The Holy Bible contains not any contradictions!

If the Holy Bible would be a forgery God would have already destroyed it
Does that apply to the Quran?

What is Quran?
Who was Muhammad?

To write about is politically incorrect now.Nevertheless I can say following.
Can a 'religion' which kills other believers like in Sri Lanka claim to be from God?

Matthew 7:15

15 Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.
You mean like the NZ Christian who killed Muslims?
from your link: The Pope is the Vicar of Hell

The Pope was the head of the 'Christian' Church for 1,000 years. Did Satan run Christianity for all that time?

I advise you to look here. Probably you can find questions here you should be asking to your answers.
Only Catholics believe the head of the Catholic Church sits in for Christ on earth.
For centuries EVERY Christian was a Catholic. Catholics wrote down and disseminated the scriptures, Catholics transmitted the theology from one generation to the next, and the Pope was the authority.
If the Holy Bible would be a forgery God would have already destroyed it
Does that apply to the Quran?

What is Quran?
Who was Muhammad?

To write about is politically incorrect now.Nevertheless I can say following.
Can a 'religion' which kills other believers like in Sri Lanka claim to be from God?

Matthew 7:15

15 Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.
You mean like the NZ Christian who killed Muslims?

The guy was a leftist an a agent of Mossad.
He is not a Christian
I advise you to look here.

Jesus Christ is the ONLY way to Heaven!

Probably you can find here answers to your questions
from your link: The Pope is the Vicar of Hell

The Pope was the head of the 'Christian' Church for 1,000 years. Did Satan run Christianity for all that time?

I advise you to look here. Probably you can find questions here you should be asking to your answers.

Only very few churches are the true ones.
Almost 97% of them are dead
I advise you to look here.

Jesus Christ is the ONLY way to Heaven!

Probably you can find here answers to your questions
from your link: The Pope is the Vicar of Hell

The Pope was the head of the 'Christian' Church for 1,000 years. Did Satan run Christianity for all that time?

I advise you to look here. Probably you can find questions here you should be asking to your answers.

Only very few churches are the true ones.
Almost 97% of them are dead

Any church that limits what God has said to what's in the Bible is a dead Church
It is the Absolutely Truth of God.
Lying hippi-dippie-atheists-commies-faggots-satanists misuse trust of folks who do not read this Holy Book and lie to them
Better read the Holy Bible by yourself and go to a born-again Priest from independent church asking for clarification.
Ironically, of the thousands of Bible fragments we have from the early Christian period, no two agree 100%. While most are minor typos introduced by scribes, some differences are deliberate, major theological additions, deletions, or alterations.

This poster is a fake. She doesn't believe in the bible. She is not a christian. She is sowing discord among the religious idiots inciting them to fight against rational americans as if they were a foreign enemy more despised and more of a threat to national security than the russians who have the president and the entire republican party in their back pocket.....

The elections are coming! The elections are coming!

Whether the OP is a Christian or not doesn't matter, does it? Will you acknowledge the contradictions in the Bible? It's a subject worth discussing.
It is the Absolutely Truth of God.
Lying hippi-dippie-atheists-commies-faggots-satanists misuse trust of folks who do not read this Holy Book and lie to them
Better read the Holy Bible by yourself and go to a born-again Priest from independent church asking for clarification.
Ironically, of the thousands of Bible fragments we have from the early Christian period, no two agree 100%. While most are minor typos introduced by scribes, some differences are deliberate, major theological additions, deletions, or alterations.

This poster is a fake. She doesn't believe in the bible. She is not a christian. She is sowing discord among the religious idiots inciting them to fight against rational americans as if they were a foreign enemy more despised and more of a threat to national security than the russians who have the president and the entire republican party in their back pocket.....

The elections are coming! The elections are coming!

Whether the OP is a Christian or not doesn't matter, does it? Will you acknowledge the contradictions in the Bible? It's a subject worth discussing.

Do you claim God can make mistakes?
It is the Absolutely Truth of God.
Lying hippi-dippie-atheists-commies-faggots-satanists misuse trust of folks who do not read this Holy Book and lie to them
Better read the Holy Bible by yourself and go to a born-again Priest from independent church asking for clarification.
Ironically, of the thousands of Bible fragments we have from the early Christian period, no two agree 100%. While most are minor typos introduced by scribes, some differences are deliberate, major theological additions, deletions, or alterations.

