The "Hasbara" claim to the posts here~ a question

aris, pheonall, RoccoR, flacatenn, Daniyel, thank you. Too bad Pheonall that you got banned from that site. Looks like Billo_Really got banned from another site as well.

Which still leaves penelope to make the statement. Instead she has derailed this thread into almost oblivion from the topic. Which I wish the rest of you had not helped facilitate, but it still makes me go Hmmm. . . . . Maybe there is another 'entity' oposite of "Hasbara" that we do not yet have the name for?
aris, pheonall, RoccoR, flacatenn, Daniyel, thank you. Too bad Pheonall that you got banned from that site. Looks like Billo_Really got banned from another site as well.

Which still leaves penelope to make the statement. Instead she has derailed this thread into almost oblivion from the topic. Which I wish the rest of you had not helped facilitate, but it still makes me go Hmmm. . . . . Maybe there is another 'entity' oposite of "Hasbara" that we do not yet have the name for?
I don't even know what a Hasbara is much less can be a member.
I do know that Israel has a right to completely seal it's border and not let anyone through if they don't want. The fact that Gazans have no other border to go through is not Israels problem. What is Israels problem are the rockets being fired off into Israel. Which is why the water border is blocked too. Stop firing the rockets and then they might lift the border blockage on the water side , blockade.
Possibly because you have a fence around people and are like their warden, I have to tell you, I would be digging a tunnel myself to get out, I would probably carry a rifle as well. I am not for violence but I am not going to be penned up like an animal, because I'd become one. So possibly that or

I don't know, why are you after Assad? I know darn well we supplied rebels with weapons to fight him, what is wrong with Assad. He was voted in.

Who are you friends with there? Jordan, I guess your PM like the their Pres and would like to see them advance into Iraq. What is he a Hasminite or something like that.

I know your PM and Putin are getting close, Putin just passed a law making it a crime to deny the H.

Why do you think the Arabs do not like you? (Please do not say jealousy)[/QUOTE]

Putin also said that if minorities prefer Shari'a law then he advise them to go to a place where this is the law, Russia doesn't need minorities but minorities needs Russia, but Russia won't change the law to fit them and their desires, no matter how loud they'll scream 'discrimination'
Those Arab minorities can play with the US, Europe, Israel..but I challenge them to play with Russia.
And the fact Russia fought the Nazis and people -like you?- denying parts of history..well I don't think you would be welcome anywhere keeping that attitude of twisting facts and Nazi ideology for your own goals and desires.
The reason Palestinians are not part of Israel is undisputed whether you like it and believe it or not.
You still miss the point, they are not locked inside, they simply cannot enter Israel that's all, and if they become violent so be it, they will face justice for that, nobody lock them in there ,they are always free to leave anywhere else except Israel, but they choose to stay and try to takeover Israel from the inside, Israel faced threats since 48 and even now, we are not afraid from a long road, and once you take rifle and attempt to shot us, you'll end up dead Penelope, sorry but we won't let you shot us again.

Israel been blamed for creating ISIS, for Helping Assad, for Ruling Syria, and for not being involved with Syria, I have no idea what your position about Assad, but the general opinion in Israel goes for 'Better the snake you know' so unless you got a real ground for any accusation feel free, or else just shut up.

I know that once ISIS is reaching the Jordanian borders IDF will join the Jordanian forces (beyond the intelligence co-op) physically to fight against the terrorists posing threat to the entire region, Israel and Jordan are neighbors what the hell are you trying to say?

Arab Muslims been very offensive to Israel since the beginning of time, jealously is what caused Cain to kill Habel in the bible, so ancient I have no idea why precisely, envy must take place all across history, and today, all hatred begins with it, religious radicalism does.[/QUOTE]

I stand by my assessment of the h. Over 65 mil people died in WWII and it was not between the Jews and Hitler, lots of innocent people died in that war, such as it was called a World War, and boy you did a number on the Germans didn't you, and lets not forget Judea declared war on Germany in 1933 . Russia was worst than Germany. I admit many Jews died bu the majority by disease and starvation. Back to the topic, I think Syria is none of your business or the US business, and yes the US and yous ? did create and fund ISIL. Sometimes funding terrorists back fires doesn't it?

