The GOP and the Markers of Fascism

That's because facism will not tolerate or allow criticism or disagreement.

So you fully agree that democrats are fascist

Democracy will not allow lying, and facists refuse to tell the truth.

That is a moronic claim.

Every day in this forum, right wingers wish death on the left. They whine their fake grievances claiming the right to discrimate against, deny service to, and treat as 2nd class citizens, gays, racial minorities, and religions other than the one they profess to believe in.

If we ignore that you're flat out fucking lying, that in fact it is you Nazis who deny basic civil rights based on color, that it is you Nazis who relegate the white devils you so bitterly hate to an underclass, to be denied employment, admission in education, and the right to speak because of the color of our skin.

For 10 months you have engaged in prolonged violence with your insurgency, murdering 40 people including police officers, raping women and even homeless men, looting billions of dollars, burning thousands of small businesses with your Kristalnacht.

Furthermore, the demands of the right, that you allow them to send their children to whites only schools, where they are taught Creationism, that the earth is 6000 years old, and science is whack, are creating a generation of young white people who feel entitled to rule the world on the basis of their white exceptionalism.

Don't you Nazis demand that schools be free of whites? That colored people be provided an environment where they are safe from the inferior race that you so bitterly hate?

The entire Ivy League is turning out these condescending a$$hats by the thousands, leading directly to 3 Republican economic crashes as they pursue profits above all else and without consideration of the broader social implications of doing so. Back in the 1970's, when I was applying to the UWO School of Business, modelled on Harvard, and one of the top Business Schools in the world, I read an opinion piece which said that the Harvard School of Business graduates would bring down the American economy, precisely because it was too bottom line focussed.

Ethics, social responsibility, and harm to the community were all secondary to profits. Vulture capitalist bought, dismantled and sold off corporations, piece by piece, making their profits on the sale of the land and buildings, the equipment, and remaining stocks, spinning off profitable subsidiaries, but leaving one industry towns, with no jobs, no income, and no future.

It is time to restore ethics in business and in politics. Stop the lying. Give everyone a fair piece of the pie, instead of giving it all to the wealthy and leaving hard working Americans needing government assistance to feed their families. Nobody working 40 hours a week should need a government handout to pay basic living expenses. Wages should cover basic food and lodgings, at the very least.

Especially when Amazon, which uses millions of dollars worth of public roads, transportation infrastructure, and requires tens of thousands of highly educated workers, pays nothing for all of these services which the government provides. Not to mention IT patent and trademark protections, private property protections, and international trade agreements provide the corporate infratstructure, and business climate to succeed.

Reward working Americans instead of just wealthy Americans. The workers are hurting. The wealthy are not.

You rarely tell the truth, and this is no exception.

Virtually nothing in your hate filled bigotry has any relation to reality.
We get it, you hate white people and want to eradicate the entire race. The Reich has taught you that all problems, past and present are because of the inferior race you so bitterly hate. The Reich has you focused on the idea that every wrong, every ill, every injustice, is because of the white race. You are justified in your hatred, and the Reich media confirms it with every TV show you watch. The little Goebbels confirm that the whites, Der Juden, are the enemy you must focus on.

You will certainly devise a final solution to the problem.

There was literally NOTHING in my post that was hate filled or bigotted, and it is entirely grounded in reality.


You're being lied to by the right wing media, and the Republican Party. If you watched something other than FOX News, you'd know that.
As we watched Canadian police go into someone's home for having 6 people gather together, please don't expect Americans to take advice from Canada. You folks gave up your freedom long ago and now simply exist as children or pets to the Canadian government. Following Canada's lead is a fast route to eviscerating the U.S. Constitution. No thanks.

I won''t say that nothing like that happened, but that is not anything close to what is happening here. Canadians already enjoy much more personal freedom than Americans. Canada is No. 5 on the personal freedom index, the USA is 17th. You talk the talk, but your country has is on a long slow slide into authoritarianism. More people in jail than Russia or Communist China.

Then there's the Best Quality of Life list from US News. Canada was #1 for 2020. The USA didn't even make the top coming in at 15.

As for following my country's lead, Joe Biden's infrastructure plan sounds exactly like what our Liberal Government under Prime Minister Jean Chretien started doing 20 years ago, when Canada first started losing manufacturing jobs because of NAFTA. We can always do more in the area of infrastructure and transportation, and we do have 10 years of neglect under Stephen Harper's Conservatives to undo, but we're in much better shape than the USA in regards to infrastructure.

Canada is now THE leading candidate for those looking to build production facilities in North America. Our climate is not being subjected to the extremes of heat, catastrophic storms, and uncontrolled wildfires currently going on in the USA. $27 billion in climate related weather catastrophes throughout the midwest and Southern Coastal states.

Our work force is better educated and healthier than Americans. Our infrastructure is better. And our government is more stable.

The 21st Century belongs to Canada. I've heard that since I was a teenager. I didn't believe it then, but I sure do now.

It is amusing that your source points to the insurgency BY THE LEFT in America as a primary factor limiting freedom. The 10 month Kristalnacht by the democrats infringes liberty due to the reduction of basic security.

{ This too, we believe, provides an advance over other freedom indexes, which fail to account for the interaction between the rule of law and security on the one hand and specific freedoms on the other. Without the rule of law and security, specific freedoms cannot, in a practical sense, be lived out. }
No, the GOP is not a fascist party. But it is demonstrating nascent fascist markers.

