelligence, is provided Soviet money, and works with Soviet agents in formulating its propaganda (see an article on the subject on our sister site, ATTAC Report, entitled "Greenpeace Wages Redwar"). Greenpeace is interconnected with both the more "moderate" environmentalist groups, such as the Sierra Club, and with openly Marxist, terrorist groups such as Earth First! and the Earth Liberation Front. And many other eco-groups have similar Marxist ties.

The environmentalists are simply using pseudo-science to disguise their Communist goal: to dismantle industrial society step by step, until the increasingly disfunctional economy becomes an easy target for revolution and Socialist destruction.

Relevant Torah Principles:
1) One of the mandates of Jewish Law is to develop the land of Israel, especially in building cities and urban areas. It is forbidden under Jewish Law to dismantle urban development in favor of restoring farmland or wild nature. In general, this development process is part of the Jewish work of "Tikkun HaOlam" ("repairing the world"), which involves correcting the imperfection of nature through human development.

2) Under the Noahide Laws, this isn't just one of the mandates; it's the entire mandate. The core purpose of gentiles in G-d's plan is to develop the world physically by filling it with more population, by transforming the land through construction and development, and by exploiting and harnessing natural resources. The industrial revolution represents a further stage in the human obligation under G-d's Law to develop the world, and is an imminent preparation for the Messianic Era that will be fueled by capital-development ("capitalist") economies that will produce endlessly abundant wealth.

3) This mandate of development isn't a "right"; it's an obligation, a duty under G-d's Law. Consequently, the underlying principles of the Noahide Laws empower gentile governments to enforce this obligation, if necessary. If there are people opting for a return to nature in their own lives, the government may pass laws to discourage this and put pressure on those people to repent and return to their duty of building civilization. If an entire environmentalist movement arises, there is no question the government is positively obligated to outlaw the movement and all of its anti-social activities, with severe penalties if needed, in order to suppress it as a subversive danger to society.

4) In wartime, any movement that seeks to damage the economy and undermine the society isn't just rebelling against the mandate for growth; it's violating the Noahide commandment of upholding justice. It threatens the very stability of the nation itself and undermines the war effort, and thus amounts to treason, which brings death penalty.

We are today at war with international Communism, which already rules over one-third of the world and is bringing the rest of the nations to the brink of chaos and collapse. Their slow attack of internal subversion is weakening all nations in preparation for the more overt attack coming soon.

Environmentalism constitutes one arm of Communist subversion of non-Communist societies (Communist regimes themselves completely ignore environmental issues in their aggressive building of war machines). Thus the environmentalist movement, from the most "respectable" conservationist groups to the most violent eco-radicals, are a treasonous fifth column that threatens our national security and endangers our lives.

Not only must we dismantle existing environmental regulations (especially those meant to reduce carbon dioxide emissions), but the government must take aggressive legal action to suppress the environmentalist movement and its sponsors and affiliates. Communist and Fabian Socialist agents must be rooted out through comprehensive investigations and executed as traitors.

Those subversives will ultimately destroy themselves and kill one another at the end of the third War of Gog and Magog (as foretold in prophecy). But if we fail to act ourselves, our nations will go through a period of terrible crises and economic disasters before it's all over.
So you’re claiming to be smarter then every climate research and advanced educational institution in the world ? There are one CLIMATE INSTITUTION THAT AGREES WITH YOU...JUST ONE.


I am sure Semmelweis, Bretz, Humason, are laughing at you now.

What about stomach ulcers that doctors for decades said was caused by spicy foods, or stress..... :laugh:

With all the media hype about "global warming," many have become confused not only about the facts, but even what is the real issue. Why has the "global warming" myth been pushed at us so fervently in recent years? Who is behind this deception, and for what purpose? This excerpt from the JAHG-USA Newsletter (see explains.


Factual Background:
For decades, environmentalists have complained that human activities industrial production, automobiles, etc. produce too much atmospheric pollution. Carbon dioxide, being possibly the largest single "pollutant" from human sources, became a favorate target.

The first problem with attacking carbon dioxide is that it isn't toxic. It's in the air we breathe, and it doesn't cause health problems. And it's produced by natural sources (animals, decaying organic matter, natural forest fires, volcanoes, etc.) far more than by human ones. That made it hard for environmentalists to sell people on the notion that we must dismantle industry in order to cut back carbon dioxide emissions, so they changed tactics.

By the 1980s, environmentalist radicals (including many leftists and Marxists working as "scientific" researchers) were claiming that if carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere were to increase significantly, it would create a "greenhouse effect" in which the air would trap more heat on earth and well, that would be sheer chaos, they say. Vegetation and animals would die off, polar ice caps would melt and the rising oceans would swallow the land, humans would die of famine and disease, and the world would be utterly destroyed. It was like something from a "Twilight Zone" episode (or a Godzilla movie).

More legitimate scientists have pointed out that (1) the earth has seen large, natural variations in overall temperature over the course of centuries, which drastically altered world climates without disaster (the globe has been many degrees warmer in the past), and (2) even if the earth would warm up, that might present benefits rather than destruction.

But all this may be moot, since there's actually no evidence of a "global warming" anyway. Even the leftist radicals who dominate the National Academy of Sciences and who recently declared a "global warming" crisis couldn't find anything more than, at most, a one degree increase in temperature over the last century one of the slowest temperature changes in world history. And even that is rubbish. The data behind that conclusion was a series of temperature measurements biased by something called the "urban heat island" effect, in which cities show higher temperatures than the surrounding countrysides (because buildings, pavement, and machinery tend to produce or trap more heat); when adjusting for the over-reading of temperatures in cities, one finds no global increase in temperature at all. This was the primary reason so many scientists have opposed the "global warming" hype.

But then, there's no reason for carbon dioxide to cause "global warming" in the first place. Even if humans could produce enough carbon dioxide to change atmospheric levels (which we don't), that extra carbon dioxide would simply be absorbed by nature. It would fuel a dramatic growth in forests and lush vegetation (which consume carbon dioxide), and would lead to thriving ecosystems while the atmospheric levels would keep returning to normal. So nature wouldn't even allow the possibility of "global warming."

The fact is, scientists still don't understand the processes underlying global temperature shifts upward and downward of several degrees over the course of centuries. Whatever the complex causes, carbon dioxide probably doesn't play a significant role.

Yet environmentalists still try to insist they're seeing rising temperatures that are melting ice in Canada and Greenland, while blatantly ignoring the growing freeze in Antartica, where rising snow levels are burying research stations and their equipment. What's the environmental agenda behind twisting science and frightening the public?

The environmentalist movement was largely created by grants and funding from Fabian Socialists running large tax-exempt foundations such as the Ford Foundation, the Rockefeller Foundation and its affiliates, the Carnegie Endowment, and so forth. A congressional investigation in the early 1950s discovered that the directors of these foundations are using their funds to support Marxist revolution and propaganda of various types, with the ultimate goal of transforming the United States into a Soviet-style Communist nation. And it was funding from such institutions that created virtually the entire interlocking network of environmentalist groups.

Some of those groups now have open ties to the Communist Bloc, such as Greenpeace, which is supported by Soviet intelligence, is provided Soviet money, and works with Soviet agents in formulating its propaganda (see an article on the subject on our sister site, ATTAC Report, entitled "Greenpeace Wages Redwar"). Greenpeace is interconnected with both the more "moderate" environmentalist groups, such as the Sierra Club, and with openly Marxist, terrorist groups such as Earth First! and the Earth Liberation Front. And many other eco-groups have similar Marxist ties.

The environmentalists are simply using pseudo-science to disguise their Communist goal: to dismantle industrial society step by step, until the increasingly disfunctional economy becomes an easy target for revolution and Socialist destruction.

Relevant Torah Principles:
1) One of the mandates of Jewish Law is to develop the land of Israel, especially in building cities and urban areas. It is forbidden under Jewish Law to dismantle urban development in favor of restoring farmland or wild nature. In general, this development process is part of the Jewish work of "Tikkun HaOlam" ("repairing the world"), which involves correcting the imperfection of nature through human development.

2) Under the Noahide Laws, this isn't just one of the mandates; it's the entire mandate. The core purpose of gentiles in G-d's plan is to develop the world physically by filling it with more population, by transforming the land through construction and development, and by exploiting and harnessing natural resources. The industrial revolution represents a further stage in the human obligation under G-d's Law to develop the world, and is an imminent preparation for the Messianic Era that will be fueled by capital-development ("capitalist") economies that will produce endlessly abundant wealth.

3) This mandate of development isn't a "right"; it's an obligation, a duty under G-d's Law. Consequently, the underlying principles of the Noahide Laws empower gentile governments to enforce this obligation, if necessary. If there are people opting for a return to nature in their own lives, the government may pass laws to discourage this and put pressure on those people to repent and return to their duty of building civilization. If an entire environmentalist movement arises, there is no question the government is positively obligated to outlaw the movement and all of its anti-social activities, with severe penalties if needed, in order to suppress it as a subversive danger to society.

