The Good, the Bad, the Ugly and the just plain Inexplicable: A Message to the Anti-Trump Protestors


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Gold Supporting Member
Apr 17, 2009
Canis Latrans
Ok Guys. Enough is enough. I've never been so angry at my own side.

Yet a 4th day of protests. Enough already.

Grow the hell up. Destroying innocent people's property and livelihoods is NOT the way to go and it's not part of what we on the left support. It's time to put on your big girl/boy panties and act civilized adults.

Accepting the results of an election is part of the process. You excoriated (rightfully) the people on the other side when they claimed the elections were rigged, that they wouldn't accept the results...and now you are doing this?????

There is a process and way to deal with this and it is not violence. We are supposed to be on the side of non-violence. We are supposed to respect and support the "little guy" - not destroy his business in a fit of political pique. Do you know who's lives you were destroying in the process?

I'm embarressed and ashamed and angry. I do not like the results but they are what they are and they are LEGITIMATE. It's time to take out the scalpel and dissect this election and figure out what went wrong because the loss is squarely on US.

So let's do it. And if you can't control yourselves, if you feel destroying other people's lives is the answer to "losing" - I want no part of it, because we are and we can be better than that.

That's the Bad and the Ugly. But here is the Good. Listen to it and make amends for the damage you've done to innocent people in cities around this country. Learn the adult way to create political change. Acting like petulant children is not it.

Trump protest organizer condemns Portland riot, damage

PORTLAND, Ore. -- The organizer of what started as a peaceful protest Thursday evening against the election of Donald Trump has condemned the actions of rioters and the damage they left behind.

"We want to reiterate that we do not condone nor support violence, vandalism or destruction in any way shape or form and we are starting a fundraiser to repair the damage," said Greg McKelvey of Portland's Resistance.

He said volunteers from that group would be helping Friday to repair the damage and starting a fund for any additional repairs.

Pearl District Neighborhood Association residents have organized a volunteer effort to help clean up the riot aftermath.

Brooms and graffiti removing equipment used for a twice-yearly 'Polishe the Pearl' event were being provided to volunteers....
I was listening to this fellow on local radio yesterday, and he sounded very sincere. He said that his group was peaceful, but another group joined them and it was this other group responsible for the rioting. He mentioned that they had come up with a few thousand dollars in contributions so far to try to help pay the broken glass.
Ok Guys. Enough is enough. I've never been so angry at my own side.

Yet a 4th day of protests. Enough already.

Grow the hell up. Destroying innocent people's property and livelihoods is NOT the way to go and it's not part of what we on the left support. It's time to put on your big girl/boy panties and act civilized adults.

Accepting the results of an election is part of the process. You excoriated (rightfully) the people on the other side when they claimed the elections were rigged, that they wouldn't accept the results...and now you are doing this?????

There is a process and way to deal with this and it is not violence. We are supposed to be on the side of non-violence. We are supposed to respect and support the "little guy" - not destroy his business in a fit of political pique. Do you know who's lives you were destroying in the process?

I'm embarressed and ashamed and angry. I do not like the results but they are what they are and they are LEGITIMATE. It's time to take out the scalpel and dissect this election and figure out what went wrong because the loss is squarely on US.

So let's do it. And if you can't control yourselves, if you feel destroying other people's lives is the answer to "losing" - I want no part of it, because we are and we can be better than that.

That's the Bad and the Ugly. But here is the Good. Listen to it and make amends for the damage you've done to innocent people in cities around this country. Learn the adult way to create political change. Acting like petulant children is not it.

Trump protest organizer condemns Portland riot, damage

PORTLAND, Ore. -- The organizer of what started as a peaceful protest Thursday evening against the election of Donald Trump has condemned the actions of rioters and the damage they left behind.

"We want to reiterate that we do not condone nor support violence, vandalism or destruction in any way shape or form and we are starting a fundraiser to repair the damage," said Greg McKelvey of Portland's Resistance.

He said volunteers from that group would be helping Friday to repair the damage and starting a fund for any additional repairs.

Pearl District Neighborhood Association residents have organized a volunteer effort to help clean up the riot aftermath.

Brooms and graffiti removing equipment used for a twice-yearly 'Polishe the Pearl' event were being provided to volunteers....
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I was listening to this fellow on local radio yesterday, and he sounded very sincere. He said that his group was peaceful, but another group joined them and it was this other group responsible for the rioting. He mentioned that they had come up with a few thousand dollars in contributions so far to try to help pay the broken glass.

I'm so angry...literally shaking inside at this - what's with these people? One article mentioned Anarchists - wtf? I always kind of blew them off as a political group of the past....guess not.

