The First Nazi


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
To be fair, he could be called the first Communist, the first Progressive, the first Collectivist....the first ANTIFA

Look at the riots in our streets, and thank......

Jean-Jacques's birthday boy.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau, (born June 28, 1712, Geneva, Switzerland—died July 2, 1778, Ermenonville, France), Swiss-born philosopher, writer, and political theorist whose treatises and novels inspired the leaders of the French Revolution and the Romantic generation.

“Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712–78), who was the first of the modern intellectuals, their archetype and in many ways the most influential of them all. Older men like Voltaire had started the work of demolishing the altars and enthroning reason. But Rousseau was the first to combine all the salient characteristics of the modern Promethean: the assertion of his right to reject the existing order in its entirety…[the central motive of every Leftist view]

In both the long and the short term his influence was enormous. In the generation after his death, it attained the status of a myth. He died a decade before the French Revolution of 1789 but many contemporaries held him responsible for it…

…over a far longer span of time, Rousseau altered some of the basic assumptions of civilized man and shifted around the furniture of the human mind.”
Johnson, “Intellectuals”

Rousseau's thinking led to the century of slaughter: 18th century….meet the 20th century!

For the first time in history terror became an official government policy, with the stated aim to use violence in order to achieve a higher political goal. Unlike the later meaning of 'terrorists' as people who use violence against a government, the terrorists of the French Revolution were the government. The Terror was legal, having been voted for by the Convention.
Robespierre and the Terror | History Today
The life and career of one of the most vilified men in history.

The evil of competition, as he saw it, which destroys man’s inborn communal sense and encourages all his most evil traits, including his desire to exploit others, led Rousseau to distrust private property, as the source of social crime.” Johnson, Op. Cit.

There you have it: the curse of civilization is private property, ownership, material inequality.

The only difference between Rousseau and the Democrat rioters today, is he never said "kill whitey!!!"
Your possibly right about all the others but "The First Nazi"?

That title can only go to one man - your anti-Christ and mine, Adolf Hitler.

Political Chic worships Adolph Hitler. That is why she is known as Frau Braun.
She is still sore at FDR for teaming up to defeat her beloved Adolph
How odd to conflate Nazis, progressives, communists, the made-for-fear-mongering "Antifa," and collectivists. The only commonality between them is the feverish imaginings of a scared RW mind.
Your possibly right about all the others but "The First Nazi"?

That title can only go to one man - your anti-Christ and mine, Adolf Hitler.
Nazism was born from Socialism. Hitler and Mussolini saw how Stalin controlled all thought of the people. How successful he was at wiping out people, families and all.

They just made a strong Nationalism part of the brutal philosophy against certains.

With Stalin, all people were repressed. His own party.

With Hitler, Germans lived a very free and prosperous life under Hitler. Only Jews and fags were repressed.

Lenin and Stalin were responsible for more Jewish deaths than Hitler could ever dream of.
Your possibly right about all the others but "The First Nazi"?

That title can only go to one man - your anti-Christ and mine, Adolf Hitler.

Political Chic worships Adolph Hitler. That is why she is known as Frau Braun.
She is still sore at FDR for teaming up to defeat her beloved Adolph
You do realize Stalin and Lenin killed more Jews than Hitler could dream of.
Russia has a severe anti-semitism attitude all its history.
How odd to conflate Nazis, progressives, communists, the made-for-fear-mongering "Antifa," and collectivists. The only commonality between them is the feverish imaginings of a scared RW mind.
The commonality of Nazis/Progressives/Communists/Liberals/Democrats/Fascists is that they all start with Socialism...Then they branch off, Socialist right wing, Socialist left wing.
Your possibly right about all the others but "The First Nazi"?

That title can only go to one man - your anti-Christ and mine, Adolf Hitler.

The NAZI party was well established long before Hitler ever got involved with it.
To be fair, he could be called the first Communist, the first Progressive, the first Collectivist....the first ANTIFA

Look at the riots in our streets, and thank......

