The Impeachment Thread

Well, I'm getting ready to listen with an open mind to the arguments by the Trump team tomorrow, because there are always two sides to every story. The Dems did a good job, but yes, they had to make inferences about Trump's role and they painted a very dark picture. It would have been easiest if Trump had agreed to come and tell us himself, but that isn't going to happen.

I just hope they leave the constitutional argument out of it. That is not what the Article of Impeachment is about, and the Dems have certainly persuaded me that the trial is constitutional. Seems that's a deflection at this point.

But other than that, I'm all ears.

Prepare yourself for a avalanche of false eqivivalacies and whataboutisms delivered by two of the worst attorneys on God’s Green Earth ;-)
I'm afraid of it, but i'm steeled for it. And I'm going to listen.
Trump must be held accountable!

Trump must be held accountable!

Why don't you guys just go ahead and hang him? I think that's the only way you'll ever actually get over the obsession with him.

well maybe the working hangman's gallows that was brought to the capital by trump's deplorables for his VP could be recycled for donny? after all .... it really shouldn't go to waste.
Well, I'm getting ready to listen with an open mind to the arguments by the Trump team tomorrow, because there are always two sides to every story. The Dems did a good job, but yes, they had to make inferences about Trump's role and they painted a very dark picture. It would have been easiest if Trump had agreed to come and tell us himself, but that isn't going to happen.

I just hope they leave the constitutional argument out of it. That is not what the Article of Impeachment is about, and the Dems have certainly persuaded me that the trial is constitutional. Seems that's a deflection at this point.

But other than that, I'm all ears.
The ball is in their court

Republicans have a tall order to defend Trumps actions that day. I estimate they won’t even try.

Nope, they’ll chip away around the edges.

They won’t even touch Trumps influence over the mob
Well, I'm getting ready to listen with an open mind to the arguments by the Trump team tomorrow, because there are always two sides to every story. The Dems did a good job, but yes, they had to make inferences about Trump's role and they painted a very dark picture. It would have been easiest if Trump had agreed to come and tell us himself, but that isn't going to happen.

I just hope they leave the constitutional argument out of it. That is not what the Article of Impeachment is about, and the Dems have certainly persuaded me that the trial is constitutional. Seems that's a deflection at this point.

But other than that, I'm all ears.
The ball is in their court

Republicans have a tall order to defend Trumps actions that day. I estimate they won’t even try.

Nope, they’ll chip away around the edges.

They won’t even touch Trumps influence over the mob

Nope. That baby was put to bed. They'll argue process, false equivalencies, and whataboutisms.
Well, I'm getting ready to listen with an open mind to the arguments by the Trump team tomorrow, because there are always two sides to every story. The Dems did a good job, but yes, they had to make inferences about Trump's role and they painted a very dark picture. It would have been easiest if Trump had agreed to come and tell us himself, but that isn't going to happen.

I just hope they leave the constitutional argument out of it. That is not what the Article of Impeachment is about, and the Dems have certainly persuaded me that the trial is constitutional. Seems that's a deflection at this point.

But other than that, I'm all ears.

Prepare yourself for a avalanche of false eqivivalacies and whataboutisms delivered by two of the worst attorneys on God’s Green Earth ;-)
I'm afraid of it, but i'm steeled for it. And I'm going to listen.

I'm sticking with the lowlights on the news. I've gave up on giving Donald any benefit of a doubt somewhere around Fall of 2017.
Stacey Plaskett is building an effective case of Trump complicity
I think they need a few witnesses to corroborate all of these internet quotes. Was trump aware of the crazies ? He probably was but she hasnt proved it.

This is Trumps administration. He is responsible for more than just what he tweets, but what his administration did in planning and executing this event.

If you don’t fight like hell, you will not have a country anymore
And that's the piece you're going to have to prove, that it was in fact the American government that was trying to overthrow the American government.

Trump was sworn to defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies foreign and domestic

Trump turned out to be one of those enemies
I know that's the narrative and I understand you are contractually obligated to adhere tightly to it, but that's a fantasy in the fever swamp.
Trump defiled his oath of office

He needs to be held accountable
He was. He lost the election. You have to prove that he did what you claim is worth further abuse.

We have this thing called IMPEACHMENT that is proving what Trump did and failed to do in defending the Constitution.

He sent a mob to go after his own Vice President
You can prove that Trump sent the mob after Pence? I did not see those dots connected.