Robert O. Paxton, in his 2004 book The Anatomy of Fascism, provides these hallmarks: “obsessive preoccupation with community decline, humiliation, or victimhood and by compensatory cults of unity, energy, and purity”; involving “a mass-based party of committed nationalist militants, working in uneasy but effective collaboration with traditional elites”; which “abandons democratic liberties”; and “pursues with redemptive violence and without ethical or legal restraints goals of internal cleansing. . . .”​
These phrases more readily evoke brownshirts on Kristallnacht than fervent Republicans; writing in Vox, Dylan Matthews draws some useful distinctions.​
But consider the predicates of nascent fascism.​
Trump relentlessly exploited a sense of decline, humiliation, and victimization among marginalized whites, even as he evoked America’s loss of strength and purity. His supporters’ “redemptive violence” at our capital was preceded in Michigan, as one example, by armed incursion the state legislature and an abortive effort to kidnap and execute the governor. While claiming to protect democracy, the GOP persistently undermines the right of disfavored groups to vote.​
Though nothing in America equals the predictive virulence of German anti-Semitism, anger at the racial, societal, and religious other animates a goodly portion of the Republican base. Its loathing of supposedly degenerate liberalism provides another link—as does the desire for authoritarian leadership to restore their chosen hierarchy.​
Perhaps most salient is the attack on reality itself. “Post-truth,” writes Timothy Snyder, “is pre-fascism.” Hitler castigated the media as “enemies of the people”; so does Trump and, often, his party. Like the avatars of fascism, Republicans increasingly trumpet mendacious propaganda—including about voter fraud.​
Classical fascism conditions its followers to accept “the big lie” which unifies their discontents and justifies their leaders’ actions. So, in 2020, did the GOP.​
Granted that the big Republican lie did not equal Hitler’s poisonous assertion that perfidious Jews stabbed Germany in the back. But the GOP’s lie to its base was, nonetheless, breathtakingly ambitious: that an unfathomable conspiracy involving thousands of state and local officials and judges, many Republicans, had stolen the presidency from Donald Trump—from them.
To believe this, one must not only distrust an electoral system dispersed across 50 states and countless localities—and everyone in it—but reject an overwhelming amount of easily available evidence and the dictates of common sense. Yet most Republicans did just that. In their collective mind, the GOP was cheated by perfidious forces, and Joe Biden is an illegitimate president. The dangerous myth of political dispossession is now embedded in the Republican narrative. ...​

Nazi stands for National SOCIALIST workers party...bernie and Aoc are nazis

OMFG you are a rookie arenchya.

How many grapes, and how many nuts, are in here Dumbass?


"B-but but it's in the name!" What an idiot. Think the "Democratic People's Republic of Korea is either democratic or people's? Think the Pennsylvania Dutch came from Holland? How many musicians are in the band 10,000 Maniacs?

The then-trendy term "socialist" was already in the name of the party when Hitler joined it. He objected but went along for its marketing value. In the actual event the Socialists were Hitler's first targets, first forming the SA ("Brownshirts") thugs to assault them, then once in power declaring their political party to be illegal and making them the first prisoners at Dachau.

Unless you're actually going to sit on this board and try to tell the class that Adolf Hitler was such a pure and honest guy he would never engage in dishonesty. That what you're saying?

Oh and btw Bernie's family were fucking WIPED OUT by the Nazis you colossal black hole of ignorance.

FURTHER, Dumbass, proper names in English get capital letters.

Get the fuck out of here and don't come back until you learn how to do your homework.

Sluggo, you drooling retard;

You claim a system where the means of production is controlled by the state which determines what products will be produced in what quantities and what price they will be sold for under an authoritarian system that forcibly represses opposition to the party, crushes individualism in favor of group identity, suppresses religious faith, outlaws speech contrary to party goals, makes opposition to the Reich or Collectivism in general a criminal act, scapegoats a particular group or race, Kulaks, Jews, whites - as a focal point for state sponsored hatred, is somehow different than the Stalinism you've promoted for all these years?
No, the GOP is not a fascist party. But it is demonstrating nascent fascist markers.

