The Holy Bible contains not any contradictions!

and why would I NOT listen to a moron giving us his idiotic religious opinions?

This is not a valid statement and can be construed as an idiotic one. With the Christian Bible, it is a difference between God's word and evolution. Only one side can be right and so far the evos have been wrong. IOW, they believe in lies. Those who believe in lies would be the morons wouldn't you agree?
This is not a valid statement and can be construed as an idiotic one. With the Christian Bible, it is a difference between God's word and evolution. Only one side can be right and so far the evos have been wrong. IOW, they believe in lies. Those who believe in lies would be the morons wouldn't you agree?

With the Christian Bible, it is a difference between God's word and evolution ...

of course, evolution was a hot topic in the 1st century, so much so they waited 4 centuries latter to include it in their christian bible.
It is the Absolutely Truth of God.
Lying hippi-dippie-atheists-commies-faggots-satanists misuse trust of folks who do not read this Holy Book and lie to them
Better read the Holy Bible by yourself and go to a born-again Priest from independent church asking for clarification.
Ironically, of the thousands of Bible fragments we have from the early Christian period, no two agree 100%. While most are minor typos introduced by scribes, some differences are deliberate, major theological additions, deletions, or alterations.

God helped to put Biblical canon together.
Just trust God
How do you know that?
Why trust something that you cannot see or hear or touch or smell or taste?
However, I have a home in the Florida swamp that you can buy hook and sinker for only $1, and it is real.
of course, evolution was a hot topic in the 1st century, so much so they waited 4 centuries latter to include it in their christian bible.

This is why it is stupid to argue with you haha. It was part of evolutionary thinking back then by the Epicureans and Stoics. They took Paul the Apostle to Mars Hill to argue with him.

Understanding Evolution: History, Theory, Evidence, and Implictions

Stoicism vs. Epicureanism

What is Stoicism? What did the Greek Stoics teach?
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of course, evolution was a hot topic in the 1st century, so much so they waited 4 centuries latter to include it in their christian bible.

This is why it is stupid to argue with you haha. It was part of evolutionary thinking back then by the Epicureans and Stoics. They took Paul the Apostle to Mars Hill to argue with him.

Stoicism vs. Epicureanism

What is Stoicism? What did the Greek Stoics teach?
A sage is one who has attained a ‘plenitude of being’, or ‘perfection of being’, unattainable to us fallible creatures, and therefore, like wisdom, an unrealizable ideal. No human being can ever become a sage. Nevertheless, although ideals can never be attained, they can be progressed towards, and the progression towards a greater state of perfection of being was the goal of both Stoicism and Epicureanism.

No human being can ever become a sage ... can never be attained

in black and white, the religion of antiquity is the opposite, attainment is required before death as the means for Admission to the Everlasting. my point is that was the true message of the 1st century as well. triumph is attainable.
and why would I NOT listen to a moron giving us his idiotic religious opinions?

This is not a valid statement and can be construed as an idiotic one. With the Christian Bible, it is a difference between God's word and evolution. Only one side can be right and so far the evos have been wrong. IOW, they believe in lies. Those who believe in lies would be the morons wouldn't you agree?

Firstly, there is nothing in any of the Bible tales that connects the Bible to your various conceptions of supernaturalism.

Secondly, biological evolution is supported by complimentary sciences and is fully supported by theory, observation and predictive analysis.

Bible thumping is a poor way to make a case for supernaturalism, wouldn’t you agree?
and why would I NOT listen to a moron giving us his idiotic religious opinions?

This is not a valid statement and can be construed as an idiotic one. With the Christian Bible, it is a difference between God's word and evolution. Only one side can be right and so far the evos have been wrong. IOW, they believe in lies. Those who believe in lies would be the morons wouldn't you agree?

Firstly, there is nothing in any of the Bible tales that connects the Bible to your various conceptions of supernaturalism.

Secondly, biological evolution is supported by complimentary sciences and is fully supported by theory, observation and predictive analysis.

Bible thumping is a poor way to make a case for supernaturalism, wouldn’t you agree?

It's God's word vs evolution. For example, God created adult creatures who brought forth off-spring. We found the chicken came before the egg in 2017. That's a fact. We also know he created the first two humans, but they sinned by disobedience. Thus, we ended up with the lies of evolutionary thinking such as monkeys decided to walk when no monkeys do this and abiogenesis.

