The Fumbler Stumbles - Bundy Just Won't STFU


Gold Member
Dec 2, 2012
It just doesn't get better than this. He is the personification of how I became a liberal and embodies all 4 criteria with whipped cream and a cherry on the top:
1. Ignorance
2. Intolerance
3. Hypocrisy
4. Dishonesty

Nevada Rancher Cliven Bundy Doubles Down On Racist Comments In Train Wreck Press Conference

"""He defended himself from some of the backlash against the remarks by saying he was simply "a-wondering" whether blacks were "better off" enslaved and hadn't expressed an opinion on whether that was true. (((My notes: Cannot find "a-wondering" in Merriam Webster...)))

Bundy also claimed he had "worked with black people." (((My notes: What? He didn't say one of his best friends is a negro?)))

Throughout the press conference, he repeatedly used the term "Negro," a phrase he also used in his interview with The Times.

"I said I’m wondering if they’re better off under government subsidies," Bundy said. "And their young women are having the abortions and their young men are in jail, and their older women and their children are standing, sitting out on the cement porch without nothing to do, you know. ... And so, in my mind, I’m wondering, are they better off being slaves in that sense, or are they better off being slaves to the United States government, in the sense of the subsidies. I’m wondering. And the statement was right."

He continued digging further, at times talking about how he thought it was worthy to wonder whether blacks were "better off" under slavery because "their men [had] something to do" and they could have been "happier at home, with their gardens and their chickens." ((My notes: Gardens? I think he was probably thinking 'watermelon patch'))

"They're not slaves no more. They seem to be slaves to the welfare system," Bundy said. "Slavery's about when you take away choices from people."
(((My notes: That would becalled shutting down Planned Parenthood clinics, pal. Not slavery.)))

Read more: Cliven Bundy Racist Comments Press Conference - Business Insider
OK he should have said,

It's time we talked about the topic that we're not allowed to talk about -- the effects Democrat Programs have had on the Black Family, from housing to education to economic opportunity. From Detroit to Camden to Appalachia, it's an American Problem and one we must find the courage to face. Ultimately, it's not about race, it's how we give back the power and freedom to people. It's how we reform our schools to encourage young people to better themselves. It's about giving people choice and ownership of their neighborhoods and lives. It's about children having more opportunity and prosperity and success than their parents ever dreamed....etc.
Why do they never notice the blacks that do work??

Same reason they don't "notice" that Bundy is just a common thief, a hypocrite and a welfare queen. Same reason they don't notice he signed a contract and then reneged on it.

Out of all this crap from him, my fave is that, while he's saying he doesn't recognice the fed gumt, he's carrying a flag, posing in front of red, white and blue bunting and quoting the Constitution.

That's the same Constitution he refuses to abide by.

Yep, its a train wreck and its way past time he went to jail.
OK he should have said,

It's time we talked about the topic that we're not allowed to talk about -- the effects Democrat Programs have had on the Black Family, from housing to education to economic opportunity. From Detroit to Camden to Appalachia, it's an American Problem and one we must find the courage to face. Ultimately, it's not about race, it's how we give back the power and freedom to people. It's how we reform our schools to encourage young people to better themselves. It's about giving people choice and ownership of their neighborhoods and lives. It's about children having more opportunity and prosperity and success than their parents ever dreamed....etc.
Just stop. This isn't about Democrats or Republicans. It's about rich white international old-money scumbags still enforcing a racist system against as many black people as possible. People need public assistance because the private sector hasn't done shit for any of us. Record corporate profits with high unemployment means that "trickle down" theory is a load of crap.
The Feds did exactly the right thing. They backed down and avoided a bloodbath, and gave Bundy the gift of rope. Which he, and his supporters, have used very well.

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