The GOP has blown it on Health Care

Noooo, Orange Donnie promised "a plan that covers everybody" and will be "just as good" on pre-existing conditions
5 Trump health care promises that won't become reality

He got trapped by the RINO pussies. He should have stuck to Repeal only. That's all his supporters are demanding. They never demanded 'Replace.'
Do you think a repeal only would be a winner in the elections?

Yes. Trump's supporters only demanded Repeal. They never demanded Replace.
If they do get repeal, the Right will lose the Congress for generations.

That's one of the reasons that some Republicans have said they won't support Trump's bill, even though he threatened to have him primaried. I liked his response to the threat, because he stated that Trump didn't put him in office, the people of his district did, and he's gonna do what the people who elected him want rather than what Trump dictates.

They know that the ACA as it stands is better than the plan that Trump came up with.

And that just pisses off Trump more.
The gop's in the same untenable situation the dems were in back in 08. The only real conservative answer is to end all the tax expenditures that feed the employer sponsored plans, raise MORE revenue, and provide people with tax credits sufficient to buy comprehensive care. But they can't do that because people would vote them out.

So they have to come up with some bastard child plan to keep the crazy employer sponsored (gummit worker) system we have, and somehow fold everyone else in. Now Trump could have told the truth, and tried to sell Americans on how private market decisions might be better, but he didnt'.

There's nothing better than what Obama did. Financially it's not sustainable because the taxing plan doesn't raise enough. Eventually people will just have to be put in medicare.
Repeal only will guarantee 60% majorities in the Senate and the House next fall, enough to guarantee single payer, and if Trump is still in office, he will sign.
Yep they sure as fuck have...Time for single payer and for the republicans to do what is right.
Single payer means forcing people into the collective, how do you figure that's right?
Ask the citizens of every other industrialized nation on earth.
Why don't you progressives start your own single payer program, leave the rest of us out of it.
Ya mean like Medicare? When you're 65, will you be noble (or stupid) and opt out of that too?
Repeal only will guarantee 60% majorities in the Senate and the House next fall, enough to guarantee single payer, and if Trump is still in office, he will sign.

He'll be going against the wishes of the folks who got him elected President. They never demanded 'Repeal & Replace.' They only demanded repealing Obama's catastrophe.
Well, The GOP has whined about Obamacare (which I didn't want and I think it sucks) for six years. Where was their plan ? I mean honestly.....this is hysterical. No plan, no concept of a plan, nothing........

...Yet the voters in their respective districts re-elected them. One must thus ask, "Who's the bigger fool, the voters or the people whom they elect?" Why voters don't hold their elected representatives responsible for their inaction is beyond me.

Truly, over the past six years, myriad fixes for O-care could have been implemented, measured for effectiveness/impact, and discarded and replaced as needed, at least two times over, and yet GOP Congress members wouldn't do that, instead insisting on some 60 times sending to the WH repeal bills for which they lacked the veto-override votes. Talk about a waste of time.
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Repeal only will guarantee 60% majorities in the Senate and the House next fall, enough to guarantee single payer, and if Trump is still in office, he will sign.

He'll be going against the wishes of the folks who got him elected President. They never demanded 'Repeal & Replace.' They only demanded repealing Obama's catastrophe.
Fake News. LOL
Yep they sure as fuck have...Time for single payer and for the republicans to do what is right.
Single payer means forcing people into the collective, how do you figure that's right?
Ask the citizens of every other industrialized nation on earth.
Why don't you progressives start your own single payer program, leave the rest of us out of it.
Ya mean like Medicare? When you're 65, will you be noble (or stupid) and opt out of that too?
Last thing I want to get involved in is a fucked up federal government program.
Yep they sure as fuck have...Time for single payer and for the republicans to do what is right.
Single payer means forcing people into the collective, how do you figure that's right?
Ask the citizens of every other industrialized nation on earth.
Why don't you progressives start your own single payer program, leave the rest of us out of it.
Ya mean like Medicare? When you're 65, will you be noble (or stupid) and opt out of that too?
Last thing I want to get involved in is a fucked up federal government program.
Single payer means forcing people into the collective, how do you figure that's right?
Ask the citizens of every other industrialized nation on earth.
Why don't you progressives start your own single payer program, leave the rest of us out of it.
Ya mean like Medicare? When you're 65, will you be noble (or stupid) and opt out of that too?
Last thing I want to get involved in is a fucked up federal government program.
So I will have nothing to do with it
Only ObamaCare insurer in most of Iowa may pull out of exchanges

Well we were just discussing the cost sharing reductions and whether or not they will continue and although in another article the WH put on on April 26th they said they would, but that could have been for the weeks extension. The WH has said in the past couple of days they don't know if they will keep them after May. If they dump them then no insurer's will participate on exchanges and some off exchange that will lose tons of money.

Cost sharing reduction's are tied to silver plans that are subsidized to lower deductibles and co pays. The part of the population that are receiving cost sharing reductions can keep the plans but the deductible's and co pays will go to what they would have been without the subsidy. I don't think they all will keep them.

That is why the last insurer in Iowa may pull out.
Ask the citizens of every other industrialized nation on earth.
Why don't you progressives start your own single payer program, leave the rest of us out of it.
Ya mean like Medicare? When you're 65, will you be noble (or stupid) and opt out of that too?
Last thing I want to get involved in is a fucked up federal government program.
So I will have nothing to do with it
sure you will
"Reps. Billy Long, R-Mo., and Fred Upton, R-Mich., are proposing an amendment to add $8 billion over five years to help subsidize high-risk insurance pools in states that opt out of Affordable Care Act rules in a way that could allow insurers to raise rates on people with pre-existing conditions.

Health insurance coverage for people with pre-existing conditions has been the main sticking point during extended negotiations among Republicans.

Conservative Republicans have insisted on a proposal that would allow states to receive a waiver for Obamacare's protections for people with pre-existing conditions and instead create a separate high-risk pool. Some moderate Republicans, like Upton, insist that the plan have protections similar to those provided by the ACA."
2 Republican holdouts agree to compromise plan on Obamacare repeal
"Reps. Billy Long, R-Mo., and Fred Upton, R-Mich., are proposing an amendment to add $8 billion over five years to help subsidize high-risk insurance pools in states that opt out of Affordable Care Act rules in a way that could allow insurers to raise rates on people with pre-existing conditions.

Health insurance coverage for people with pre-existing conditions has been the main sticking point during extended negotiations among Republicans.

Conservative Republicans have insisted on a proposal that would allow states to receive a waiver for Obamacare's protections for people with pre-existing conditions and instead create a separate high-risk pool. Some moderate Republicans, like Upton, insist that the plan have protections similar to those provided by the ACA."
2 Republican holdouts agree to compromise plan on Obamacare repeal

It will never get through the senate.

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