Trump condemned Pence to the TRUMPmob
He let down Democracy
Then sent them to stop the vote count.

You can hear the crowd chant......Kill Mike Pence, Bring him out, Hang Mike Pence

During the assault on the Capitol, extremists reportedly coordinated online and discussed how they could hunt down the vice president. Journalists in the Capitol reported they heard rioters say they were looking for Pence in order to execute him,
The police had Pence and Nancy safe.
If anything got too scary for the pols I'm sure the police would have had to use deadly force. Today's testimony had rioters entering Nancy's sanctum, then they were chased by a SWAT team. So i'm not seeing anyone swinging from gallows, or heads on pikes. The goobers were mostly sight-seeing.

This entire episode makes no sense. Even if the rioters took control of the capitol, para-military units would have been called in to remove or slaughter them. Remember what happened when the commies took control of the Russian parliament? Yeltsin called the tanks in?! It was a lose-lose operation for the idiot rioters.

Ah, so it's ok that Trump incited violence against the VPOTUS because Pence was able to escape with his life. :cuckoo:

I did not see Trump "incite violence" against Pence. Trump said nothing "indictable".

I agree that 1/6 was a horrible day, and the 1,000,000 man protest devolved into a riot by a few hundred idiots, but still, the only person shot was an unarmed AF veteran, a mom, wrapped in a flag.
There were no fires, just broken windows and doors to "the peoples house".

After supporting the antifa riots all year the democrats' should remember: "as ye sow so shall ye reap"
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You see what you want to see. In reality, Trump had already lied to his army. He told them that Pence could save his presidency. Those cult members blindly believed that and put all their hope in Mike Pence. That would be their last and only hope. Of course, it was all untrue since Pence couldn't actually do anything but oversee the counting of the electors, as stipulated by the Constitution.

That's why when Trump tweeted, "Mike Pence didn't have the courage to do what should have been done to protect our Country and our Constitution," his army turned on Mike Pence. Members of his cult are on video yelling out, "Mike Pence is a traitor!" "Mike Pence is a bitch!" Another cult member is on video saying, "Mike Pence, we're coming for you too, you fucking traitor!" And outside on a megaphone, another shouted, "Trump just sent out a tweet saying, 'Mike Pence let us down.' Mike Pence let us down, people. If you wanna get something done, you're gonna have to do it yourself." And ugliest of all, "hang Mike Pence!"

G'head, tell me again how Trump didn't incite that mob. :eusa_doh:

What Trump said is NOT indictable, so says the DOJ.
There are degrees of incitement, and Trump kept his speech well within the 1st Amendment.

I'm not saying that I support what Trump or the rioters did, the rioters broke the Law. 99% of the protesters left the rally peacefully, the goobers that stayed acted criminally and should be punished.

I don't know what you think the Department of Justice has to do with this? He's not being criminally charged.

Impeachment is only to be used for "high crimes and misdemeanors", generally interpreted to mean at least a felony or treason. You admit that the DOJ has no crime to pursue for citizen Trump.
Democrats think that they have an excuse to prevent Trump from running in 2024. That is NOT what the Constitution says, and the GOP senators know it. They will hold their noses and vote to acquit, based strictly on the Law and the Constitution.

The democrats should have pushed a censure instead of impeachment, that would have passed both Houses unanimously.

Except that is not what the Constitution means by "high crimes and misdemeanors." That refers to a violation of of public's trust.

Impeachment comes from British constitutional history. The process evolved from the 14th century as a way for parliament to hold the king’s ministers accountable for their public actions. Impeachment, as Alexander Hamilton of New York explained in Federalist 65, varies from civil or criminal courts in that it strictly involves the “misconduct of public men, or in other words from the abuse or violation of some public trust.” Individual state constitutions had provided for impeachment for “maladministration” or “corruption” before the U.S. Constitution was written. And the founders, fearing the potential for abuse of executive power, considered impeachment so important that they made it part of the Constitution even before they defined the contours of the presidency.

There is no ironclad definition as to what "high crimes and misdemeaners' really means. But it is hinted at as treason and other very serious crimes that warrant removal. High crimes and misdemeanors is not a partisan ticky-tack non-crime.