4) In wartime, any movement that seeks to damage the economy and undermine the society isn't just rebelling against the mandate for growth; it's violating the Noahide commandment of upholding justice. It threatens the very stability of the nation itself and undermines the war effort, and thus amounts to treason, which brings death penalty.

We are today at war with international Communism, which already rules over one-third of the world and is bringing the rest of the nations to the brink of chaos and collapse. Their slow attack of internal subversion is weakening all nations in preparation for the more overt attack coming soon.

Environmentalism constitutes one arm of Communist subversion of non-Communist societies (Communist regimes themselves completely ignore environmental issues in their aggressive building of war machines). Thus the environmentalist movement, from the most "respectable" conservationist groups to the most violent eco-radicals, are a treasonous fifth column that threatens our national security and endangers our lives.

Not only must we dismantle existing environmental regulations (especially those meant to reduce carbon dioxide emissions), but the government must take aggressive legal action to suppress the environmentalist movement and its sponsors and affiliates. Communist and Fabian Socialist agents must be rooted out through comprehensive investigations and executed as traitors.

Those subversives will ultimately destroy themselves and kill one another at the end of the third War of Gog and Magog (as foretold in prophecy). But if we fail to act ourselves, our nations will go through a period of terrible crises and economic disasters before it's all over.
Leading organizations involved in climate change research, policy making and education
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) - Climate Change Science
This section of the EPA website offers scientific information and data on climate change in the past and projections for the future. Specific information about the U.S. government's role in conducting and evaluating science as well as EPA's role in these efforts can be found on the Climate Change Science Program and EPA Research and Assessment pages in the Policy section.

NOAA Education - Climate Change and Our Planet
This collection of resources from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) are designed for teachers to use in the classroom or as background reference material.

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change was established by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) to provide objective reports on climate change and its potential environmental and socio-economic consequences. Geography has played a central role in the IPCC’s activities. Dr. Thomas Wilbanks, past president of the AAG and recipient of numerous honors in the field of geography, served as lead author of a chapter of the Fourth Assessment Report which was awarded the Nobel Prize in 2007.

National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR)
NCAR provides the university science and teaching community with the tools, facilities, and support required to perform innovative research. Through NCAR, scientists gain access to high-performance computational and observational facilities, such as supercomputers, aircraft and radar - resources researchers need to improve human understanding of atmospheric and Earth system processes. NCAR also houses the Geographical Information Systems (GIS) Strategic Initiative, an interdisciplinary effort to foster collaborative science, spatial data interoperability, and knowledge sharing with GIS, within the field of atmospheric research.

Center for Remote Sensing of Ice Sheets (CReSIS)
CReSIS was established by the NSF in 2005 and is headquartered at the University of Kansas. The Center uses a variety of geographic tools and technologies (including Geographic Information Systems, Remote Sensing, and spatial statistics) to complement its goal of measuring and predicting the response of sea level change to the mass balance of ice sheets in Greenland and Antarctica.

National Climate Data Center (NCDC)
NCDC is the world's largest active archive of weather data. NCDC produces numerous climate publications and responds to data requests from all over the world.

World Meteorological Organization
The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) is a specialized agency of the United Nations. It is the UN system's authoritative voice on the state and behavior of the Earth's atmosphere, its interaction with the oceans, the climate it produces and the resulting distribution of water resources.

United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), Climate Change
The UNEP Climate Change website serves as a gateway to UNEP activities related to adaptation, mitigation, science, and communication/outreach on the effects of climate change, as well as programs to reduce emissions from deforestation and degradation of ecosystems.

United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)
The UNFCCC supports UN bodies involved in the climate change process. This UNFCCC website contains numerous resources, such as introductory and in-depth publications, the official UNFCCC and Kyoto Protocol texts and a search engine to the UNFCCC library.

Pew Center on Global Climate Change
The Pew Center on Global Climate Change brings together business leaders, policy makers, scientists, and other experts to bring a new approach to a complex and often controversial issue. The Center conducts analyses of key climate issues, works to keep policy makers informed, engages the business community in the search for solutions, and reaches out to educate the key audiences.

Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations – Climate Change
FAO's activities in climate change are spread over all departments and cover all agricultural sectors (i.e. agriculture, livestock, forestry, fisheries) as well as highly cross-sectoral topics (e.g. bioenergy, biodiversity, climate risk management). The Interdepartmental Working Group on Climate Change and the Environment, Climate Change and Bioenergy Division (NRC) play an important role in coordinating these activities.

National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC)
The NSIDC supports research on snow, ice, glaciers, frozen ground, and climate interactions that make up Earth's cryosphere. Dr. Mark Serreze, NSIDC Director, has carried out significant geographic research on climate warning in the Arctic and its implications.

International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme (IGBP)
IGBP is a research programme that studies the phenomenon of Global Change. IGBP provides scientific knowledge to improve the sustainability of the living Earth. IGBP studies the interactions between biological, chemical and physical processes and interactions with human systems and collaborates with other programmes to develop and impart the understanding necessary to respond to global change.

This is the THIRD time you post this consensus fallacy, you don't address the first post at all.

Post one remains unchallenged.

If this is all you have, you are going to be greatly disappointed.....
You don’t understand consensus in science do you ? You’re uninformed. These are institutions. They each represent the work of hundreds of scientist over time. They overwhelm one man’s opinion. Better hope your virus cure is done by consensus science, otherwise, it won’t happen.

Ha ha ha, still you post nothing scientific of value, just more consensus bullshit!

There have been many documented consensus failures, because people like you fall in love with the brainless concept.
That’s how very institute of higher learning, every gov agency and every research facility works.....Scientific consensus. It’s not easy to get them to agree on these big topics, but they do on AGW. Now proceed to make up stuff otherwise which you’ll have to do to refute it.

With all the media hype about "global warming," many have become confused not only about the facts, but even what is the real issue. Why has the "global warming" myth been pushed at us so fervently in recent years? Who is behind this deception, and for what purpose? This excerpt from the JAHG-USA Newsletter (see explains.


Factual Background:
For decades, environmentalists have complained that human activities industrial production, automobiles, etc. produce too much atmospheric pollution. Carbon dioxide, being possibly the largest single "pollutant" from human sources, became a favorate target.

The first problem with attacking carbon dioxide is that it isn't toxic. It's in the air we breathe, and it doesn't cause health problems. And it's produced by natural sources (animals, decaying organic matter, natural forest fires, volcanoes, etc.) far more than by human ones. That made it hard for environmentalists to sell people on the notion that we must dismantle industry in order to cut back carbon dioxide emissions, so they changed tactics.

By the 1980s, environmentalist radicals (including many leftists and Marxists working as "scientific" researchers) were claiming that if carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere were to increase significantly, it would create a "greenhouse effect" in which the air would trap more heat on earth and well, that would be sheer chaos, they say. Vegetation and animals would die off, polar ice caps would melt and the rising oceans would swallow the land, humans would die of famine and disease, and the world would be utterly destroyed. It was like something from a "Twilight Zone" episode (or a Godzilla movie).

More legitimate scientists have pointed out that (1) the earth has seen large, natural variations in overall temperature over the course of centuries, which drastically altered world climates without disaster (the globe has been many degrees warmer in the past), and (2) even if the earth would warm up, that might present benefits rather than destruction.

But all this may be moot, since there's actually no evidence of a "global warming" anyway. Even the leftist radicals who dominate the National Academy of Sciences and who recently declared a "global warming" crisis couldn't find anything more than, at most, a one degree increase in temperature over the last century one of the slowest temperature changes in world history. And even that is rubbish. The data behind that conclusion was a series of temperature measurements biased by something called the "urban heat island" effect, in which cities show higher temperatures than the surrounding countrysides (because buildings, pavement, and machinery tend to produce or trap more heat); when adjusting for the over-reading of temperatures in cities, one finds no global increase in temperature at all. This was the primary reason so many scientists have opposed the "global warming" hype.

But then, there's no reason for carbon dioxide to cause "global warming" in the first place. Even if humans could produce enough carbon dioxide to change atmospheric levels (which we don't), that extra carbon dioxide would simply be absorbed by nature. It would fuel a dramatic growth in forests and lush vegetation (which consume carbon dioxide), and would lead to thriving ecosystems while the atmospheric levels would keep returning to normal. So nature wouldn't even allow the possibility of "global warming."

The fact is, scientists still don't understand the processes underlying global temperature shifts upward and downward of several degrees over the course of centuries. Whatever the complex causes, carbon dioxide probably doesn't play a significant role.