Robert O. Paxton, in his 2004 book The Anatomy of Fascism, provides these hallmarks: “obsessive preoccupation with community decline, humiliation, or victimhood and by compensatory cults of unity, energy, and purity”; involving “a mass-based party of committed nationalist militants, working in uneasy but effective collaboration with traditional elites”; which “abandons democratic liberties”; and “pursues with redemptive violence and without ethical or legal restraints goals of internal cleansing. . . .”​
These phrases more readily evoke brownshirts on Kristallnacht than fervent Republicans; writing in Vox, Dylan Matthews draws some useful distinctions.​
But consider the predicates of nascent fascism.​
Trump relentlessly exploited a sense of decline, humiliation, and victimization among marginalized whites, even as he evoked America’s loss of strength and purity. His supporters’ “redemptive violence” at our capital was preceded in Michigan, as one example, by armed incursion the state legislature and an abortive effort to kidnap and execute the governor. While claiming to protect democracy, the GOP persistently undermines the right of disfavored groups to vote.​
Though nothing in America equals the predictive virulence of German anti-Semitism, anger at the racial, societal, and religious other animates a goodly portion of the Republican base. Its loathing of supposedly degenerate liberalism provides another link—as does the desire for authoritarian leadership to restore their chosen hierarchy.​
Perhaps most salient is the attack on reality itself. “Post-truth,” writes Timothy Snyder, “is pre-fascism.” Hitler castigated the media as “enemies of the people”; so does Trump and, often, his party. Like the avatars of fascism, Republicans increasingly trumpet mendacious propaganda—including about voter fraud.​
Classical fascism conditions its followers to accept “the big lie” which unifies their discontents and justifies their leaders’ actions. So, in 2020, did the GOP.​
Granted that the big Republican lie did not equal Hitler’s poisonous assertion that perfidious Jews stabbed Germany in the back. But the GOP’s lie to its base was, nonetheless, breathtakingly ambitious: that an unfathomable conspiracy involving thousands of state and local officials and judges, many Republicans, had stolen the presidency from Donald Trump—from them.
To believe this, one must not only distrust an electoral system dispersed across 50 states and countless localities—and everyone in it—but reject an overwhelming amount of easily available evidence and the dictates of common sense. Yet most Republicans did just that. In their collective mind, the GOP was cheated by perfidious forces, and Joe Biden is an illegitimate president. The dangerous myth of political dispossession is now embedded in the Republican narrative. ...​

Oh yeah, because people that demand a clean, safe neighborhood and good schools are fascistic. Hilarious.
Yeah, Nazis were socialist like the Democratic Republic of North Korea and the German Democratic Republic (East Germany) were democratic.

The fact that Hitler's Reich had a centrally managed economy where the state controlled the means of production, determining what would be produced by whom and in what quantity, and and what price point it would be sold does point to socialism.

A centrally planned and managed economy is not the definition of "market capitalism," sploogy.
In World War II conditions, managing and planning the war economy in Germany was not qualitatively different than in Japan, or for that matter the U.S.A. Of course both the Nazi “Aryan” state and cooperating German private enterprise had license to kill unproductive members of society, loot minority property, and enslave “enemies” who did not cooperate fully.

The pre-war Nazi economic policy,
when still just preparing for war, was explicitly
in favor of privatization and private industry:


“The Great Depression had spurred increased state ownership in most Western capitalist countries. This also took place in Germany during the last years of the Weimar Republic.[40] However, after the Nazis took power, industries were privatized en masse. Several banks, shipyards, railway lines, shipping lines, welfare organizations, and more were privatized.[41] The Nazi government took the stance that enterprises should be in private hands wherever possible.[42] State ownership was to be avoided unless it was absolutely necessary for rearmament or the war effort, and even in those cases “the Reich often insisted on the inclusion in the contract of an option clause according to which the private firm operating the plant was entitled to purchase it.”[43] However, the privatization was ‘applied within a framework of increasing control of the state over the whole economy through regulation and political interference,’[44] as laid out in the 1933 Act for the Formation of Compulsory Cartels, which gave the government a role in regulating and controlling the cartels that had been earlier formed in the Weimar Republic under the Cartel Act of 1923.[45] These had mostly regulated themselves from 1923 to 1933.[46]

“Companies privatized by the Nazis included the four major commercial banks in Germany, which had all come under public ownership during the prior years: Commerz– und Privatbank, Deutsche Bank und Disconto-Gesellschaft, Golddiskontbank and Dresdner Bank.[47][48] Also privatized were the Deutsche Reichsbahn (German Railways), at the time the largest single public enterprise in the world, the Vereinigte Stahlwerke A.G. (United Steelworks), the second largest joint-stock company in Germany (the largest was IG Farben) and Vereinigte Oberschlesische Hüttenwerke AG, a company controlling all of the metal production in the Upper Silesian coal and steel industry. The government also sold a number of shipbuilding companies, and enhanced private utilities at the expense of municipally owned utilities companies.[49] Additionally, the Nazis privatized some public services which had been previously provided by the government, especially social and labor-related services, and these were mainly taken over by organizations affiliated with the Nazi Party that could be trusted to apply Nazi racial policies.[50]

“One of the reasons for the Nazi privatization policy was to cement the partnership between the government and business interests.[51] Hitler believed that the lack of a precise economic programme was one of the Nazi Party's strengths, saying: ‘The basic feature of our economic theory is that we have no theory at all’.[52] Another reason was financial. As the Nazi government faced budget deficits due to its military spending, privatization was one of the methods it used to raise more funds.[53] Between the fiscal years 1934–35 and 1937–38, privatization represented 1.4 percent of the German government's revenues.[54]There was also an ideological motivation. Nazi ideology held entrepreneurship in high regard, and “private property was considered a precondition to developing the creativity of members of the German race in the best interest of the people.[55] The Nazi leadership believed that ‘private property itself provided important incentives to achieve greater cost consciousness, efficiency gains, and technical progress.’[56] Adolf Hitler used Social Darwinist arguments to support this stance, cautioning against ‘bureaucratic managing of the economy’ that would preserve the weak and ‘represent a burden to the higher ability, industry and value.’[57]

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Yeah, Nazis were socialist like the Democratic Republic of North Korea and the German Democratic Republic (East Germany) were democratic.

The fact that Hitler's Reich had a centrally managed economy where the state controlled the means of production, determining what would be produced by whom and in what quantity, and and what price point it would be sold does point to socialism.

