The First 30 Days Of Biden's Reign Are As Bad As We Feared


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
The First 30 Days Of Biden's Reign Are As Bad As We Feared
The first 30 days of Biden's reign are as bad as we feared - American Thinker
21 Feb 2021 ~~ By Andrew W. Coy

We have now been through the first 30 days of this nightmarish Progressivetory (Progressive Purgatory). This, the first month that Biden has been placed in the White House by the Progressives (Deep State/Globalists/Socialists). Within this first month that the cabal has instituted its figurehead, we have seen our worst fears realized and our timid hopes destroyed. Here is what we now know and have learned in just one short month of what the Progressive Dystopians have done and are planning to do against America and her people.
* Biden has despotically enacted more executive orders in his first week of office than Trump, Obama, and W. Bush combined in their first weeks.​
* The Biden administration has started to count COVID cases differently. Therefore, the number of COVID cases will be going down dramatically under the new administration.​
* They have started moving flu deaths back into the flu deaths category, changing this will drop the number of COVID deaths dramatically.​
* The White House doors are being opened wide for the Muslim Brotherhood while being closed to Israel and Netanyahu. And now the Biden administration is reaching out to Israel's archenemy, Iran.​
* We've been instructed that Make America Great Again is racist and xenophobic, but Blame America First is patriotic and noble.​
* We see that with the thousands of troops deployed in our nation's capital for the foreseeable future, it now looks more like Baghdad or Pyongyang than the City of Washington. And Progressives are giving no explanation for the continuing militarization of our nation's capital.​
* With the militarization of Washington, D.C. and the adding of walls, borders, fences, and razor wire, Congress is now living and working in its own gated community. None of the "unwashed masses" is allowed to enter. Almost as if they know they really did not win in 2020.​
* Florida remaining a Free State and Governor DeSantis receiving national acclaim have made for an embarrassment to the new regime. So the federal government is actually in discussions on segregating the state of Florida from the rest of America in terms of open and unrestricted travel plans. This is clearly to punish DeSantis.​
* There was a self-imposed blackout by the left media of all things wrong with Governor Cuomo as he caused the deaths of thousands of seniors in nursing homes in New York. We know how the leftist media would have treated it if the name was switched from Cuomo to Trump. Not just biased journalism, but purposeful lying and falsehoods by media.​
This first month has proven to be as dire as we feared. The first 30 days of this Progressivetory regime has proven that the 80 million who voted for Trump were right all along. Elections have always mattered. Sadly, it appears now that "selections" by the Deep State matter more. Very sad and extremely dangerous.

Indeed, the next four years will become worse. As Robert Gates warned us, Joey Xi Biden has been on the wrong side of every decision he's made and his handlers are doing the same...
For those having trouble keeping track of subjects I suggest that you bookmark the original article to recall later as developments update them.

The failed Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat and Deep State coup d' etat was inept, extremely slow, awkward, full of false starts and failed attempts.
Despite their ineptness and a lack of popular support for totalitarian socialists, they finally won their victory through rigging the election - four years to the day after our real President was sworn in.
This is only the beginning for the PM/DSA Dem Left...
China Joey Xi will either succumb to his dementia, or will resign allowing Kamaltoe Harris to assume the presidency. We will then see more draconian acts of the Left along with strengthened military presence in D.C., while the BLM/Antifa will continue their selective rioting, looting, arson and executions of white people throughout the Blue Plantation Cities of Ameica...
The First 30 Days Of Biden's Reign Are As Bad As We Feared
The first 30 days of Biden's reign are as bad as we feared - American Thinker
21 Feb 2021 ~~ By Andrew W. Coy

