The Gold and Silver Thread

Gold and silver got whacked again today, reversing badly intra-day. This demonstrates the selling pressure in the precious metals.

However, gold reached it's 150 day moving average. Over the past two years, the 150 day has provided support. But if the market is set on liquidating it's positions, it won't matter.
It looks like that snap back rally into gold is happening. Time to buy gold, silver & oil. Sell stocks they are getting hit. Money is flowing from stocks to gold.
It looks like that snap back rally into gold is happening. Time to buy gold, silver & oil. Sell stocks they are getting hit. Money is flowing from stocks to gold.

Its going up because of what's happening in the Middle East. I think its setting up for a shorting opportunity.

I think you're spot-on (pun intended :)
It looks like that snap back rally into gold is happening. Time to buy gold, silver & oil. Sell stocks they are getting hit. Money is flowing from stocks to gold.

Its going up because of what's happening in the Middle East. I think its setting up for a shorting opportunity.

Yes, I think you may be right. The riots are caused by commodity inflation in those countries. If those world leaders want to keep their heads, they are going to have to raise their currency values to lower inflation & commodity prices. This run-up in Gold & Silver is going to be short lived. With China, India, Egypt, Yemen & a whole host of other countries having to slow food & fuel inflation we will see currencies rise & precious metals drop a long ways. It sucks having to wait all weekend while everyone figures this out before markets open.
Hi Toro:

Well, well. We have a topic where we might agree. ;0)

Considering that precious metals are one of the few assets in a bull market and a semi-frequent topic of discussion on this board, I figured gold and silver deserved their own thread.

I bought back much of my gold and silver exposure yesterday and added a bit today. There is a bid underneath gold, and though silver is extended, there is support at ~$25-$26. A few weeks of consolidation for silver would do it a world of good.

I agree that silver has support at 25 bucks, but that number is only going higher in the coming year. The notion that gold and silver is a bubble is a 'myth' from the large banks trying to rally support for the depreciating US fiat dollar. I believe we are looking at the last change to buy silver under 30 dollars per ounce, as the dollar devaluation continues and more dollars are required to buy all commodities, stocks, etc.. The only reason we have the opportunity to buy silver at below that 30 dollar mark is because of JP Morgan-Bankster manipulation of the markets.

[ame=""]Part 1 JP Morgan Silver Manipulation Explained[/ame]

[ame=""]Part 2 JP Morgan Silver Manipulation Explained[/ame]

[ame=""]Part 3 JP Morgan Silver Manipulation Explained[/ame] < educate yourself and buy more silver.

[ame=]Max Keiser and Alan Grayson Explain[/ame]

Get off your butt and buy physical silver right now (28.03 spot), before the price goes over 30 bucks, so you can cash in on the best opportunity to multiply your money in history. ;0)


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Greetings to All:

Silver has support at 25 bucks right now, but that number is only going higher in the coming year. The notion that gold and silver is a bubble is a 'myth' from the large banks trying to rally support for the depreciating US fiat dollar. I believe we are looking at the last change to buy silver under 30 dollars per ounce, as the dollar devaluation continues and more dollars are required to buy all commodities, stocks, etc.. The only reason we have the opportunity to buy silver at below that 30 dollar mark for the next two months or so is because of JP Morgan-Bankster manipulation of the markets. The trading range appears to be between about 25.80/26.50 and around 30 dollars, so the best time to buy for the next two months (could be less time) is at the dips near 25 bucks. For 200 ounces of silver, that ranges in price between 5000 (25 bucks) and 6000 dollars (30 bucks). However, when you consider that some experts are saying that silver can go up to 500 dollars per ounce, then buying at any price below 30 bucks is a bargain IMHO.

Also, do not claim later that you have not been warned about 'Widespread Silver Bar Shortages' . This will become common in 2011 as we see the coming currency crisis gain momentum. Buy and get physical silver today (not stocks/paper silver), while you can still receive shipments.

[ame=""]Part 1 JP Morgan Silver Manipulation Explained[/ame]

[ame=""]Part 2 JP Morgan Silver Manipulation Explained[/ame]

[ame=""]Part 3 JP Morgan Silver Manipulation Explained[/ame] < educate yourself and buy more silver.