A centrally planned and managed economy is not the definition of "market capitalism," sploogy.
You were saying:

Postwar analysis portrays fascism as something only a comic book supervillain would believe in. As if any country would willingly elect a mustache twirling personification of evil who promises nothing other than suffering and ruin. Fascism also had ideas of how to make a nation powerful and prosperous and it apparently worked pretty well...for a while anyway.

Nowadays patriotism, reverence for tradition, racial or religious preferences, support for law-enforcement...anything not 100% in support of trendy social justice causes equals "fascist" (aka: evil). The same people who sling around the fascist label at anyone they don't like turns a blind eye or makes excuses when democrats/leftists do the same goddamn things.

Big tech and the mass media are doing their utmost to marginalize and silence traditional conservative Americans. Sounds like a merger of corporate and state power to me.

From Miriam Webster: the bolding is mine.

"often capitalized : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition."

"America - love it or leave it". All these right wing groups with "Patriot" in their name. Republicans were all for sending in the military to put down Black Lives Matter protests. And then attacked the House and Senate in an insurrection to install Donald Trump as President even though they lost the election.

Donald Trump has tried to attack and suppress opposition since the day he was elected, rage tweeting against Democratic leaders, especially women of colour, calling the press the "enemy of the people", as did Stalin. The first thing an authoritarian does is to try to muzzle and discredit the free press. So there is no one to expose his lies.

From around the world:

exalts nation and often race above the individual

Democrats NEVER stop talking about race.
They favor the community over the individual.
They call their opponents anti-american.

They are also big fat hypocrites.

The democrats are a full blown Nazi Reich, and you post this moronic shit?

He paid the real Toro good money for that account
Seriously? What happened to that dude? Wasn't there a time when he wasn't a bitter, batshit crazy democrat?

A lot of people developed drug abuse problems during the soul crushing democrat lock downs in response to the Wuhan Designer Virus.

Americans wouldn't have had 10 months of locks downs if you had just locked down in the spring and stayed locked down until June - like Canada. By July, we had 200 cases a day - equivalent to 2000 cases a day in the USA. 1/10th of what you had when the USA started re-opening. You had 1 or 2 days below 20,000 cases and then bang - you fully re-opened. No phased re-opening at all.

Canada stayed re-opened until December 24th, but cases were getting out of hand and with a post-holiday spike expected, lockdown started Christmas Eve. From a peak of just under 12,000 cases on January 3rd, we had 4000 new cases yesterday. Active cases have dropped like a stone from a peak of 83,000 cases, to 58,000 today. Active US cases are likely to hit 10,000,000 this week - more than 15 times the rate of Canada.

We're having mental health issues too. I have a friend who says his drinking is getting out of hand. I've seen marriages fall apart among my family and friends too. I have a support group of 5 other single friends who all live alone, and we're on Messenger all day long, back and forthing for support.

Being productive is hard when we don't know what the new normal will look like, and consequently what we should be doing as a result. I haven't seen my grandkids since early December. I normally spend a couple days a week with them. I'm counting the days to my vaccination.
BS.....the virus has spread all over the world---------------you can't stop it from spreading---
It's not going away.............ever

The Vaccines btw---dont develop anti-bodies----won't protect from new strains--and only have limited time of effectiveness if they are effective------meaning boosters maybe even boosters every few months not once a year

And sorry I know that you don't realize much BUT--------

There are two things--------merck is pulling out of the vaccine market and going INTO ANTI-VIRALS because of the above listed reasons which is screaming alot but I know that you don't realize it
And two---my husband who had covid last month----went to his PCM this week........GUESS what pumpkin (and INVESTORS once the market gets through crashing)----the Primary Care Physicians are now giving out off-label ANTI VIRALS instead of pushing vaccines to fight the disease.
The dem corrupt mayors and governors such as Cuomo and Whitmer purposely spread the disease speeding it up in nursing homes---other countries would have likely shot them or put them in prison for murder such stunts.

Yeah, Nazis were socialist like the Democratic Republic of North Korea and the German Democratic Republic (East Germany) were democratic.

The fact that Hitler's Reich had a centrally managed economy where the state controlled the means of production, determining what would be produced by whom and in what quantity, and and what price point it would be sold does point to socialism.

A centrally planned and managed economy is not the definition of "market capitalism," sploogy.

Hitler only managed portions of the economy. The portion which built military equipment and weaponry. The industrialists were more than willing accomplices to Hitler, because he destroyed the union movement and sent its leaders to the death camps. Alfried Krupp, who headed his family's munitions company was tried as a war criminal in 1945. His father Gustav was also to be indicted but was too ill to stand trial. During the war, the Krupp family used 100,000 slave labourers from the camps, and built a factory near Auschwitz. Friedrich Flick, another German industrialist was also tried and found guilty.

Does getting rid of the unions, murdering their leaders, helping industrialists get rich, and using slave labour sound very "socialist" to you?
Yeah, Nazis were socialist like the Democratic Republic of North Korea and the German Democratic Republic (East Germany) were democratic.

The fact that Hitler's Reich had a centrally managed economy where the state controlled the means of production, determining what would be produced by whom and in what quantity, and and what price point it would be sold does point to socialism.

A centrally planned and managed economy is not the definition of "market capitalism," sploogy.
Hitler's views on socialism are best explained by his debate with Otto Strasser in 1930.

And when Strasser calls for the return of 41 percent of private property to the state and dismisses the role of private property in an industrialized economy, Hitler tells him that will not only ruin “the entire nation” but also “end all progress of humanity.”