We have now been through the first 30 days of this nightmarish Progressivetory (Progressive Purgatory). This, the first month that Biden has been placed in the White House by the Progressives (Deep State/Globalists/Socialists). Within this first month that the cabal has instituted its figurehead, we have seen our worst fears realized and our timid hopes destroyed. Here is what we now know and have learned in just one short month of what the Progressive Dystopians have done and are planning to do against America and her people.
* Biden has despotically enacted more executive orders in his first week of office than Trump, Obama, and W. Bush combined in their first weeks.​
* The Biden administration has started to count COVID cases differently. Therefore, the number of COVID cases will be going down dramatically under the new administration.​
* They have started moving flu deaths back into the flu deaths category, changing this will drop the number of COVID deaths dramatically.​
* The White House doors are being opened wide for the Muslim Brotherhood while being closed to Israel and Netanyahu. And now the Biden administration is reaching out to Israel's archenemy, Iran.​
* We've been instructed that Make America Great Again is racist and xenophobic, but Blame America First is patriotic and noble.​
* We see that with the thousands of troops deployed in our nation's capital for the foreseeable future, it now looks more like Baghdad or Pyongyang than the City of Washington. And Progressives are giving no explanation for the continuing militarization of our nation's capital.​
* With the militarization of Washington, D.C. and the adding of walls, borders, fences, and razor wire, Congress is now living and working in its own gated community. None of the "unwashed masses" is allowed to enter. Almost as if they know they really did not win in 2020.​
* Florida remaining a Free State and Governor DeSantis receiving national acclaim have made for an embarrassment to the new regime. So the federal government is actually in discussions on segregating the state of Florida from the rest of America in terms of open and unrestricted travel plans. This is clearly to punish DeSantis.​
* There was a self-imposed blackout by the left media of all things wrong with Governor Cuomo as he caused the deaths of thousands of seniors in nursing homes in New York. We know how the leftist media would have treated it if the name was switched from Cuomo to Trump. Not just biased journalism, but purposeful lying and falsehoods by media.​
This first month has proven to be as dire as we feared. The first 30 days of this Progressivetory regime has proven that the 80 million who voted for Trump were right all along. Elections have always mattered. Sadly, it appears now that "selections" by the Deep State matter more. Very sad and extremely dangerous.

Indeed, the next four years will become worse. As Robert Gates warned us, Joey Xi Biden has been on the wrong side of every decision he's made and his handlers are doing the same...
For those having trouble keeping track of subjects I suggest that you bookmark the original article to recall later as developments update them.

The failed Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat and Deep State coup d' etat was inept, extremely slow, awkward, full of false starts and failed attempts.
Despite their ineptness and a lack of popular support for totalitarian socialists, they finally won their victory through rigging the election - four years to the day after our real President was sworn in.
This is only the beginning for the PM/DSA Dem Left...
China Joey Xi will either succumb to his dementia, or will resign allowing Kamaltoe Harris to assume the presidency. We will then see more draconian acts of the Left along with strengthened military presence in D.C., while the BLM/Antifa will continue their selective rioting, looting, arson and executions of white people throughout the Blue Plantation Cities of Ameica...

Thank you for your input, Karen.
She is correct. He has started having Kamala be the leader.

The time is coming...just y'all wait. Soon we will stack the courts with radical liberals, and Kamala will run in 2024 with AOC as Vice President. Ready yourselves.
Did you know in this age that less then half of the males in this country of age could qualify for the military? That is a disgrace.
The First 30 Days Of Biden's Reign Are As Bad As We Feared
The first 30 days of Biden's reign are as bad as we feared - American Thinker
21 Feb 2021 ~~ By Andrew W. Coy

We have now been through the first 30 days of this nightmarish Progressivetory (Progressive Purgatory). This, the first month that Biden has been placed in the White House by the Progressives (Deep State/Globalists/Socialists). Within this first month that the cabal has instituted its figurehead, we have seen our worst fears realized and our timid hopes destroyed. Here is what we now know and have learned in just one short month of what the Progressive Dystopians have done and are planning to do against America and her people.
* Biden has despotically enacted more executive orders in his first week of office than Trump, Obama, and W. Bush combined in their first weeks.​
* The Biden administration has started to count COVID cases differently. Therefore, the number of COVID cases will be going down dramatically under the new administration.​
* They have started moving flu deaths back into the flu deaths category, changing this will drop the number of COVID deaths dramatically.​
* The White House doors are being opened wide for the Muslim Brotherhood while being closed to Israel and Netanyahu. And now the Biden administration is reaching out to Israel's archenemy, Iran.​
* We've been instructed that Make America Great Again is racist and xenophobic, but Blame America First is patriotic and noble.​
* We see that with the thousands of troops deployed in our nation's capital for the foreseeable future, it now looks more like Baghdad or Pyongyang than the City of Washington. And Progressives are giving no explanation for the continuing militarization of our nation's capital.​
* With the militarization of Washington, D.C. and the adding of walls, borders, fences, and razor wire, Congress is now living and working in its own gated community. None of the "unwashed masses" is allowed to enter. Almost as if they know they really did not win in 2020.​
* Florida remaining a Free State and Governor DeSantis receiving national acclaim have made for an embarrassment to the new regime. So the federal government is actually in discussions on segregating the state of Florida from the rest of America in terms of open and unrestricted travel plans. This is clearly to punish DeSantis.​
* There was a self-imposed blackout by the left media of all things wrong with Governor Cuomo as he caused the deaths of thousands of seniors in nursing homes in New York. We know how the leftist media would have treated it if the name was switched from Cuomo to Trump. Not just biased journalism, but purposeful lying and falsehoods by media.​
This first month has proven to be as dire as we feared. The first 30 days of this Progressivetory regime has proven that the 80 million who voted for Trump were right all along. Elections have always mattered. Sadly, it appears now that "selections" by the Deep State matter more. Very sad and extremely dangerous.