I was really shocked - this isn't what Portland is like. Haven't been there, my mother in law lives there and another friend. I was really glad to see this guy doing what he did.

But there are also the violence in some of the other cities - that may be over now. But it is not the way to act in an election, but then again not one thing about this entire election cycle has been predictable or normal. Not one.
Trump supporters might have rioted if significant proof was produced that Hillary had cheated in the voting process.

These people riot for the hell of it, even when their candidate loses dishonestly using every questionable tactic in the books. It's incredible.
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I was listening to this fellow on local radio yesterday, and he sounded very sincere. He said that his group was peaceful, but another group joined them and it was this other group responsible for the rioting. He mentioned that they had come up with a few thousand dollars in contributions so far to try to help pay the broken glass.

I'm so angry...literally shaking inside at this - what's with these people? One article mentioned Anarchists - wtf? I always kind of blew them off as a political group of the past....guess not.

I was really shocked - this isn't what Portland is like. Haven't been there, my mother in law lives there and another friend. I was really glad to see this guy doing what he did.

But there are also the violence in some of the other cities - that may be over now. But it is not the way to act in an election, but then again not one thing about this entire election cycle has been predictable or normal. Not one.

I love Portland. Other than the cost of living, it is one of the most livable cities in America.

What is especially ironic is that the neighborhoods being affected overwhelmingly DID NOT vote for Trump.
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I was listening to this fellow on local radio yesterday, and he sounded very sincere. He said that his group was peaceful, but another group joined them and it was this other group responsible for the rioting. He mentioned that they had come up with a few thousand dollars in contributions so far to try to help pay the broken glass.

I'm so angry...literally shaking inside at this - what's with these people? One article mentioned Anarchists - wtf? I always kind of blew them off as a political group of the past....guess not.

I was really shocked - this isn't what Portland is like. Haven't been there, my mother in law lives there and another friend. I was really glad to see this guy doing what he did.

But there are also the violence in some of the other cities - that may be over now. But it is not the way to act in an election, but then again not one thing about this entire election cycle has been predictable or normal. Not one.

I love Portland. Other than the cost of living, it is one of the most livable cities in America.

What is especially ironic is that the neighborhoods being affected overwhelmingly DID NOT vote for Trump.

If I were to live in a city - Portland would be at the top of my list.

It is ironic - but people who behave this way don't even think about who's lives they are destroying.
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Trump supporters might have rioted if there significant proof appeared that Hillary had cheated in the voting process.

These people riot for the hell of it, even when their candidate loses dishonestly using every questionable tactic in the books. It's incredible.

You'd have a point if there was a pattern of this. There isn't. We accepted the results of Bush's wins and those who disagreed did so in acceptable ways. Not like this.

And frankly, throwing in the claim of "if there significant proof appeared that Hillary had cheated" makes it no different. For all I know - these protestors might feel that Trump won by cheating (after all he lost the popular vote). But that is no excuse for this. That is not how you handle losing. You work to change the system - not destroy innocent people's property.
Trump supporters might have rioted if there significant proof appeared that Hillary had cheated in the voting process.

These people riot for the hell of it, even when their candidate loses dishonestly using every questionable tactic in the books. It's incredible.

You'd have a point if there was a pattern of this. There isn't. We accepted the results of Bush's wins and those who disagreed did so in acceptable ways. Not like this.

And frankly, throwing in the claim of "if there significant proof appeared that Hillary had cheated" makes it no different. For all I know - these protestors might feel that Trump won by cheating (after all he lost the popular vote). But that is no excuse for this. That is not how you handle losing. You work to change the system - not destroy innocent people's property.

Trump didn't win by cheating. Too bad if they feel that, I don't think they do. It appears they think the wrong guy won - they are anti-democratic simple as that.

Back in Bush's time, the left hadn't regressed so much.
I was listening to this fellow on local radio yesterday, and he sounded very sincere. He said that his group was peaceful, but another group joined them and it was this other group responsible for the rioting. He mentioned that they had come up with a few thousand dollars in contributions so far to try to help pay the broken glass.

I'm so angry...literally shaking inside at this - what's with these people? One article mentioned Anarchists - wtf? I always kind of blew them off as a political group of the past....guess not.

I was really shocked - this isn't what Portland is like. Haven't been there, my mother in law lives there and another friend. I was really glad to see this guy doing what he did.

But there are also the violence in some of the other cities - that may be over now. But it is not the way to act in an election, but then again not one thing about this entire election cycle has been predictable or normal. Not one.

I love Portland. Other than the cost of living, it is one of the most livable cities in America.

