The Fight That Lies Between Status Quo and Secession


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
The Fight That Lies Between Status Quo and Secession

The Fight That Lies Between Status Quo and Secession - American Thinker
2 Feb 2021 ~~ By Selwyn Duke

With a stolen election, stolen culture, stolen courts and stolen dreams, many Americans are realizing that rule by the Left, absolutely corrupt even without absolute power, is unthinkable. Talk of secession, something continually entertained in various states throughout history, is again in the air. The problem is that for the most part, we’ve been supinely submissive in the face of burgeoning leftist tyranny. So it would help if there were something between secession and our current slouching toward servitude. And there is.
Too many conservatives are also waxing defeatist, saying “The republic is dead; our freedoms are gone.” And, yes, if we continue operating inside the box and being “conservative” — as in status-quo oriented — we can kiss our (remaining) liberties goodbye. But the left isn’t constrained by any box, except what’s physically and politically possible; it doesn’t abide by rules, laws, social codes or conventions except when convenient. So why should we remain in any box except that which is divinely ordained?
Embracing Mao’s sentiment that “[p]olitical power grows out of the barrel of a gun,” the left trades in violence, violence done to political opponents and to our culture, history, heroes, Constitution and just liberties. Now having seized power in government’s executive and legislative branches via the violence of electoral theft, the left aims to use that power to become autocratic. As to how we should respond, remember:
Only power negates power.
Leftists have made their intentions crystal clear, calling for 9/11-like “truth commissions,” blacklists and the persecution of Trump supporters. They’re also successfully “cancelling” opponents as they destroy careers, reputations and lives. For how long will we insist on abiding by Queensberry rules while they proceed no-holds-barred?
Painting with a broad brush, conservatives are principle-oriented and, projecting as man will, don’t fully appreciate that the Left is power-oriented. If we’d handled the Soviets during the Cold War as we do our left, with NATO (no action, talk only), we’d have been singing “The Internationale.”
Only power negates power, and our choice is simple: Accept that and nullify tyranny — or go gentle into that good night.

Governors, sheriffs, and juries need to take this to heart.
Nullification is our right and our responsibility.
The next Conservative president needs to pardon everyone charged/convicted of nonviolent federal gun “crimes”. Ameicans have tolerated nullification for 20 or more years.
Sanctuary (from Federal immigration laws) states, counties and cities nullification !
Apparently there's nullification the unconstitutional kind and then there's NULLIFICATION THE PROGRSSIVE KIND !
We should nullify like Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrats have done and force a federal vs state, county and local confrontation.
Nowhere in the Constitution is the power to declare laws of Congress, or the state legislatures, unconstitutional. Nowhere in the Constitution is the power to stop a presidential order given to individual federal judges. No where in the Constitution does the federal government have the power to determine marriage laws or require states to allow abortion. No where in the Constitution does a federal judge have the power to mandate state legislatures spend money or stop spending money for a purpose.
These powers have been seized by the judiciary legislating by decree. No court is going to agree to give up powers the judiciary has seized. However, a legislature, a governor, or a president can certainly refuse to obey decrees from federal judges who have exceeded their Constitutional authority if they are prepared to hold fast. The only way to beat tyranny is to stand up to it.
The Fight That Lies Between Status Quo and Secession

The Fight That Lies Between Status Quo and Secession - American Thinker
2 Feb 2021 ~~ By Selwyn Duke

