This video is priceless. We see the left rioting, assaulting, and acting like thugs all over America. When asked for a single instance of conservatives acting like that - nobody can come up with one.
How about the right wing crazy who rushed the stage during the performance of Julius Caesar, interfering with the actors' freedom of speech? They didn't seem to have a problem with the show when it had an Obama look-alike or a pant-suited Hillary clone.
This List Of Attacks Against Conservatives Is Mind Blowing
Real stats:
US Hate Crimes Up 20 Percent in 2016, Fueled by Election - NBC News
Mar 14, 2017 - Hate crimes in nine U.S. metropolitan areas rose more than 20 percent ... Trump has also expressed how he was personally affected, since his ...
Trump Slammed for Silence on Kansas Shooting Amid Surge in Hate ...
Feb 28, 2017 - Nor has he offered reassurance to the public that his administration stands against the hate crimes that have surged since he won the election.
Hate crimes since the election: Here's who's been targeted since ...
Feb 13, 2017 - That's the number of hate incidentsThinkProgress has tracked since Nov. 9, 2016, when Donald Trump was declared president-elect. Of the ...
Hate crimes, racist graffiti after election; Trump says 'stop it' -
Dec 22, 2016 - Fears of heightened bigotry and hate crimes have turned into reality for some Americansafter Donald Trump's presidential win. And the list of ...
Hate crimes have surged since Trump's election. America must keep ...
May 2, 2017 - These are just a few examples of the surge in hate crimes following the ... supremacists became further emboldened after President Trump's ...
New York Police Link Hate Crime Surge To Presidential Campaign ...
Feb 25, 2017 - Since the election that put Donald Trump in the White House, the number of hate-crimecomplaints has jumped 42 percent from the same ...
Hate crimes rise by more than half in New York City due to surge in ... › News › World › Americas
Mar 4, 2017 - Hate crimes in New York City have risen by 55 per cent since this time last ... the increase to President Donald Trump's campaign rhetoric Getty.

LMAO! Mother Jones, CNN and the Huffingpuffington Post!
Guess what all those have in common? The worship of incestuous socialism... and don't forget pure unadulterated racism. Lol
He/she is definitely an doubt about that. 100 percent clueless and seems downright proud of it.
Your jaw would be on the floor if I showed you some of his posts from today. He thinks nobody is harmed if a male sexual predator is allowed to walk into the girls locker room and watch teenage girls undress. I'm not even kidding you. He actually said that.

Leftards have no morals and they will soon be pointing to the Kinsey study that says children are "sexual" at very early ages so pedophilia must be accepted if the child consents. That is exactly where the world is heading.
Children are sexual, males in the womb play with themselves, but that's not to say that NAMBLA is approved of, but it's allowed under the First Amendment.

I know, this liberty thing is hard.

So when the age is consent is lowered to eight or nine years old, you will be defending that as well????
This video is priceless. We see the left rioting, assaulting, and acting like thugs all over America. When asked for a single instance of conservatives acting like that - nobody can come up with one.
How about the right wing crazy who rushed the stage during the performance of Julius Caesar, interfering with the actors' freedom of speech? They didn't seem to have a problem with the show when it had an Obama look-alike or a pant-suited Hillary clone.
This List Of Attacks Against Conservatives Is Mind Blowing
Real stats:
US Hate Crimes Up 20 Percent in 2016, Fueled by Election - NBC News
Mar 14, 2017 - Hate crimes in nine U.S. metropolitan areas rose more than 20 percent ... Trump has also expressed how he was personally affected, since his ...
Trump Slammed for Silence on Kansas Shooting Amid Surge in Hate ...
Feb 28, 2017 - Nor has he offered reassurance to the public that his administration stands against the hate crimes that have surged since he won the election.
Hate crimes since the election: Here's who's been targeted since ...
Feb 13, 2017 - That's the number of hate incidentsThinkProgress has tracked since Nov. 9, 2016, when Donald Trump was declared president-elect. Of the ...
Hate crimes, racist graffiti after election; Trump says 'stop it' -
Dec 22, 2016 - Fears of heightened bigotry and hate crimes have turned into reality for some Americansafter Donald Trump's presidential win. And the list of ...
Hate crimes have surged since Trump's election. America must keep ...
May 2, 2017 - These are just a few examples of the surge in hate crimes following the ... supremacists became further emboldened after President Trump's ...
New York Police Link Hate Crime Surge To Presidential Campaign ...
Feb 25, 2017 - Since the election that put Donald Trump in the White House, the number of hate-crimecomplaints has jumped 42 percent from the same ...
Hate crimes rise by more than half in New York City due to surge in ... › News › World › Americas
Mar 4, 2017 - Hate crimes in New York City have risen by 55 per cent since this time last ... the increase to President Donald Trump's campaign rhetoric Getty.
Couple of things. I'm a regular at Austin's in Olathe. No idea why Trump didn't make a big deal out of it. Very good bar style food. It's my go to after shooting at Centerfire. We hit the range once a week and then get something to eat afterwards. Never even heard raised voices in the place. A ignorant nut job tried to kill some Garmin workers after mistaking them for Muslims. It was sick and I condemned it.

