The God Gene and Gates's 'vaccine'. How Evil works.


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
Do you still believe anything is fine with the Gates's 'vaccine'?
Of course NWO denies the video and claims it were a fake and conspiracy.
But any sane human believes the vid shows the truth, because the fulfillment of it we can see now.
Do you believe western governments would destroy economies without reason?
The only thing is true: Gates is Satan's disciple and the vid shows how evil works.
Do you still want to have the 'vaccine' prepared by Devil, Gates & Co

In this higher resolution clip, it's clear that the speaker is not Bill Gates, and the brain scans were identified as scans coming from a 2010 case article on titled “A case of confusion and bilateral temporal lesions in a young woman” The enlarged image of the last few frames show it is not Bill gates.
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Do you still believe anything is fine with the Gates's 'vaccine'?
Of course NWO denies the video and claims it were a fake and conspiracy.
But any sane human believes the vid shows the truth, because the fulfillment of it we can see now.
Do you believe western governments would destroy economies without reason?
The only thing is true: Gates is Satan's disciple and the vid shows how evil works.
Do you still want to have the 'vaccine' prepared by Devil, Gates & Co

Was it you by chance who once made a thread where RFK Jr exposed his evil plans? I remember someone did back in April.

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