The Great Covid-19 Hoax


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
As real news is beginning to seep out, we are learning that Covid-19 pandemic is much more like those of recent years than the Spanish Flu pandemic of 1918.

More than 200,000 people are hospitalized each year in the United States for the flu illness and its complications and between 3,000 and 49,000 people die each year from the flu. The number of flu deaths every year varies.

For example, the average number of flu deaths during the 1990s was 36,000.

  • Average number over a longer time frame from 1976 to 2007 was 23,607 deaths.
  • If you take the number of deaths year wise, you will find a vast variation with a low of 3,349 deaths during the flu season of 1986-87 to a high of 48,614 in 2003-04.
The above-mentioned figures are for adults only and are rough estimates. The CDC estimates that 60 percent of flu-related hospital admissions and 90 percent of flu-related deaths occur in people of this age group [>65}.

So why the hysteria over this new strain? Could it possibly have anything to do with the upcoming Presidential election? After recounts, Russian collusion, obstruction of justice, quid pro quo and impeachment have all failed to overturn the 2016 election, is there the slightest doubt that the Democrats will do anything to prevent Trump's reelection?

Doesn't crashing the economy, which was Trump's biggest reelection asset, fit right in with all of these other despicable actions? Why are Blue States the most opposed to reopening the economy? Why is the CDC so resistant to admitting the Covid-19 threat has been vastly overestimated? What do these people have in common?

Orange Man Bad.
The more I learn about the whole thing, the more of a scam it's turning out to be.

This is kinda long, and it takes a while to get into the relevant stuff, but if anyone has time, listen to this podcast:

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As real news is beginning to seep out, we are learning that Covid-19 pandemic is much more like those of recent years than the Spanish Flu pandemic of 1918.

More than 200,000 people are hospitalized each year in the United States for the flu illness and its complications and between 3,000 and 49,000 people die each year from the flu. The number of flu deaths every year varies.

For example, the average number of flu deaths during the 1990s was 36,000.

  • Average number over a longer time frame from 1976 to 2007 was 23,607 deaths.
  • If you take the number of deaths year wise, you will find a vast variation with a low of 3,349 deaths during the flu season of 1986-87 to a high of 48,614 in 2003-04.
The above-mentioned figures are for adults only and are rough estimates. The CDC estimates that 60 percent of flu-related hospital admissions and 90 percent of flu-related deaths occur in people of this age group [>65}.

So why the hysteria over this new strain? Could it possibly have anything to do with the upcoming Presidential election? After recounts, Russian collusion, obstruction of justice, quid pro quo and impeachment have all failed to overturn the 2016 election, is there the slightest doubt that the Democrats will do anything to prevent Trump's reelection?

Doesn't crashing the economy, which was Trump's biggest reelection asset, fit right in with all of these other despicable actions? Why are Blue States the most opposed to reopening the economy? Why is the CDC so resistant to admitting the Covid-19 threat has been vastly overestimated? What do these people have in common?

Orange Man Bad.

Possibly because our military intelligence, namely medical intelligence, knew this was a biological warfare attack from the beginning and expected it to be much, much worse. On the other hand, the leftist MSM has definitely exploited the pandemic for political gain, such as ammunition for use against the President.
Doesn't crashing the economy, which was Trump's biggest reelection asset, fit right in with all of these other despicable actions? Why are Blue States the most opposed to reopening the economy? Why is the CDC so resistant to admitting the Covid-19 threat has been vastly overestimated? What do these people have in common?

Orange Man Bad.

The only problem I have with your theorem is that this Corona Virus bullshit is a worldwide phenomenon. Seems to be something beyond Trump.
As real news is beginning to seep out, we are learning that Covid-19 pandemic is much more like those of recent years than the Spanish Flu pandemic of 1918.

More than 200,000 people are hospitalized each year in the United States for the flu illness and its complications and between 3,000 and 49,000 people die each year from the flu. The number of flu deaths every year varies.

For example, the average number of flu deaths during the 1990s was 36,000.

  • Average number over a longer time frame from 1976 to 2007 was 23,607 deaths.
  • If you take the number of deaths year wise, you will find a vast variation with a low of 3,349 deaths during the flu season of 1986-87 to a high of 48,614 in 2003-04.
The above-mentioned figures are for adults only and are rough estimates. The CDC estimates that 60 percent of flu-related hospital admissions and 90 percent of flu-related deaths occur in people of this age group [>65}.

So why the hysteria over this new strain? Could it possibly have anything to do with the upcoming Presidential election? After recounts, Russian collusion, obstruction of justice, quid pro quo and impeachment have all failed to overturn the 2016 election, is there the slightest doubt that the Democrats will do anything to prevent Trump's reelection?

Doesn't crashing the economy, which was Trump's biggest reelection asset, fit right in with all of these other despicable actions? Why are Blue States the most opposed to reopening the economy? Why is the CDC so resistant to admitting the Covid-19 threat has been vastly overestimated? What do these people have in common?

Orange Man Bad.
Well, it's not a hoax that it exists, of course. The highly inflated numbers ARE the hoax, that is quite apparent.

Doesn't crashing the economy, which was Trump's biggest reelection asset, fit right in with all of these other despicable actions? Why are Blue States the most opposed to reopening the economy? Why is the CDC so resistant to admitting the Covid-19 threat has been vastly overestimated? What do these people have in common?

Orange Man Bad.

The only problem I have with your theorem is that this Corona Virus bullshit is a worldwide phenomenon. Seems to be something beyond Trump.

The worldwide death statistics are inherently suspect, and seem to be concentrated in poor, crowded and unsanitary locations. Like NYC subways and Mardi Gras.:(
Doesn't crashing the economy, which was Trump's biggest reelection asset, fit right in with all of these other despicable actions? Why are Blue States the most opposed to reopening the economy? Why is the CDC so resistant to admitting the Covid-19 threat has been vastly overestimated? What do these people have in common?

Orange Man Bad.

The only problem I have with your theorem is that this Corona Virus bullshit is a worldwide phenomenon. Seems to be something beyond Trump.

The worldwide death statistics are inherently suspect, and seem to be concentrated in poor, crowded and unsanitary locations. Like NYC subways and Mardi Gras.:(
And the hardest hit areas (See New York City) appear to be Dem-run sh*tholes, that are very lax about who they let into their states and cities. Imagine that!
You people can't possibly be this stupid. These comparisons are meaningless. No one knows how long this virus will last. So, no one knows how many will eventually die from it.

Well, we know that the mortality rate for the disease is probably far less than 1%, so we can estimate.
Yep, it's far, far less than the mortality rate for these who catch the regular seasonal flu.
What a fucking moron you are, and all who think like you.

Influenza season runs September to April; 48,000 deaths over 8 months is just a little bit fucking different than 43,000 deaths in six weeks.

You really don’t deserve the resources your fat stupid worthless fucking lump of flesh consumes every day. I hope you get covid19 and die.
He-he, I posted a factual TRUTH. Seems you, like virtually ALL liberal lunatics, do NOT like FACTS. And wishing the Chinese Virus on me and hoping I die from it is BEYOND despicable. But NOT surprising, coming from a brainwashed liberal loon like yourself. INCREDIBLY pathetic AND pitiful. You SHOULD be ashamed of yourself.
What a fucking moron you are, and all who think like you.

Influenza season runs September to April; 48,000 deaths over 8 months is just a little bit fucking different than 43,000 deaths in six weeks.

You really don’t deserve the resources your fat stupid worthless fucking lump of flesh consumes every day. I hope you get covid19 and die.

That'll get you reported.

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