You know why Arabs don't like you, its not jealousy, its they don't trust yous. With over 1 billion Muslim in this world, most in the ME, your not really being attacked are you? Just in your imagination. You had better get them before they get you, is that the thought of your government? Kill them before they kill you.

As the US is having it out with Russia you Pm is courting him.
aris, pheonall, RoccoR, flacatenn, Daniyel, thank you. Too bad Pheonall that you got banned from that site. Looks like Billo_Really got banned from another site as well.

Which still leaves penelope to make the statement. Instead she has derailed this thread into almost oblivion from the topic. Which I wish the rest of you had not helped facilitate, but it still makes me go Hmmm. . . . . Maybe there is another 'entity' oposite of "Hasbara" that we do not yet have the name for?

Make a statement about what, of course I don't get paid. I have not derailed your thread, Daniyel did. I did the #2 post here. the Holocaust is a lie? This is the impression you make.
Here again I happen to show you how stupid your post, Jordan was probably one of Israel biggest rivals, now in peace and trust with Israel.. the reason the Palestinians don't trust us is none of my concerns in other words I could say I don't give a damn about their opinion towards me, Israel also have zero reasons to trust them but this is another topic, they attack us-they die.
End of the story.
Semi-justified or not.. I don't care.
Yet again you blame me, for your provocative post right above me which I quoted.
Team Palestine at its best, blaming someone else for their own failure, I can see why you relate to them Penelope.
Bill to limit prisoner releases may make it harder for Israel to free kidnapped teens JPost Israel News
I can't find where he says well if 2-14 year old girls get kidnapped what will we say, .......
they must of removed it. Ask Daniyel , I bet he read it.

Fine and good, thank you. But you have still dodged the question that is the topic of this thread. You gave a partial answer . . . . . . but are you being paid?
No , who would pay me. I'm too darn dumb.
Bill to limit prisoner releases may make it harder for Israel to free kidnapped teens JPost Israel News
I can't find where he says well if 2-14 year old girls get kidnapped what will we say, .......
they must of removed it. Ask Daniyel , I bet he read it.

Fine and good, thank you. But you have still dodged the question that is the topic of this thread. You gave a partial answer . . . . . . but are you being paid?
No , who would pay me. I'm too darn dumb.
So is the entire staff of TheGuardian.
Well I do hate to tell all the pro Israel people this but most people I know have no idea what is happening in
IS-RA-Pal. So I agree with above poster, its a good way to get your views expressed and try to understand both sides of the situation.

Post #8. Your post bitch. Keep it up.
When Jew haters run out of the logic they didn't possess in the first place, they start tossing bullshit ad hominems around.
Well I do hate to tell all the pro Israel people this but most people I know have no idea what is happening in
IS-RA-Pal. So I agree with above poster, its a good way to get your views expressed and try to understand both sides of the situation.

Post #8. Your post bitch. Keep it up.
When Jew haters run out of the logic they didn't possess in the first place, they start tossing bullshit ad hominems around.
ISIS are jihadist, radical Muslims, a nd this is not a post about WWII. In a way I feel bad for the mess you got yourself into. I see no way out of the mess your in, except to learn to live with it, I mean them.
You mean with the other radical Muslims you fancies? I'm pretty good with M4/Glo17/J941/Krav Maga/Systema/Cavalier and I got wide military experience.

Well you may have to boot back up , it may come to that. I imagine those are rifles. Its a sad thing, I wish there was more land there, but there is only so much to go around and they have large families. Pretty soon there wont be any land left, Maybe if you take the fence down , some will move away? I can't see how either of you, Israel or Palestine can continue on this way. Maybe the fault lies with your PM, he seems like a war monger.

Don't you think this Pres. is better? I do know everytime I see PM Bibi on he talks about Iran.