Also, back in the early 30's when the first camps were built, like Dachau, the socialists were the first to be sent there.

Hitler was as much anti-marxist as anti-jew, so how to be socialist with such marxist views?
No, the GOP is not a fascist party. But it is demonstrating nascent fascist markers.

Robert O. Paxton, in his 2004 book The Anatomy of Fascism, provides these hallmarks: “obsessive preoccupation with community decline, humiliation, or victimhood and by compensatory cults of unity, energy, and purity”; involving “a mass-based party of committed nationalist militants, working in uneasy but effective collaboration with traditional elites”; which “abandons democratic liberties”; and “pursues with redemptive violence and without ethical or legal restraints goals of internal cleansing. . . .”​
These phrases more readily evoke brownshirts on Kristallnacht than fervent Republicans; writing in Vox, Dylan Matthews draws some useful distinctions.​
But consider the predicates of nascent fascism.​
Trump relentlessly exploited a sense of decline, humiliation, and victimization among marginalized whites, even as he evoked America’s loss of strength and purity. His supporters’ “redemptive violence” at our capital was preceded in Michigan, as one example, by armed incursion the state legislature and an abortive effort to kidnap and execute the governor. While claiming to protect democracy, the GOP persistently undermines the right of disfavored groups to vote.​
Though nothing in America equals the predictive virulence of German anti-Semitism, anger at the racial, societal, and religious other animates a goodly portion of the Republican base. Its loathing of supposedly degenerate liberalism provides another link—as does the desire for authoritarian leadership to restore their chosen hierarchy.​
Perhaps most salient is the attack on reality itself. “Post-truth,” writes Timothy Snyder, “is pre-fascism.” Hitler castigated the media as “enemies of the people”; so does Trump and, often, his party. Like the avatars of fascism, Republicans increasingly trumpet mendacious propaganda—including about voter fraud.​
Classical fascism conditions its followers to accept “the big lie” which unifies their discontents and justifies their leaders’ actions. So, in 2020, did the GOP.​
Granted that the big Republican lie did not equal Hitler’s poisonous assertion that perfidious Jews stabbed Germany in the back. But the GOP’s lie to its base was, nonetheless, breathtakingly ambitious: that an unfathomable conspiracy involving thousands of state and local officials and judges, many Republicans, had stolen the presidency from Donald Trump—from them.
To believe this, one must not only distrust an electoral system dispersed across 50 states and countless localities—and everyone in it—but reject an overwhelming amount of easily available evidence and the dictates of common sense. Yet most Republicans did just that. In their collective mind, the GOP was cheated by perfidious forces, and Joe Biden is an illegitimate president. The dangerous myth of political dispossession is now embedded in the Republican narrative. ...​

Nazi stands for National SOCIALIST workers party...bernie and Aoc are nazis

OMFG you are a rookie arenchya.

How many grapes, and how many nuts, are in here Dumbass?


"B-but but it's in the name!" What an idiot. Think the "Democratic People's Republic of Korea is either democratic or people's? Think the Pennsylvania Dutch came from Holland? How many musicians are in the band 10,000 Maniacs?

The then-trendy term "socialist" was already in the name of the party when Hitler joined it. He objected but went along for its marketing value. In the actual event the Socialists were Hitler's first targets, first forming the SA ("Brownshirts") thugs to assault them, then once in power declaring their political party to be illegal and making them the first prisoners at Dachau.

Unless you're actually going to sit on this board and try to tell the class that Adolf Hitler was such a pure and honest guy he would never engage in dishonesty. That what you're saying?

Oh and btw Bernie's family were fucking WIPED OUT by the Nazis you colossal black hole of ignorance.

FURTHER, Dumbass, proper names in English get capital letters.

Get the fuck out of here and don't come back until you learn how to do your homework.

Sluggo, you drooling retard;

You claim a system where the means of production is controlled by the state which determines what products will be produced in what quantities and what price they will be sold for under an authoritarian system that forcibly represses opposition to the party, crushes individualism in favor of group identity, suppresses religious faith, outlaws speech contrary to party goals, makes opposition to the Reich or Collectivism in general a criminal act, scapegoats a particular group or race, Kulaks, Jews, whites - as a focal point for state sponsored hatred, is somehow different than the Stalinism you've promoted for all these years?

And there it is. Did I call it or what?

Pothead, on the occasions where I lift the veil of ignore off your ass, I must say it's always hard to believe how you can out-stupid your last dropping. But I see you haven't lost your touch for pulling bullshit out of your ass --- that you can never quote of course, since it doesn't exist --- and trying to hand it on your critics.