Secondly, it's complementary sciences. Science does not hand out compliments. Quick. Name one observation of abiogenesis and monkeys walking and turning into humans.

I don't even need to get to God's word since you can't get past evolutionary thinking.
If the Holy Bible would be a forgery God would have already destroyed it
Does that apply to the Quran?

What is Quran?
Who was Muhammad?

To write about is politically incorrect now.Nevertheless I can say following.
Can a 'religion' which kills other believers like in Sri Lanka claim to be from God?

Matthew 7:15

15 Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.
Apparently so! Christians and Muslims and many other religions have been killing each other over Religious Ideology and "sacred" land for thousands of years now. Don't look away from the truth that. No super natural diety wrote down any part of the Quran, Bible or Torah they were written by other men. Men just like you and me who wrote what they believed to be true and convinced others to follow along. Charlie Manson convinced a bunch of weak minded people that he was a prophet too. And I have read the Bible several times , I've also read Riders of the Purple Sage, And the entire Tolkein Trilogy. Don't make it true just because it's written down.
and why would I NOT listen to a moron giving us his idiotic religious opinions?

This is not a valid statement and can be construed as an idiotic one. With the Christian Bible, it is a difference between God's word and evolution. Only one side can be right and so far the evos have been wrong. IOW, they believe in lies. Those who believe in lies would be the morons wouldn't you agree?

Firstly, there is nothing in any of the Bible tales that connects the Bible to your various conceptions of supernaturalism.

Secondly, biological evolution is supported by complimentary sciences and is fully supported by theory, observation and predictive analysis.

Bible thumping is a poor way to make a case for supernaturalism, wouldn’t you agree?

It's God's word vs evolution. For example, God created adult creatures who brought forth off-spring. We found the chicken came before the egg in 2017. That's a fact. We also know he created the first two humans, but they sinned by disobedience. Thus, we ended up with the lies of evolutionary thinking such as monkeys decided to walk when no monkeys do this and abiogenesis.

Secondly, it's complementary sciences. Science does not hand out compliments. Quick. Name one observation of abiogenesis and monkeys walking and turning into humans.

I don't even need to get to God's word since you can't get past evolutionary thinking.

You’re selling something you claim is the word of one or more gods yet you offer nothing to connect a book written by men with any of your gods.

You have presented nothing to suggest that any of your gods created creatures, adult or not. You have presented no demonstrable facts at all.

In fact, the Genesis fable is so wrought with errors, omissions and contradictions, it becomes quite obvious that no competent gods would have allowed such carelessness to go uncorrected.

Why would monkeys turn into humans? Such nonsense is just more of the ignorance and misinformation that you learned at your fundamentalist Christian madrassah.
and why would I NOT listen to a moron giving us his idiotic religious opinions?

This is not a valid statement and can be construed as an idiotic one. With the Christian Bible, it is a difference between God's word and evolution. Only one side can be right and so far the evos have been wrong. IOW, they believe in lies. Those who believe in lies would be the morons wouldn't you agree?

Firstly, there is nothing in any of the Bible tales that connects the Bible to your various conceptions of supernaturalism.

Secondly, biological evolution is supported by complimentary sciences and is fully supported by theory, observation and predictive analysis.

Bible thumping is a poor way to make a case for supernaturalism, wouldn’t you agree?

It's God's word vs evolution. For example, God created adult creatures who brought forth off-spring. We found the chicken came before the egg in 2017. That's a fact. We also know he created the first two humans, but they sinned by disobedience. Thus, we ended up with the lies of evolutionary thinking such as monkeys decided to walk when no monkeys do this and abiogenesis.

Secondly, it's complementary sciences. Science does not hand out compliments. Quick. Name one observation of abiogenesis and monkeys walking and turning into humans.

I don't even need to get to God's word since you can't get past evolutionary thinking.

Your Gods world is so fouled up why won't he show himself and demand that every human created in his image believe the same way. Why? Because if he did the Dems would find a way to regulate and tax him !:dev3:
It is the Absolutely Truth of God.
Lying hippi-dippie-atheists-commies-faggots-satanists misuse trust of folks who do not read this Holy Book and lie to them
Better read the Holy Bible by yourself and go to a born-again Priest from independent church asking for clarification.
Ironically, of the thousands of Bible fragments we have from the early Christian period, no two agree 100%. While most are minor typos introduced by scribes, some differences are deliberate, major theological additions, deletions, or alterations.