With a stolen election, stolen culture, stolen courts and stolen dreams, many Americans are realizing that rule by the Left, absolutely corrupt even without absolute power, is unthinkable. Talk of secession, something continually entertained in various states throughout history, is again in the air. The problem is that for the most part, we’ve been supinely submissive in the face of burgeoning leftist tyranny. So it would help if there were something between secession and our current slouching toward servitude. And there is.
Too many conservatives are also waxing defeatist, saying “The republic is dead; our freedoms are gone.” And, yes, if we continue operating inside the box and being “conservative” — as in status-quo oriented — we can kiss our (remaining) liberties goodbye. But the left isn’t constrained by any box, except what’s physically and politically possible; it doesn’t abide by rules, laws, social codes or conventions except when convenient. So why should we remain in any box except that which is divinely ordained?
Embracing Mao’s sentiment that “[p]olitical power grows out of the barrel of a gun,” the left trades in violence, violence done to political opponents and to our culture, history, heroes, Constitution and just liberties. Now having seized power in government’s executive and legislative branches via the violence of electoral theft, the left aims to use that power to become autocratic. As to how we should respond, remember:
Only power negates power.
Leftists have made their intentions crystal clear, calling for 9/11-like “truth commissions,” blacklists and the persecution of Trump supporters. They’re also successfully “cancelling” opponents as they destroy careers, reputations and lives. For how long will we insist on abiding by Queensberry rules while they proceed no-holds-barred?
Painting with a broad brush, conservatives are principle-oriented and, projecting as man will, don’t fully appreciate that the Left is power-oriented. If we’d handled the Soviets during the Cold War as we do our left, with NATO (no action, talk only), we’d have been singing “The Internationale.”
Only power negates power, and our choice is simple: Accept that and nullify tyranny — or go gentle into that good night.

Governors, sheriffs, and juries need to take this to heart.
Nullification is our right and our responsibility.
The next Conservative president needs to pardon everyone charged/convicted of nonviolent federal gun “crimes”. Ameicans have tolerated nullification for 20 or more years.
Sanctuary (from Federal immigration laws) states, counties and cities nullification !
Apparently there's nullification the unconstitutional kind and then there's NULLIFICATION THE PROGRSSIVE KIND !
We should nullify like Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrats have done and force a federal vs state, county and local confrontation.
Nowhere in the Constitution is the power to declare laws of Congress, or the state legislatures, unconstitutional. Nowhere in the Constitution is the power to stop a presidential order given to individual federal judges. No where in the Constitution does the federal government have the power to determine marriage laws or require states to allow abortion. No where in the Constitution does a federal judge have the power to mandate state legislatures spend money or stop spending money for a purpose.
These powers have been seized by the judiciary legislating by decree. No court is going to agree to give up powers the judiciary has seized. However, a legislature, a governor, or a president can certainly refuse to obey decrees from federal judges who have exceeded their Constitutional authority if they are prepared to hold fast. The only way to beat tyranny is to stand up to it.

I am afraid the only way to beat tyranny is with a very, very big stick. The thing about fascist and/or authoritarian governments is sometimes they self-destruct rather rapidly, such as in the case of Nazi Germany, but other times they can remain stable and murderous for decades. Think of the most tyrannical English kings and queens of old. Some of their reigns lasted for nearly whole lifetimes and even after they died right of succession installed their children on the throne or other relatives and the madness continued anew. We must ask ourselves if we are truly willing to accept a generation or more of living under tyrannical rule here in America.
Every damn day we gotta hear and see your butthurt sore losing azz on display. When will you people actually do something besides lamenting the loss and start actually doing something about the tumor that is Donald Trump the reason for the loss...
when will you do something other than troll threads with stupid crap like this??
With a stolen election, stolen culture, stolen courts and stolen dreams, many Americans are realizing that rule by the Left, absolutely corrupt even without absolute power, is unthinkable. Talk of secession, something continually entertained in various states throughout history, is again in the air

Nobody stole anything. You lost an election. It's not the end of the world. Get over it. Democrats lost in 2016. Looks like they got over it and made a come back. Republicans lost big in 2008 but regained it all in 2016.

When did Republicians become such whinney little pussies?

Nobody stole anything. You lost an election. It's not the end of the world. Get over it. Democrats lost in 2016. Looks like they got over it and made a come back. Republicans lost big in 2008 but regained it all in 2016.

When did Republicians become such whinney little pussies?



You bed wetters pissed and moaned that Putin/Trump "stole" the election from hitlery for 4 solid fucking years, 8 years after algore lost and to even assert that millions of unsolicited ballots sent from regions there are no registered voters, and addresses that are empty parking lots are legit is absolute intellectual dishonesty, and deliberate ignorance.

