The Green With Envy Deal Goes "POOF"


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Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

The Green New Deal has backfired:

February 11, 2019
Why was the Green New Deal yanked from Ocasio-Cortez's website?
By Rick Moran
The story behind the comedic and unsuccessful rollout of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's Green New Deal demonstrates a congressional office in utter chaos with no one — or everyone — in charge.

The document appeared on Ocasio-Cortez's webpage on February 7 and by nightfall had been unceremoniously deleted. This was after a day of mockery and outrage at some of the more unrealistic, even silly proposals the document detailed.

The "explanations" offered by her staff ran the gamut from the document being a "draft" to charges by one of her main advisers that Republicans had planted the document to make her look stupid.

Seriously? After a few weeks in the public eye, it should be obvious that Ocasio-Cortez doesn't need the GOP to look stupid.

Washington Examiner:

The communications staff has so far not responded to an inquiry about the now-missing blog post.

But on Saturday morning, chief of staff Saikat Chakrabarti tweeted that the FAQ page was indeed posted by the Ocasio-Cortez staff but was done so in error. He called the page "an early draft of a FAQ that was clearly unfinished and that doesn't represent the GND resolution got published to the website by mistake (idea was to wait for launch, monitor q's, and rewrite that FAQ before publishing)."

What is Mr. Chakrabarti doing still working for the congressman? That level of stupidity and incompetence would have cost any other chief of staff on the Hill his job. Chakrabarti is listed as one of the founders of the Justice Democrats organization, who played a key role in electing Ocasio-Cortez. His Hill administrative experience is apparently lacking.

Then there's an Ocasio-Cortez policy adviser, Robert Hockett, who told Tucker Carlson that the document was a GOP dirty trick:

Robert Hockett, professor of law and finance at Cornell University, appearing on "Tucker Carlson Tonight," called the contents of the now-missing blog post "some kind of document that somebody other than us has been circulating."

Hockett said Ocasio-Cortez does not endorse the idea of paying people "unwilling to work" and does not want to ban airplane travel.

He said Ocasio-Cortez "tweeted it out to laugh at it."

He added, "It seems apparently some Republicans have put it out there."

Ghosts in the machine, or something.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez @AOC

When your #GreenNewDeal legislation is so strong that the GOP has to resort to circulating false versions, but the real one nets 70 House cosponsors on Day 1 and all Dem presidential candidates sign on anyway

cristina lópez g. @crislopezg

look at these morons trying to gorilla channel @aoc's green new deal

The "false version" was a send-up by David Burge ("Iowahawk") and hardly a Republican plant.

The document says that people "unwilling to work" should be paid, despite denials from Ocasio-Cortez and her staff. This led to more mass confusion when Hockett was forced to admit that the document did, indeed, make that claim:

Fox News:

Carlson asked Hockett at the outset of the interview: "Why would we ever pay people who are 'unwilling to work'?"

In a head-turning moment heard around the Internet, Hockett replied flatly, "Uh, we never would, right? And AOC has never said anything like that, right? I think you're referring to some sort of document — I think some doctored document that somebody other than us has been circulating."

To send out a senior adviser who didn't have details of the document down cold bespeaks a level of incompetence rarely found, even on Capitol Hill.

One side of Ocasio-Cortez's office doesn't know what the other side is doing. Some advisers have apparently assumed authority they don't have.

Go ahead and pop some popcorn, sit back, relax, and strap it down. Watching Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and her ditzy staff over the next two years will be better than any sitcom on TV.
Damn, I was hoping that all the dems would sign on to the Green New Deal and fight like hell for it. They backed off way too fast. Nancy must have threatened them with something?! It seems she's the only dem with a functioning brain, and even she has occasional TIA episodes...says a lot for the rest...
The story behind the comedic and unsuccessful rollout of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's Green New Deal demonstrates a congressional office in utter chaos with no one — or everyone — in charge.

That sounds A LOT like the media portrayal of the early days of the Trump administration does it not?

Its past time to start thinking for ourselves and ignoring most of the bullshit coming out of the media.

Not saying the assessment is right or wrong. Just pointing out that it is irrelevant and the only thing that matters is individual accountability and responsibility
I used to say she was undereducated. After reading her proposal I am fully convinced she is mentally ill. Those who signed on to it either did not bother to read it or as mentally ill as she is. If they signed on without reading it they are in need of serious replacement. No congress person should ever sign on to anything that they do not fully understand. It would show a level of utter incompetence.
I’m telling ya fellas, this little gal is the worse thing to happen to the Democrats in a long long time. She is so excited to make a difference, and so utterly stupid and unrealistic that nary a week goes by without her being bitch slapped by her own party. I expect Nancy will get her involved in a scandal so she has to resign. I also expect the GOP will fly to her defense and want her to stay.
I love it. I can see Nancy and others "NOW WHAT DID SHE DO???" And then scramble to try and cover for her like the three stooges after they accidentally light a stick of dynamite.