Indeed, the next four years will become worse. As Robert Gates warned us, Joey Xi Biden has been on the wrong side of every decision he's made and his handlers are doing the same...
For those having trouble keeping track of subjects I suggest that you bookmark the original article to recall later as developments update them.

The failed Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat and Deep State coup d' etat was inept, extremely slow, awkward, full of false starts and failed attempts.
Despite their ineptness and a lack of popular support for totalitarian socialists, they finally won their victory through rigging the election - four years to the day after our real President was sworn in.
This is only the beginning for the PM/DSA Dem Left...
China Joey Xi will either succumb to his dementia, or will resign allowing Kamaltoe Harris to assume the presidency. We will then see more draconian acts of the Left along with strengthened military presence in D.C., while the BLM/Antifa will continue their selective rioting, looting, arson and executions of white people throughout the Blue Plantation Cities of Ameica...
Do you actually read this sensationalistic clap-trap? It's a fact-free emotional assault on our weakest minded citizens and should come with parental warnings.
The First 30 Days Of Biden's Reign Are As Bad As We Feared
The first 30 days of Biden's reign are as bad as we feared - American Thinker
21 Feb 2021 ~~ By Andrew W. Coy

We have now been through the first 30 days of this nightmarish Progressivetory (Progressive Purgatory). This, the first month that Biden has been placed in the White House by the Progressives (Deep State/Globalists/Socialists). Within this first month that the cabal has instituted its figurehead, we have seen our worst fears realized and our timid hopes destroyed. Here is what we now know and have learned in just one short month of what the Progressive Dystopians have done and are planning to do against America and her people.
* Biden has despotically enacted more executive orders in his first week of office than Trump, Obama, and W. Bush combined in their first weeks.​
* The Biden administration has started to count COVID cases differently. Therefore, the number of COVID cases will be going down dramatically under the new administration.​
* They have started moving flu deaths back into the flu deaths category, changing this will drop the number of COVID deaths dramatically.​
* The White House doors are being opened wide for the Muslim Brotherhood while being closed to Israel and Netanyahu. And now the Biden administration is reaching out to Israel's archenemy, Iran.​
* We've been instructed that Make America Great Again is racist and xenophobic, but Blame America First is patriotic and noble.​
* We see that with the thousands of troops deployed in our nation's capital for the foreseeable future, it now looks more like Baghdad or Pyongyang than the City of Washington. And Progressives are giving no explanation for the continuing militarization of our nation's capital.​
* With the militarization of Washington, D.C. and the adding of walls, borders, fences, and razor wire, Congress is now living and working in its own gated community. None of the "unwashed masses" is allowed to enter. Almost as if they know they really did not win in 2020.​
* Florida remaining a Free State and Governor DeSantis receiving national acclaim have made for an embarrassment to the new regime. So the federal government is actually in discussions on segregating the state of Florida from the rest of America in terms of open and unrestricted travel plans. This is clearly to punish DeSantis.​
* There was a self-imposed blackout by the left media of all things wrong with Governor Cuomo as he caused the deaths of thousands of seniors in nursing homes in New York. We know how the leftist media would have treated it if the name was switched from Cuomo to Trump. Not just biased journalism, but purposeful lying and falsehoods by media.​
This first month has proven to be as dire as we feared. The first 30 days of this Progressivetory regime has proven that the 80 million who voted for Trump were right all along. Elections have always mattered. Sadly, it appears now that "selections" by the Deep State matter more. Very sad and extremely dangerous.

Indeed, the next four years will become worse. As Robert Gates warned us, Joey Xi Biden has been on the wrong side of every decision he's made and his handlers are doing the same...
For those having trouble keeping track of subjects I suggest that you bookmark the original article to recall later as developments update them.

The failed Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat and Deep State coup d' etat was inept, extremely slow, awkward, full of false starts and failed attempts.
Despite their ineptness and a lack of popular support for totalitarian socialists, they finally won their victory through rigging the election - four years to the day after our real President was sworn in.
This is only the beginning for the PM/DSA Dem Left...
China Joey Xi will either succumb to his dementia, or will resign allowing Kamaltoe Harris to assume the presidency. We will then see more draconian acts of the Left along with strengthened military presence in D.C., while the BLM/Antifa will continue their selective rioting, looting, arson and executions of white people throughout the Blue Plantation Cities of Ameica...
Trump said if you don't like it here you can leave
The First 30 Days Of Biden's Reign Are As Bad As We Feared
The first 30 days of Biden's reign are as bad as we feared - American Thinker
21 Feb 2021 ~~ By Andrew W. Coy