Of course you won't watch the video or debate the facts, you're just another bed wetting parrot.


Now as far a secession goes, I oppose it. I would actually prefer that the vast majority of the electoral districts that voted solidly for Trump and the GOP separate the bed wetting parasite districts from the country. We should remain the United States, the democrook party is clearly a declared enemy of the COTUS and the rest of those who live in and dominate 75% of the country should be able to shake these parasites off like the blood sucking insects they are.
Screenshot 2021-02-02 124450.png
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Every damn day we gotta hear and see your butthurt sore losing azz on display. When will you people actually do something besides lamenting the loss and start actually doing something about the tumor that is Donald Trump the reason for the loss...
Why complain about that?

You have righties (of all people) talking about potentially nullifying federal drug laws and you're hating on Trump.

Focus, man.
You bed wetters pissed and moaned that Putin/Trump "stole" the election from hitlery

Clinton didn't accuse Republican officals in the vaious state of particpating in a multistate fraud scheme.

Clinton didn't accuses Putty-butt of swiching anyones votes.

Clinton didn't delcare she was the winner.

Clinton didn't try to subvert the will of the people.

Democrats did take a page out of McConnells play book and were sucessful in making Trumpybear a one term wonder.
You bed wetters pissed and moaned that Putin/Trump "stole" the election from hitlery

Clinton didn't accuse Republican officals in the vaious state of particpating in a multistate fraud scheme.

Clinton didn't accuses Putty-butt of swiching anyones votes.

Clinton didn't delcare she was the winner.

Clinton didn't try to subvert the will of the people.

Democrats did take a page out of McConnells play book and were sucessful in making Trumpybear a one term wonder.

Clinton didn't accuse Republican officals in the vaious state of particpating in a multistate fraud scheme.

Democrooks did on the floor of congress you fucking liar,

Then it was off to the races. On Jan. 6, 2017, two weeks before Trump was inaugurated, Congress met in joint session to certify the results of the Electoral College. It had historically been a ceremonial, pro-forma event. But several House Democrats tried to block certification of various state results. Rep. Barbara Lee objected to certification "on behalf of the millions of Americans, including members of the Intelligence Community, who are horrified by evidence that the Russians interfered in our election." The objectors lacked any support in the Senate, so the presiding officer — it was then-Vice President Joe Biden — struck them down.

and hitlary did say the election was "stolen from her" and in doing so did insist she actually won.

You can run the best campaign, you can even become the nominee, and you can have the election stolen from you.’– Hillary Clinton, speaking at an “Evening with the Clintons” event in Los Angeles Saturday.

Bed wetting apparatchiks promoted agitprop that Putin "switched votes" for Trump, and pukes like you parroted it gleefully.
While just about everyone in our government with a skin color you can find in nature now believes that Russia interfered in the 2016 presidential election, the conspiracy theory that dare not speak its name suggests that Russian hackers directly changedvote tallies in individual states.
It’s easy to see why this remains a third rail in any discussion of the 2016 election.

How's that bag of dicks taste you stupid fucking parasite?

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Every damn day we gotta hear and see your butthurt sore losing azz on display. When will you people actually do something besides lamenting the loss and start actually doing something about the tumor that is Donald Trump the reason for the loss...
when will you do something other than troll threads with stupid crap like this??

It's all he does 24/7/365 100% of the time. He's devolved down to word salad trolling
The Fight That Lies Between Status Quo and Secession

The Fight That Lies Between Status Quo and Secession - American Thinker
2 Feb 2021 ~~ By Selwyn Duke