[ame=""]Max Keiser and Alan Grayson Explain[/ame]

Get off your butt and buy physical silver right now (28.03 spot 1/29/11 @ 11:42 AM), before the price goes over 30 bucks, so you can cash in on the best opportunity to multiply your money in history. There is no rush, because the Chinese and big banks are still shorting the silver market, but use this opportunity to buy and take physical possession of as much silver bullion and silver coins as possible (this company is good).


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Hi H:

Didn't the Hunt brothers try to corner the silver market? They got their clocks cleaned.

The owners of the FED (Rothschild/Rockefeller/Morgan, etc.) are manipulating silver prices to give strength to their failing fiat currencies that are devaluing around the world and heading for a crash. These Global Banksters are orchestrating a global currency crisis that includes crashing the dollar, so you are wise to trade your worthless fiat Fed dollars for silver 'before' the prices go sky high.


I bought my gold in 2003, 2 years after it hit its 23 year low in 2001 at 265. I paid 400, but I made gold prove it was in a long term bull market. I sold out over a couple years finishing this year, average out price was 1200. Can it go to 2000, yep, 3000, maybe.

Gold peaked in '78 at 885 an ounce, pushed up by high inflation. Paul Volker was appointed Fed chairman by Jimmy Carter to kill inflation, and Volker killed it good (and caused a deep recession in 81-82, but that was back when fed chairmen had integrity and balls, which greenspan forgot both of those things). Gold went down for the next 23 years bottoming at 265.

Now gold is spiking based on the huge deficit and money supply creation. All that is needed to pop that bubble is for the repub house and some leadership by the president to make a compromise and begin to bring down the deficit. It can't be brought down overnight without creating a depression. If the plan implements long term steady lowering of the deficit, gold will wilt IMO. Now, can the repubs and the pres do it? Won't be easy. Everything will have to be on the table.

Social security means testing. Limits on medicare and medicaid spending (covered procedures, end of life care). Cuts in defense (why do we need to spend as much as the next 20 nations combined? We don't, there is no strategic threat to the US today. Foreign bases will have to close, just like England gave up her colonies). Taxes will have to rise (perhaps back to the 1995 levels). We have to do it all, for the good of the nation, we have to get to spending levels we can live with, without debasing our currency which will lower the standard of living for all americans. I expect average house size in the US will fall, we won't be able to afford to buy a big one, nor pay the taxes, nor insure it, nor heat and cool it due to higher energy prices.

Changes are coming, and it is caused by technology like robots and computers multiplying the effect of the few workers needed to drive them. All the other workers will have to scramble for a job, but not necessarily a high wage job.

The reason the president and congress may reach a compromise on deficit reduction is because we have to. We can control our deficit via a plan, or we can have measure forced on us by the international community that buys our debt today (China, Japan). A plan seems a much better way to go than an dollar crisis and spike up in interest rates.

If we put such a plan in place, I would expect to see a long term bear market in gold, similar to what happened when Volker killed inflation in the late 70's and early 80's. I want to buy gold the next time it gets to a 15 or 20 year low and govt. looks like it is going to run irresponsible deficits. Then it is pretty easy to make money on gold. Now I consider it a speculative play to buy it up near all time highs and bet the govt. cannot do what it must do.

I look at stocks and see a better deal. PE ration on the S&P 500 is much lower now than in 1999 or 2007. Stocks are more fairly valued now.

It's just like buying a house, when you buy one when price per sq. ft. is historically low (good valuation level), you stand a better chance of enjoying appreciation. If you buy when the price per sq ft is at all time highs, you stand a good chance to lose money in the short term, and your long term profit potential is low also.

Always buy good values...
Hi fine:

... Now gold is spiking based on the huge deficit and money supply creation. All that is needed to pop that bubble is for the repub house and some leadership by the president to make a compromise and begin to bring down the deficit.

If these were regular market cycles, then perhaps we might agree. However, you cannot compare current Fed printing of trillions and trillions and trillions of dollars to anything we have seen in history. The fiat dollar is being debased at record pace with no end in sight. You have never seen global governments buying up gold and silver like we are seeing that today. The dollar has been the world currency, but today the dollar is weakening and shaky and confidence is dwindling. In fact, the only reason you can buy silver at below 30 bucks an ounce is because of Bankster manipulation; which is another reason to buy now! The U.S. deficit is out of control and there is no way of reversing the downward spiral to ultimate default that will begin with the States and find everyone swimming in a sea of DEBT.