We have now been through the first 30 days of this nightmarish Progressivetory (Progressive Purgatory). This, the first month that Biden has been placed in the White House by the Progressives (Deep State/Globalists/Socialists). Within this first month that the cabal has instituted its figurehead, we have seen our worst fears realized and our timid hopes destroyed. Here is what we now know and have learned in just one short month of what the Progressive Dystopians have done and are planning to do against America and her people.
* Biden has despotically enacted more executive orders in his first week of office than Trump, Obama, and W. Bush combined in their first weeks.​
* The Biden administration has started to count COVID cases differently. Therefore, the number of COVID cases will be going down dramatically under the new administration.​
* They have started moving flu deaths back into the flu deaths category, changing this will drop the number of COVID deaths dramatically.​
* The White House doors are being opened wide for the Muslim Brotherhood while being closed to Israel and Netanyahu. And now the Biden administration is reaching out to Israel's archenemy, Iran.​
* We've been instructed that Make America Great Again is racist and xenophobic, but Blame America First is patriotic and noble.​
* We see that with the thousands of troops deployed in our nation's capital for the foreseeable future, it now looks more like Baghdad or Pyongyang than the City of Washington. And Progressives are giving no explanation for the continuing militarization of our nation's capital.​
* With the militarization of Washington, D.C. and the adding of walls, borders, fences, and razor wire, Congress is now living and working in its own gated community. None of the "unwashed masses" is allowed to enter. Almost as if they know they really did not win in 2020.​
* Florida remaining a Free State and Governor DeSantis receiving national acclaim have made for an embarrassment to the new regime. So the federal government is actually in discussions on segregating the state of Florida from the rest of America in terms of open and unrestricted travel plans. This is clearly to punish DeSantis.​
* There was a self-imposed blackout by the left media of all things wrong with Governor Cuomo as he caused the deaths of thousands of seniors in nursing homes in New York. We know how the leftist media would have treated it if the name was switched from Cuomo to Trump. Not just biased journalism, but purposeful lying and falsehoods by media.​
This first month has proven to be as dire as we feared. The first 30 days of this Progressivetory regime has proven that the 80 million who voted for Trump were right all along. Elections have always mattered. Sadly, it appears now that "selections" by the Deep State matter more. Very sad and extremely dangerous.

Indeed, the next four years will become worse. As Robert Gates warned us, Joey Xi Biden has been on the wrong side of every decision he's made and his handlers are doing the same...
For those having trouble keeping track of subjects I suggest that you bookmark the original article to recall later as developments update them.

The failed Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat and Deep State coup d' etat was inept, extremely slow, awkward, full of false starts and failed attempts.
Despite their ineptness and a lack of popular support for totalitarian socialists, they finally won their victory through rigging the election - four years to the day after our real President was sworn in.
This is only the beginning for the PM/DSA Dem Left...
China Joey Xi will either succumb to his dementia, or will resign allowing Kamaltoe Harris to assume the presidency. We will then see more draconian acts of the Left along with strengthened military presence in D.C., while the BLM/Antifa will continue their selective rioting, looting, arson and executions of white people throughout the Blue Plantation Cities of Ameica...
Its great to get an objective view point. Many thanks.
I'm sure it does look bad for trump supporters, with Biden reversing all those crazy EOs from the last 4 years.
She is correct. He has started having Kamala be the leader.

The time is coming...just y'all wait. Soon we will stack the courts with radical liberals, and Kamala will run in 2024 with AOC as Vice President. Ready yourselves.
Did you know in this age that less then half of the males in this country of age could qualify for the military? That is a disgrace.
Now if the same males claimed to be gender confused or gender fluid or gender whatever, the military would be forced to take them in.
I don't think even Democrats deny this, Biden isn't really president, he's just a marionette they drag out once on a while to give exactly speeches his handlers want him to.
Out of the mouth of babes..

Read the article and note the long list of pedophiles and traitors.

I'm sure it does look bad for trump supporters, with Biden reversing all those crazy EOs from the last 4 years.

I guess you think Trump cancelling out Barry's Business killing EO's was a crazy??

Trumps business loving EO's made things great in this country before the very convenient Chines Virus hit.

Nothing crazy about that.

Just wait for Biden's EO's to kick in. Then get back to us with how great they are.
I'm sure it does look bad for trump supporters, with Biden reversing all those crazy EOs from the last 4 years.

I guess you think Trump cancelling out Barry's Business killing EO's was a crazy??

Trumps business loving EO's made things great in this country before the very convenient Chines Virus hit.

Nothing crazy about that.

Just wait for Biden's EO's to kick in. Then get back to us with how great they are.

The vast majority of what trump did was crazy.

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