Yet environmentalists still try to insist they're seeing rising temperatures that are melting ice in Canada and Greenland, while blatantly ignoring the growing freeze in Antartica, where rising snow levels are burying research stations and their equipment. What's the environmental agenda behind twisting science and frightening the public?

The environmentalist movement was largely created by grants and funding from Fabian Socialists running large tax-exempt foundations such as the Ford Foundation, the Rockefeller Foundation and its affiliates, the Carnegie Endowment, and so forth. A congressional investigation in the early 1950s discovered that the directors of these foundations are using their funds to support Marxist revolution and propaganda of various types, with the ultimate goal of transforming the United States into a Soviet-style Communist nation. And it was funding from such institutions that created virtually the entire interlocking network of environmentalist groups.

Some of those groups now have open ties to the Communist Bloc, such as Greenpeace, which is supported by Soviet intelligence, is provided Soviet money, and works with Soviet agents in formulating its propaganda (see an article on the subject on our sister site, ATTAC Report, entitled "Greenpeace Wages Redwar"). Greenpeace is interconnected with both the more "moderate" environmentalist groups, such as the Sierra Club, and with openly Marxist, terrorist groups such as Earth First! and the Earth Liberation Front. And many other eco-groups have similar Marxist ties.

The environmentalists are simply using pseudo-science to disguise their Communist goal: to dismantle industrial society step by step, until the increasingly disfunctional economy becomes an easy target for revolution and Socialist destruction.

Relevant Torah Principles:
1) One of the mandates of Jewish Law is to develop the land of Israel, especially in building cities and urban areas. It is forbidden under Jewish Law to dismantle urban development in favor of restoring farmland or wild nature. In general, this development process is part of the Jewish work of "Tikkun HaOlam" ("repairing the world"), which involves correcting the imperfection of nature through human development.

2) Under the Noahide Laws, this isn't just one of the mandates; it's the entire mandate. The core purpose of gentiles in G-d's plan is to develop the world physically by filling it with more population, by transforming the land through construction and development, and by exploiting and harnessing natural resources. The industrial revolution represents a further stage in the human obligation under G-d's Law to develop the world, and is an imminent preparation for the Messianic Era that will be fueled by capital-development ("capitalist") economies that will produce endlessly abundant wealth.

3) This mandate of development isn't a "right"; it's an obligation, a duty under G-d's Law. Consequently, the underlying principles of the Noahide Laws empower gentile governments to enforce this obligation, if necessary. If there are people opting for a return to nature in their own lives, the government may pass laws to discourage this and put pressure on those people to repent and return to their duty of building civilization. If an entire environmentalist movement arises, there is no question the government is positively obligated to outlaw the movement and all of its anti-social activities, with severe penalties if needed, in order to suppress it as a subversive danger to society.

4) In wartime, any movement that seeks to damage the economy and undermine the society isn't just rebelling against the mandate for growth; it's violating the Noahide commandment of upholding justice. It threatens the very stability of the nation itself and undermines the war effort, and thus amounts to treason, which brings death penalty.

We are today at war with international Communism, which already rules over one-third of the world and is bringing the rest of the nations to the brink of chaos and collapse. Their slow attack of internal subversion is weakening all nations in preparation for the more overt attack coming soon.

Environmentalism constitutes one arm of Communist subversion of non-Communist societies (Communist regimes themselves completely ignore environmental issues in their aggressive building of war machines). Thus the environmentalist movement, from the most "respectable" conservationist groups to the most violent eco-radicals, are a treasonous fifth column that threatens our national security and endangers our lives.

Not only must we dismantle existing environmental regulations (especially those meant to reduce carbon dioxide emissions), but the government must take aggressive legal action to suppress the environmentalist movement and its sponsors and affiliates. Communist and Fabian Socialist agents must be rooted out through comprehensive investigations and executed as traitors.

Those subversives will ultimately destroy themselves and kill one another at the end of the third War of Gog and Magog (as foretold in prophecy). But if we fail to act ourselves, our nations will go through a period of terrible crises and economic disasters before it's all over.
So you’re claiming to be smarter then every climate research and advanced educational institution in the world ? There are one CLIMATE INSTITUTION THAT AGREES WITH YOU...JUST ONE.


I am sure Semmelweis, Bretz, Humason, are laughing at you now.

What about stomach ulcers that doctors for decades said was caused by spicy foods, or stress..... :laugh:
You really don’t know much about medical or anyother science. Seriously, where do you get your deranged ideas from ?

With all the media hype about "global warming," many have become confused not only about the facts, but even what is the real issue. Why has the "global warming" myth been pushed at us so fervently in recent years? Who is behind this deception, and for what purpose? This excerpt from the JAHG-USA Newsletter (see explains.


Factual Background:
For decades, environmentalists have complained that human activities industrial production, automobiles, etc. produce too much atmospheric pollution. Carbon dioxide, being possibly the largest single "pollutant" from human sources, became a favorate target.

The first problem with attacking carbon dioxide is that it isn't toxic. It's in the air we breathe, and it doesn't cause health problems. And it's produced by natural sources (animals, decaying organic matter, natural forest fires, volcanoes, etc.) far more than by human ones. That made it hard for environmentalists to sell people on the notion that we must dismantle industry in order to cut back carbon dioxide emissions, so they changed tactics.

By the 1980s, environmentalist radicals (including many leftists and Marxists working as "scientific" researchers) were claiming that if carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere were to increase significantly, it would create a "greenhouse effect" in which the air would trap more heat on earth and well, that would be sheer chaos, they say. Vegetation and animals would die off, polar ice caps would melt and the rising oceans would swallow the land, humans would die of famine and disease, and the world would be utterly destroyed. It was like something from a "Twilight Zone" episode (or a Godzilla movie).

More legitimate scientists have pointed out that (1) the earth has seen large, natural variations in overall temperature over the course of centuries, which drastically altered world climates without disaster (the globe has been many degrees warmer in the past), and (2) even if the earth would warm up, that might present benefits rather than destruction.

But all this may be moot, since there's actually no evidence of a "global warming" anyway. Even the leftist radicals who dominate the National Academy of Sciences and who recently declared a "global warming" crisis couldn't find anything more than, at most, a one degree increase in temperature over the last century one of the slowest temperature changes in world history. And even that is rubbish. The data behind that conclusion was a series of temperature measurements biased by something called the "urban heat island" effect, in which cities show higher temperatures than the surrounding countrysides (because buildings, pavement, and machinery tend to produce or trap more heat); when adjusting for the over-reading of temperatures in cities, one finds no global increase in temperature at all. This was the primary reason so many scientists have opposed the "global warming" hype.

But then, there's no reason for carbon dioxide to cause "global warming" in the first place. Even if humans could produce enough carbon dioxide to change atmospheric levels (which we don't), that extra carbon dioxide would simply be absorbed by nature. It would fuel a dramatic growth in forests and lush vegetation (which consume carbon dioxide), and would lead to thriving ecosystems while the atmospheric levels would keep returning to normal. So nature wouldn't even allow the possibility of "global warming."

The fact is, scientists still don't understand the processes underlying global temperature shifts upward and downward of several degrees over the course of centuries. Whatever the complex causes, carbon dioxide probably doesn't play a significant role.

Yet environmentalists still try to insist they're seeing rising temperatures that are melting ice in Canada and Greenland, while blatantly ignoring the growing freeze in Antartica, where rising snow levels are burying research stations and their equipment. What's the environmental agenda behind twisting science and frightening the public?

The environmentalist movement was largely created by grants and funding from Fabian Socialists running large tax-exempt foundations such as the Ford Foundation, the Rockefeller Foundation and its affiliates, the Carnegie Endowment, and so forth. A congressional investigation in the early 1950s discovered that the directors of these foundations are using their funds to support Marxist revolution and propaganda of various types, with the ultimate goal of transforming the United States into a Soviet-style Communist nation. And it was funding from such institutions that created virtually the entire interlocking network of environmentalist groups.

Some of those groups now have open ties to the Communist Bloc, such as Greenpeace, which is supported by Soviet intelligence, is provided Soviet money, and works with Soviet agents in formulating its propaganda (see an article on the subject on our sister site, ATTAC Report, entitled "Greenpeace Wages Redwar"). Greenpeace is interconnected with both the more "moderate" environmentalist groups, such as the Sierra Club, and with openly Marxist, terrorist groups such as Earth First! and the Earth Liberation Front. And many other eco-groups have similar Marxist ties.

The environmentalists are simply using pseudo-science to disguise their Communist goal: to dismantle industrial society step by step, until the increasingly disfunctional economy becomes an easy target for revolution and Socialist destruction.

Relevant Torah Principles:
1) One of the mandates of Jewish Law is to develop the land of Israel, especially in building cities and urban areas. It is forbidden under Jewish Law to dismantle urban development in favor of restoring farmland or wild nature. In general, this development process is part of the Jewish work of "Tikkun HaOlam" ("repairing the world"), which involves correcting the imperfection of nature through human development.