It can't be brought down overnight without creating a depression.

The USA has 23 percent unemployment and no bottom in the housing markets saying that we are already in the Depression. There is far too much worker displacement for any real recovery to get traction in the USA, which should be plainly obvious to everyone. The current ponzi economy is propped up by massive stimulus/bailouts that will eventually run out of steam and see gold/silver prices soar. Again, you cannot compare the upcoming train wreck of the US Economy to anything in recorded history, because nobody has ever orchestrated a bubble the size of this current catastrophe that is about to blow up in all of our collective faces.

If the plan implements long term steady lowering of the deficit, gold will wilt IMO. Now, can the repubs and the pres do it? Won't be easy. Everything will have to be on the table.

You have got to be kidding! The Illegal Alien Foreign National (Barry) squatting in the White House is working for the House of Rothschild/Rockefeller/Morgan and the same people that are orchestrating the coming collapse. The smart money is running after gold and silver, because the world realizes that a new gold-based currency will emerge after the collapse; when all fiat currency is inflated to infinity and rendered worthless.

Social security means testing. Limits on medicare and medicaid spending (covered procedures, end of life care). Cuts in defense (why do we need to spend as much as the next 20 nations combined? We don't, there is no strategic threat to the US today. Foreign bases will have to close, just like England gave up her colonies).

The problem with your 1970's-era thinking is that fiat dollar value is disappearing fast and the solutions to your problems thus far have been to print up more worthless fiat currency that leads to inflation and hyperinflation. China, Russia and Iran have been dumping the dollar for gold (story) for some time now. This is the kind of news I am reading everywhere on this topic:
China, Russia, Iran Dumping Dollar For Gold

... This buying, for protection, has served to thwart the efforts of US policymakers, the Treasury, other central banks in Europe and the Fed, from being able to continue the blatant suppression of both gold and silver prices. The malefactors, except for forays into derivatives and futures, which are transitory, have lost control and suppression of gold and silver prices, and it is only a matter of time before all visages of any control will be visible.
In other words, the rules for playing the gold and silver markets are rapidly changing and we are now standing at the threshold of an entirely new ballgame resulting from 'currency wars.' Article

Gold: Currency Wars and China

Once again gold has made fresh highs as the Fed prepares its second or is it the third round of quantitative easing (a.k.a. money printing) which involves buying assets (a.k.a debt) to drive down yields and hopefully stimulate more borrowing and spending. Two years after the Lehman collapse and implosion of the housing sector, the financial system is still on life support. With an anemic domestic market of lost jobs, lost homes and lost income, the Americans, Europe and Japan are trying the familiar false remedies of subsidies and competitive devaluations to give exports a boost. And now the sovereign debt troubles of the weaker members of the euro-zone threaten to take the system down again.

Washington's insatiable appetite for debt and taxes has become just too big. In reflating this bubble with yet another round of quantitative easing, Fed Chairman Bernanke (a.k.a. Helicopter Ben) has greatly increased the risk of a global currency war dragging down an already vulnerable banking system. Desperately the Americans and Europeans have resorted to the printing press, manipulating their currencies lower destabilizing capital flows, raising fears of an all out currency war, similar to the one that spawned the Great Depression. [More]
In other words, these corrupt governments are not going the way of responsibility and are recklessly printing up more and more money that only gives the economic system MORE DEBT. Silver and gold are NOT the bubble! The eight hundred pound gorilla in the room is the growing stimulus/bailout/quantitative easing BUBBLE that is definitely going to BURST. You have lost your job-out of money-and trying to fix everything by making the house payment with your credit card, which we all know DOES NOT WORK in the long run. Yes, there are happy times for a little while, but eventually the bills come due and all your cards are maxed out and into bankruptcy you go. America 'is' going to default on the 202 trillion dollar debt, but we are just waiting around to know 'when' that is going to happen.

Taxes will have to rise (perhaps back to the 1995 levels). We have to do it all, for the good of the nation, we have to get to spending levels we can live with, without debasing our currency which will lower the standard of living for all americans.
How are you going to raise taxes on Americans, when illegal aliens have their jobs? How are you going to raise taxes on Americans whose jobs have been outsourced overseas or NAFTA offshored to other nations? Nobody in Washington DC is even trying to save the broken US economy. NOBODY. They are all moving chairs around on the USA Titanic and pointing fingers at everyone else for the gigantic mess looking us all in the face. Do not talk to me about raising taxes as any solution, when you have millions and millions and millions of illegal aliens stealing identities and jobs from Americans and sending our money south of the border to support their families in Mexico. BTW, just the interest payment on our debt at these low interest rates is 4,000,000,000 every day and that does not touch the principal! That is four billion dollars going out the window ever day 'before' you start paying the bills.

