The GOP convention was a big hit with Independents: Trump accusing Dems of trying to steal election and Tim Scotts speech on American opportunity


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
Check out this video, less than four minutes, one of those pollster line graph measures of real time responses. It's worth watching:

Trumps accusation of the dangers/risks of Dems stealing the election through mail out ballots: he received an A from GOP and a B rating from Independent voters, it received an F from Dem supporters. Clearly, even Independents are concerned. They aren't loyal to any party, but they are loyal to America and Democracy.

Tim Scotts speech, as I suspected (he should receive more spotlight, he's sharp and someone who has risen from poverty, a real fighter through personal perseverance), A+ from GOP, A from Independents, and even a C from Dem supporters.

As the woman in this video explained, Independents were far more in line with GOP voters than they were with Dem voters at their convention. The Independent vote is huge for Trump if he is going to win in 2020.

There was lifelong democrats interviewed and some said they were voting republican after watching the dem convention and the FIRST day of the republican convention..

Trump has worked hard for the vote against massive resistance by the Establishment. He is effectively positioning it as America First vs China First, and the speakers last night repeated it often. He is also wary of efforts to try and win the election via the mail, which is clearly a concern for even Independents, who aren't just drinking the kool-aid from their Echo Chamber. That reaction alone, has to worry the Dems.

Those who will be impacted most by China decimating the American economy are those most vulnerable. I've made no reservation about how much to me this single issue is so important. I'm listening in Canada too, as there are, for the first time, rumblings from politicians to stand up to China.

CSIS warned us long ago, we didn't listen until Trump came into office. That's almost 15 years of silence since they sounded the alarm. It's time for the West to wake up, it shouldn't have taken a global virus and their betrayal of HK for leaders to get it. This momentum must continue.
One Soap Opera, nothing digital, famously biased audience--not much time(?) For real bias, you need a Rasmussen review(?)!

The OP doesn't know anything about polls and polling!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(No opinions about praying in Israel(?), even: Matt 25: 14-30!)
I have yet to look at other opinions of last night's RNC, but I just watched Cuban Immigrant Maximo Alvarez's full comments (as well as the prior ones so far) and HOLY CRAP.

That was remarkably powerful. There were strong ones before, but if Maximo didn't just win this election for Trump, then people truly are devoid of intellect and decency.
Check out this video, less than four minutes, one of those pollster line graph measures of real time responses. It's worth watching:

Trumps accusation of the dangers/risks of Dems stealing the election through mail out ballots: he received an A from GOP and a B rating from Independent voters, it received an F from Dem supporters. Clearly, even Independents are concerned. They aren't loyal to any party, but they are loyal to America and Democracy.

Tim Scotts speech, as I suspected (he should receive more spotlight, he's sharp and someone who has risen from poverty, a real fighter through personal perseverance), A+ from GOP, A from Independents, and even a C from Dem supporters.

As the woman in this video explained, Independents were far more in line with GOP voters than they were with Dem voters at their convention. The Independent vote is huge for Trump if he is going to win in 2020.

Yep. My wife of 20 years and a doctor was a Democrat, then Independent in recent years. Now, she is voting for Trump.
The Washington ComPOST and HuffingGLUE Post are unhinged today. And trying to do damage control for the DNC.

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