Iran’s Hassan Rouhani donates $400,000 to Tehran Jewish hospital
The surprise donation is the latest example of Rouhani’s departure from the anti-Semitism of his predecessor, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

Read more:
Iran s Hassan Rouhani donates 400 000 to Tehran Jewish hospital - NY Daily News
Iran is not the subject dummy, Iran is the example of hatred to Israel although we never had any conflict.
Yet again you stick to the least important part of my post.
Its not about land, and its not something that happens once in a while or a massive war, its a continually on-going campaign for weakening Israel, and it must be stopped.
Ask yourself what Iran have against Israel..

Ask yourself what the rest of the Arabs actually have against Israel..

Possibly because you have a fence around people and are like their warden, I have to tell you, I would be digging a tunnel myself to get out, I would probably carry a rifle as well. I am not for violence but I am not going to be penned up like an animal, because I'd become one. So possibly that or

I don't know, why are you after Assad? I know darn well we supplied rebels with weapons to fight him, what is wrong with Assad. He was voted in.

Who are you friends with there? Jordan, I guess your PM like the their Pres and would like to see them advance into Iraq. What is he a Hasminite or something like that.

I know your PM and Putin are getting close, Putin just passed a law making it a crime to deny the H.

Why do you think the Arabs do not like you? (Please do not say jealousy)

For two elections, he was the only candidate. In this last election, it was only held in Baath controlled areas, no voting took place in the north or east. Parliament picked two irrelevant candidates to give the appearance of a democratic vote, though it was anything but.

If Assad truly had 89% support by the people there would have been no protests and not civil war. Half the population would not be displaced and there would not be millions of refugees or 200,000 dead. The country would not be split along religious (74% sunni) or ethnic lines and there would be no ISIS. The election results during the height a civil war was a joke.
So are you calling me a Hag- short for Hagar I presume ? I think most of us here know what is going on, if not enlighten us. You can't keep killing children ! There is no where to bomb that are without kids. I am not a fan of Hamas but I understand their point. Israel is unwilling to give an inch. What have they (your gov.) given in the talks so far??

If Hamas want to declare war on Israel and bomb them with scores of rockets into civilian areas, knowing that Hamas knows the capability of Israel's proposed retaliation, why does Hamas force civilians to stay in the vicinity when they know that rocket launchers and rocket stores in Gaza will be targeted?

First get it right, 3 teens missing, Israel invades Palestine, arrests over 450, kills 9, and loots money and jewelry in pretense of looking for these teens, so get that right, Palestine never declared war on Israel, and we do not know for sure who killed those boys.

Yes they should send a note over to Israel Minister of Defense (whatever he is called) and tell them , hey bomb in the south east area, that is where we are at.

Maybe they can toss the children in the sea or throw them over that what 30' high fence. Right.

Tell me why Hamas never made a demand for exchange for prisoners for those teens which is what your PM said they would do. Tell me why 10 days before those teens were kidnapped they were talking about a bill in your gov about what they would do if asked for an exchange of kidnapped victims for prisoners. One says the deputy or someone " what would we do if 3 -14 year old girls were kidnapped, would we say we don't exchange prisoners for kidnapped victims? Sure enough 3 teens kidnapped 10 days later. Right away they then state there was a passenger in the car, how in the heck would they know that? Do or don't they have cameras in that popular place where teens are known to hitch hike?

I'm not one who believes in a lot of coincidences.

Rockets were falling on Israel for months before the kidnapping and murder of the three teens. You weren't on this forum to see all the news about the Code Reds in Israel, and others wondering here why Israel wasn't retaliating.

What do you mean, there's nowhere to bomb without kids. Israel are targeting weapons stores and Hamas. The families and kids should not be around Hamas. Why are Hamas firing from civilian areas? There's plenty of open uninhabited space for Hamas to fire from. Hamas use human shields wherever they can.

Where are Hamas suppose to go, its the most densly pop. place on earth they say. Rockets falling for months, where is the source for this news.

Don't pull that old lie. There are plenty of open spaces for Hamas to base themselves, but Hamas are proud to state openly that they hide behind civilians and use them as shields.


The source for the news is all over the Israeli news and also on the Israel forums here from before you joined.

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