2) Under the Noahide Laws, this isn't just one of the mandates; it's the entire mandate. The core purpose of gentiles in G-d's plan is to develop the world physically by filling it with more population, by transforming the land through construction and development, and by exploiting and harnessing natural resources. The industrial revolution represents a further stage in the human obligation under G-d's Law to develop the world, and is an imminent preparation for the Messianic Era that will be fueled by capital-development ("capitalist") economies that will produce endlessly abundant wealth.

3) This mandate of development isn't a "right"; it's an obligation, a duty under G-d's Law. Consequently, the underlying principles of the Noahide Laws empower gentile governments to enforce this obligation, if necessary. If there are people opting for a return to nature in their own lives, the government may pass laws to discourage this and put pressure on those people to repent and return to their duty of building civilization. If an entire environmentalist movement arises, there is no question the government is positively obligated to outlaw the movement and all of its anti-social activities, with severe penalties if needed, in order to suppress it as a subversive danger to society.

4) In wartime, any movement that seeks to damage the economy and undermine the society isn't just rebelling against the mandate for growth; it's violating the Noahide commandment of upholding justice. It threatens the very stability of the nation itself and undermines the war effort, and thus amounts to treason, which brings death penalty.

We are today at war with international Communism, which already rules over one-third of the world and is bringing the rest of the nations to the brink of chaos and collapse. Their slow attack of internal subversion is weakening all nations in preparation for the more overt attack coming soon.

Environmentalism constitutes one arm of Communist subversion of non-Communist societies (Communist regimes themselves completely ignore environmental issues in their aggressive building of war machines). Thus the environmentalist movement, from the most "respectable" conservationist groups to the most violent eco-radicals, are a treasonous fifth column that threatens our national security and endangers our lives.

Not only must we dismantle existing environmental regulations (especially those meant to reduce carbon dioxide emissions), but the government must take aggressive legal action to suppress the environmentalist movement and its sponsors and affiliates. Communist and Fabian Socialist agents must be rooted out through comprehensive investigations and executed as traitors.

Those subversives will ultimately destroy themselves and kill one another at the end of the third War of Gog and Magog (as foretold in prophecy). But if we fail to act ourselves, our nations will go through a period of terrible crises and economic disasters before it's all over.
Leading organizations involved in climate change research, policy making and education
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) - Climate Change Science
This section of the EPA website offers scientific information and data on climate change in the past and projections for the future. Specific information about the U.S. government's role in conducting and evaluating science as well as EPA's role in these efforts can be found on the Climate Change Science Program and EPA Research and Assessment pages in the Policy section.

NOAA Education - Climate Change and Our Planet
This collection of resources from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) are designed for teachers to use in the classroom or as background reference material.

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change was established by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) to provide objective reports on climate change and its potential environmental and socio-economic consequences. Geography has played a central role in the IPCC’s activities. Dr. Thomas Wilbanks, past president of the AAG and recipient of numerous honors in the field of geography, served as lead author of a chapter of the Fourth Assessment Report which was awarded the Nobel Prize in 2007.

National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR)
NCAR provides the university science and teaching community with the tools, facilities, and support required to perform innovative research. Through NCAR, scientists gain access to high-performance computational and observational facilities, such as supercomputers, aircraft and radar - resources researchers need to improve human understanding of atmospheric and Earth system processes. NCAR also houses the Geographical Information Systems (GIS) Strategic Initiative, an interdisciplinary effort to foster collaborative science, spatial data interoperability, and knowledge sharing with GIS, within the field of atmospheric research.

Center for Remote Sensing of Ice Sheets (CReSIS)
CReSIS was established by the NSF in 2005 and is headquartered at the University of Kansas. The Center uses a variety of geographic tools and technologies (including Geographic Information Systems, Remote Sensing, and spatial statistics) to complement its goal of measuring and predicting the response of sea level change to the mass balance of ice sheets in Greenland and Antarctica.

National Climate Data Center (NCDC)
NCDC is the world's largest active archive of weather data. NCDC produces numerous climate publications and responds to data requests from all over the world.

World Meteorological Organization
The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) is a specialized agency of the United Nations. It is the UN system's authoritative voice on the state and behavior of the Earth's atmosphere, its interaction with the oceans, the climate it produces and the resulting distribution of water resources.

United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), Climate Change
The UNEP Climate Change website serves as a gateway to UNEP activities related to adaptation, mitigation, science, and communication/outreach on the effects of climate change, as well as programs to reduce emissions from deforestation and degradation of ecosystems.

United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)
The UNFCCC supports UN bodies involved in the climate change process. This UNFCCC website contains numerous resources, such as introductory and in-depth publications, the official UNFCCC and Kyoto Protocol texts and a search engine to the UNFCCC library.

Pew Center on Global Climate Change
The Pew Center on Global Climate Change brings together business leaders, policy makers, scientists, and other experts to bring a new approach to a complex and often controversial issue. The Center conducts analyses of key climate issues, works to keep policy makers informed, engages the business community in the search for solutions, and reaches out to educate the key audiences.

Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations – Climate Change
FAO's activities in climate change are spread over all departments and cover all agricultural sectors (i.e. agriculture, livestock, forestry, fisheries) as well as highly cross-sectoral topics (e.g. bioenergy, biodiversity, climate risk management). The Interdepartmental Working Group on Climate Change and the Environment, Climate Change and Bioenergy Division (NRC) play an important role in coordinating these activities.

National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC)
The NSIDC supports research on snow, ice, glaciers, frozen ground, and climate interactions that make up Earth's cryosphere. Dr. Mark Serreze, NSIDC Director, has carried out significant geographic research on climate warning in the Arctic and its implications.

International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme (IGBP)
IGBP is a research programme that studies the phenomenon of Global Change. IGBP provides scientific knowledge to improve the sustainability of the living Earth. IGBP studies the interactions between biological, chemical and physical processes and interactions with human systems and collaborates with other programmes to develop and impart the understanding necessary to respond to global change.

This is the THIRD time you post this consensus fallacy, you don't address the first post at all.

Post one remains unchallenged.

If this is all you have, you are going to be greatly disappointed.....
You don’t understand consensus in science do you ? You’re uninformed. These are institutions. They each represent the work of hundreds of scientist over time. They overwhelm one man’s opinion. Better hope your virus cure is done by consensus science, otherwise, it won’t happen.

Ha ha ha, still you post nothing scientific of value, just more consensus bullshit!

There have been many documented consensus failures, because people like you fall in love with the brainless concept.
That’s how very institute of higher learning, every gov agency and every research facility works.....Scientific consensus. It’s not easy to get them to agree on these big topics, but they do on AGW. Now proceed to make up stuff otherwise which you’ll have to do to refute it.

You go on and on with the bullshit, you make opinions over and over, not a lick of evidence presented that science runs on consensus, there is a reason why you have no idea how science research runs, your ignorance is your fault.

With all the media hype about "global warming," many have become confused not only about the facts, but even what is the real issue. Why has the "global warming" myth been pushed at us so fervently in recent years? Who is behind this deception, and for what purpose? This excerpt from the JAHG-USA Newsletter (see explains.


Factual Background:
For decades, environmentalists have complained that human activities industrial production, automobiles, etc. produce too much atmospheric pollution. Carbon dioxide, being possibly the largest single "pollutant" from human sources, became a favorate target.

The first problem with attacking carbon dioxide is that it isn't toxic. It's in the air we breathe, and it doesn't cause health problems. And it's produced by natural sources (animals, decaying organic matter, natural forest fires, volcanoes, etc.) far more than by human ones. That made it hard for environmentalists to sell people on the notion that we must dismantle industry in order to cut back carbon dioxide emissions, so they changed tactics.

By the 1980s, environmentalist radicals (including many leftists and Marxists working as "scientific" researchers) were claiming that if carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere were to increase significantly, it would create a "greenhouse effect" in which the air would trap more heat on earth and well, that would be sheer chaos, they say. Vegetation and animals would die off, polar ice caps would melt and the rising oceans would swallow the land, humans would die of famine and disease, and the world would be utterly destroyed. It was like something from a "Twilight Zone" episode (or a Godzilla movie).

More legitimate scientists have pointed out that (1) the earth has seen large, natural variations in overall temperature over the course of centuries, which drastically altered world climates without disaster (the globe has been many degrees warmer in the past), and (2) even if the earth would warm up, that might present benefits rather than destruction.

But all this may be moot, since there's actually no evidence of a "global warming" anyway. Even the leftist radicals who dominate the National Academy of Sciences and who recently declared a "global warming" crisis couldn't find anything more than, at most, a one degree increase in temperature over the last century one of the slowest temperature changes in world history. And even that is rubbish. The data behind that conclusion was a series of temperature measurements biased by something called the "urban heat island" effect, in which cities show higher temperatures than the surrounding countrysides (because buildings, pavement, and machinery tend to produce or trap more heat); when adjusting for the over-reading of temperatures in cities, one finds no global increase in temperature at all. This was the primary reason so many scientists have opposed the "global warming" hype.