What is especially ironic is that the neighborhoods being affected overwhelmingly DID NOT vote for Trump.

Guess they never heard of the old saying,....."don't shit where you eat"
Ok Guys. Enough is enough. I've never been so angry at my own side.

Yet a 4th day of protests. Enough already.

Grow the hell up. Destroying innocent people's property and livelihoods is NOT the way to go and it's not part of what we on the left support. It's time to put on your big girl/boy panties and act civilized adults.

Accepting the results of an election is part of the process. You excoriated (rightfully) the people on the other side when they claimed the elections were rigged, that they wouldn't accept the results...and now you are doing this?????

There is a process and way to deal with this and it is not violence. We are supposed to be on the side of non-violence. We are supposed to respect and support the "little guy" - not destroy his business in a fit of political pique. Do you know who's lives you were destroying in the process?

I'm embarressed and ashamed and angry. I do not like the results but they are what they are and they are LEGITIMATE. It's time to take out the scalpel and dissect this election and figure out what went wrong because the loss is squarely on US.

So let's do it. And if you can't control yourselves, if you feel destroying other people's lives is the answer to "losing" - I want no part of it, because we are and we can be better than that.

That's the Bad and the Ugly. But here is the Good. Listen to it and make amends for the damage you've done to innocent people in cities around this country. Learn the adult way to create political change. Acting like petulant children is not it.

Trump protest organizer condemns Portland riot, damage

PORTLAND, Ore. -- The organizer of what started as a peaceful protest Thursday evening against the election of Donald Trump has condemned the actions of rioters and the damage they left behind.

"We want to reiterate that we do not condone nor support violence, vandalism or destruction in any way shape or form and we are starting a fundraiser to repair the damage," said Greg McKelvey of Portland's Resistance.

He said volunteers from that group would be helping Friday to repair the damage and starting a fund for any additional repairs.

Pearl District Neighborhood Association residents have organized a volunteer effort to help clean up the riot aftermath.

Brooms and graffiti removing equipment used for a twice-yearly 'Polishe the Pearl' event were being provided to volunteers....

Illegals, communist, anarchist and criminal black thugs, how do you like your basket of deplorables? You folks have been embracing these people all along, don't try to disown them now.
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Ok Guys. Enough is enough. I've never been so angry at my own side.

Yet a 4th day of protests. Enough already.

Grow the hell up. Destroying innocent people's property and livelihoods is NOT the way to go and it's not part of what we on the left support. It's time to put on your big girl/boy panties and act civilized adults.

Accepting the results of an election is part of the process. You excoriated (rightfully) the people on the other side when they claimed the elections were rigged, that they wouldn't accept the results...and now you are doing this?????

There is a process and way to deal with this and it is not violence. We are supposed to be on the side of non-violence. We are supposed to respect and support the "little guy" - not destroy his business in a fit of political pique. Do you know who's lives you were destroying in the process?

I'm embarressed and ashamed and angry. I do not like the results but they are what they are and they are LEGITIMATE. It's time to take out the scalpel and dissect this election and figure out what went wrong because the loss is squarely on US.

So let's do it. And if you can't control yourselves, if you feel destroying other people's lives is the answer to "losing" - I want no part of it, because we are and we can be better than that.

That's the Bad and the Ugly. But here is the Good. Listen to it and make amends for the damage you've done to innocent people in cities around this country. Learn the adult way to create political change. Acting like petulant children is not it.

Trump protest organizer condemns Portland riot, damage

PORTLAND, Ore. -- The organizer of what started as a peaceful protest Thursday evening against the election of Donald Trump has condemned the actions of rioters and the damage they left behind.

"We want to reiterate that we do not condone nor support violence, vandalism or destruction in any way shape or form and we are starting a fundraiser to repair the damage," said Greg McKelvey of Portland's Resistance.

He said volunteers from that group would be helping Friday to repair the damage and starting a fund for any additional repairs.

Pearl District Neighborhood Association residents have organized a volunteer effort to help clean up the riot aftermath.

Brooms and graffiti removing equipment used for a twice-yearly 'Polishe the Pearl' event were being provided to volunteers....

Illegals, communist, anarchist and criminal black thugs, how do you like your basket of deplorables? You folks have been embracing these people all along, don't try to disown them now.
Racists, neo-Nazis, white supremacist thugs...You've been embracing your own basket of deplorable this election cycle. Don't see you disowning them.
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Trump supporters might have rioted if there significant proof appeared that Hillary had cheated in the voting process.

These people riot for the hell of it, even when their candidate loses dishonestly using every questionable tactic in the books. It's incredible.

You'd have a point if there was a pattern of this. There isn't. We accepted the results of Bush's wins and those who disagreed did so in acceptable ways. Not like this.