As far as the regurgitated "facts" regarding hate crimes, they are sourced from leftists and always have a bias. The methodology and statistics, complete with sources that are unbiased, must be available for an honest review. Are the hundreds of antifa attacks considered hate crimes?
They do, when you aren't fucking with them, passing laws against them. Learn to live and let live, slave.

They want to "marry" and adopt children...serve openly in the military as a queer and they are pushing faggotry via GLSEN, a offshoot of the LGBTQ in our public once again I prove you wrong when you claim that fags just want to be left alone.
Stop passing laws against them, grant them full equal rights, and the problem will go away. They are equal to you, even better than you, my little slave.
What laws are you referring to? I don't care how many men you nail. Grab all the hairy ass you want. Have fun! Just stop acting like you are special and need additional rights above others.
Faggots aren't granted extra rights here. We are still trying to make them equal to you and I.

Queers need to be "equal" in what way and why is it necessary for anyone to know that they are a queer or what their sexual proclivities are to begin with???
Equal to, exactly, everyone other American. Until then back off and they will as well.
The best preparation anyone in this country can have is to be debt-free, and independent from any sort of government benefit.
Ironically, the biggest form of independence is also the most overlooked. Food. Invest in farm co-ops. Leverage Patriot Supply. It will make all of the difference.
Exactly, so the fags need to keep what they do in their bedroom, bath-houses or "where-ever" to
They do, when you aren't fucking with them, passing laws against them. Learn to live and let live, slave.

They want to "marry" and adopt children...serve openly in the military as a queer and they are pushing faggotry via GLSEN, a offshoot of the LGBTQ in our public once again I prove you wrong when you claim that fags just want to be left alone.
Stop passing laws against them, grant them full equal rights, and the problem will go away. They are equal to you, even better than you, my little slave.
What laws are you referring to? I don't care how many men you nail. Grab all the hairy ass you want. Have fun! Just stop acting like you are special and need additional rights above others.
Faggots aren't granted extra rights here. We are still trying to make them equal to you and I.
What right are you seeking?
They want to "marry" and adopt children...serve openly in the military as a queer and they are pushing faggotry via GLSEN, a offshoot of the LGBTQ in our public once again I prove you wrong when you claim that fags just want to be left alone.
Stop passing laws against them, grant them full equal rights, and the problem will go away. They are equal to you, even better than you, my little slave.
What laws are you referring to? I don't care how many men you nail. Grab all the hairy ass you want. Have fun! Just stop acting like you are special and need additional rights above others.
Faggots aren't granted extra rights here. We are still trying to make them equal to you and I.

Queers need to be "equal" in what way and why is it necessary for anyone to know that they are a queer or what their sexual proclivities are to begin with???
Equal to, exactly, everyone other American. Until then back off and they will as well.

No one is stopping a male queer from sucking why does a queer have to have the approval of straights that it's fine to do so when what he does in his own abode is no one's business?
They do, when you aren't fucking with them, passing laws against them. Learn to live and let live, slave.

They want to "marry" and adopt children...serve openly in the military as a queer and they are pushing faggotry via GLSEN, a offshoot of the LGBTQ in our public once again I prove you wrong when you claim that fags just want to be left alone.
Stop passing laws against them, grant them full equal rights, and the problem will go away. They are equal to you, even better than you, my little slave.
What laws are you referring to? I don't care how many men you nail. Grab all the hairy ass you want. Have fun! Just stop acting like you are special and need additional rights above others.
Faggots aren't granted extra rights here. We are still trying to make them equal to you and I.
What right are you seeking?
Majority rule again would be nice.
Stop passing laws against them, grant them full equal rights, and the problem will go away. They are equal to you, even better than you, my little slave.
What laws are you referring to? I don't care how many men you nail. Grab all the hairy ass you want. Have fun! Just stop acting like you are special and need additional rights above others.
Faggots aren't granted extra rights here. We are still trying to make them equal to you and I.

Queers need to be "equal" in what way and why is it necessary for anyone to know that they are a queer or what their sexual proclivities are to begin with???
Equal to, exactly, everyone other American. Until then back off and they will as well.