But then, there's no reason for carbon dioxide to cause "global warming" in the first place. Even if humans could produce enough carbon dioxide to change atmospheric levels (which we don't), that extra carbon dioxide would simply be absorbed by nature. It would fuel a dramatic growth in forests and lush vegetation (which consume carbon dioxide), and would lead to thriving ecosystems while the atmospheric levels would keep returning to normal. So nature wouldn't even allow the possibility of "global warming."

The fact is, scientists still don't understand the processes underlying global temperature shifts upward and downward of several degrees over the course of centuries. Whatever the complex causes, carbon dioxide probably doesn't play a significant role.

Yet environmentalists still try to insist they're seeing rising temperatures that are melting ice in Canada and Greenland, while blatantly ignoring the growing freeze in Antartica, where rising snow levels are burying research stations and their equipment. What's the environmental agenda behind twisting science and frightening the public?

The environmentalist movement was largely created by grants and funding from Fabian Socialists running large tax-exempt foundations such as the Ford Foundation, the Rockefeller Foundation and its affiliates, the Carnegie Endowment, and so forth. A congressional investigation in the early 1950s discovered that the directors of these foundations are using their funds to support Marxist revolution and propaganda of various types, with the ultimate goal of transforming the United States into a Soviet-style Communist nation. And it was funding from such institutions that created virtually the entire interlocking network of environmentalist groups.

Some of those groups now have open ties to the Communist Bloc, such as Greenpeace, which is supported by Soviet intelligence, is provided Soviet money, and works with Soviet agents in formulating its propaganda (see an article on the subject on our sister site, ATTAC Report, entitled "Greenpeace Wages Redwar"). Greenpeace is interconnected with both the more "moderate" environmentalist groups, such as the Sierra Club, and with openly Marxist, terrorist groups such as Earth First! and the Earth Liberation Front. And many other eco-groups have similar Marxist ties.

The environmentalists are simply using pseudo-science to disguise their Communist goal: to dismantle industrial society step by step, until the increasingly disfunctional economy becomes an easy target for revolution and Socialist destruction.

Relevant Torah Principles:
1) One of the mandates of Jewish Law is to develop the land of Israel, especially in building cities and urban areas. It is forbidden under Jewish Law to dismantle urban development in favor of restoring farmland or wild nature. In general, this development process is part of the Jewish work of "Tikkun HaOlam" ("repairing the world"), which involves correcting the imperfection of nature through human development.

2) Under the Noahide Laws, this isn't just one of the mandates; it's the entire mandate. The core purpose of gentiles in G-d's plan is to develop the world physically by filling it with more population, by transforming the land through construction and development, and by exploiting and harnessing natural resources. The industrial revolution represents a further stage in the human obligation under G-d's Law to develop the world, and is an imminent preparation for the Messianic Era that will be fueled by capital-development ("capitalist") economies that will produce endlessly abundant wealth.

3) This mandate of development isn't a "right"; it's an obligation, a duty under G-d's Law. Consequently, the underlying principles of the Noahide Laws empower gentile governments to enforce this obligation, if necessary. If there are people opting for a return to nature in their own lives, the government may pass laws to discourage this and put pressure on those people to repent and return to their duty of building civilization. If an entire environmentalist movement arises, there is no question the government is positively obligated to outlaw the movement and all of its anti-social activities, with severe penalties if needed, in order to suppress it as a subversive danger to society.

4) In wartime, any movement that seeks to damage the economy and undermine the society isn't just rebelling against the mandate for growth; it's violating the Noahide commandment of upholding justice. It threatens the very stability of the nation itself and undermines the war effort, and thus amounts to treason, which brings death penalty.

We are today at war with international Communism, which already rules over one-third of the world and is bringing the rest of the nations to the brink of chaos and collapse. Their slow attack of internal subversion is weakening all nations in preparation for the more overt attack coming soon.

Environmentalism constitutes one arm of Communist subversion of non-Communist societies (Communist regimes themselves completely ignore environmental issues in their aggressive building of war machines). Thus the environmentalist movement, from the most "respectable" conservationist groups to the most violent eco-radicals, are a treasonous fifth column that threatens our national security and endangers our lives.

Not only must we dismantle existing environmental regulations (especially those meant to reduce carbon dioxide emissions), but the government must take aggressive legal action to suppress the environmentalist movement and its sponsors and affiliates. Communist and Fabian Socialist agents must be rooted out through comprehensive investigations and executed as traitors.

Those subversives will ultimately destroy themselves and kill one another at the end of the third War of Gog and Magog (as foretold in prophecy). But if we fail to act ourselves, our nations will go through a period of terrible crises and economic disasters before it's all over.
So you’re claiming to be smarter then every climate research and advanced educational institution in the world ? There are one CLIMATE INSTITUTION THAT AGREES WITH YOU...JUST ONE.


I am sure Semmelweis, Bretz, Humason, are laughing at you now.

What about stomach ulcers that doctors for decades said was caused by spicy foods, or stress..... :laugh:
You really don’t know much about medical or anyother science. Seriously, where do you get your deranged ideas from ?

I gave you THREE names, your reply show how ignorant you are.

How come you don't know these people, and why you dodged my simple question?

"What about stomach ulcers that doctors for decades said was caused by spicy foods, or stress....."

The consensus said it was due to spicy foods or stress, why do you ignore one of many consensus failures?
The fact is, scientists still don't understand the processes underlying global temperature shifts upward and downward of several degrees over the course of centuries. Whatever the complex causes, carbon dioxide probably doesn't play a significant role.
Ha ha...seriously, scientists dont get it ?
you guys are bat shitz. The smartest science people in the world in every country, every university and research facility, and they don’t understand it like you do. you Should be embarrassed.
nasa, MIT, Johns Hopkins and everyone at cal tech and the other free countries of the world along WITH our OWN MILITARY aren’t as smart as you...shitz for brains.
btw, report yourself to a moderator. Stomach ulcers are Way off topic.
With all the media hype about "global warming," many have become confused not only about the facts, but even what is the real issue.

Did you really think you're the first Stalinist apparatchik to push denier conspiracy theory frauds here? Come on. We've seen that kind of fraud hundreds of times before.

The first problem with attacking carbon dioxide is that it isn't toxic.

That's a wildly dishonest red herring, since nobody claimed CO2 was toxic.

And it's produced by natural sources (animals, decaying organic matter, natural forest fires, volcanoes, etc.) far more than by human ones.

That's a stupid misrepresentation of how an equilibrium system works.

By the 1980s,

That's dishonest historical revisionism. The greenhouse gas properties of CO2 have been known for hundreds of years, and the scientific consensus on the current global warming was in places by the 1970s.

More legitimate scientists have pointed out that (1) the earth has seen large, natural variations in overall temperature

That's the stupid "DERPDERPDERP If something ever changed naturally, then humans can't change it!" argument.

But all this may be moot, since there's actually no evidence of a "global warming" anyway.

Follow the money. Only those accepting denier big bribes are willing to tell a lie of that magnitude. All the corrupting money comes from your side, so all of the fraud comes from your side.

of the slowest temperature changes in world history.


The data behind that conclusion was a series of temperature measurements biased by something called the "urban heat island" effect,

Fraudulent claim. The measured warming is _lower_ in urban areas.

But then, there's no reason for carbon dioxide to cause "global warming" in the first place.

Delusional, being that we directly measure the CO2 increase that your source says can't possibly happen.

The fact is, scientists still don't understand the processes underlying global temperature shifts upward and downward of several degrees over the course of centuries.

No, they understand it pretty well, which is why they know CO2 is the cause. The directly measured stratospheric cooling, the increase in backradiation, and the decrease in outgoing longwave in the GHG bands rules out any natural explanations. Those are all smoking guns for human-caused global warming.

while blatantly ignoring the growing freeze in Antartica, where rising snow levels are burying research stations and their equipment.

There's no growing freeze in Antarctica. Where do they come up with these fantasies?

What's the environmental agenda behind twisting science and frightening the public?

Your masters' agenda is profits and political power. They wish to implement an authoritarian utopia by terrifying the low-information voters with denier propaganda.

The environmentalist movement was largely created by grants and funding from Fabian Socialists

"Fabian socialists"? Where do they come up with this stuff?

Relevant Torah Principles:

Those would not relevant to the science in any way, the science which proves the human cause of global warming.

We are today at war with international Communism,

Thank you for further proving my main point in these discussions, which is that denialism is entirely driven by crank right-wing politics, and has nothing to do with science. If right wing politics vanished, denialism would instantly vanish along with it.