And frankly, throwing in the claim of "if there significant proof appeared that Hillary had cheated" makes it no different. For all I know - these protestors might feel that Trump won by cheating (after all he lost the popular vote). But that is no excuse for this. That is not how you handle losing. You work to change the system - not destroy innocent people's property.

Trump didn't win by cheating. Too bad if they feel that, I don't think they do. It appears they think the wrong guy won - they are anti-democratic simple as that.

Back in Bush's time, the left hadn't regressed so much.
If Clinton had won it wouldn't have been by cheating either. Would your side have accepted it with grace? I wonder...too much anger.
Ok Guys. Enough is enough. I've never been so angry at my own side.

Yet a 4th day of protests. Enough already.

Grow the hell up. Destroying innocent people's property and livelihoods is NOT the way to go and it's not part of what we on the left support. It's time to put on your big girl/boy panties and act civilized adults.

Accepting the results of an election is part of the process. You excoriated (rightfully) the people on the other side when they claimed the elections were rigged, that they wouldn't accept the results...and now you are doing this?????

There is a process and way to deal with this and it is not violence. We are supposed to be on the side of non-violence. We are supposed to respect and support the "little guy" - not destroy his business in a fit of political pique. Do you know who's lives you were destroying in the process?

I'm embarressed and ashamed and angry. I do not like the results but they are what they are and they are LEGITIMATE. It's time to take out the scalpel and dissect this election and figure out what went wrong because the loss is squarely on US.

So let's do it. And if you can't control yourselves, if you feel destroying other people's lives is the answer to "losing" - I want no part of it, because we are and we can be better than that.

That's the Bad and the Ugly. But here is the Good. Listen to it and make amends for the damage you've done to innocent people in cities around this country. Learn the adult way to create political change. Acting like petulant children is not it.

Trump protest organizer condemns Portland riot, damage

PORTLAND, Ore. -- The organizer of what started as a peaceful protest Thursday evening against the election of Donald Trump has condemned the actions of rioters and the damage they left behind.

"We want to reiterate that we do not condone nor support violence, vandalism or destruction in any way shape or form and we are starting a fundraiser to repair the damage," said Greg McKelvey of Portland's Resistance.

He said volunteers from that group would be helping Friday to repair the damage and starting a fund for any additional repairs.

Pearl District Neighborhood Association residents have organized a volunteer effort to help clean up the riot aftermath.

Brooms and graffiti removing equipment used for a twice-yearly 'Polishe the Pearl' event were being provided to volunteers....
Not part of what you support? Really?

Looking over the last few years says otherwise. This is what the left ALWAYS does. Don't support it lol. Your side instigates this shit EVERY TIME they don't like the outcome of something. EVERY TIME
Ok Guys. Enough is enough. I've never been so angry at my own side.

Yet a 4th day of protests. Enough already.

Grow the hell up. Destroying innocent people's property and livelihoods is NOT the way to go and it's not part of what we on the left support. It's time to put on your big girl/boy panties and act civilized adults.

Accepting the results of an election is part of the process. You excoriated (rightfully) the people on the other side when they claimed the elections were rigged, that they wouldn't accept the results...and now you are doing this?????

There is a process and way to deal with this and it is not violence. We are supposed to be on the side of non-violence. We are supposed to respect and support the "little guy" - not destroy his business in a fit of political pique. Do you know who's lives you were destroying in the process?

I'm embarressed and ashamed and angry. I do not like the results but they are what they are and they are LEGITIMATE. It's time to take out the scalpel and dissect this election and figure out what went wrong because the loss is squarely on US.

So let's do it. And if you can't control yourselves, if you feel destroying other people's lives is the answer to "losing" - I want no part of it, because we are and we can be better than that.

That's the Bad and the Ugly. But here is the Good. Listen to it and make amends for the damage you've done to innocent people in cities around this country. Learn the adult way to create political change. Acting like petulant children is not it.

Trump protest organizer condemns Portland riot, damage

PORTLAND, Ore. -- The organizer of what started as a peaceful protest Thursday evening against the election of Donald Trump has condemned the actions of rioters and the damage they left behind.

"We want to reiterate that we do not condone nor support violence, vandalism or destruction in any way shape or form and we are starting a fundraiser to repair the damage," said Greg McKelvey of Portland's Resistance.

He said volunteers from that group would be helping Friday to repair the damage and starting a fund for any additional repairs.

Pearl District Neighborhood Association residents have organized a volunteer effort to help clean up the riot aftermath.

Brooms and graffiti removing equipment used for a twice-yearly 'Polishe the Pearl' event were being provided to volunteers....