No one is stopping a male queer from sucking why does a queer have to have the approval of straights that it's fine to do so when what he does in his own abode is no one's business?
Because he wasn't being left alone by the law. States like Texas made that - illegal.
He/she is definitely an doubt about that. 100 percent clueless and seems downright proud of it.
Your jaw would be on the floor if I showed you some of his posts from today. He thinks nobody is harmed if a male sexual predator is allowed to walk into the girls locker room and watch teenage girls undress. I'm not even kidding you. He actually said that.

Leftards have no morals and they will soon be pointing to the Kinsey study that says children are "sexual" at very early ages so pedophilia must be accepted if the child consents. That is exactly where the world is heading.
Children are sexual, males in the womb play with themselves, but that's not to say that NAMBLA is approved of, but it's allowed under the First Amendment.

I know, this liberty thing is hard.

So when the age is consent is lowered to eight or nine years old, you will be defending that as well????
Was legal here once to marry a ten-year-old, and fuck a nine-year-old. American history.

And no, I don't advocate for that but I don't freak out about kids being sexual. Humans are, by their very nature- sexual beings.

You didn't answer the question....if the LGBTQ gets their way and the age of consent is lowered to let's say 9 or so that permits some pervert male to legally sodomize a young boy....will you support it? Yes or no?????
The best preparation anyone in this country can have is to be debt-free, and independent from any sort of government benefit.
Ironically, the biggest form of independence is also the most overlooked. Food. Invest in farm co-ops. Leverage Patriot Supply. It will make all of the difference.
True, The federal government wants to distribute food that's full of fillers, steroids, hormones, and genetically altered grains stacked full of gluten. This is all to make big Pharma rich and powerful in turn making Washington in control of everyone's every day lives.
A famous politician who happened to be a career politician said it best… The scariest words in the English language are - we are from the government and we are here to help…… Fuck that! Lol
Up here in the northern plains we have food co-ops everywhere, that are absolutely independent of any government.
They want to "marry" and adopt children...serve openly in the military as a queer and they are pushing faggotry via GLSEN, a offshoot of the LGBTQ in our public once again I prove you wrong when you claim that fags just want to be left alone.
Stop passing laws against them, grant them full equal rights, and the problem will go away. They are equal to you, even better than you, my little slave.
What laws are you referring to? I don't care how many men you nail. Grab all the hairy ass you want. Have fun! Just stop acting like you are special and need additional rights above others.
Faggots aren't granted extra rights here. We are still trying to make them equal to you and I.
What right are you seeking?
Majority rule again would be nice.
Horde rule? No thanks.

When plunder becomes a way of life for a group of men in a society, over the course of time they create for themselves a legal system that authorizes it and a moral code that glorifies it.

Frédéric Bastiat - Wikiquote
Who's the first, the N*ggers?
Spoken like a true Dumbocrat. The party of slavery and the KKK hated African-Americans back then and they continue to hate them today.
So, you love Lincoln, of the GOP, for defeating the South?
I'm a Jayhawker. Look it up.
Not an answer. Do try again. Do you - admire Lincoln of the GOP?
Abraham Lincoln was the first and only president to suspend habeas corpus… Unforgivable
You can burn paper money all day long. I wouldn't suggest as it has, currently, real value.
It has value currently - but no intrinsic value. The moment people view the American dollar like the Mexican peso or the Weimar Republic mark, it instantly becomes of no value whatsoever. That isn't the case with gold. It will forever have an intrinsic value.
At least the strippers think so.
The long running left-wing War on Women continues. They are just objects to be sexualized and criticized in the minds of the left.
Gold will have a value as long as - people value it.
People will always value it genius because it has intrinsic value. It is tangible. Most of all - it is limited. Making it valuable by the very nature of value.
They want to "marry" and adopt children...serve openly in the military as a queer and they are pushing faggotry via GLSEN, a offshoot of the LGBTQ in our public once again I prove you wrong when you claim that fags just want to be left alone.
Stop passing laws against them, grant them full equal rights, and the problem will go away. They are equal to you, even better than you, my little slave.
What laws are you referring to? I don't care how many men you nail. Grab all the hairy ass you want. Have fun! Just stop acting like you are special and need additional rights above others.
Faggots aren't granted extra rights here. We are still trying to make them equal to you and I.

Queers need to be "equal" in what way and why is it necessary for anyone to know that they are a queer or what their sexual proclivities are to begin with???
Equal to, exactly, everyone other American. Until then back off and they will as well.
Can you be specific?

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