The Future Does Not Belong to the Globalists.

I agree.

The future belongs to Patriots! :up:

never never never to Globlalists!

Although I agree with the sentiment, it's not actually true. I don't want to be a gloom and doomer, but the NWO *is* going to happen, it's inevitable. It's prophesied. I know this is an unpopular opinion here, but we're witnessing the death of our republic. Put a fork in it. And I can't say we don't deserve it, it's the people who have allowed it to happen.

The problem is that we are the good guys.

We wait for green lights.

We don't over react and shoot first, we wait to get assaulted. We get driven into holes, regroup and counter attack.

That's when it gets real fuckin ugly.

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Although I agree with the sentiment, it's not actually true. I don't want to be a gloom and doomer, but the NWO *is* going to happen, it's inevitable. It's prophesied. I know this is an unpopular opinion here, but we're witnessing the death of our republic. Put a fork in it. And I can't say we don't deserve it, it's the people who have allowed it to happen.

Don't agree ^^
Although I agree with the sentiment, it's not actually true. I don't want to be a gloom and doomer, but the NWO *is* going to happen, it's inevitable. It's prophesied. I know this is an unpopular opinion here, but we're witnessing the death of our republic. Put a fork in it. And I can't say we don't deserve it, it's the people who have allowed it to happen.

Don't agree ^^

I don't know if you're a believer, but it's what the bible says. The NWO IS going to happen, and I think it's obvious that we're nearly there already. Don't get me wrong, I'm as anti-NWO as it gets. I'm just saying that it's inevitable. :dunno:
The future belongs to Patriots.-- DJT

I believe this is the root of the left's war on this man and those of us who support his vision for the nation

I really wish with all my heart that was true but the evidence isn’t there that will be the case,the sheep just seem to be content with them taking over the world and controlling their lives. They let the jfk assassination happen and never punished the real killers behind it, and have let the media keep lying about it to this day,they let ruby ridge happen,they let them murder women and children at Waco and did nothing,same with oklahoma then the worst of them all,9/11 thst took away all our freedoms and I it just got worse with the fake Covid virus,I don’t see Americans all of a sudden getting off their asses and stop watching football to take their country back all of a sudden,why would they when they keep proving they are content to keep giving up their rights and be slaves to the elite?
Although I agree with the sentiment, it's not actually true. I don't want to be a gloom and doomer, but the NWO *is* going to happen, it's inevitable. It's prophesied. I know this is an unpopular opinion here, but we're witnessing the death of our republic. Put a fork in it. And I can't say we don't deserve it, it's the people who have allowed it to happen.
Very true,it’s going to happen,as I said,the sheep are just content to let the elite control their lives and tell them what to do.i notice a couple did not want to hear that but facts are facts like the ones i just got done posting.
Although I agree with the sentiment, it's not actually true. I don't want to be a gloom and doomer, but the NWO *is* going to happen, it's inevitable. It's prophesied. I know this is an unpopular opinion here, but we're witnessing the death of our republic. Put a fork in it. And I can't say we don't deserve it, it's the people who have allowed it to happen.

Don't agree ^^

So skye,
I would be interested to know exactly how the Left will be stopped and why their push to Transform America will fail?
Do you base it solely on Donald Trump?

TBH, I do believe it is true that the fall of America is in the Bible.

You suck....and your eggs are rotten.

Most Patriots are good people. Your representation is propaganda

However, in your twisted mind, this is indeed likely how you see it.
Exactly,could not have said it better myself,that pic only proves that their are true patriotic people like those good folks in that pic that care about what’s happening to their country.
Most Patriots are good people. Your representation is propaganda

However, in your twisted mind, this is indeed likely how you see it.

Exactly. I think it's extremely underhanded and evil how the PTSB have tried to destroy and character assassinate patriots in the last few decades. They've been doing that by trying to portray them as evil racists, "terrorists", insane, etc.

To me that is very telling. The PTSB have to destroy patriots in the eyes of the public, because the true patriots are the ones standing up against their agendas, against the NWO, and standing for freedom, rights, sovereignty and the constitution. In other words, patriots are the ones standing up for the US against the subversive traitors who want to destroy the US and the world as we know it.

I never thought I would see the day that simply believing in the constitution, the bill of rights, freedom and traditional values could cause someone to be put on some government list or called a terrorist. How upside-down and Orwellian can it be? But that's pretty much where we're at. And that anti-patriot campaign is obviously working on some people, as we can see by Coyote's post.
Although I agree with the sentiment, it's not actually true. I don't want to be a gloom and doomer, but the NWO *is* going to happen, it's inevitable. It's prophesied. I know this is an unpopular opinion here, but we're witnessing the death of our republic. Put a fork in it. And I can't say we don't deserve it, it's the people who have allowed it to happen.
Very true,it’s going to happen,as I said,the sheep are just content to let the elite control their lives and tell them what to do.i notice a couple did not want to hear that but facts are facts like the ones i just got done posting.
It is a slow process over many decades and the people are slowly worn down or educated to it. The globalists do not want a burned out cinder. When completed though, it will not be utopia.

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