With a stolen election, stolen culture, stolen courts and stolen dreams, many Americans are realizing that rule by the Left, absolutely corrupt even without absolute power, is unthinkable. Talk of secession, something continually entertained in various states throughout history, is again in the air. The problem is that for the most part, we’ve been supinely submissive in the face of burgeoning leftist tyranny. So it would help if there were something between secession and our current slouching toward servitude. And there is.
Too many conservatives are also waxing defeatist, saying “The republic is dead; our freedoms are gone.” And, yes, if we continue operating inside the box and being “conservative” — as in status-quo oriented — we can kiss our (remaining) liberties goodbye. But the left isn’t constrained by any box, except what’s physically and politically possible; it doesn’t abide by rules, laws, social codes or conventions except when convenient. So why should we remain in any box except that which is divinely ordained?
Embracing Mao’s sentiment that “[p]olitical power grows out of the barrel of a gun,” the left trades in violence, violence done to political opponents and to our culture, history, heroes, Constitution and just liberties. Now having seized power in government’s executive and legislative branches via the violence of electoral theft, the left aims to use that power to become autocratic. As to how we should respond, remember:
Only power negates power.
Leftists have made their intentions crystal clear, calling for 9/11-like “truth commissions,” blacklists and the persecution of Trump supporters. They’re also successfully “cancelling” opponents as they destroy careers, reputations and lives. For how long will we insist on abiding by Queensberry rules while they proceed no-holds-barred?
Painting with a broad brush, conservatives are principle-oriented and, projecting as man will, don’t fully appreciate that the Left is power-oriented. If we’d handled the Soviets during the Cold War as we do our left, with NATO (no action, talk only), we’d have been singing “The Internationale.”
Only power negates power, and our choice is simple: Accept that and nullify tyranny — or go gentle into that good night.

Governors, sheriffs, and juries need to take this to heart.
Nullification is our right and our responsibility.
The next Conservative president needs to pardon everyone charged/convicted of nonviolent federal gun “crimes”. Ameicans have tolerated nullification for 20 or more years.
Sanctuary (from Federal immigration laws) states, counties and cities nullification !
Apparently there's nullification the unconstitutional kind and then there's NULLIFICATION THE PROGRSSIVE KIND !
We should nullify like Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrats have done and force a federal vs state, county and local confrontation.
Nowhere in the Constitution is the power to declare laws of Congress, or the state legislatures, unconstitutional. Nowhere in the Constitution is the power to stop a presidential order given to individual federal judges. No where in the Constitution does the federal government have the power to determine marriage laws or require states to allow abortion. No where in the Constitution does a federal judge have the power to mandate state legislatures spend money or stop spending money for a purpose.
These powers have been seized by the judiciary legislating by decree. No court is going to agree to give up powers the judiciary has seized. However, a legislature, a governor, or a president can certainly refuse to obey decrees from federal judges who have exceeded their Constitutional authority if they are prepared to hold fast. The only way to beat tyranny is to stand up to it.

Secession isn't the answer. Revolution is. Preferably peaceable.
Secession isn't the answer. Revolution is. Preferably peaceable.

How could we declare heavily blue districts are no longer part of US territory? We could revoke their passports, fence them off and refuse to support them or even trade with them. They would riot, destroy their cities, cannibalize each other and then starve to death.

Then we could reclaim the territory.

Texas has a movement brewing to shuck the rest of our country from it's political binding, but I'll bet most of the central states in the country might be persuaded to join. I would think that once the 75% of the territory not infested with leftist genetic garbage does so we could actually claim ownership of the nation, retain the name of The USA, and like the Chi-Coms marginalized
Taiwan and became the recognized government of China, force the bed wetter territory to rename itself to the United Soviet States. They would likely drop any pretense of being part of America because they clearly hate the country any fuckin way.

Secession isn't the answer. Revolution is. Preferably peaceable.

How could we declare heavily blue districts are no longer part of US territory? We could revoke their passports, fence them off and refuse to support them or even trade with them. They would riot, destroy their cities, cannibalize each other and then starve to death.

Then we could reclaim the territory.

Texas has a movement brewing to shuck the rest of our country from it's political binding, but I'll bet most of the central states in the country might be persuaded to join. I would think that once the 75% of the territory not infested with leftist genetic garbage does so we could actually claim ownership of the nation, retain the name of The USA, and like the Chi-Coms marginalized
Taiwan and became the recognized government of China, force the bed wetter territory to rename itself to the United Soviet States. They would likely drop any pretense of being part of America because they clearly hate the country any fuckin way.