This poster is a fake. She doesn't believe in the bible. She is not a christian. She is sowing discord among the religious idiots inciting them to fight against rational americans as if they were a foreign enemy more despised and more of a threat to national security than the russians who have the president and the entire republican party in their back pocket.....

The elections are coming! The elections are coming!

Whether the OP is a Christian or not doesn't matter, does it? Will you acknowledge the contradictions in the Bible? It's a subject worth discussing.

Do you claim God can make mistakes?

I don't know. If there is an all knowing God, he would know the outcome of everything, so a mistake doesn't seem possible, yet there are contradictions in the Bible.
It is the Absolutely Truth of God.
Lying hippi-dippie-atheists-commies-faggots-satanists misuse trust of folks who do not read this Holy Book and lie to them
Better read the Holy Bible by yourself and go to a born-again Priest from independent church asking for clarification.
Ironically, of the thousands of Bible fragments we have from the early Christian period, no two agree 100%. While most are minor typos introduced by scribes, some differences are deliberate, major theological additions, deletions, or alterations.

This poster is a fake. She doesn't believe in the bible. She is not a christian. She is sowing discord among the religious idiots inciting them to fight against rational americans as if they were a foreign enemy more despised and more of a threat to national security than the russians who have the president and the entire republican party in their back pocket.....

The elections are coming! The elections are coming!

Whether the OP is a Christian or not doesn't matter, does it? Will you acknowledge the contradictions in the Bible? It's a subject worth discussing.

Do you claim God can make mistakes?

I don't know. If there is an all knowing God, he would know the outcome of everything, so a mistake doesn't seem possible, yet there are contradictions in the Bible.

The Canon of the Holy Bible has been approved by God.
You are free either to follow it or to start rebellion against God
Ironically, of the thousands of Bible fragments we have from the early Christian period, no two agree 100%. While most are minor typos introduced by scribes, some differences are deliberate, major theological additions, deletions, or alterations.

This poster is a fake. She doesn't believe in the bible. She is not a christian. She is sowing discord among the religious idiots inciting them to fight against rational americans as if they were a foreign enemy more despised and more of a threat to national security than the russians who have the president and the entire republican party in their back pocket.....

The elections are coming! The elections are coming!

Whether the OP is a Christian or not doesn't matter, does it? Will you acknowledge the contradictions in the Bible? It's a subject worth discussing.

Do you claim God can make mistakes?

I don't know. If there is an all knowing God, he would know the outcome of everything, so a mistake doesn't seem possible, yet there are contradictions in the Bible.

The Canon of the Holy Bible has been approved by God.
You are free either to follow it or to start rebellion against God

OK, but that isn't really an answer to my question, is it? Do you believe there are contradictions in the Bible?
This poster is a fake. She doesn't believe in the bible. She is not a christian. She is sowing discord among the religious idiots inciting them to fight against rational americans as if they were a foreign enemy more despised and more of a threat to national security than the russians who have the president and the entire republican party in their back pocket.....

The elections are coming! The elections are coming!

Whether the OP is a Christian or not doesn't matter, does it? Will you acknowledge the contradictions in the Bible? It's a subject worth discussing.

Do you claim God can make mistakes?

I don't know. If there is an all knowing God, he would know the outcome of everything, so a mistake doesn't seem possible, yet there are contradictions in the Bible.

The Canon of the Holy Bible has been approved by God.
You are free either to follow it or to start rebellion against God

OK, but that isn't really an answer to my question, is it? Do you believe there are contradictions in the Bible?

No, I don't believe there are any contradictions in the Holy Bible.
Whether the OP is a Christian or not doesn't matter, does it? Will you acknowledge the contradictions in the Bible? It's a subject worth discussing.

Do you claim God can make mistakes?

I don't know. If there is an all knowing God, he would know the outcome of everything, so a mistake doesn't seem possible, yet there are contradictions in the Bible.

The Canon of the Holy Bible has been approved by God.
You are free either to follow it or to start rebellion against God

OK, but that isn't really an answer to my question, is it? Do you believe there are contradictions in the Bible?

No, I don't believe there are any contradictions in the Holy Bible.

OK. Lets start with some easy ones.
“… with God all things are possible.” — Matthew 19:26

“…The LORD was with Judah; and he drave out the inhabitants of the mountain; but could not drive out the inhabitants of the valley, because they had chariots of iron.” — Judges 1:19

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