I guess their only backup plan is to do the usual, and that is blame Republicans for her stupidity.

Conspiracy time.jpeg
I love it. I can see Nancy and others "NOW WHAT DID SHE DO???" And then scramble to try and cover for her like the three stooges after they accidentally light a stick of dynamite.

I guess their only backup plan is to do the usual, and that is blame Republicans for her stupidity.

View attachment 245389
AOC and the two new anti semites the idiot dems elected to the house are going to keep them busy.
Like I’ve always said progressives are fucked in the head
So the democrats want to save the environment, but they view flyover country as a 'wasteland.' Does that make sense to you?

The Green New Deal has backfired:

February 11, 2019
Why was the Green New Deal yanked from Ocasio-Cortez's website?
By Rick Moran
The story behind the comedic and unsuccessful rollout of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's Green New Deal demonstrates a congressional office in utter chaos with no one — or everyone — in charge.

The document appeared on Ocasio-Cortez's webpage on February 7 and by nightfall had been unceremoniously deleted. This was after a day of mockery and outrage at some of the more unrealistic, even silly proposals the document detailed.

The "explanations" offered by her staff ran the gamut from the document being a "draft" to charges by one of her main advisers that Republicans had planted the document to make her look stupid.

Seriously? After a few weeks in the public eye, it should be obvious that Ocasio-Cortez doesn't need the GOP to look stupid.

Washington Examiner:

The communications staff has so far not responded to an inquiry about the now-missing blog post.

But on Saturday morning, chief of staff Saikat Chakrabarti tweeted that the FAQ page was indeed posted by the Ocasio-Cortez staff but was done so in error. He called the page "an early draft of a FAQ that was clearly unfinished and that doesn't represent the GND resolution got published to the website by mistake (idea was to wait for launch, monitor q's, and rewrite that FAQ before publishing)."

What is Mr. Chakrabarti doing still working for the congressman? That level of stupidity and incompetence would have cost any other chief of staff on the Hill his job. Chakrabarti is listed as one of the founders of the Justice Democrats organization, who played a key role in electing Ocasio-Cortez. His Hill administrative experience is apparently lacking.

Then there's an Ocasio-Cortez policy adviser, Robert Hockett, who told Tucker Carlson that the document was a GOP dirty trick:

Robert Hockett, professor of law and finance at Cornell University, appearing on "Tucker Carlson Tonight," called the contents of the now-missing blog post "some kind of document that somebody other than us has been circulating."

Hockett said Ocasio-Cortez does not endorse the idea of paying people "unwilling to work" and does not want to ban airplane travel.

He said Ocasio-Cortez "tweeted it out to laugh at it."

He added, "It seems apparently some Republicans have put it out there."

Ghosts in the machine, or something.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez @AOC

When your #GreenNewDeal legislation is so strong that the GOP has to resort to circulating false versions, but the real one nets 70 House cosponsors on Day 1 and all Dem presidential candidates sign on anyway

cristina lópez g. @crislopezg

look at these morons trying to gorilla channel @aoc's green new deal

The "false version" was a send-up by David Burge ("Iowahawk") and hardly a Republican plant.

The document says that people "unwilling to work" should be paid, despite denials from Ocasio-Cortez and her staff. This led to more mass confusion when Hockett was forced to admit that the document did, indeed, make that claim:

Fox News:

Carlson asked Hockett at the outset of the interview: "Why would we ever pay people who are 'unwilling to work'?"

In a head-turning moment heard around the Internet, Hockett replied flatly, "Uh, we never would, right? And AOC has never said anything like that, right? I think you're referring to some sort of document — I think some doctored document that somebody other than us has been circulating."

To send out a senior adviser who didn't have details of the document down cold bespeaks a level of incompetence rarely found, even on Capitol Hill.

One side of Ocasio-Cortez's office doesn't know what the other side is doing. Some advisers have apparently assumed authority they don't have.

Go ahead and pop some popcorn, sit back, relax, and strap it down. Watching Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and her ditzy staff over the next two years will be better than any sitcom on TV.
We should muster a Corps of Mathematical Engineers, first!

The Green New Deal has backfired:

February 11, 2019
Why was the Green New Deal yanked from Ocasio-Cortez's website?
By Rick Moran
The story behind the comedic and unsuccessful rollout of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's Green New Deal demonstrates a congressional office in utter chaos with no one — or everyone — in charge.