God helped to put Biblical canon together.
Just trust God

Who deleted that E-mail
You’re selling something you claim is the word of one or more gods yet you offer nothing to connect a book written by men with any of your gods.

You have presented nothing to suggest that any of your gods created creatures, adult or not. You have presented no demonstrable facts at all.

In fact, the Genesis fable is so wrought with errors, omissions and contradictions, it becomes quite obvious that no competent gods would have allowed such carelessness to go uncorrected.

Why would monkeys turn into humans? Such nonsense is just more of the ignorance and misinformation that you learned at your fundamentalist Christian madrassah.

I didn't even get to God's word, but it's one God, not gods lol.

Second, just because you do not believe the Bible it does not mean that it's a myth. The Bible is historical non-fiction. It means that you are wrong and a boob because you keep repeating the same mistake.

That is my point. Monkeys do not turn into humans as they do not today. Neither do they walk bipedal. Darwin was wrong. Thus, the evidence is God created humans. Finally, I got to God's word.
You’re selling something you claim is the word of one or more gods yet you offer nothing to connect a book written by men with any of your gods.

You have presented nothing to suggest that any of your gods created creatures, adult or not. You have presented no demonstrable facts at all.

In fact, the Genesis fable is so wrought with errors, omissions and contradictions, it becomes quite obvious that no competent gods would have allowed such carelessness to go uncorrected.

Why would monkeys turn into humans? Such nonsense is just more of the ignorance and misinformation that you learned at your fundamentalist Christian madrassah.

I didn't even get to God's word, but it's one God, not gods lol.

Second, just because you do not believe the Bible it does not mean that it's a myth. The Bible is historical non-fiction. It means that you are wrong and a boob because you keep repeating the same mistake.

That is my point. Monkeys do not turn into humans as they do not today. Neither do they walk bipedal. Darwin was wrong. Thus, the evidence is God created humans. Finally, I got to God's word.

You never are able to support your claim of some words from some gods you believe exist. What direct communication from one or more of your gods can you relate? As you know, all the various bibles are books written by men and as you know, none of the men who wrote the bibles have had any communications with the gods.

Because you believe in the Bible does nor make it true. In fact, the many errors and contradictions in the various bibles suggests precisely that the Bible tales were written by various unknown authors at different times, exactly as the history describes.

As we know, the theory presented by Charles Darwin has been better supported and confirmed by multiple disciplines of science. Your unsupported claim that “Darwin is wrong” is just another of your typical, emotional outbursts that are completely contrary to a reasoned, factual argument.

You are correct that monkeys do not turn into humans. That, of course, does nothing to assist your case for tales and fables which were written by unknown authors has any connection to magical, supernatural realms inhabited by various gods.
You never are able to support your claim of some words from some gods you believe exist.

Again, I just said God, not gods. And I just supported it by stating God created humans. These were adult creatures. All that he created were adult. You can't start anything just from eggs..
You never are able to support your claim of some words from some gods you believe exist.

Again, I just said God, not gods. And I just supported it by stating God created humans. These were adult creatures. All that he created were adult. You can't start anything just from eggs..

The triune concept of the christian gods suggests gods, (plural).

Secondly, your stating a subjective opinion that your gods created humans supports nothing. You still have made no supportable case for your gods, thus, your opinion that the gods created humans is a second level redundancy.
and why would I NOT listen to a moron giving us his idiotic religious opinions?

This is not a valid statement and can be construed as an idiotic one. With the Christian Bible, it is a difference between God's word and evolution. Only one side can be right and so far the evos have been wrong. IOW, they believe in lies. Those who believe in lies would be the morons wouldn't you agree?

Firstly, there is nothing in any of the Bible tales that connects the Bible to your various conceptions of supernaturalism.

Secondly, biological evolution is supported by complimentary sciences and is fully supported by theory, observation and predictive analysis.

Bible thumping is a poor way to make a case for supernaturalism, wouldn’t you agree?