In stark contrast, the real science crosses all political boundaries. If left wing politics vanished, the science wouldn't change a bit.
The fact is, scientists still don't understand the processes underlying global temperature shifts upward and downward of several degrees over the course of centuries. Whatever the complex causes, carbon dioxide probably doesn't play a significant role.
Ha ha...seriously, scientists dont get it ?
you guys are bat shitz. The smartest science people in the world in every country, every university and research facility, and they don’t understand it like you do. you Should be embarrassed.
nasa, MIT, Johns Hopkins and everyone at cal tech and the other free countries of the world along WITH our OWN MILITARY aren’t as smart as you...shitz for brains.
btw, report yourself to a moderator. Stomach ulcers are Way off topic.

You put out the same opinionated consensus crap, you don't have anything beyond that, that is because you have been a well trained puppy.

So far you haven't posted a shred of science on the subject, which isn't surprising as you have shown ZERO demonstrated understanding what the debate is actually about.

Who paid you to be this stupid, Al $$$$ Gore? you one of his graduates at Lemming and brainwashed academy??
What about stomach ulcers that doctors for decades said was caused by spicy foods, or stress....." make shit up. The foods doctors want you to stay away from, make symptoms worse...the cause, is, was, has always been, a disruption in acid make up in stomach.
The fact is, scientists still don't understand the processes underlying global temperature shifts upward and downward of several degrees over the course of centuries. Whatever the complex causes, carbon dioxide probably doesn't play a significant role.
Ha ha...seriously, scientists dont get it ?
you guys are bat shitz. The smartest science people in the world in every country, every university and research facility, and they don’t understand it like you do. you Should be embarrassed.
nasa, MIT, Johns Hopkins and everyone at cal tech and the other free countries of the world along WITH our OWN MILITARY aren’t as smart as you...shitz for brains.
btw, report yourself to a moderator. Stomach ulcers are Way off topic.

You put out the same opinionated consensus crap, you don't have anything beyond that, that is because you have been a well trained puppy.

So far you haven't posted a shred of science on the subject, which isn't surprising as you have shown ZERO demonstrated understanding what the debate is actually about.

Who paid you to be this stupid, Al $$$$ Gore? you one of his graduates at Lemming and brainwashed academy??
Al Gore, whaaaaa
i suppose that’s your answer as to why you’re an effin expert over MIT et al. Got a reason why for decades, our military has worked to adjust its mission to AGW and make a smaller footprint ? Nope...Al Gore whaaaaa.
with all due respect to you as a fellow human being, you stink as far as science is concerned.

oh, you’re a doctor too ? Yup, I’m a navy test pilot, I do brain surgery on weekends and am an astronaut For field training. I’d be happy to examine your IQ. Mine and Trumps would embarrass you but that’s OK. Al Gore whaaaa.
Last edited:

With all the media hype about "global warming," many have become confused not only about the facts, but even what is the real issue. Why has the "global warming" myth been pushed at us so fervently in recent years? Who is behind this deception, and for what purpose? This excerpt from the JAHG-USA Newsletter (see explains.


Factual Background:
For decades, environmentalists have complained that human activities industrial production, automobiles, etc. produce too much atmospheric pollution. Carbon dioxide, being possibly the largest single "pollutant" from human sources, became a favorate target.

The first problem with attacking carbon dioxide is that it isn't toxic. It's in the air we breathe, and it doesn't cause health problems. And it's produced by natural sources (animals, decaying organic matter, natural forest fires, volcanoes, etc.) far more than by human ones. That made it hard for environmentalists to sell people on the notion that we must dismantle industry in order to cut back carbon dioxide emissions, so they changed tactics.

By the 1980s, environmentalist radicals (including many leftists and Marxists working as "scientific" researchers) were claiming that if carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere were to increase significantly, it would create a "greenhouse effect" in which the air would trap more heat on earth and well, that would be sheer chaos, they say. Vegetation and animals would die off, polar ice caps would melt and the rising oceans would swallow the land, humans would die of famine and disease, and the world would be utterly destroyed. It was like something from a "Twilight Zone" episode (or a Godzilla movie).

More legitimate scientists have pointed out that (1) the earth has seen large, natural variations in overall temperature over the course of centuries, which drastically altered world climates without disaster (the globe has been many degrees warmer in the past), and (2) even if the earth would warm up, that might present benefits rather than destruction.

But all this may be moot, since there's actually no evidence of a "global warming" anyway. Even the leftist radicals who dominate the National Academy of Sciences and who recently declared a "global warming" crisis couldn't find anything more than, at most, a one degree increase in temperature over the last century one of the slowest temperature changes in world history. And even that is rubbish. The data behind that conclusion was a series of temperature measurements biased by something called the "urban heat island" effect, in which cities show higher temperatures than the surrounding countrysides (because buildings, pavement, and machinery tend to produce or trap more heat); when adjusting for the over-reading of temperatures in cities, one finds no global increase in temperature at all. This was the primary reason so many scientists have opposed the "global warming" hype.

But then, there's no reason for carbon dioxide to cause "global warming" in the first place. Even if humans could produce enough carbon dioxide to change atmospheric levels (which we don't), that extra carbon dioxide would simply be absorbed by nature. It would fuel a dramatic growth in forests and lush vegetation (which consume carbon dioxide), and would lead to thriving ecosystems while the atmospheric levels would keep returning to normal. So nature wouldn't even allow the possibility of "global warming."

The fact is, scientists still don't understand the processes underlying global temperature shifts upward and downward of several degrees over the course of centuries. Whatever the complex causes, carbon dioxide probably doesn't play a significant role.

Yet environmentalists still try to insist they're seeing rising temperatures that are melting ice in Canada and Greenland, while blatantly ignoring the growing freeze in Antartica, where rising snow levels are burying research stations and their equipment. What's the environmental agenda behind twisting science and frightening the public?

The environmentalist movement was largely created by grants and funding from Fabian Socialists running large tax-exempt foundations such as the Ford Foundation, the Rockefeller Foundation and its affiliates, the Carnegie Endowment, and so forth. A congressional investigation in the early 1950s discovered that the directors of these foundations are using their funds to support Marxist revolution and propaganda of various types, with the ultimate goal of transforming the United States into a Soviet-style Communist nation. And it was funding from such institutions that created virtually the entire interlocking network of environmentalist groups.

Some of those groups now have open ties to the Communist Bloc, such as Greenpeace, which is supported by Soviet intelligence, is provided Soviet money, and works with Soviet agents in formulating its propaganda (see an article on the subject on our sister site, ATTAC Report, entitled "Greenpeace Wages Redwar"). Greenpeace is interconnected with both the more "moderate" environmentalist groups, such as the Sierra Club, and with openly Marxist, terrorist groups such as Earth First! and the Earth Liberation Front. And many other eco-groups have similar Marxist ties.

The environmentalists are simply using pseudo-science to disguise their Communist goal: to dismantle industrial society step by step, until the increasingly disfunctional economy becomes an easy target for revolution and Socialist destruction.

Relevant Torah Principles:
1) One of the mandates of Jewish Law is to develop the land of Israel, especially in building cities and urban areas. It is forbidden under Jewish Law to dismantle urban development in favor of restoring farmland or wild nature. In general, this development process is part of the Jewish work of "Tikkun HaOlam" ("repairing the world"), which involves correcting the imperfection of nature through human development.

2) Under the Noahide Laws, this isn't just one of the mandates; it's the entire mandate. The core purpose of gentiles in G-d's plan is to develop the world physically by filling it with more population, by transforming the land through construction and development, and by exploiting and harnessing natural resources. The industrial revolution represents a further stage in the human obligation under G-d's Law to develop the world, and is an imminent preparation for the Messianic Era that will be fueled by capital-development ("capitalist") economies that will produce endlessly abundant wealth.

3) This mandate of development isn't a "right"; it's an obligation, a duty under G-d's Law. Consequently, the underlying principles of the Noahide Laws empower gentile governments to enforce this obligation, if necessary. If there are people opting for a return to nature in their own lives, the government may pass laws to discourage this and put pressure on those people to repent and return to their duty of building civilization. If an entire environmentalist movement arises, there is no question the government is positively obligated to outlaw the movement and all of its anti-social activities, with severe penalties if needed, in order to suppress it as a subversive danger to society.

4) In wartime, any movement that seeks to damage the economy and undermine the society isn't just rebelling against the mandate for growth; it's violating the Noahide commandment of upholding justice. It threatens the very stability of the nation itself and undermines the war effort, and thus amounts to treason, which brings death penalty.

We are today at war with international Communism, which already rules over one-third of the world and is bringing the rest of the nations to the brink of chaos and collapse. Their slow attack of internal subversion is weakening all nations in preparation for the more overt attack coming soon.