I don't know why you think a link to Cornell's law website is a match for the U.S. House of Representative's website. It's the U.S. House who impeaches based on "high crimes and misdemeanors," not Cornell. And the U.S. House who decides what "high crimes and misdemeanors" means; and they say it means, "abuse or violation of some public trust." There was even a judge who was impeached for being intoxicated while on the bench. That's an "abuse or violation of some public trust."

Exactly right. We agree that the House can impeach a "ham sandwich" if they so choose.
But, the Senate holds trial for those impeachment articles, and they vote "innocent or guilty" based on their individual interpretations of the Constitution and the Law. The USSC does not referee impeachments, although if I was Trump's team I'd have asked for a ruling on constitutionality from the USSC.

So if/when Trump is acquitted, since the "crime" did not reach a certain threshold of "high crime", don't whine about it. Its just partisan political theater.


Now you're arguing with yourself. Earlier you said "high crimes and misdemeanors" means "felony or treason." Now you admit it can include impeaching a "ham sandwich." It can't but it does mean it's a violation of of public's trust.

1. The House can impeach a president for anything it perceives as a "high crime", real or fictitious.
2. The Senate needs 2/3 voting guilty to actually remove someone from office, which would take a serious crime (a felony or better?) to get support from both sides of the aisle.
3. I'm not arguing with myself, the House and Senate have very different powers and responsibilities regarding impeachment.


You're still wrong, no matter how many times you repeat it. Again, a judge was impeached for being intoxicated while on the bench. That was considered a violation of the public's trust.

The Senate convicted him for it and threw him off the bench.

A judge isn't a president, is he?
The Chief Justice wasn't presiding, like for a president, right?
So a judge doesn't have to commit "high crimes" does he? Obviously not.
But that proves nothing regarding impeaching a president (or ex-president)

1. I'm still right that the House can impeach a president for ANY reason they get a majority to vote for.
2. The Senate needs 2/3 voting guilty to actually remove someone from office, which would take a serious crime to get support from both sides of the aisle.

"A judge isn't a president, is he?"

Holyfuck. :eusa_doh:

Show me where the Constitution draws a distinction between the two in terms of why they can be impeached.

G'head, I'll wait....


1. They can both be impeached for ANY reason that gets a House majority because the Constitution does not define "high crimes and misdemeanors", like I already said. Trump got impeached for a legitimate phone call. Now he's being impeached because some of his supporters rioted at the capitol. The judge was drunk on the job. Belknap, as SecDef, was impeached, was guilty of a 'Trading Post" kickback scheme, but did not get removed since he was already gone.

2. Point being that impeachment is subject to interpretation by the House and the Senate.

3. Impeachment is apparently not a very serious charge because no one gets the 2/3 senate majority, everyone skates because of partisan politics.

Now you've abandoned your own claims that "high crimes and misdemeanors" means "treason and felonies." Now you're saying what I was saying. Looks like you've learned.

Justice Department says an Oath Keepers leader waited for Trump's direction before Capitol attack

I wonder where the Oath Keepers got such a craaaaaazy idea?
Oath Keeper leader? Really? You mean these goobers? I like the photo when they're all face down in the hallway with a SWAT team pointing ARs at them daring them to move a muscle. Attacking the capitol was the dumbest idea ever. Because as soon as the military and SWAT teams showed up, with real guns, the party was over, way over.

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Hey Nancy,
You might want to budget better windows and doors in and around the capitol.
Nobody ever accused them of being the brightest crayons in the box. Just criminal conspiracy. I wonder where they got the crazy idea Trump was directing them? Same for the many other rioters who have expressed the same sentiment. Poor Trump ... So misunderstood....
Trump instructed them to stop the vote certifying the new President.

The TRUMPmob delivered
Funny... I could swear a bunch of people are saying Trump told them NOT to do that. I wonder how so many in his cult would misunderstand him so greatly?
I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard.-President Donald J Trump
I wonder how all the violent idiots misunderstood him?

Like...all of them?
Tell us how you misunderstood him, then we may get an idea.
Forget the posters here, how did Trump's own mob misunderstand him?
Hanging is unwarranted
So are these multiple illegitimate Stalin show trials, that you scummy fucks call an impeachment trial.
No evidence, no witnesses, no cross examination....just a room full of partisan politicians all doing as they've
been told by Nan Pelosi and Adam Schiff.

The democrats are guilty of abuse of their offices and oaths but but who can hold them accountable?
They control the circus.

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