Jean-Jacques's birthday boy.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau, (born June 28, 1712, Geneva, Switzerland—died July 2, 1778, Ermenonville, France), Swiss-born philosopher, writer, and political theorist whose treatises and novels inspired the leaders of the French Revolution and the Romantic generation.
View attachment 356206

“Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712–78), who was the first of the modern intellectuals, their archetype and in many ways the most influential of them all. Older men like Voltaire had started the work of demolishing the altars and enthroning reason. But Rousseau was the first to combine all the salient characteristics of the modern Promethean: the assertion of his right to reject the existing order in its entirety…[the central motive of every Leftist view]

In both the long and the short term his influence was enormous. In the generation after his death, it attained the status of a myth. He died a decade before the French Revolution of 1789 but many contemporaries held him responsible for it…

…over a far longer span of time, Rousseau altered some of the basic assumptions of civilized man and shifted around the furniture of the human mind.”
Johnson, “Intellectuals”

Rousseau's thinking led to the century of slaughter: 18th century….meet the 20th century!

For the first time in history terror became an official government policy, with the stated aim to use violence in order to achieve a higher political goal. Unlike the later meaning of 'terrorists' as people who use violence against a government, the terrorists of the French Revolution were the government. The Terror was legal, having been voted for by the Convention.
Robespierre and the Terror | History Today
The life and career of one of the most vilified men in history.

The evil of competition, as he saw it, which destroys man’s inborn communal sense and encourages all his most evil traits, including his desire to exploit others, led Rousseau to distrust private property, as the source of social crime.” Johnson, Op. Cit.

There you have it: the curse of civilization is private property, ownership, material inequality.

The only difference between Rousseau and the Democrat rioters today, is he never said "kill whitey!!!"
People love to shoe horn Nazi into everything. You do realize that National Socialists...are Socialists...right?
Now we are going to have a history lesson here few of you know.

6 million Jews versus 10-20 million slavs systematically starved to death.

Oh look kiddies. We have a video to show you. You remember how fun they were huh??

Here we have Uncle Vladimir and Uncle Leon. Here is one of their most enduring legacies that few know about.

Please enjoy.
Here is a happy family of the Utopian Holodomor in the still.

I wonder how children taste. Like chicken you think? I wonder if boiled, fried, or grilled is best.

Now we are going to have a history lesson here few of you know.

6 million Jews versus 10-20 million slavs systematically starved to death.

Oh look kiddies. We have a video to show you. You remember how fun they were huh??

Here we have Uncle Vladimir and Uncle Leon. Here is one of their most enduring legacies that few know about.

Please enjoy.
Here is a happy family of the Utopian Holodomor in the still.

I wonder how children taste. Like chicken you think? I wonder if boiled, fried, or grilled is best.

Stalin murdered at least 60 million. Mao at least 100 million. Socialism has murdered more people in a 100 years than all of the people murdered in the name of religion over a period of two thousand years.
Your possibly right about all the others but "The First Nazi"?

That title can only go to one man - your anti-Christ and mine, Adolf Hitler.

Let's check:

"If the French revolution was the end of monarchy and aristocratic privilege and the emergence of the common man and democratic rights, it was also the beginnings of modern totalitarian government and large-scale executions of "enemies of the People" by impersonal government entities (Robespierre's "Committee of Public Safety"). This legacy would not reach its fullest bloom until the tragic arrival of the German Nazis and Soviet and Chinese communists of the 20th century.

In fact, Rousseau has been called the precursor of the modern pseudo-democrats such as Stalin and Hitler and the "people's democracies." His call for the "sovereign" to force men to be free if necessary in the interests of the "General Will" harks back to the Lycurgus of Sparta instead of to the pluralism of Athens; the legacy of Rousseau is Robespierre and the radical Jacobins of the Terror who followed and worshipped him passionately. In the 20th century, his influence is further felt by tyrants who would arouse the egalitarian passions of the masses not so much in the interests of social justice as social control. Let us take Rousseau for the literary genius he was and appreciate his contribution to history; let us look at his political philosophy with great skepticism."
How odd to conflate Nazis, progressives, communists, the made-for-fear-mongering "Antifa," and collectivists. The only commonality between them is the feverish imaginings of a scared RW mind.

It appears you are one of those government school grads, i.e., lacking education.

Here's a quick remedial:

The Founders, classical liberals, conservatives
a. individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government.

Fascists, Nazis, Liberals, Progressives, Socialists, Communists
b. the collective, command and control regulation of private industry, and overarching government that can order every aspect of the private citizen's life....right down to control of his thoughts and speech.

None of the totalitarian forms of political plague have the slightest concern for human life: not communism (gulags), not Nazism (concentration camps), not Liberalism (abortion), not Progressivism (eugenics), not socialism (theft), not fascism (murder).

They only differ in the final outcome: slavery, serfdom, or death.

They all follow Trotsky: "We must rid ourselves once and for all of the Quaker-Papist babble about the sanctity of human life."