Environmentalism constitutes one arm of Communist subversion of non-Communist societies (Communist regimes themselves completely ignore environmental issues in their aggressive building of war machines). Thus the environmentalist movement, from the most "respectable" conservationist groups to the most violent eco-radicals, are a treasonous fifth column that threatens our national security and endangers our lives.

Not only must we dismantle existing environmental regulations (especially those meant to reduce carbon dioxide emissions), but the government must take aggressive legal action to suppress the environmentalist movement and its sponsors and affiliates. Communist and Fabian Socialist agents must be rooted out through comprehensive investigations and executed as traitors.

Those subversives will ultimately destroy themselves and kill one another at the end of the third War of Gog and Magog (as foretold in prophecy). But if we fail to act ourselves, our nations will go through a period of terrible crises and economic disasters before it's all over.
Leading organizations involved in climate change research, policy making and education
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) - Climate Change Science
This section of the EPA website offers scientific information and data on climate change in the past and projections for the future. Specific information about the U.S. government's role in conducting and evaluating science as well as EPA's role in these efforts can be found on the Climate Change Science Program and EPA Research and Assessment pages in the Policy section.

NOAA Education - Climate Change and Our Planet
This collection of resources from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) are designed for teachers to use in the classroom or as background reference material.

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change was established by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) to provide objective reports on climate change and its potential environmental and socio-economic consequences. Geography has played a central role in the IPCC’s activities. Dr. Thomas Wilbanks, past president of the AAG and recipient of numerous honors in the field of geography, served as lead author of a chapter of the Fourth Assessment Report which was awarded the Nobel Prize in 2007.

National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR)
NCAR provides the university science and teaching community with the tools, facilities, and support required to perform innovative research. Through NCAR, scientists gain access to high-performance computational and observational facilities, such as supercomputers, aircraft and radar - resources researchers need to improve human understanding of atmospheric and Earth system processes. NCAR also houses the Geographical Information Systems (GIS) Strategic Initiative, an interdisciplinary effort to foster collaborative science, spatial data interoperability, and knowledge sharing with GIS, within the field of atmospheric research.

Center for Remote Sensing of Ice Sheets (CReSIS)
CReSIS was established by the NSF in 2005 and is headquartered at the University of Kansas. The Center uses a variety of geographic tools and technologies (including Geographic Information Systems, Remote Sensing, and spatial statistics) to complement its goal of measuring and predicting the response of sea level change to the mass balance of ice sheets in Greenland and Antarctica.

National Climate Data Center (NCDC)
NCDC is the world's largest active archive of weather data. NCDC produces numerous climate publications and responds to data requests from all over the world.

World Meteorological Organization
The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) is a specialized agency of the United Nations. It is the UN system's authoritative voice on the state and behavior of the Earth's atmosphere, its interaction with the oceans, the climate it produces and the resulting distribution of water resources.

United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), Climate Change
The UNEP Climate Change website serves as a gateway to UNEP activities related to adaptation, mitigation, science, and communication/outreach on the effects of climate change, as well as programs to reduce emissions from deforestation and degradation of ecosystems.

United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)
The UNFCCC supports UN bodies involved in the climate change process. This UNFCCC website contains numerous resources, such as introductory and in-depth publications, the official UNFCCC and Kyoto Protocol texts and a search engine to the UNFCCC library.

Pew Center on Global Climate Change
The Pew Center on Global Climate Change brings together business leaders, policy makers, scientists, and other experts to bring a new approach to a complex and often controversial issue. The Center conducts analyses of key climate issues, works to keep policy makers informed, engages the business community in the search for solutions, and reaches out to educate the key audiences.

Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations – Climate Change
FAO's activities in climate change are spread over all departments and cover all agricultural sectors (i.e. agriculture, livestock, forestry, fisheries) as well as highly cross-sectoral topics (e.g. bioenergy, biodiversity, climate risk management). The Interdepartmental Working Group on Climate Change and the Environment, Climate Change and Bioenergy Division (NRC) play an important role in coordinating these activities.

National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC)
The NSIDC supports research on snow, ice, glaciers, frozen ground, and climate interactions that make up Earth's cryosphere. Dr. Mark Serreze, NSIDC Director, has carried out significant geographic research on climate warning in the Arctic and its implications.

International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme (IGBP)
IGBP is a research programme that studies the phenomenon of Global Change. IGBP provides scientific knowledge to improve the sustainability of the living Earth. IGBP studies the interactions between biological, chemical and physical processes and interactions with human systems and collaborates with other programmes to develop and impart the understanding necessary to respond to global change.

This is the THIRD time you post this consensus fallacy, you don't address the first post at all.

Post one remains unchallenged.

If this is all you have, you are going to be greatly disappointed.....
Oh, one question. Do you believe in evolution ? Just a yes or no would suffice.
It's a scientific fact that the globe warms and cools during geological eras. The key is the extortion game played out with the "man made" part. There is a lot of money to be made by diverting taxpayer funds to joke researches and political activists.

With all the media hype about "global warming," many have become confused not only about the facts, but even what is the real issue. Why has the "global warming" myth been pushed at us so fervently in recent years? Who is behind this deception, and for what purpose? This excerpt from the JAHG-USA Newsletter (see explains.


Factual Background:
For decades, environmentalists have complained that human activities industrial production, automobiles, etc. produce too much atmospheric pollution. Carbon dioxide, being possibly the largest single "pollutant" from human sources, became a favorate target.

The first problem with attacking carbon dioxide is that it isn't toxic. It's in the air we breathe, and it doesn't cause health problems. And it's produced by natural sources (animals, decaying organic matter, natural forest fires, volcanoes, etc.) far more than by human ones. That made it hard for environmentalists to sell people on the notion that we must dismantle industry in order to cut back carbon dioxide emissions, so they changed tactics.

By the 1980s, environmentalist radicals (including many leftists and Marxists working as "scientific" researchers) were claiming that if carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere were to increase significantly, it would create a "greenhouse effect" in which the air would trap more heat on earth and well, that would be sheer chaos, they say. Vegetation and animals would die off, polar ice caps would melt and the rising oceans would swallow the land, humans would die of famine and disease, and the world would be utterly destroyed. It was like something from a "Twilight Zone" episode (or a Godzilla movie).

More legitimate scientists have pointed out that (1) the earth has seen large, natural variations in overall temperature over the course of centuries, which drastically altered world climates without disaster (the globe has been many degrees warmer in the past), and (2) even if the earth would warm up, that might present benefits rather than destruction.

But all this may be moot, since there's actually no evidence of a "global warming" anyway. Even the leftist radicals who dominate the National Academy of Sciences and who recently declared a "global warming" crisis couldn't find anything more than, at most, a one degree increase in temperature over the last century one of the slowest temperature changes in world history. And even that is rubbish. The data behind that conclusion was a series of temperature measurements biased by something called the "urban heat island" effect, in which cities show higher temperatures than the surrounding countrysides (because buildings, pavement, and machinery tend to produce or trap more heat); when adjusting for the over-reading of temperatures in cities, one finds no global increase in temperature at all. This was the primary reason so many scientists have opposed the "global warming" hype.

But then, there's no reason for carbon dioxide to cause "global warming" in the first place. Even if humans could produce enough carbon dioxide to change atmospheric levels (which we don't), that extra carbon dioxide would simply be absorbed by nature. It would fuel a dramatic growth in forests and lush vegetation (which consume carbon dioxide), and would lead to thriving ecosystems while the atmospheric levels would keep returning to normal. So nature wouldn't even allow the possibility of "global warming."

The fact is, scientists still don't understand the processes underlying global temperature shifts upward and downward of several degrees over the course of centuries. Whatever the complex causes, carbon dioxide probably doesn't play a significant role.

Yet environmentalists still try to insist they're seeing rising temperatures that are melting ice in Canada and Greenland, while blatantly ignoring the growing freeze in Antartica, where rising snow levels are burying research stations and their equipment. What's the environmental agenda behind twisting science and frightening the public?

The environmentalist movement was largely created by grants and funding from Fabian Socialists running large tax-exempt foundations such as the Ford Foundation, the Rockefeller Foundation and its affiliates, the Carnegie Endowment, and so forth. A congressional investigation in the early 1950s discovered that the directors of these foundations are using their funds to support Marxist revolution and propaganda of various types, with the ultimate goal of transforming the United States into a Soviet-style Communist nation. And it was funding from such institutions that created virtually the entire interlocking network of environmentalist groups.

Some of those groups now have open ties to the Communist Bloc, such as Greenpeace, which is supported by Soviet intelligence, is provided Soviet money, and works with Soviet agents in formulating its propaganda (see an article on the subject on our sister site, ATTAC Report, entitled "Greenpeace Wages Redwar"). Greenpeace is interconnected with both the more "moderate" environmentalist groups, such as the Sierra Club, and with openly Marxist, terrorist groups such as Earth First! and the Earth Liberation Front. And many other eco-groups have similar Marxist ties.