Putin Smiles over Texans like you!
You bed wetters pissed and moaned that Putin/Trump "stole" the election from hitlery

Clinton didn't accuse Republican officals in the vaious state of particpating in a multistate fraud scheme.

Clinton didn't accuses Putty-butt of swiching anyones votes.

Clinton didn't delcare she was the winner.

Clinton didn't try to subvert the will of the people.

Democrats did take a page out of McConnells play book and were sucessful in making Trumpybear a one term wonder.
View attachment 452085
Clinton didn't accuse Republican officals in the vaious state of particpating in a multistate fraud scheme.

Democrooks did on the floor of congress you fucking liar,

Then it was off to the races. On Jan. 6, 2017, two weeks before Trump was inaugurated, Congress met in joint session to certify the results of the Electoral College. It had historically been a ceremonial, pro-forma event. But several House Democrats tried to block certification of various state results. Rep. Barbara Lee objected to certification "on behalf of the millions of Americans, including members of the Intelligence Community, who are horrified by evidence that the Russians interfered in our election." The objectors lacked any support in the Senate, so the presiding officer — it was then-Vice President Joe Biden — struck them down.

and hitlary did say the election was "stolen from her" and in doing so did insist she actually won.

You can run the best campaign, you can even become the nominee, and you can have the election stolen from you.’– Hillary Clinton, speaking at an “Evening with the Clintons” event in Los Angeles Saturday.

Bed wetting apparatchiks promoted agitprop that Putin "switched votes" for Trump, and pukes like you parroted it gleefully.
While just about everyone in our government with a skin color you can find in nature now believes that Russia interfered in the 2016 presidential election, the conspiracy theory that dare not speak its name suggests that Russian hackers directly changedvote tallies in individual states.
It’s easy to see why this remains a third rail in any discussion of the 2016 election.

How's that bag of dicks taste you stupid fucking parasite?

View attachment 452094

Clinton is not Rep. Barbara Lee

Clinton pubicly concieted in the early morning hours after the eletion.

Department of Homeland Security (DHS) assess that it would be extremely difficult for someone, including a nation-state actor, to alter actual ballot counts or election results by cyber attack or intrusion. This assessment is based on the decentralized nature of our election system in this country and the number of protections state and local election officials have in place. States ensure that voting machines are not connected to the Internet, and there are numerous checks and balances as well as extensive oversight at multiple levels built into our election process.

Put your bag of dicks right back up your ass!
Secession isn't the answer. Revolution is. Preferably peaceable.

How could we declare heavily blue districts are no longer part of US territory? We could revoke their passports, fence them off and refuse to support them or even trade with them. They would riot, destroy their cities, cannibalize each other and then starve to death.

Then we could reclaim the territory.

Texas has a movement brewing to shuck the rest of our country from it's political binding, but I'll bet most of the central states in the country might be persuaded to join. I would think that once the 75% of the territory not infested with leftist genetic garbage does so we could actually claim ownership of the nation, retain the name of The USA, and like the Chi-Coms marginalized
Taiwan and became the recognized government of China, force the bed wetter territory to rename itself to the United Soviet States. They would likely drop any pretense of being part of America because they clearly hate the country any fuckin way.


Escape from New York ---- You'll have to rely on Snake Plisskin
Secession isn't the answer. Revolution is. Preferably peaceable.

How could we declare heavily blue districts are no longer part of US territory? We could revoke their passports, fence them off and refuse to support them or even trade with them. They would riot, destroy their cities, cannibalize each other and then starve to death.

Then we could reclaim the territory.

Texas has a movement brewing to shuck the rest of our country from it's political binding, but I'll bet most of the central states in the country might be persuaded to join. I would think that once the 75% of the territory not infested with leftist genetic garbage does so we could actually claim ownership of the nation, retain the name of The USA, and like the Chi-Coms marginalized
Taiwan and became the recognized government of China, force the bed wetter territory to rename itself to the United Soviet States. They would likely drop any pretense of being part of America because they clearly hate the country any fuckin way.


Putin Smiles over Texans like you!

Xi smiles over trolls, like you.

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