The interest on the debt reaches 1 trillion.

The dirty democrats in America gave billions and billions and billions of American tax-payer dollars to Ukraine for absolutely no valid reason other than theft. It could be that they are trying to steal enough American dollars to hide in Ukraine so Obama can become the president of Ukraine since let's just be real... Obama is the one stealing America's money. Just like he stole a truck load of money while president and sent it to Iran. Majority of America's debt is stolen money by the democrats.

U.S. paid $1.3 billion to Iran two days after cash delivery​

August 24, 2016 / 2:32 PM EDT / AP

The Obama administration said Wednesday it paid $1.3 billion in interest to Iran in January to resolve a decades-old dispute over an undelivered military sale, two days after allowing $400 million in cash to fly to Tehran.
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This is the poison fruit of manufactured inflation, endless wars, and buying political support. This is just for the privilege of borrowing money from the bankers, not the principal which also goes up. It's why we can't have nice things because debt is slavery, only nicer. U.S. Debt Interest Payments Reach $1 Trillion
Eye watering. Do you think it'll ever come to a time government will have to come up with a law to force presidents to reduce national debt?

Tommy Tainant I remember before COVID, the interest on our national debt was greater than the NHS wage bill. So if you want to double the wages of NHS staff, simply get rid of national debt. Unfortunately, nationalising does the opposite and tax levels are through the ceiling as it is. Can you see the flaw in Left Wing Utopian vision?
how much national debt did trump run up

If you read the link in the op, you wouldn't have to ask -


So you can see the figures from 2016 to 2020 and from 2020 to date.
how much national debt did trump run up
The President imagines a budget, Congress creates and passes a spending bill and he signs it. Instead of encouraging consumers to save money (oh yes, it's possible) they are encouraged to go into debt and as a result end up in the nanny state's grip more firmly. Insidious but effective. Credit card debt is now over a trillion, and the fanny and Freddy people want to expand second mortgages to throw some more shit in the game, All under the color of helping people out of the debt that they themselves have created. The nanny state won't be June Cleaver any longer, more like Mommy Dearest. The State Wants To Nationalize Second Mortgages. What Could Possibly Go Wrong? | ZeroHedge
What we're doing with our debt is insanity, but very few seem willing to make the political sacrifice to fix it. The often hated MTG is the only one who seems to have the balls to insist on fiscal responsibility every time. Even though it will make the squad skankeroonies ill, we need more MTG types. MAGA
Trump would never steal America's money and send it to Ukraine.


2018 200 M

2019 1.5 B

2020 250 M

how much national debt did trump run up

Not really that much until the pandemic. A large portion of it was due to policies put in place before he took office or due to unexpected changes in circumstance.

How Much Did President Trump Add to the Debt? | Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget
Aside from a copy and paste, you don't know anything about America's national debt.
Well, if you folk can't read a link, someone has to supply you with pictures.

Which part of America's debt you think I don't know about?

It's funny watching you guys fight over debt cos American culture is predominantly binary. Assigning debt to a particular president can be and is misleading. Where did cost of recessions, COVID, bank bailouts take place? What's the knock on effect of policies from previous president's policies on say such things as Obamacare and Trump's tax cuts? National debt will always increase under current and future presidents because of interest. So you guys will have to cut spending, increase tax, or a bit of both to reduce the deficit sufficiently to reduce national debt and cover the interest.

Unless you elect the likes of Warren Buffet as president, your debt will just keep on climbing.
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Damn you cult members are funny!
/-----/ Let's study civics, since your special ed classes didn't cover it.
A ways and means committee is a government body that is charged with reviewing and making recommendations for government budgets. Because the raising of revenue is vital to carrying out governmental operations, such a committee is tasked with finding the ways and means with which to raise that revenue.

The term "ways and means" originated with the Parliament of England and refers to the provision of revenue to meet national expenditure requirements and to implement the objectives of economic policy. The ways and means are provided by the imposition of taxation. - Wikipedia

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