The environmentalists are simply using pseudo-science to disguise their Communist goal: to dismantle industrial society step by step, until the increasingly disfunctional economy becomes an easy target for revolution and Socialist destruction.

Relevant Torah Principles:
1) One of the mandates of Jewish Law is to develop the land of Israel, especially in building cities and urban areas. It is forbidden under Jewish Law to dismantle urban development in favor of restoring farmland or wild nature. In general, this development process is part of the Jewish work of "Tikkun HaOlam" ("repairing the world"), which involves correcting the imperfection of nature through human development.

2) Under the Noahide Laws, this isn't just one of the mandates; it's the entire mandate. The core purpose of gentiles in G-d's plan is to develop the world physically by filling it with more population, by transforming the land through construction and development, and by exploiting and harnessing natural resources. The industrial revolution represents a further stage in the human obligation under G-d's Law to develop the world, and is an imminent preparation for the Messianic Era that will be fueled by capital-development ("capitalist") economies that will produce endlessly abundant wealth.

3) This mandate of development isn't a "right"; it's an obligation, a duty under G-d's Law. Consequently, the underlying principles of the Noahide Laws empower gentile governments to enforce this obligation, if necessary. If there are people opting for a return to nature in their own lives, the government may pass laws to discourage this and put pressure on those people to repent and return to their duty of building civilization. If an entire environmentalist movement arises, there is no question the government is positively obligated to outlaw the movement and all of its anti-social activities, with severe penalties if needed, in order to suppress it as a subversive danger to society.

4) In wartime, any movement that seeks to damage the economy and undermine the society isn't just rebelling against the mandate for growth; it's violating the Noahide commandment of upholding justice. It threatens the very stability of the nation itself and undermines the war effort, and thus amounts to treason, which brings death penalty.

We are today at war with international Communism, which already rules over one-third of the world and is bringing the rest of the nations to the brink of chaos and collapse. Their slow attack of internal subversion is weakening all nations in preparation for the more overt attack coming soon.

Environmentalism constitutes one arm of Communist subversion of non-Communist societies (Communist regimes themselves completely ignore environmental issues in their aggressive building of war machines). Thus the environmentalist movement, from the most "respectable" conservationist groups to the most violent eco-radicals, are a treasonous fifth column that threatens our national security and endangers our lives.

Not only must we dismantle existing environmental regulations (especially those meant to reduce carbon dioxide emissions), but the government must take aggressive legal action to suppress the environmentalist movement and its sponsors and affiliates. Communist and Fabian Socialist agents must be rooted out through comprehensive investigations and executed as traitors.

Those subversives will ultimately destroy themselves and kill one another at the end of the third War of Gog and Magog (as foretold in prophecy). But if we fail to act ourselves, our nations will go through a period of terrible crises and economic disasters before it's all over.
Leading organizations involved in climate change research, policy making and education
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) - Climate Change Science
This section of the EPA website offers scientific information and data on climate change in the past and projections for the future. Specific information about the U.S. government's role in conducting and evaluating science as well as EPA's role in these efforts can be found on the Climate Change Science Program and EPA Research and Assessment pages in the Policy section.

NOAA Education - Climate Change and Our Planet
This collection of resources from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) are designed for teachers to use in the classroom or as background reference material.

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change was established by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) to provide objective reports on climate change and its potential environmental and socio-economic consequences. Geography has played a central role in the IPCC’s activities. Dr. Thomas Wilbanks, past president of the AAG and recipient of numerous honors in the field of geography, served as lead author of a chapter of the Fourth Assessment Report which was awarded the Nobel Prize in 2007.

National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR)
NCAR provides the university science and teaching community with the tools, facilities, and support required to perform innovative research. Through NCAR, scientists gain access to high-performance computational and observational facilities, such as supercomputers, aircraft and radar - resources researchers need to improve human understanding of atmospheric and Earth system processes. NCAR also houses the Geographical Information Systems (GIS) Strategic Initiative, an interdisciplinary effort to foster collaborative science, spatial data interoperability, and knowledge sharing with GIS, within the field of atmospheric research.

Center for Remote Sensing of Ice Sheets (CReSIS)
CReSIS was established by the NSF in 2005 and is headquartered at the University of Kansas. The Center uses a variety of geographic tools and technologies (including Geographic Information Systems, Remote Sensing, and spatial statistics) to complement its goal of measuring and predicting the response of sea level change to the mass balance of ice sheets in Greenland and Antarctica.

National Climate Data Center (NCDC)
NCDC is the world's largest active archive of weather data. NCDC produces numerous climate publications and responds to data requests from all over the world.

World Meteorological Organization
The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) is a specialized agency of the United Nations. It is the UN system's authoritative voice on the state and behavior of the Earth's atmosphere, its interaction with the oceans, the climate it produces and the resulting distribution of water resources.

United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), Climate Change
The UNEP Climate Change website serves as a gateway to UNEP activities related to adaptation, mitigation, science, and communication/outreach on the effects of climate change, as well as programs to reduce emissions from deforestation and degradation of ecosystems.

United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)
The UNFCCC supports UN bodies involved in the climate change process. This UNFCCC website contains numerous resources, such as introductory and in-depth publications, the official UNFCCC and Kyoto Protocol texts and a search engine to the UNFCCC library.

Pew Center on Global Climate Change
The Pew Center on Global Climate Change brings together business leaders, policy makers, scientists, and other experts to bring a new approach to a complex and often controversial issue. The Center conducts analyses of key climate issues, works to keep policy makers informed, engages the business community in the search for solutions, and reaches out to educate the key audiences.

Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations – Climate Change
FAO's activities in climate change are spread over all departments and cover all agricultural sectors (i.e. agriculture, livestock, forestry, fisheries) as well as highly cross-sectoral topics (e.g. bioenergy, biodiversity, climate risk management). The Interdepartmental Working Group on Climate Change and the Environment, Climate Change and Bioenergy Division (NRC) play an important role in coordinating these activities.

National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC)
The NSIDC supports research on snow, ice, glaciers, frozen ground, and climate interactions that make up Earth's cryosphere. Dr. Mark Serreze, NSIDC Director, has carried out significant geographic research on climate warning in the Arctic and its implications.

International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme (IGBP)
IGBP is a research programme that studies the phenomenon of Global Change. IGBP provides scientific knowledge to improve the sustainability of the living Earth. IGBP studies the interactions between biological, chemical and physical processes and interactions with human systems and collaborates with other programmes to develop and impart the understanding necessary to respond to global change.

This is the THIRD time you post this consensus fallacy, you don't address the first post at all.

Post one remains unchallenged.

If this is all you have, you are going to be greatly disappointed.....
Oh, one question. Do you believe in evolution ? Just a yes or no would suffice.

So you still have nothing......, why are you here?
What about stomach ulcers that doctors for decades said was caused by spicy foods, or stress....." make shit up. The foods doctors want you to stay away from, make symptoms worse...the cause, is, was, has always been, a disruption in acid make up in stomach.
The fact is, scientists still don't understand the processes underlying global temperature shifts upward and downward of several degrees over the course of centuries. Whatever the complex causes, carbon dioxide probably doesn't play a significant role.
Ha ha...seriously, scientists dont get it ?
you guys are bat shitz. The smartest science people in the world in every country, every university and research facility, and they don’t understand it like you do. you Should be embarrassed.
nasa, MIT, Johns Hopkins and everyone at cal tech and the other free countries of the world along WITH our OWN MILITARY aren’t as smart as you...shitz for brains.
btw, report yourself to a moderator. Stomach ulcers are Way off topic.

You put out the same opinionated consensus crap, you don't have anything beyond that, that is because you have been a well trained puppy.

So far you haven't posted a shred of science on the subject, which isn't surprising as you have shown ZERO demonstrated understanding what the debate is actually about.

Who paid you to be this stupid, Al $$$$ Gore? you one of his graduates at Lemming and brainwashed academy??
Al Gore, whaaaaa
i suppose that’s your answer as to why you’re an effin expert over MIT et al. Got a reason why for decades, our military has worked to adjust its mission to AGW and make a smaller footprint ? Nope...Al Gore whaaaaa.
with all due respect to you as a fellow human being, you stink as far as science is concerned.

oh, you’re a doctor too ? Yup, I’m a navy test pilot, I do brain surgery on weekends and am an astronaut For field training. I’d be happy to examine your IQ. Mine and Trumps would embarrass you but that’s OK. Al Gore whaaaa.

Still no shred of evidence, it appears you don't know what evidence is....., epic fail.
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Why can't Dagosa answer this simple question (asked three times now) could it be because it destroys the long running consensus error?

"What about stomach ulcers that doctors for decades said was caused by spicy foods, or stress....."

Man up and answer the question...
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