The First 30 Days Of Biden's Reign Are As Bad As We Feared

I'm sure it does look bad for trump supporters, with Biden reversing all those crazy EOs from the last 4 years.

I guess you think Trump cancelling out Barry's Business killing EO's was a crazy??

Trumps business loving EO's made things great in this country before the very convenient Chines Virus hit.

Nothing crazy about that.

Just wait for Biden's EO's to kick in. Then get back to us with how great they are.

The vast majority of what trump did was crazy.

Nope. The vast majority of what he did was for America and Americans. You won't get that with Biden.
I don't think even Democrats deny this, Biden isn't really president, he's just a marionette they drag out once on a while to give exactly speeches his handlers want him to.
Out of the mouth of babes..

Read the article and note the long list of pedophiles and traitors. funny Hoss
I don't think even Democrats deny this, Biden isn't really president, he's just a marionette they drag out once on a while to give exactly speeches his handlers want him to.
Out of the mouth of babes..

Read the article and note the long list of pedophiles and traitors.


Hey Hoss,I commend you for posting that link.You go an awful lot of guts doing that.that takes courage,the people that read that are going to really attack you and say you are a moron and the like.

however if i were you,I would not advertise this post anymore in threads with all these shills from Langley and china that post here. I mean there is far less evidence of those famous people being executed and in prison than there is on 9/11 being an inside job or the virus being a hoax and even though there is overwhelming proof in both those cases i mentioned and you present them the evidence,, they STILL label you as a tin foil hatter so just imagibe how you are going to be attacked on THIS one.

Man I am amazed and impressed you know about this. I just heard about this stuff a couple days ago from a co worker of mine at work and another friend i know and even i MYSELF dont believe this or my two friends that told me about this.

I had been hearing al this stuff on tom hanks and the clintons being executed but i just dont believe that,.I had no idea the list was THIS long. It blew me away to hear that a lady talked about how as a kid she was offered up to tom hanks when he paid to buy her for sex and it blew me away that Hanks is not his real name that he is a Rockefeller same as the clintons.

Now I can believe that part that he is a Rockefeller and Hanks is not his real name but him and the clintons and all these other hollywood celebritys and high ranking politicians being involved in child pedo and executed and that hollywood is just covering it up with CGI with new movies?

thats too far out there for me and I dont believe any of that. I dont think the alternative media is lying,i just think they have been misinformed by people they trust who are traiters and so they could spread this information out so they can be discredited. I have yet to see any convincing evidence of this this is true.

Now if you told me you witnessed some of these deaths yourself or had a friend that did or you posted a video of someone like Mike Lindell saying he has seen people like Hanks executed,well THAT convince me this might be true but I dont see any evidence here that proves any of this true.

for now on ,i would stick to sending this by pm to people like me you can trust.I wouldnt post it public;ly anymore.matter of fact I was going to talk to you about this by PM but you are one less person i need to sense you are ahead of me on all this.:up:

I would think someone would have filmed the executions of all these high profile people and realesed them if any of this was true.I mean thats about the only way I would be convinced any of of these people have been executed.i told the same thing to my two friends who told me about it.
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If you thought the first 30 days of this nightmare Biden/Harris/Barack Ovomit Administration were bad....

Get your popcorn ready and wait until the 4 years are over.
Biden will have a stroke and then they will make the bad woman President but someone else is really calling the shots, probably Obama and Soros.
If you thought the first 30 days of this nightmare Biden/Harris/Barack Ovomit Administration were bad....

Get your popcorn ready and wait until the 4 years are over.

All this time i thought people were living in a fantasyland for thinking that but I have a new sense of hope and are now optimistic after reading this article Hoss posted in this link here,I am optimistic read it,it will BLOW YOUR MIND. a couple of friends of mine -co workers at work also told me about this.