It's God's word vs evolution. For example, God created adult creatures who brought forth off-spring. We found the chicken came before the egg in 2017. That's a fact. We also know he created the first two humans, but they sinned by disobedience. Thus, we ended up with the lies of evolutionary thinking such as monkeys decided to walk when no monkeys do this and abiogenesis.

Secondly, it's complementary sciences. Science does not hand out compliments. Quick. Name one observation of abiogenesis and monkeys walking and turning into humans.

I don't even need to get to God's word since you can't get past evolutionary thinking.

Your Gods world is so fouled up why won't he show himself and demand that every human created in his image believe the same way. Why? Because if he did the Dems would find a way to regulate and tax him !:dev3:

Thsts because God respects our agency. He exhorts and invites people to come to Him of their own free will.

He works out of love, not a need for authority
It is the Absolutely Truth of God.
Lying hippi-dippie-atheists-commies-faggots-satanists misuse trust of folks who do not read this Holy Book and lie to them
Better read the Holy Bible by yourself and go to a born-again Priest from independent church asking for clarification.
Ironically, of the thousands of Bible fragments we have from the early Christian period, no two agree 100%. While most are minor typos introduced by scribes, some differences are deliberate, major theological additions, deletions, or alterations.

God helped to put Biblical canon together.
Just trust God

Who deleted that E-mail

Probably hillary
You’re selling something you claim is the word of one or more gods yet you offer nothing to connect a book written by men with any of your gods.

You have presented nothing to suggest that any of your gods created creatures, adult or not. You have presented no demonstrable facts at all.

In fact, the Genesis fable is so wrought with errors, omissions and contradictions, it becomes quite obvious that no competent gods would have allowed such carelessness to go uncorrected.

Why would monkeys turn into humans? Such nonsense is just more of the ignorance and misinformation that you learned at your fundamentalist Christian madrassah.

I didn't even get to God's word, but it's one God, not gods lol.

Second, just because you do not believe the Bible it does not mean that it's a myth. The Bible is historical non-fiction. It means that you are wrong and a boob because you keep repeating the same mistake.

That is my point. Monkeys do not turn into humans as they do not today. Neither do they walk bipedal. Darwin was wrong. Thus, the evidence is God created humans. Finally, I got to God's word.

You never are able to support your claim of some words from some gods you believe exist. What direct communication from one or more of your gods can you relate? As you know, all the various bibles are books written by men and as you know, none of the men who wrote the bibles have had any communications with the gods.

Because you believe in the Bible does nor make it true. In fact, the many errors and contradictions in the various bibles suggests precisely that the Bible tales were written by various unknown authors at different times, exactly as the history describes.

As we know, the theory presented by Charles Darwin has been better supported and confirmed by multiple disciplines of science. Your unsupported claim that “Darwin is wrong” is just another of your typical, emotional outbursts that are completely contrary to a reasoned, factual argument.

You are correct that monkeys do not turn into humans. That, of course, does nothing to assist your case for tales and fables which were written by unknown authors has any connection to magical, supernatural realms inhabited by various gods.

I can't speak for Him, but I know that The Father is real and that Jesus is the Christ because of the witnesses Ive received by the power of thr Holy Spirit. I know the scriptures are true because I've studied them and tested them by living the principles in my life and thinking them through.

I believe in Christ because I know Him. I've felt His love for me. Ive been transformed by Him.

The Bible and other scriptures are tools. Important tools, but still just tools to point us to Christ. But unless we use those tools to actually establish a relationship with God, they are uselsas to us. When we have that relationship and revelation for ourselves, thats when thr scripturss become sacred.

Too many make an idol out of the scriptures and ignore what they actually teach about coming to God. "Ye search the scriptures for in them you think you have eternal life, but they testify of me"
Thsts because God respects our agency. He exhorts and invites people to come to Him of their own free will.

He works out of love, not a need for authority
Yet he judges us on a decision made with a serious lack of information. How many people grow up in Muslim and Hindu families and never even hear of Jesus?
Yet he judges us on a decision made with a serious lack of information. How many people grow up in Muslim and Hindu families and never even hear of Jesus?
We do well to keep in mind that this information was/is directed to Christians. It was/is warning Christians that once a follower of Jesus but then turning away put that soul in danger of judgement. No one is talking to people who are following another faith, let alone those who have never heard of Jesus.

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