Illegals, communist, anarchist and criminal black thugs, how do you like your basket of deplorables? You folks have been embracing these people all along, don't try to disown them now.
Racists, neo-Nazis, white supremacist thugs...You've been embracing your own basket of deplorable this election cycle.

Really, feel free to show where I've supported any of those. I can provide post where I've called them out. What would you call you recoquista crowd, if you think there aren't plenty of racist on your side, you'd be more delusional than usual.
Trump supporters might have rioted if there significant proof appeared that Hillary had cheated in the voting process.

These people riot for the hell of it, even when their candidate loses dishonestly using every questionable tactic in the books. It's incredible.

You'd have a point if there was a pattern of this. There isn't. We accepted the results of Bush's wins and those who disagreed did so in acceptable ways. Not like this.

And frankly, throwing in the claim of "if there significant proof appeared that Hillary had cheated" makes it no different. For all I know - these protestors might feel that Trump won by cheating (after all he lost the popular vote). But that is no excuse for this. That is not how you handle losing. You work to change the system - not destroy innocent people's property.

Trump didn't win by cheating. Too bad if they feel that, I don't think they do. It appears they think the wrong guy won - they are anti-democratic simple as that.

Back in Bush's time, the left hadn't regressed so much.
If Clinton had won it wouldn't have been by cheating either. Would your side have accepted it with grace? I wonder...too much anger.

She did cheat... multiple times. But anyway, what Trump was talking about was outright election fraud, that is what I am talking about.

Anyway, I wouldn't have marched on streets either way, no way. Seems extremely stupid and a way to expose yourself as anti-democratic activist.

I bet everyone would have accepted Hillary victory. Everyone already thought she was going to win. I was massively surprised when Trump won.
Trump supporters might have rioted if there significant proof appeared that Hillary had cheated in the voting process.

These people riot for the hell of it, even when their candidate loses dishonestly using every questionable tactic in the books. It's incredible.

You'd have a point if there was a pattern of this. There isn't. We accepted the results of Bush's wins and those who disagreed did so in acceptable ways. Not like this.

And frankly, throwing in the claim of "if there significant proof appeared that Hillary had cheated" makes it no different. For all I know - these protestors might feel that Trump won by cheating (after all he lost the popular vote). But that is no excuse for this. That is not how you handle losing. You work to change the system - not destroy innocent people's property.

Trump didn't win by cheating. Too bad if they feel that, I don't think they do. It appears they think the wrong guy won - they are anti-democratic simple as that.

Back in Bush's time, the left hadn't regressed so much.
If Clinton had won it wouldn't have been by cheating either. Would your side have accepted it with grace? I wonder...too much anger.

Well lets take a look at your fine folks, Oregon went for the hildabitch, yet here you fine "protesters" are destroying their shit. Does that seem logical to you? We're smart enough, if we were going to destroy something, it damn sure wouldn't ours or others that support us. So the moral is your "protesters" are illogical children that just want to throw a tantrum and break something and they could give a shit who's something it is.
So let us get this straight, conservatives everywhere are saying they voted for the p.o.shit trump because they were being ignored and marginalized and treated as if their concerns weren't real, but now they are marginalizing and treating these protesters as if their concerns aren't real.

What a tangled little web.

They should not only continue but intensify. A little lost property is the price of freedom, always has been. I'm rooting for them to board a ship at 2 AM and throw the cargo into the bay!
Ok Guys. Enough is enough. I've never been so angry at my own side.

Yet a 4th day of protests. Enough already.

Grow the hell up. Destroying innocent people's property and livelihoods is NOT the way to go and it's not part of what we on the left support. It's time to put on your big girl/boy panties and act civilized adults.

Accepting the results of an election is part of the process. You excoriated (rightfully) the people on the other side when they claimed the elections were rigged, that they wouldn't accept the results...and now you are doing this?????....

I applaud you for speaking up. We all need to recognize that millions of Hillary supporters are not in the streets rioting - and it is meaningful when they speak up, as you have, to support the right of peaceable assembly but denounce violence and destruction of support the election process while not necessarily liking the results.

The results are to my liking, but I say to you - Well done, my fellow American!
Some Hillary supporters have been genuinely horrified from the outset by the behaviour of the tards who just cannot accept their guy lost the election.
Others have supported, downplayed and excused their behaviour from the get go.
Others are now deciding to criticise the anti Trump imbeciles possibly because there are reports of groups forming to protest the violence and property damage these anti Trump cretins are engaging in, and they will need to be able to vilify the pro Trump protestors with a 'clean conscience'. Something to think about.
That is all.

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