I expect average house size in the US will fall, we won't be able to afford to buy a big one, nor pay the taxes, nor insure it, nor heat and cool it due to higher energy prices.
You should expect the children and the parents to move back in with grandma, so that perhaps collectively they can afford to make the house payment and eat rice and beans ...

The reason the president and congress may reach a compromise on deficit reduction is because we have to.
Give me a break! The corrupt Bush/Obama Administrations and both houses of Congress are corrupt to the core and have no solutions to the economic chaos coming down the road. They are just waiting for the entire system to implode, so they can help the House of Rothschild/Rockefeller bring in their New World Order in the aftermath of the collapse. Those among you investing your worthless dollars in silver right now will have some chance of survival, but those of you worshiping at the altar of fiat currency will be left with little or nothing.


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As Warren Buffet says, all the gold in the world would just about buy all the farm land in america. If the SHTF, what would you rather have, a big cube of gold, or all the farmland in america? Answer: take the farmland, you can feed your family and do useful things with it. The gold just sits there and does nothing.

Are you a gold dealer? Doom and gloom purveyor?
Bought silver in August at $20.50 and again last month at $28.50. I bought my dealer's last 100 oz
I'm still OK on gold, but I wish I had followed my hunch and sold it for silver at $1420.
Hi fine:

As Warren Buffet says, all the gold in the world would just about buy all the farm land in america. If the SHTF, what would you rather have, a big cube of gold, or all the farmland in america? Answer: take the farmland, you can feed your family and do useful things with it. The gold just sits there and does nothing.

Here is the deal: The value of your farm today is depreciating quickly with the big farms taking over and squeezing the little guys out. However, having your money in silver at 25 or 30 and seeing that go to 100 or 250 or 500 as some people say will give you more money to buy more land after the coming crash. Would you rather afford a small farm or a big farm? ;0)

Are you a gold dealer? Doom and gloom purveyor?

Naw. I am just a voice crying in the wilderness about a great opportunity to buy stock in the coming economic collapse. Currency wars lead to a currency crisis and that is when gold and silver shine. BTW, my advice is to buy small denomination silver for barter (1 to 5 ounces). Gold will not work as well, because a single ounce will be 2000+ plus dollars and that requires a lot of lead to defend in a survival mode environment. A one ounce 100-250 dollar bar of silver might work just fine. Actually I never bought any silver before and this purchase puts some of the final touches on my personal survival kit.


Greetings to All:

[ame=]Egypt, Gold, Silver, and Oil Update[/ame]


Greetings to All:

[ame=]WorldWide Revolution = Buy More Silver![/ame]


Greetings to All:

This is the kind of story that we shall see throughout 2011:

Scotia Mocatta Sells Out Of All Silver Bars

When a week ago we noted that ScotiaMocatta sold out of the Valcambi 1 kg block, yet once again showed the 100 oz silver bar as back in stock, we said: "We will keep tabs on how long before this also becomes "sold out."" We have the answer and it is 7 days. As of today, Canada 's biggest bullion bank is out of not only the 100 oz silver bar, but all silver bars! This follows yesterday's news that in January the US mint sold 50% more silver than in any month before. [More]
Right now is showing the silver spot price at 28.24 (check @1:17 PM) or down 29 cents from yesterday, while at the same time some silver outlets are out of silver bars! I still expect the price to bounce between about 25.50 to 30 bucks, but eventually the price will go parabolic and panic will set in and the time buy at these rates will be over. The smart money is going after the silver, before the quantitative easing drug wears off and the dollar weakens dramatically and prices go through the roof!

PS. You may want to take a look at this video from my Conspiracy Theories Forum Post:

[ame=""]Pole Shift - Dollar Inflation[/ame]


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Lead is more useful than silver, especially in hard times.

Mexico has too much Silver, I would worry that it all gets dumped on the market at once, Silver will lose its value the fastest, I cannot see Silver as a good investment.

Lead though, maybe copper, seeds, grain, water purifiers.

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