I dont believe my two coworkers at work that told me this about the article hass posted,sense i have seen no evidence that proves it to be true but i am holding out hope it IS true.I so much want to believe it is because if it really is,for the first time in my life sense became awake to how evil the government here in the states is over 25 years ago,this is the first time in my life I will be optimistic about the future,at least here in the states to overthrown and get rid of this corrupt two party system we have.:thup:
I don't think even Democrats deny this, Biden isn't really president, he's just a marionette they drag out once on a while to give exactly speeches his handlers want him to.
Out of the mouth of babes..

Read the article and note the long list of pedophiles and traitors.

I cant believe I am the only one on this thread who has decided to read this article Hoss posted. I am not saying any of it is true,I dont believe it myself sense there is no evidence to proof it,but IF it turns out to in fact BE TRUE,there is new hope for the future of both the country AND THE WORLD. :thup: this is coming from a guy who has been the most pessimistic person in the world the last 25 years on that. I cant believe there is anything to this article though because i have not even heard the alternative media report on this.

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The First 30 Days Of Biden's Reign Are As Bad As We Feared
The first 30 days of Biden's reign are as bad as we feared - American Thinker
21 Feb 2021 ~~ By Andrew W. Coy

We have now been through the first 30 days of this nightmarish Progressivetory (Progressive Purgatory). This, the first month that Biden has been placed in the White House by the Progressives (Deep State/Globalists/Socialists). Within this first month that the cabal has instituted its figurehead, we have seen our worst fears realized and our timid hopes destroyed. Here is what we now know and have learned in just one short month of what the Progressive Dystopians have done and are planning to do against America and her people.
* Biden has despotically enacted more executive orders in his first week of office than Trump, Obama, and W. Bush combined in their first weeks.​
* The Biden administration has started to count COVID cases differently. Therefore, the number of COVID cases will be going down dramatically under the new administration.​
* They have started moving flu deaths back into the flu deaths category, changing this will drop the number of COVID deaths dramatically.​
* The White House doors are being opened wide for the Muslim Brotherhood while being closed to Israel and Netanyahu. And now the Biden administration is reaching out to Israel's archenemy, Iran.​
* We've been instructed that Make America Great Again is racist and xenophobic, but Blame America First is patriotic and noble.​
* We see that with the thousands of troops deployed in our nation's capital for the foreseeable future, it now looks more like Baghdad or Pyongyang than the City of Washington. And Progressives are giving no explanation for the continuing militarization of our nation's capital.​
* With the militarization of Washington, D.C. and the adding of walls, borders, fences, and razor wire, Congress is now living and working in its own gated community. None of the "unwashed masses" is allowed to enter. Almost as if they know they really did not win in 2020.​
* Florida remaining a Free State and Governor DeSantis receiving national acclaim have made for an embarrassment to the new regime. So the federal government is actually in discussions on segregating the state of Florida from the rest of America in terms of open and unrestricted travel plans. This is clearly to punish DeSantis.​
* There was a self-imposed blackout by the left media of all things wrong with Governor Cuomo as he caused the deaths of thousands of seniors in nursing homes in New York. We know how the leftist media would have treated it if the name was switched from Cuomo to Trump. Not just biased journalism, but purposeful lying and falsehoods by media.​
This first month has proven to be as dire as we feared. The first 30 days of this Progressivetory regime has proven that the 80 million who voted for Trump were right all along. Elections have always mattered. Sadly, it appears now that "selections" by the Deep State matter more. Very sad and extremely dangerous.

Indeed, the next four years will become worse. As Robert Gates warned us, Joey Xi Biden has been on the wrong side of every decision he's made and his handlers are doing the same...
For those having trouble keeping track of subjects I suggest that you bookmark the original article to recall later as developments update them.