Shut the fuck up and read. From Dr Grump's excellent link above:

>> To say that Hitler understood the value of language would be an enormous understatement. Propaganda played a significant role in his rise to power. To that end, he paid lip service to the tenets suggested by a name like National Socialist German Workers’ Party, but his primary—indeed, sole—focus was on achieving power whatever the cost and advancing his racist, anti-Semitic agenda. After the failure of the Beer Hall Putsch, in November 1923, Hitler became convinced that he needed to utilize the teetering democratic structures of the Weimar government to attain his goals.​
Over the following years the brothers Otto and Gregor Strasser did much to grow the party by tying Hitler’s racist nationalism to socialist rhetoric that appealed to the suffering lower middle classes. In doing so, the Strassers also succeeded in expanding the Nazi reach beyond its traditional Bavarian base. By the late 1920s, however, with the German economy in free fall, Hitler had enlisted support from wealthy industrialists who sought to pursue avowedly anti-socialist policies. Otto Strasser soon recognized that the Nazis were neither a party of socialists nor a party of workers, and in 1930 he broke away to form the anti-capitalist Schwarze Front (Black Front). Gregor remained the head of the left wing of the Nazi Party, but the lot for the ideological soul of the party had been cast.​
Hitler allied himself with leaders of German conservative and nationalist movements, and in January 1933 German President Paul von Hindenburg appointed him chancellor. Hitler’s Third Reich had been born, and it was entirely fascist in character. Within two months Hitler achieved full dictatorial power through the Enabling Act. In April 1933 communists, socialists, democrats, and Jews were purged from the German civil service, and trade unions were outlawed the following month. That July Hitler banned all political parties other than his own, and prominent members of the German Communist Party and the Social Democratic Party were arrested and imprisoned in concentration camps. <<​

--- exactly as I and others who actually KNOW history have already laid out, Pothead. So no, you lose. But clearly Hitler wasn't the only jerkoff who dug the value of propaganda. Guess he was better at it than you are.
Postwar analysis portrays fascism as something only a comic book supervillain would believe in. As if any country would willingly elect a mustache twirling personification of evil who promises nothing other than suffering and ruin. Fascism also had ideas of how to make a nation powerful and prosperous and it apparently worked pretty well...for a while anyway.

Nowadays patriotism, reverence for tradition, racial or religious preferences, support for law-enforcement...anything not 100% in support of trendy social justice causes equals "fascist" (aka: evil). The same people who sling around the fascist label at anyone they don't like turns a blind eye or makes excuses when democrats/leftists do the same goddamn things.

Big tech and the mass media are doing their utmost to marginalize and silence traditional conservative Americans. Sounds like a merger of corporate and state power to me.

From Miriam Webster: the bolding is mine.

"often capitalized : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition."

"America - love it or leave it". All these right wing groups with "Patriot" in their name. Republicans were all for sending in the military to put down Black Lives Matter protests. And then attacked the House and Senate in an insurrection to install Donald Trump as President even though they lost the election.

Donald Trump has tried to attack and suppress opposition since the day he was elected, rage tweeting against Democratic leaders, especially women of colour, calling the press the "enemy of the people", as did Stalin. The first thing an authoritarian does is to try to muzzle and discredit the free press. So there is no one to expose his lies.

From around the world:

exalts nation and often race above the individual

Democrats NEVER stop talking about race.
They favor the community over the individual.
They call their opponents anti-american.

They are also big fat hypocrites.

There is a difference between talking about race and saying "White people built this country, and white people should run it", or things like "Look at what's happening in the shithole cities!". Or the whole rural versus urban thing. Reagan's speechwriter has even gone on the records as saying that they were trying to say negative things about blacks, that would be difficult to pin a "racism" tag on, even though that is exactly what it was.

Postwar analysis portrays fascism as something only a comic book supervillain would believe in. As if any country would willingly elect a mustache twirling personification of evil who promises nothing other than suffering and ruin. Fascism also had ideas of how to make a nation powerful and prosperous and it apparently worked pretty well...for a while anyway.

Nowadays patriotism, reverence for tradition, racial or religious preferences, support for law-enforcement...anything not 100% in support of trendy social justice causes equals "fascist" (aka: evil). The same people who sling around the fascist label at anyone they don't like turns a blind eye or makes excuses when democrats/leftists do the same goddamn things.

Big tech and the mass media are doing their utmost to marginalize and silence traditional conservative Americans. Sounds like a merger of corporate and state power to me.

From Miriam Webster: the bolding is mine.

"often capitalized : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition."

"America - love it or leave it". All these right wing groups with "Patriot" in their name. Republicans were all for sending in the military to put down Black Lives Matter protests. And then attacked the House and Senate in an insurrection to install Donald Trump as President even though they lost the election.

Donald Trump has tried to attack and suppress opposition since the day he was elected, rage tweeting against Democratic leaders, especially women of colour, calling the press the "enemy of the people", as did Stalin. The first thing an authoritarian does is to try to muzzle and discredit the free press. So there is no one to expose his lies.

From around the world:

exalts nation and often race above the individual

Democrats NEVER stop talking about race.
They favor the community over the individual.
They call their opponents anti-american.

They are also big fat hypocrites.

There is a difference between talking about race and saying "White people built this country, and white people should run it", or things like "Look at what's happening in the shithole cities!". Or the whole rural versus urban thing. Reagan's speechwriter has even gone on the records as saying that they were trying to say negative things about blacks, that would be difficult to pin a "racism" tag on, even though that is exactly what it was.