" Franklin Roosevelt had pictured a place where citizens were joined in a collective enterprise ... Reagan pictured a more individualistic America where everyone would flourish once freed from the shackles of the state, and so the watchwords became self-reliance and small government."
The Liberal Crackup
Get it now????
Your possibly right about all the others but "The First Nazi"?

That title can only go to one man - your anti-Christ and mine, Adolf Hitler.
Nazism was born from Socialism. Hitler and Mussolini saw how Stalin controlled all thought of the people. How successful he was at wiping out people, families and all.

They just made a strong Nationalism part of the brutal philosophy against certains.

With Stalin, all people were repressed. His own party.

With Hitler, Germans lived a very free and prosperous life under Hitler. Only Jews and fags were repressed.

Lenin and Stalin were responsible for more Jewish deaths than Hitler could ever dream of.

Much of what you say is correct......but not all.

"Only Jews and fags were repressed. "

  1. Amstetten’s location as the main railway hub supplying both Germany and Italy made it a target of Allied bombers. The first bombs fell on November 19, 1944
  2. About 25 miles West of Amstetten, on the Danube, was the town of Mauthausen. Prisoners from the concentration camp at Dachau had been sent to build a much larger facility where political prisoners could be held. The state owned Mauthausen expanded, and by 1944, it was grouped with nearby Gusen, as a commercial enterprise.
  3. The German mining company DEST, used the prisoners as slave labor, to work in the quarries, or to be hired out to local manufacturers and farmers. The Amstetten railway network came in handy to transport the slaves.
    1. The labor supply was inexhaustible…and when a prisoner’s productivity dropped, they would simply be transported to Mauthausen-Gusen and killed.
  4. It was a hugely profitable death camp and the only camp designated Grade III (“incorrigible enemies of the Reich ). The motto was ‘Vernichtung durch Arbeit (“Extermination through Work”)
    1. Far beyond Jews, the camp included communists, socialists, Polish boy scouts, homosexuals, Romanies, Jehovah’s Witnesses, anarchists, Spanish Republicans who had fled Franco.
    2. In 1943, life expectancy in the camps was 6 months; by war’s end it was 3 months.
Now we are going to have a history lesson here few of you know.

6 million Jews versus 10-20 million slavs systematically starved to death.

Oh look kiddies. We have a video to show you. You remember how fun they were huh??

Here we have Uncle Vladimir and Uncle Leon. Here is one of their most enduring legacies that few know about.

Please enjoy.
Here is a happy family of the Utopian Holodomor in the still.

I wonder how children taste. Like chicken you think? I wonder if boiled, fried, or grilled is best.

Stalin murdered at least 60 million. Mao at least 100 million. Socialism has murdered more people in a 100 years than all of the people murdered in the name of religion over a period of two thousand years.

Horrific. But I always have to look for a positive. Think just how much less of a carbon footprint Lenin created.

Actually Lenin and Stalin were the greatest environmentalists of their day. AOC should laud him in Sniffy's campaign. Like Uncle Joe says.......Death solves all problems. That is chillingly correct.

Always look for some bright side in anything tragic.
Your possibly right about all the others but "The First Nazi"?

That title can only go to one man - your anti-Christ and mine, Adolf Hitler.
Nazism was born from Socialism. Hitler and Mussolini saw how Stalin controlled all thought of the people. How successful he was at wiping out people, families and all.

They just made a strong Nationalism part of the brutal philosophy against certains.

With Stalin, all people were repressed. His own party.

With Hitler, Germans lived a very free and prosperous life under Hitler. Only Jews and fags were repressed.

Lenin and Stalin were responsible for more Jewish deaths than Hitler could ever dream of.

Much of what you say is correct......but not all.

"Only Jews and fags were repressed. "

