The Fix Is In, Bernie ...

we all knew the super dels and the inside powers would never let anyone but hillary win.

we knew that in 2013.

the only surprise was how close he got.

the shitty deals, the poor assigning of dels..

bern and his supporters got cheated out of democracy.

he should run, but isn't man enough to do so.
You REALLY didn't think you had a chance, didja?

Your best chance is an indie run.

On the other hand, you could simply burn the convention down on your way out.

Clinton: 'There is no way I won't be' nominee
Remember how the MSM was all giddy about a contested R convention...they were salivating at the thought of total craziness in Cleveland.

Funny thing happened on the way to the Commie Convention, if Bernie goes rogue, shit is going to hit the fan for those silly commies.
I would have more respect for Sanders if he had had the courage to challenge Obama in primary in 2012 when it was obvious that Hillary Clinton was too cowardly to do so.

I would have had more respect for Sanders if he ever had had the courage to join the Democratic Party to which he has been sucking up for years, rather than free load off the Democratic party's strength and influence, under the phony and gutless "Independent" label.

I would have more respect for Sanders if he declared a third party run, seeing how he is betrayed by his slave masters by the way he is treated by them. He would have a chance to put Hillary in the basement of third place where she belongs as a third class human being.

But as long as he stays in the race, he diminishes her majesty, Hillary and that is a good thing.
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Yeah, ya gotta feel for the dude. He keeps on winning, but Clinton keeps on getting the delegates. The Democrats have a very corrupt system. That's clear to most folks now. The OP is spot on. The fix is in for sure.
Is it really a surprise that the crazy person in this race is a Democrat and its the Democrat primary that's a corrupt farce? Not surprising, typical.
any bets that bern supporters riot after he does not get the nom?

Occupy Cleveland?

Please be aware that the City of Cleveland will be offline for routine maintenance from July 25th through July 28th 2016, we apologize for any inconvenience this may cause to all the clueless motherfuckers who were planning on engaging in wanton property destruction and random mayhem during the Democratic National Convention.

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