That goes directly back to the Southern Strategy as outlined by Republckkkan strategist Lee Atwater:

>> You start out in 1954 by saying, “******, ******, ******.” By 1968 you can’t say “******”—that hurts you, backfires. So you say stuff like, uh, forced busing, states’ rights, and all that stuff, and you’re getting so abstract. Now, you’re talking about cutting taxes, and all these things you’re talking about are totally economic things and a byproduct of them is, blacks get hurt worse than whites.… “We want to cut this,” is much more abstract than even the busing thing, uh, and a hell of a lot more abstract than “******, ******.” << (entire interview here)​
Reagan of course kicked off his 1980 Presidential campaign in of all places Philadelphia -- not the one in Pennsylvania where the Constitution came together but the one in Mississippi where an infamous civil rights triple murder (Chaney, Goodman, Schwermer) took place in 1964, talking about "states rights".
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Postwar analysis portrays fascism as something only a comic book supervillain would believe in. As if any country would willingly elect a mustache twirling personification of evil who promises nothing other than suffering and ruin. Fascism also had ideas of how to make a nation powerful and prosperous and it apparently worked pretty well...for a while anyway.

Nowadays patriotism, reverence for tradition, racial or religious preferences, support for law-enforcement...anything not 100% in support of trendy social justice causes equals "fascist" (aka: evil). The same people who sling around the fascist label at anyone they don't like turns a blind eye or makes excuses when democrats/leftists do the same goddamn things.

Big tech and the mass media are doing their utmost to marginalize and silence traditional conservative Americans. Sounds like a merger of corporate and state power to me.

From Miriam Webster: the bolding is mine.

"often capitalized : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition."

"America - love it or leave it". All these right wing groups with "Patriot" in their name. Republicans were all for sending in the military to put down Black Lives Matter protests. And then attacked the House and Senate in an insurrection to install Donald Trump as President even though they lost the election.

Donald Trump has tried to attack and suppress opposition since the day he was elected, rage tweeting against Democratic leaders, especially women of colour, calling the press the "enemy of the people", as did Stalin. The first thing an authoritarian does is to try to muzzle and discredit the free press. So there is no one to expose his lies.

From around the world:

exalts nation and often race above the individual

Democrats NEVER stop talking about race.
They favor the community over the individual.
They call their opponents anti-american.

They are also big fat hypocrites.

There is a difference between talking about race and saying "White people built this country, and white people should run it", or things like "Look at what's happening in the shithole cities!". Or the whole rural versus urban thing. Reagan's speechwriter has even gone on the records as saying that they were trying to say negative things about blacks, that would be difficult to pin a "racism" tag on, even though that is exactly what it was.

What elected official has ever said "White people built this country, and white people should run it" or called an American city a shithole? Sure, random people on the internet say all sorts of stuff. Want me to point out the black-supremacists who say black people invented literally everything (including the white race)only for whites/asians/arabs to erase their accomplishments from the history books?

And I don't know about you but a lot of the stuff the left says about white people especially old, white men sound pretty bigoted to me. Remember when Biden said that rape is part of the "white man's culture" if we invented rape. The one thing blacks won't claim credit for!
Postwar analysis portrays fascism as something only a comic book supervillain would believe in. As if any country would willingly elect a mustache twirling personification of evil who promises nothing other than suffering and ruin. Fascism also had ideas of how to make a nation powerful and prosperous and it apparently worked pretty well...for a while anyway.

Nowadays patriotism, reverence for tradition, racial or religious preferences, support for law-enforcement...anything not 100% in support of trendy social justice causes equals "fascist" (aka: evil). The same people who sling around the fascist label at anyone they don't like turns a blind eye or makes excuses when democrats/leftists do the same goddamn things.

Big tech and the mass media are doing their utmost to marginalize and silence traditional conservative Americans. Sounds like a merger of corporate and state power to me.

From Miriam Webster: the bolding is mine.

"often capitalized : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition."

"America - love it or leave it". All these right wing groups with "Patriot" in their name. Republicans were all for sending in the military to put down Black Lives Matter protests. And then attacked the House and Senate in an insurrection to install Donald Trump as President even though they lost the election.

Donald Trump has tried to attack and suppress opposition since the day he was elected, rage tweeting against Democratic leaders, especially women of colour, calling the press the "enemy of the people", as did Stalin. The first thing an authoritarian does is to try to muzzle and discredit the free press. So there is no one to expose his lies.

From around the world:

You are insane posting wapo, the guardian etc.
That's because facism will not tolerate or allow criticism or disagreement.

So you fully agree that democrats are fascist

Democracy will not allow lying, and facists refuse to tell the truth.

That is a moronic claim.

Every day in this forum, right wingers wish death on the left. They whine their fake grievances claiming the right to discrimate against, deny service to, and treat as 2nd class citizens, gays, racial minorities, and religions other than the one they profess to believe in.

If we ignore that you're flat out fucking lying, that in fact it is you Nazis who deny basic civil rights based on color, that it is you Nazis who relegate the white devils you so bitterly hate to an underclass, to be denied employment, admission in education, and the right to speak because of the color of our skin.

For 10 months you have engaged in prolonged violence with your insurgency, murdering 40 people including police officers, raping women and even homeless men, looting billions of dollars, burning thousands of small businesses with your Kristalnacht.

Furthermore, the demands of the right, that you allow them to send their children to whites only schools, where they are taught Creationism, that the earth is 6000 years old, and science is whack, are creating a generation of young white people who feel entitled to rule the world on the basis of their white exceptionalism.

Don't you Nazis demand that schools be free of whites? That colored people be provided an environment where they are safe from the inferior race that you so bitterly hate?

The entire Ivy League is turning out these condescending a$$hats by the thousands, leading directly to 3 Republican economic crashes as they pursue profits above all else and without consideration of the broader social implications of doing so. Back in the 1970's, when I was applying to the UWO School of Business, modelled on Harvard, and one of the top Business Schools in the world, I read an opinion piece which said that the Harvard School of Business graduates would bring down the American economy, precisely because it was too bottom line focussed.