  1. Amstetten’s location as the main railway hub supplying both Germany and Italy made it a target of Allied bombers. The first bombs fell on November 19, 1944
  2. About 25 miles West of Amstetten, on the Danube, was the town of Mauthausen. Prisoners from the concentration camp at Dachau had been sent to build a much larger facility where political prisoners could be held. The state owned Mauthausen expanded, and by 1944, it was grouped with nearby Gusen, as a commercial enterprise.
  3. The German mining company DEST, used the prisoners as slave labor, to work in the quarries, or to be hired out to local manufacturers and farmers. The Amstetten railway network came in handy to transport the slaves.
    1. The labor supply was inexhaustible…and when a prisoner’s productivity dropped, they would simply be transported to Mauthausen-Gusen and killed.
  4. It was a hugely profitable death camp and the only camp designated Grade III (“incorrigible enemies of the Reich ). The motto was ‘Vernichtung durch Arbeit (“Extermination through Work”)
    1. Far beyond Jews, the camp included communists, socialists, Polish boy scouts, homosexuals, Romanies, Jehovah’s Witnesses, anarchists, Spanish Republicans who had fled Franco.
    2. In 1943, life expectancy in the camps was 6 months; by war’s end it was 3 months.
I couldn't think of everything...commies...nutcases.mentally challenged, priests, gypsies, drunks, village idiots.Who did I miss.................Ohhhh.Nuns too
Your possibly right about all the others but "The First Nazi"?

That title can only go to one man - your anti-Christ and mine, Adolf Hitler.
Nazism was born from Socialism. Hitler and Mussolini saw how Stalin controlled all thought of the people. How successful he was at wiping out people, families and all.

They just made a strong Nationalism part of the brutal philosophy against certains.

With Stalin, all people were repressed. His own party.

With Hitler, Germans lived a very free and prosperous life under Hitler. Only Jews and fags were repressed.

Lenin and Stalin were responsible for more Jewish deaths than Hitler could ever dream of.

One more story to illustrate....a friend who works in public school had a problem with a student who was loudly know, like the current Democrat Party.

He sent the lad to the dean over at a local Catholic school, St. Thomas Aquinas.....that Catholic Priest quickly informed the lad about the error of his views.

That priest had been an inmate at a Nazi concentration camp. must know that Stalin's troops taught the Nazis about concentration camps.
To be fair, he could be called the first Communist, the first Progressive, the first Collectivist....the first ANTIFA

Look at the riots in our streets, and thank......

Jean-Jacques's birthday boy.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau, (born June 28, 1712, Geneva, Switzerland—died July 2, 1778, Ermenonville, France), Swiss-born philosopher, writer, and political theorist whose treatises and novels inspired the leaders of the French Revolution and the Romantic generation.
View attachment 356206

“Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712–78), who was the first of the modern intellectuals, their archetype and in many ways the most influential of them all. Older men like Voltaire had started the work of demolishing the altars and enthroning reason. But Rousseau was the first to combine all the salient characteristics of the modern Promethean: the assertion of his right to reject the existing order in its entirety…[the central motive of every Leftist view]

In both the long and the short term his influence was enormous. In the generation after his death, it attained the status of a myth. He died a decade before the French Revolution of 1789 but many contemporaries held him responsible for it…

…over a far longer span of time, Rousseau altered some of the basic assumptions of civilized man and shifted around the furniture of the human mind.”
Johnson, “Intellectuals”

Rousseau's thinking led to the century of slaughter: 18th century….meet the 20th century!

For the first time in history terror became an official government policy, with the stated aim to use violence in order to achieve a higher political goal. Unlike the later meaning of 'terrorists' as people who use violence against a government, the terrorists of the French Revolution were the government. The Terror was legal, having been voted for by the Convention.
Robespierre and the Terror | History Today
The life and career of one of the most vilified men in history.

The evil of competition, as he saw it, which destroys man’s inborn communal sense and encourages all his most evil traits, including his desire to exploit others, led Rousseau to distrust private property, as the source of social crime.” Johnson, Op. Cit.

There you have it: the curse of civilization is private property, ownership, material inequality.

The only difference between Rousseau and the Democrat rioters today, is he never said "kill whitey!!!"
People love to shoe horn Nazi into everything. You do realize that National Socialists...are Socialists...right?

There is nothing you can tell me that I don't 'realize.'
Your possibly right about all the others but "The First Nazi"?

That title can only go to one man - your anti-Christ and mine, Adolf Hitler.

The NAZI party was well established long before Hitler ever got involved with it.
No it wasn't! Hitler both named it and chose its symbol the Swastika.
Back to school dumbo!
Your possibly right about all the others but "The First Nazi"?

That title can only go to one man - your anti-Christ and mine, Adolf Hitler.

Political Chic worships Adolph Hitler. That is why she is known as Frau Braun.
She is still sore at FDR for teaming up to defeat her beloved Adolph
Ironic that the Trumpsters follow and adore a brash, arrogant, narcissistic, pugilistic white nationalist who does everything he can to eliminate his political enemies while promising them he'll save the country by ridding it of millions of undesirables...

... and then they try silly stuff like this thread.

Irony, irony, irony.

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