The failed Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat and Deep State coup d' etat was inept, extremely slow, awkward, full of false starts and failed attempts.
Despite their ineptness and a lack of popular support for totalitarian socialists, they finally won their victory through rigging the election - four years to the day after our real President was sworn in.
This is only the beginning for the PM/DSA Dem Left...
China Joey Xi will either succumb to his dementia, or will resign allowing Kamaltoe Harris to assume the presidency. We will then see more draconian acts of the Left along with strengthened military presence in D.C., while the BLM/Antifa will continue their selective rioting, looting, arson and executions of white people throughout the Blue Plantation Cities of Ameica...
The fact that the two resident trolls of usmb Obama ass kisser bodecca and Langley shill candyass are trying to laugh off these facts and you struck a chord with,is proof positive all these facts are true. :up:
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The First 30 Days Of Biden's Reign Are As Bad As We Feared
The first 30 days of Biden's reign are as bad as we feared - American Thinker
21 Feb 2021 ~~ By Andrew W. Coy

We have now been through the first 30 days of this nightmarish Progressivetory (Progressive Purgatory). This, the first month that Biden has been placed in the White House by the Progressives (Deep State/Globalists/Socialists). Within this first month that the cabal has instituted its figurehead, we have seen our worst fears realized and our timid hopes destroyed. Here is what we now know and have learned in just one short month of what the Progressive Dystopians have done and are planning to do against America and her people.
* Biden has despotically enacted more executive orders in his first week of office than Trump, Obama, and W. Bush combined in their first weeks.​
* The Biden administration has started to count COVID cases differently. Therefore, the number of COVID cases will be going down dramatically under the new administration.​
* They have started moving flu deaths back into the flu deaths category, changing this will drop the number of COVID deaths dramatically.​
* The White House doors are being opened wide for the Muslim Brotherhood while being closed to Israel and Netanyahu. And now the Biden administration is reaching out to Israel's archenemy, Iran.​
* We've been instructed that Make America Great Again is racist and xenophobic, but Blame America First is patriotic and noble.​
* We see that with the thousands of troops deployed in our nation's capital for the foreseeable future, it now looks more like Baghdad or Pyongyang than the City of Washington. And Progressives are giving no explanation for the continuing militarization of our nation's capital.​
* With the militarization of Washington, D.C. and the adding of walls, borders, fences, and razor wire, Congress is now living and working in its own gated community. None of the "unwashed masses" is allowed to enter. Almost as if they know they really did not win in 2020.​
* Florida remaining a Free State and Governor DeSantis receiving national acclaim have made for an embarrassment to the new regime. So the federal government is actually in discussions on segregating the state of Florida from the rest of America in terms of open and unrestricted travel plans. This is clearly to punish DeSantis.​
* There was a self-imposed blackout by the left media of all things wrong with Governor Cuomo as he caused the deaths of thousands of seniors in nursing homes in New York. We know how the leftist media would have treated it if the name was switched from Cuomo to Trump. Not just biased journalism, but purposeful lying and falsehoods by media.​
This first month has proven to be as dire as we feared. The first 30 days of this Progressivetory regime has proven that the 80 million who voted for Trump were right all along. Elections have always mattered. Sadly, it appears now that "selections" by the Deep State matter more. Very sad and extremely dangerous.

Indeed, the next four years will become worse. As Robert Gates warned us, Joey Xi Biden has been on the wrong side of every decision he's made and his handlers are doing the same...
For those having trouble keeping track of subjects I suggest that you bookmark the original article to recall later as developments update them.

The failed Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat and Deep State coup d' etat was inept, extremely slow, awkward, full of false starts and failed attempts.
Despite their ineptness and a lack of popular support for totalitarian socialists, they finally won their victory through rigging the election - four years to the day after our real President was sworn in.
This is only the beginning for the PM/DSA Dem Left...
China Joey Xi will either succumb to his dementia, or will resign allowing Kamaltoe Harris to assume the presidency. We will then see more draconian acts of the Left along with strengthened military presence in D.C., while the BLM/Antifa will continue their selective rioting, looting, arson and executions of white people throughout the Blue Plantation Cities of Ameica...
The fact that the two resident trolls of usmb Obama ass kisser bedecca and Langley shill candyass are trying to laugh off these facts and you struck a chord with,is proof positive all these facts are true. :up:
Please explain all the Langley references. You seem to think it means something.

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