The document appeared on Ocasio-Cortez's webpage on February 7 and by nightfall had been unceremoniously deleted. This was after a day of mockery and outrage at some of the more unrealistic, even silly proposals the document detailed.

The "explanations" offered by her staff ran the gamut from the document being a "draft" to charges by one of her main advisers that Republicans had planted the document to make her look stupid.

Seriously? After a few weeks in the public eye, it should be obvious that Ocasio-Cortez doesn't need the GOP to look stupid.

Washington Examiner:

The communications staff has so far not responded to an inquiry about the now-missing blog post.

But on Saturday morning, chief of staff Saikat Chakrabarti tweeted that the FAQ page was indeed posted by the Ocasio-Cortez staff but was done so in error. He called the page "an early draft of a FAQ that was clearly unfinished and that doesn't represent the GND resolution got published to the website by mistake (idea was to wait for launch, monitor q's, and rewrite that FAQ before publishing)."

What is Mr. Chakrabarti doing still working for the congressman? That level of stupidity and incompetence would have cost any other chief of staff on the Hill his job. Chakrabarti is listed as one of the founders of the Justice Democrats organization, who played a key role in electing Ocasio-Cortez. His Hill administrative experience is apparently lacking.

Then there's an Ocasio-Cortez policy adviser, Robert Hockett, who told Tucker Carlson that the document was a GOP dirty trick:

Robert Hockett, professor of law and finance at Cornell University, appearing on "Tucker Carlson Tonight," called the contents of the now-missing blog post "some kind of document that somebody other than us has been circulating."

Hockett said Ocasio-Cortez does not endorse the idea of paying people "unwilling to work" and does not want to ban airplane travel.

He said Ocasio-Cortez "tweeted it out to laugh at it."

He added, "It seems apparently some Republicans have put it out there."

Ghosts in the machine, or something.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez @AOC

When your #GreenNewDeal legislation is so strong that the GOP has to resort to circulating false versions, but the real one nets 70 House cosponsors on Day 1 and all Dem presidential candidates sign on anyway

cristina lópez g. @crislopezg

look at these morons trying to gorilla channel @aoc's green new deal

The "false version" was a send-up by David Burge ("Iowahawk") and hardly a Republican plant.

The document says that people "unwilling to work" should be paid, despite denials from Ocasio-Cortez and her staff. This led to more mass confusion when Hockett was forced to admit that the document did, indeed, make that claim:

Fox News:

Carlson asked Hockett at the outset of the interview: "Why would we ever pay people who are 'unwilling to work'?"

In a head-turning moment heard around the Internet, Hockett replied flatly, "Uh, we never would, right? And AOC has never said anything like that, right? I think you're referring to some sort of document — I think some doctored document that somebody other than us has been circulating."

To send out a senior adviser who didn't have details of the document down cold bespeaks a level of incompetence rarely found, even on Capitol Hill.

One side of Ocasio-Cortez's office doesn't know what the other side is doing. Some advisers have apparently assumed authority they don't have.

Go ahead and pop some popcorn, sit back, relax, and strap it down. Watching Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and her ditzy staff over the next two years will be better than any sitcom on TV.
They are all about the money. They are trying to keep animals like cows at a small limit. No more raising cows for food. They has created a new meat called clean meat. That it is a meat that is going to be patented. To create this meat. It is very expensive. And so if it is put onto the market. That it will cost extremely high. And so, by putting a ban on cows, will keep ranchers from raising cattle and sell it. That they will put a high tax on raising cattle. The people needs to start telling them to shut up. They are trying to have control over everything. While we are all buying their expensive clean meats that is making them rich. They will be at home eating a nice fat juicy beef steak, laughing at us for being a damn fool for listen to them.

The Green New Deal calls for eliminating 'farting cows' – meaning all of them
Green New Deal: Electric cars, ban on airplanes and 'farting cows,' $4.6 TRILLION in infrastructure | Daily Mail Online

Your last meal before you leave this earth.

This is how we are going to be looking like when we have to sneak around to eat a nice juicy steak.

I love it. I can see Nancy and others "NOW WHAT DID SHE DO???" And then scramble to try and cover for her like the three stooges after they accidentally light a stick of dynamite.

I guess their only backup plan is to do the usual, and that is blame Republicans for her stupidity.

View attachment 245389

Note to Speaker Pelosi:

Stock up on Extra Strength Immodium AD because with your new girl wonders you sure as hell are going to need it.

Note to Self:

Buy stock in parent company to get really really rich


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