Ethics, social responsibility, and harm to the community were all secondary to profits. Vulture capitalist bought, dismantled and sold off corporations, piece by piece, making their profits on the sale of the land and buildings, the equipment, and remaining stocks, spinning off profitable subsidiaries, but leaving one industry towns, with no jobs, no income, and no future.

It is time to restore ethics in business and in politics. Stop the lying. Give everyone a fair piece of the pie, instead of giving it all to the wealthy and leaving hard working Americans needing government assistance to feed their families. Nobody working 40 hours a week should need a government handout to pay basic living expenses. Wages should cover basic food and lodgings, at the very least.

Especially when Amazon, which uses millions of dollars worth of public roads, transportation infrastructure, and requires tens of thousands of highly educated workers, pays nothing for all of these services which the government provides. Not to mention IT patent and trademark protections, private property protections, and international trade agreements provide the corporate infratstructure, and business climate to succeed.

Reward working Americans instead of just wealthy Americans. The workers are hurting. The wealthy are not.

You rarely tell the truth, and this is no exception.

Virtually nothing in your hate filled bigotry has any relation to reality.
We get it, you hate white people and want to eradicate the entire race. The Reich has taught you that all problems, past and present are because of the inferior race you so bitterly hate. The Reich has you focused on the idea that every wrong, every ill, every injustice, is because of the white race. You are justified in your hatred, and the Reich media confirms it with every TV show you watch. The little Goebbels confirm that the whites, Der Juden, are the enemy you must focus on.

You will certainly devise a final solution to the problem.

There was literally NOTHING in my post that was hate filled or bigotted, and it is entirely grounded in reality.


You're being lied to by the right wing media, and the Republican Party. If you watched something other than FOX News, you'd know that.
As we watched Canadian police go into someone's home for having 6 people gather together, please don't expect Americans to take advice from Canada. You folks gave up your freedom long ago and now simply exist as children or pets to the Canadian government. Following Canada's lead is a fast route to eviscerating the U.S. Constitution. No thanks.

I won''t say that nothing like that happened, but that is not anything close to what is happening here. Canadians already enjoy much more personal freedom than Americans. Canada is No. 5 on the personal freedom index, the USA is 17th. You talk the talk, but your country has is on a long slow slide into authoritarianism. More people in jail than Russia or Communist China.

Then there's the Best Quality of Life list from US News. Canada was #1 for 2020. The USA didn't even make the top coming in at 15.

As for following my country's lead, Joe Biden's infrastructure plan sounds exactly like what our Liberal Government under Prime Minister Jean Chretien started doing 20 years ago, when Canada first started losing manufacturing jobs because of NAFTA. We can always do more in the area of infrastructure and transportation, and we do have 10 years of neglect under Stephen Harper's Conservatives to undo, but we're in much better shape than the USA in regards to infrastructure.

Canada is now THE leading candidate for those looking to build production facilities in North America. Our climate is not being subjected to the extremes of heat, catastrophic storms, and uncontrolled wildfires currently going on in the USA. $27 billion in climate related weather catastrophes throughout the midwest and Southern Coastal states.

Our work force is better educated and healthier than Americans. Our infrastructure is better. And our government is more stable.

The 21st Century belongs to Canada. I've heard that since I was a teenager. I didn't believe it then, but I sure do now.
Yet more Canadians move to the USA, for decades.
Postwar analysis portrays fascism as something only a comic book supervillain would believe in. As if any country would willingly elect a mustache twirling personification of evil who promises nothing other than suffering and ruin. Fascism also had ideas of how to make a nation powerful and prosperous and it apparently worked pretty well...for a while anyway.

Nowadays patriotism, reverence for tradition, racial or religious preferences, support for law-enforcement...anything not 100% in support of trendy social justice causes equals "fascist" (aka: evil). The same people who sling around the fascist label at anyone they don't like turns a blind eye or makes excuses when democrats/leftists do the same goddamn things.

Big tech and the mass media are doing their utmost to marginalize and silence traditional conservative Americans. Sounds like a merger of corporate and state power to me.

From Miriam Webster: the bolding is mine.

"often capitalized : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition."

"America - love it or leave it". All these right wing groups with "Patriot" in their name. Republicans were all for sending in the military to put down Black Lives Matter protests. And then attacked the House and Senate in an insurrection to install Donald Trump as President even though they lost the election.

Donald Trump has tried to attack and suppress opposition since the day he was elected, rage tweeting against Democratic leaders, especially women of colour, calling the press the "enemy of the people", as did Stalin. The first thing an authoritarian does is to try to muzzle and discredit the free press. So there is no one to expose his lies.

From around the world:

exalts nation and often race above the individual

Democrats NEVER stop talking about race.
They favor the community over the individual.
They call their opponents anti-american.

They are also big fat hypocrites.

There is a difference between talking about race and saying "White people built this country, and white people should run it", or things like "Look at what's happening in the shithole cities!". Or the whole rural versus urban thing. Reagan's speechwriter has even gone on the records as saying that they were trying to say negative things about blacks, that would be difficult to pin a "racism" tag on, even though that is exactly what it was.

Who do you think built it? Martians? Vox LOL.

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